Christianity more dangerous than Atheism.

Life is lived forward but often understood backwards. One thing I have learned, is that religion is more of a threat to human salvation than any kind of unbelief in God. If you receive a perverted form of truth, you would be better off if you received nothing at all. I grow tired of reading some Christians complaining about Atheist , as if an Atheist is a treat to human salvation. More Christians hold a condemning view of other humans than any group of unbelievers have. Christianity holds a monopoly on condemning others, and using the bible to do so. Using a book of salvation, to pronounce damnation on people; its unbelievable! In my view, Christianity is one of the largest roadblocks to human salvation on earth. They condemn far more humans than Atheist do. And its simply incredible how Christianity gets away with this daily. Christianity has muddied the resume of God.

An Atheist, is an Atheist, because they are supposed to be Atheist; we are what we are, because we should be that way. Atheism is just " Anti-religion", it is not " The Anti-Christ." I believe Anti Christ are believers in Christ who just spread a perverted form of a messed up gospel. And they don't even know they are doing that, which is what makes them so dangerous. They think they are serving God, when actually satan is leading them like a blind sheep. They have incredible large super ego's and a stunning form of self righteousness; a very dangerous people because there are over 2.2 billion of them on earth; that's one third of humanity. They hold incredible influence, and satan knows that he has used that in his deception of the whole earth, Rev. 12:9. What better way to get into humanities head, than to go through a self perceived pure religion? Its simply stunning how Christianity has deceived humanity.
Atheists are dangerous in that they have no moral grounding. They are no different than savages in that they have the same moral code of a dog.
Let me show you something Jesus said in Matt. 24:5, he said, " For MANY shall come " In my Name", saying that I am Christ, and shall " Deceive Many." Here Jesus is teaching that many, many gullible believers in God will actually be deceived " By people who believe in him!" These deceitful believers are followers of and believers in Jesus! They believe in Jesus, teach things in his name, BUT, they are " Deceiving Many!"

These are NOT Atheist doing this great deception, its believers in Christ, coming in HIS name; in other words, " Christians!" The largest group on earth that comes in Jesus name. And here Jesus is teaching that these are the kind of people who will reach many and deceive them.

The real deceivers are those who are doing their deception in Jesus name; they are the real dangerous ones. Not the Atheist, or any group of unbelievers; its these believers who are fooling this world.

Because they have fooled themselves.
I agree but, atheists are dangerous and cannot be trusted in any way. Preachers, false prophets and "televangelists" are what we were warned about but make no mistake about it they are atheists also. Dangerous and in need of removal.
Let me show you something Jesus said in Matt. 24:5, he said, " For MANY shall come " In my Name", saying that I am Christ, and shall " Deceive Many." Here Jesus is teaching that many, many gullible believers in God will actually be deceived " By people who believe in him!" These deceitful believers are followers of and believers in Jesus! They believe in Jesus, teach things in his name, BUT, they are " Deceiving Many!"

These are NOT Atheist doing this great deception, its believers in Christ, coming in HIS name; in other words, " Christians!" The largest group on earth that comes in Jesus name. And here Jesus is teaching that these are the kind of people who will reach many and deceive them.

The real deceivers are those who are doing their deception in Jesus name; they are the real dangerous ones. Not the Atheist, or any group of unbelievers; its these believers who are fooling this world.

Because they have fooled themselves.
I agree but, atheists are dangerous and cannot be trusted in any way. Preachers, false prophets and "televangelists" are what we were warned about but make no mistake about it they are atheists also. Dangerous and in need of removal.

Atheist have done absolutely nothing to harm the salvation of humanity, but religion has thrown FAR more confusion about our salvation into the human consciousness. Nothing is more important than our future with God; and religion IS the biggest roadblock to that than anything I have seen. Jesus said in John 6:39 that he would lose NOTHING God has given him, in John 17:2 God gives him ALL of humanity, and Jesus said he will not lose ANY of them.

