Christianity more dangerous than Atheism.

The worst thing religion does is it gives the believer an iron-clad get out of jail free card on how they treat, or even kill, other human beings. The human mind has infinite capacity to justify what it does. Religion provides this natural tendency not only permission to do whatever it wants but overwhelming 'who are you to question god's authority' to carry out the most heinous acts. And once a religion takes over the powers of and subsumes the powers of government then it's a free-for-all. The weaker minds are the ones that are drawn to religion in the first place, a need for comfort in a world where there is little, and once these minds gain power over other human beings it is like putting a 9 year old in charge of the water-boarding and execution squad, without any rules.

People who don't believe in a supernatural being can also act in such a way if they weren't brought up with a social scaffolding in their minds that says other people should be treated as they would like to be treated.

Religion codifies this thought/feeling into an absolute good. THAT is why it is so dangerous. The person doing it actually believes they are doing good.
You really are insecure aren't you? Bad childhood I assume? Someone touched you in bad places did they?

You're are weirdo.

Why weirdos like you always think of some bizarre sexual crap is a mystery but you are who you are.
The worst thing religion does is it gives the believer an iron-clad get out of jail free card on how they treat, or even kill, other human beings. The human mind has infinite capacity to justify what it does. Religion provides this natural tendency not only permission to do whatever it wants but overwhelming 'who are you to question god's authority' to carry out the most heinous acts. And once a religion takes over the powers of and subsumes the powers of government then it's a free-for-all. The weaker minds are the ones that are drawn to religion in the first place, a need for comfort in a world where there is little, and once these minds gain power over other human beings it is like putting a 9 year old in charge of the water-boarding and execution squad, without any rules.

People who don't believe in a supernatural being can also act in such a way if they weren't brought up with a social scaffolding in their minds that says other people should be treated as they would like to be treated.

Religion codifies this thought/feeling into an absolute good. THAT is why it is so dangerous. The person doing it actually believes they are doing good.

Yes, I agree. Religion thinks its good, and all else is evil. The perfect mind for a devil to seduce. The so called saviors of the world, blinded by the fact that the savior has saved a world;

without their help.
Another thing that makes Christianity dangerous, is that they are killing the truth, but they don't know they are doing it.

That's like having a person who is killing you, but they are not aware that they are. Just a very present danger.
Another thing that makes Christianity dangerous, is that they are killing the truth, but they don't know they are doing it.

That's like having a person who is killing you, but they are not aware that they are. Just a very present danger.
Says Satan?
Atheists are unwitting satanists. They are trapped by their own arrogance.

I disagree, Satanist is a religion, Atheist are not religious. If they don't believe in God, why would they believe in the enemy of God? I think Christians are far more arrogant than Atheist. No atheist here or anywhere I debate has implied that I am a devil, but hundreds of Christians have, including you.

I think satan has deceived millions more of Christians, than he has Atheist. I really do not think satan is even interested in Atheist, he is far more interested in deceiving and confusing believers in God.

satan has far more Theist under his power than he does Atheist; Atheist are meaningless to the devil.
In Rev.2:16, Jesus said, of HIS church, that they held to the doctrines of the " Nicolaitians", which he said he " Hated!"

This means that there were Christians who had one foot in the church of God, and the other into paganism. It was they who brought in the pagan doctrines that still exist in the church today. Christmas and Easter ceremonies, using graven images like crosses, wedding and funeral ceremonies, it would just shock you the present day practices from paganism that Christianity still holds onto.
The worst thing religion does is it gives the believer an iron-clad get out of jail free card on how they treat, or even kill, other human beings. The human mind has infinite capacity to justify what it does. Religion provides this natural tendency not only permission to do whatever it wants but overwhelming 'who are you to question god's authority' to carry out the most heinous acts. And once a religion takes over the powers of and subsumes the powers of government then it's a free-for-all. The weaker minds are the ones that are drawn to religion in the first place, a need for comfort in a world where there is little, and once these minds gain power over other human beings it is like putting a 9 year old in charge of the water-boarding and execution squad, without any rules.

