Christianity more dangerous than Atheism.

Atheist don't lie and claim to speak for God, only Christians do that.
Atheist don't lie and claim to speak for God, only Christians do that.

Christians will tell you what the Bible has to say on a subject. Atheists claim to speak on behalf of the people. Examples include The USSR, the People's Republic of China, and North Korea. "Big Brother is Watching," is not a Christian term.
Christians distort what the bible has to say , Atheist don't bother with the bible.
What's the best way to confuse a world? Fill it with Christianity.
Atheist are in no manner as dangerous as Christians are ; Christians can twist and pervert the message of God ; Atheist don't do that.
I want to say something about the spirituality debate. You don't believe in God? Fine. Why is it so important for many of you to mock those of us that do? If we're wrong, what have we lost when we die? Nothing! How does our believing in Jesus bring you any harm? You think it makes me stupid? Gullible? Fine. How does that affect you? If you're wrong your consequence is far worse. I would rather live my life believing in God and serving Him, and find out I was right, than not believe in Him and not serve Him, and find out I was wrong. Then it's too late.
Ain't no shame in my game! I believe in Jesus Christ. He said deny me in front of your friends & I will deny you in front of my Father.
I want to say something about the spirituality debate. You don't believe in God? Fine. Why is it so important for many of you to mock those of us that do? If we're wrong, what have we lost when we die? Nothing! How does our believing in Jesus bring you any harm? You think it makes me stupid? Gullible? Fine. How does that affect you? If you're wrong your consequence is far worse. I would rather live my life believing in God and serving Him, and find out I was right, than not believe in Him and not serve Him, and find out I was wrong. Then it's too late.
Ain't no shame in my game! I believe in Jesus Christ. He said deny me in front of your friends & I will deny you in front of my Father.

Oh I believe in God and Christ with all my heart, I just don't believe in Christianity. I don't let believers like you taint my view of the bible , God and Christ. Because your professional at perverting those things.
I want to say something about the spirituality debate. You don't believe in God? Fine. Why is it so important for many of you to mock those of us that do? If we're wrong, what have we lost when we die? Nothing! How does our believing in Jesus bring you any harm? You think it makes me stupid? Gullible? Fine. How does that affect you? If you're wrong your consequence is far worse. I would rather live my life believing in God and serving Him, and find out I was right, than not believe in Him and not serve Him, and find out I was wrong. Then it's too late.
Ain't no shame in my game! I believe in Jesus Christ. He said deny me in front of your friends & I will deny you in front of my Father.

Oh I believe in God and Christ with all my heart, I just don't believe in Christianity. I don't let believers like you taint my view of the bible , God and Christ. Because your professional at perverting those things.

No. I am a professional electrical engineer. I am not a member of any clergy and I don't let it worry me what you believe or do not believe.
I want to say something about the spirituality debate. You don't believe in God? Fine. Why is it so important for many of you to mock those of us that do? If we're wrong, what have we lost when we die? Nothing! How does our believing in Jesus bring you any harm? You think it makes me stupid? Gullible? Fine. How does that affect you? If you're wrong your consequence is far worse. I would rather live my life believing in God and serving Him, and find out I was right, than not believe in Him and not serve Him, and find out I was wrong. Then it's too late.
Ain't no shame in my game! I believe in Jesus Christ. He said deny me in front of your friends & I will deny you in front of my Father.

Oh I believe in God and Christ with all my heart, I just don't believe in Christianity. I don't let believers like you taint my view of the bible , God and Christ. Because your professional at perverting those things.

No. I am a professional electrical engineer. I am not a member of any clergy and I don't let it worry me what you believe or do not believe.

Well we have that in common , I don't let what you believe bother me .
Consider this, Mickiel. You believe in the here and now but all of creation tells us something to the contrary. How can you explain this? Even all creation in the earth proves there is life after death!

Read this by Dumitru Duduman:

In the entire world we cannot find any proof that anything, no matter how small, just ceases to exist. There is no past that did not prepare the future, and there is no end that did not show a beginning. Every life in particular only leaves behind its aged shell when it goes into the ground, the essence having gone to unseen realms. The sun sets that it may rise once again. The stars disappear in the morning, and reappear in the night. Ages end, and then they begin again. Rivers bury themselves in seas only to be reborn in the springtime. The entire plant world dies in the fall and is reborn in the springtime. The seed dies in the ground and is reborn as grass or as a tree.
The caterpillar dies to make way for the butterfly. If all the inferior creatures are destroyed so they can be reborn, then what of man, the crown jewel of God's creation? Will he simply fall into the grave and turn to dust for no reason at all?

There is so much that speaks to us in parables about life after death: Proof can even be seen in the way God describes the soul. Without a doubt God exists because He makes Himself known to man not only in our souls, but also in nature that is all about us. He is righteous and just. He sowed into the heart of man a desire to do right and to hate evil. There are many who live a righteous life and are persecuted for it, even unto death. Yet, there are many sinners who live happy lives. If there were no life after death in which the righteous are rewarded for their faithfulness, then God would be neither righteous nor just.

For the simple fact that God is a righteous judge, there must be a day when every man, woman, and child will receive a just reward.