Oh but religion is teaching that Christ will lose most of created humanity. That is insanity perverted nonsense of the future of humanity.
Atheists paved the way for the destruction of 50,000,000 unborn babies. They have done no harm? Hitler is a mere child compared to atheists.
Life is lived forward but often understood backwards. One thing I have learned, is that religion is more of a threat to human salvation than any kind of unbelief in God. If you receive a perverted form of truth, you would be better off if you received nothing at all. I grow tired of reading some Christians complaining about Atheist , as if an Atheist is a treat to human salvation. More Christians hold a condemning view of other humans than any group of unbelievers have. Christianity holds a monopoly on condemning others, and using the bible to do so. Using a book of salvation, to pronounce damnation on people; its unbelievable! In my view, Christianity is one of the largest roadblocks to human salvation on earth. They condemn far more humans than Atheist do. And its simply incredible how Christianity gets away with this daily. Christianity has muddied the resume of God.

An Atheist, is an Atheist, because they are supposed to be Atheist; we are what we are, because we should be that way. Atheism is just " Anti-religion", it is not " The Anti-Christ." I believe Anti Christ are believers in Christ who just spread a perverted form of a messed up gospel. And they don't even know they are doing that, which is what makes them so dangerous. They think they are serving God, when actually satan is leading them like a blind sheep. They have incredible large super ego's and a stunning form of self righteousness; a very dangerous people because there are over 2.2 billion of them on earth; that's one third of humanity. They hold incredible influence, and satan knows that he has used that in his deception of the whole earth, Rev. 12:9. What better way to get into humanities head, than to go through a self perceived pure religion? Its simply stunning how Christianity has deceived humanity.
Atheists are dangerous in that they have no moral grounding. They are no different than savages in that they have the same moral code of a dog.

The most savage I know of in life, is the Christian teaching of eternal hell punishing. A savage insane teaching, it completely insults the grace of God.
Thank God you figured it out! After 2,000 years you came along.

Are you dense? Which is more savage, killing humans by the millions, or keeping them alive for all eternity in a punishing mode of existence?
Killing humans by the millions. Plain and simple atheists are vermin and need to be treated as such.

I am curious, did Jesus come to save the righteous people like you, or did he teach that he came not for the righteous, but for vermin?
Luke 5:32, Jesus himself explaining WHY he came to earth, " I came NOT to call the righteous, but for SINNERS ( or vermin), to repentance, ( or to forgive and change their nature). This is why Christians are dangerous, they are teaching that sinners are vermin and Jesus wants nothing to do with them. When Jesus taught he CAME for them.
Luke 5:32, Jesus himself explaining WHY he came to earth, " I came NOT to call the righteous, but for SINNERS ( or vermin), to repentance, ( or to forgive and change their nature). This is why Christians are dangerous, they are teaching that sinners are vermin and Jesus wants nothing to do with them. When Jesus taught he CAME for them.
Yeah, we just covered this.
Killing humans by the millions. Plain and simple atheists are vermin and need to be treated as such.

I am curious, did Jesus come to save the righteous people like you, or did he teach that he came not for the righteous, but for vermin?
The vermin IF he could convert them but you, a product of what you are instructed to think, most likely will miss the boat.

I'll miss the Christian boat , because I want no part of their passage. The boat I will get on is the one that includes the vermin you dislike so much. Because I know the vermin NEED God more than you self righteous people who seek to limit the great salvation of God.
Killing humans by the millions. Plain and simple atheists are vermin and need to be treated as such.

I am curious, did Jesus come to save the righteous people like you, or did he teach that he came not for the righteous, but for vermin?
The vermin IF he could convert them but you, a product of what you are instructed to think, most likely will miss the boat.

I'll miss the Christian boat , because I want no part of their passage. The boat I will get on is the one that includes the vermin you dislike so much. Because I know the vermin NEED God more than you self righteous people who seek to limit the great salvation of God.
Keep demanding babies blood for your sacrafices at the altar of atheism.
Oh but religion is teaching that Christ will lose most of created humanity. That is insanity perverted nonsense of the future of humanity.

Not all Christian sects teach this. Catholic sects certainly do not. The Catholic Church teaches the path of salvation the same way Christ taught it two thousand years ago. Anyone the Church cannot reach it entrusts to the mercy and love of God. Catholic teaching is that no human knows who, if anyone, is in hell. It notes, particularly, the eternal Covenant God has with the Jews.

In Romans, Paul notes that God's laws and ways are written on each individual's heart. Those who have no belief will be judged by their own hearts--and our own judgement is often harsher than that of a merciful and loving God.