People who don't believe in a supernatural being can also act in such a way if they weren't brought up with a social scaffolding in their minds that says other people should be treated as they would like to be treated.

Religion codifies this thought/feeling into an absolute good. THAT is why it is so dangerous. The person doing it actually believes they are doing good.

Yes, I agree. Religion thinks its good, and all else is evil. The perfect mind for a devil to seduce. The so called saviors of the world, blinded by the fact that the savior has saved a world;

without their help.
I don't know about other "religions." I can tell you that as a Christian, I know that I am far from good. God is good. Anyone who thinks he is "good" is in essence calling himself GOD. And frankly, there are many people who don't go to church or read the Bible who say, "But I'm a "good" person. I don't hurt anyone."
Atheists are unwitting satanists. They are trapped by their own arrogance.

satan has far more Theist under his power than he does Atheist; Atheist are meaningless to the devil.

In the contrary, in all and every Christian forums it is the atheists only capable of casting doubt on humans to lead them away from God.

So under the invisible influence of Satan, atheists apply their knowledge of good and evil to influence other humans to ignore what God says (in Word of God), leading to their very death in the end.

Looks familiar? The same day you choose to eat of it (under the influence of Satan), the same day you shall surely die.

All left is, in order to keep your soul, on the judgment day Satan will accuse you of murdering souls in public forums by leading human souls away from God. Will you accept his accusation quietly at that moment?
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Atheists are unwitting satanists. They are trapped by their own arrogance.

satan has far more Theist under his power than he does Atheist; Atheist are meaningless to the devil.

In the contrary, in all and every Christian forums it is the atheists only capable of casting doubt on humans to lead them away from God.

So under the invisible influence of Satan, atheists apply their knowledge of good and evil to influence other humans to ignore what God says (in Word of God), leading to their very death in the end.

Looks familiar? The same day you choose to eat of it (under the influence of Satan), the same day you shall surely die.

All left is, in order to keep your soul, on the judgment day Satan will accuse you of murdering souls in public forums by leading human souls away from God. Will you accept his accusation quietly at that moment?

I personally see it like Christ taught in Matt. 24: 5," For MANY shall come in my name and deceive MANY!" Believers are far more misleading than unbelievers are. Many are being mislead by people who believe in Christ and teach in his name. Atheist have a simple message of unbelief , its far more dangerous to be mislead by a believer who is not teaching a proper truth.
Atheists are unwitting satanists. They are trapped by their own arrogance.

I am curious, why would satan be interested in an unbeliever,when he can get far more deceptive widespread results from deceiving believers?
This is a joke thread, right? Because nobody in their right mind would claim that atheists are less 'dangerous' than anyone, given their kill record.

I hate it when people use words disingenuously.
Atheists are unwitting satanists. They are trapped by their own arrogance.

satan has far more Theist under his power than he does Atheist; Atheist are meaningless to the devil.

In the contrary, in all and every Christian forums it is the atheists only capable of casting doubt on humans to lead them away from God.

So under the invisible influence of Satan, atheists apply their knowledge of good and evil to influence other humans to ignore what God says (in Word of God), leading to their very death in the end.

Looks familiar? The same day you choose to eat of it (under the influence of Satan), the same day you shall surely die.

All left is, in order to keep your soul, on the judgment day Satan will accuse you of murdering souls in public forums by leading human souls away from God. Will you accept his accusation quietly at that moment?

I personally see it like Christ taught in Matt. 24: 5," For MANY shall come in my name and deceive MANY!" Believers are far more misleading than unbelievers are. Many are being mislead by people who believe in Christ and teach in his name. Atheist have a simple message of unbelief , its far more dangerous to be mislead by a believer who is not teaching a proper truth.
What does that have to do with the relative danger of atheism?