Life in Christ
pg. 106-107
Author Dumitru Duduman
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You are the vessel in this story and The Word of Almighty God - the Rock of Ages - the Ancient of Days - is like this Light House. He can be your light, your salvation & your guide or you can destroy yourself by not changing the course you are presently on. Your choice. I hope that you will make the wise decision and change the course you're on.

A battle ship was on exercise at sea in bad weather. The captain was on the bridge. It was foggy. Just after dark the look out spotted a light on the starboard side. The captain asked if it was steady or moving. The look out replied the light was steady meaning they were on direct collision course with that ship! The captain ordered the lookout signal to the other ship:

“Change course 20 degrees. We are on collision course.”

The signal came back ‘”Advisable for you to change course.”

The captain signalled ‘”I am a captain. Change course 20 degrees.”

“I am a seaman second class. You had better change course 20 degrees” came the reply.

The captain was furious. He sent back ‘”I am a battleship. Change course!”

Back came the signal, “I am a lighthouse. Your call.


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Christian theology is meaningless to me , the salvation of the world of sinners is in Christ hands , not you Christians. You can condemn me all you wish ; such is your nature.
Atheist don't lie and claim to speak for God, only Christians do that.

No, they lie, cheat, and steal for themselves. No difference. Face it dude, atheism is a religion too.
Christian theology is meaningless to me , the salvation of the world of sinners is in Christ hands , not you Christians. You can condemn me all you wish ; such is your nature.
I believe I already made it clear to you (on your other thread) that I am not condemning you, Mickiel. In fact, if you will have a look at your thread title it does appear that you are condemning Christians - even accusing our faith of being "dangerous."

I find that interesting considering that the religions of Islam, Satanism, Atheism, Wicca, Communism, Catholicism...... have been proven to be dangerous (look at their history - not good!) while you are making statements about my faith which follows the teachings of Jesus Christ - not to be violent or cause harm to others.

I find that it is has been the nature of atheists to target Christianity because you know that we are not going to retaliate as Islam, Satanism, Communism & so forth would. What does that say about atheism except that there is an element of fear and torment in it? There is no torment or fear in following Jesus Christ.
Christian theology is meaningless to me , the salvation of the world of sinners is in Christ hands , not you Christians. You can condemn me all you wish ; such is your nature.
I believe I already made it clear to you (on your other thread) that I am not condemning you, Mickiel. In fact, if you will have a look at your thread title it does appear that you are condemning Christians - even accusing our faith of being "dangerous."

I find that interesting considering that the religions of Islam, Satanism, Atheism, Wicca, Communism, Catholicism...... have been proven to be dangerous (look at their history - not good!) while you are making statements about my faith which follows the teachings of Jesus Christ - not to be violent or cause harm to others.

I find that it is has been the nature of atheists to target Christianity because you know that we are not going to retaliate as Islam, Satanism, Communism & so forth would. What does that say about atheism except that there is a element of fear and torment in it?

Atheist never killed Christians for not being Atheist; but during the Christian inquisition , you Christians killed thousands of people for not being Christian.
Atheist don't lie and claim to speak for God, only Christians do that.

No, they lie, cheat, and steal for themselves. No difference. Face it dude, atheism is a religion too.

Are you suggesting that no Christian lies , cheats , or steals? I think its you who needs to face some things.

He didn't say that. Of course there are Christians who profess Christ but refuse to obey Him. Some of them lie, cheat and steal. They will not be able to enter the kingdom of heaven if they do not stop sinning. Without holiness no one will see the LORD. They will be judged along with the world - there are no exemptions for born again Christians. If they do not live holy unto the Lord and stay out of sin they will find themselves in hell one day.
Christian theology is meaningless to me , the salvation of the world of sinners is in Christ hands , not you Christians. You can condemn me all you wish ; such is your nature.
I believe I already made it clear to you (on your other thread) that I am not condemning you, Mickiel. In fact, if you will have a look at your thread title it does appear that you are condemning Christians - even accusing our faith of being "dangerous."

I find that interesting considering that the religions of Islam, Satanism, Atheism, Wicca, Communism, Catholicism...... have been proven to be dangerous (look at their history - not good!) while you are making statements about my faith which follows the teachings of Jesus Christ - not to be violent or cause harm to others. They do not realize (many of them) that their religions' roots are out of the Babylonian Occult. The religion of Catholicism is Baal worship, Mickiel.

I find that it is has been the nature of atheists to target Christianity because you know that we are not going to retaliate as Islam, Satanism, Communism & so forth would. What does that say about atheism except that there is a element of fear and torment in it?

Atheist never killed Christians for not being Atheist; but during the Christian inquisition , you Christians killed thousands of people for not being Christian.
You are speaking of the Roman Catholic Institution and Vatican and you have spoken rightly about them, Mickiel, but they are not Christians and do not believe in the authority of the KJV Holy Bible. Also they didn't kill thousands. They murdered almost 68 million people in just one inquisition. They are probably responsible for over 200 million murders and counting... The followers of Catholicism consider the Pope's authority to be higher than God's and listen to him and the priests rather than God's Word which tells them to depart and get out of there. Catholics need to be born again - they (most of them) do not have any idea what their leadership is doing behind closed doors. They do not realize (many of them) that their religions' roots are out of the Babylonian Occult. The religion of Catholicism is Baal worship, Mickiel.

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