In short, forget what you have heard about only a few will be saved. Twelve signifies completion. Twelve Tribes times Twelve (the complete Tribe) times a thousand (countless). Some who do not understand the symbolism mark that number as 144,000 individuals, and they could not be more wrong. Through this symbolism Revelation assures us the number saved is great--countless--and it includes all who love God.

Those who have no wish to know God or to be near him will not be forced to endure him. To most of us, that is the "hellish" existence--but it is one we choose, not one we are assigned. So, (as Christ said) "Peace be with you." All is well.
I'll miss the Christian boat , because I want no part of their passage. The boat I will get on is the one that includes the vermin you dislike so much. Because I know the vermin NEED God more than you self righteous people who seek to limit the great salvation of God.

Catholics make up the greatest majority of Christians--and we do NOT limit the great salvation of God. Take heart.
I'll miss the Christian boat , because I want no part of their passage. The boat I will get on is the one that includes the vermin you dislike so much. Because I know the vermin NEED God more than you self righteous people who seek to limit the great salvation of God.

Catholics make up the greatest majority of Christians--and we do NOT limit the great salvation of God. Take heart.

Salvation is a done free deal.

But God hides himself from humanity; that is not our fault.

And he knows that.

He knows how ignorant we are.

I think that is in our favor. I think that is WHY we are so safe with him; he knows this is not in our hands. We are really in his hands; and I trust that, because of how HE is. He has got to be quite something and a being of undescribable compassion and wisdom.
The worst thing religion does is it gives the believer an iron-clad get out of jail free card on how they treat, or even kill, other human beings. The human mind has infinite capacity to justify what it does. Religion provides this natural tendency not only permission to do whatever it wants but overwhelming 'who are you to question god's authority' to carry out the most heinous acts. And once a religion takes over the powers of and subsumes the powers of government then it's a free-for-all. The weaker minds are the ones that are drawn to religion in the first place, a need for comfort in a world where there is little, and once these minds gain power over other human beings it is like putting a 9 year old in charge of the water-boarding and execution squad, without any rules.

People who don't believe in a supernatural being can also act in such a way if they weren't brought up with a social scaffolding in their minds that says other people should be treated as they would like to be treated.

Religion codifies this thought/feeling into an absolute good. THAT is why it is so dangerous. The person doing it actually believes they are doing good.
The worst thing religion does is it gives the believer an iron-clad get out of jail free card on how they treat, or even kill, other human beings. The human mind has infinite capacity to justify what it does. Religion provides this natural tendency not only permission to do whatever it wants but overwhelming 'who are you to question god's authority' to carry out the most heinous acts. And once a religion takes over the powers of and subsumes the powers of government then it's a free-for-all. The weaker minds are the ones that are drawn to religion in the first place, a need for comfort in a world where there is little, and once these minds gain power over other human beings it is like putting a 9 year old in charge of the water-boarding and execution squad, without any rules.

People who don't believe in a supernatural being can also act in such a way if they weren't brought up with a social scaffolding in their minds that says other people should be treated as they would like to be treated.

Religion codifies this thought/feeling into an absolute good. THAT is why it is so dangerous. The person doing it actually believes they are doing good.
You really are insecure aren't you? Bad childhood I assume? Someone touched you in bad places did they?
The worst thing religion does is it gives the believer an iron-clad get out of jail free card on how they treat, or even kill, other human beings. The human mind has infinite capacity to justify what it does. Religion provides this natural tendency not only permission to do whatever it wants but overwhelming 'who are you to question god's authority' to carry out the most heinous acts. And once a religion takes over the powers of and subsumes the powers of government then it's a free-for-all. The weaker minds are the ones that are drawn to religion in the first place, a need for comfort in a world where there is little, and once these minds gain power over other human beings it is like putting a 9 year old in charge of the water-boarding and execution squad, without any rules.

People who don't believe in a supernatural being can also act in such a way if they weren't brought up with a social scaffolding in their minds that says other people should be treated as they would like to be treated.

Religion codifies this thought/feeling into an absolute good. THAT is why it is so dangerous. The person doing it actually believes they are doing good.
You really are insecure aren't you? Bad childhood I assume? Someone touched you in bad places did they?

You're are weirdo.

Why weirdos like you always think of some bizarre sexual crap is a mystery but you are who you are.

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