The danger of atheism is that when humans convince themselves there is no power above them, they unlock the gates of hell on each other. Human rights don't exist to atheists because they do not accept that humans are granted innate rights by a higher power.
Atheists are unwitting satanists. They are trapped by their own arrogance.

satan has far more Theist under his power than he does Atheist; Atheist are meaningless to the devil.

In the contrary, in all and every Christian forums it is the atheists only capable of casting doubt on humans to lead them away from God.

So under the invisible influence of Satan, atheists apply their knowledge of good and evil to influence other humans to ignore what God says (in Word of God), leading to their very death in the end.

Looks familiar? The same day you choose to eat of it (under the influence of Satan), the same day you shall surely die.

All left is, in order to keep your soul, on the judgment day Satan will accuse you of murdering souls in public forums by leading human souls away from God. Will you accept his accusation quietly at that moment?

I personally see it like Christ taught in Matt. 24: 5," For MANY shall come in my name and deceive MANY!" Believers are far more misleading than unbelievers are. Many are being mislead by people who believe in Christ and teach in his name. Atheist have a simple message of unbelief , its far more dangerous to be mislead by a believer who is not teaching a proper truth.
What does that have to do with the relative danger of atheism?

The danger of atheism is that when humans convince themselves there is no power above them, they unlock the gates of hell on each other. Human rights don't exist to atheists because they do not accept that humans are granted innate rights by a higher power.

The danger of Christianity is their distorted view of what the biblical hell really is ; and their selfish view of salvation. Jesus came to earth to gather those who do not believe in him. For sinners , or unbelievers ; those humans that Christians are counting out.
The danger of Christrianity to atheists is that we will stop you from killing people because we believe humans are worthy of protection from those who would exploit and kill them. So I guess we are dangerous..if that's what you want to do. Which it always is.
The danger of Christrianity to atheists is that we will stop you from killing people because we believe humans are worthy of protection from those who would exploit and kill them. So I guess we are dangerous..if that's what you want to do. Which it always is.

In my view, and I am not Christian or Atheist, it is simply awful to assume that Atheist want to kill people; simply untrue. Now history has shown that both Atheist and Theist have done their share of killing; one interesting historical killing was that of Jesus being crucified. It was not Atheist, or unbelievers in God who conspired to kill him; no, the dangerous people then were the believers in God , the Pharisees and Scribes. In my view, the modernday Pharisees, or Christianity, are still the most dangerous.

They are killing Jesus without even being aware that they are doing that.
As Francis bacon put it: "IT WERE better to have no opinion of God at all, than such an opinion, as is unworthy of him."
You know what I think about how God really feels about religion , Atheism, human beliefs and our thinking? How he really feels about Christianity and Islam? Our nations and human governments?

Our opinions?

Isaiah 40:17," All nations before him are as nothing; they are counted to him as "Less than nothing" and meaningless!"

This is how I think, again in my personal view, God thinks about religion and Atheism both. I don't think he cares for either one ;I think he cares for humans , but not our beliefs and unbeliefs and our views on life. I totally disagree with the Theist thinking that God is giving humans a choice in their destiny, like its in our control; our hands. Like God is "Asking" for our permission, that we must " Accept him" , or he will reject us.

No. I think God is a being that gets his way reguardless of what we do or say. I think human destiny is totally based on him,not us; not our will, but his will.
I personally see it like Christ taught in Matt. 24: 5," For MANY shall come in my name and deceive MANY!" Believers are far more misleading than unbelievers are. Many are being mislead by people who believe in Christ and teach in his name. Atheist have a simple message of unbelief , its far more dangerous to be mislead by a believer who is not teaching a proper truth.

No. It is said the many are deceived, including those classified as God's Elect. It is also said in revelation that "they will come out like sands to deceive the world".

Revelation 20:7-9 (NIV)
When the thousand years are over, Satan will be released from his prison
and will go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth--Gog and Magog--to gather them for battle. In number they are like the sand on the seashore. They marched across the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of God's people, the city he loves. But fire came down from heaven and devoured them.

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