Christianity more dangerous than Atheism.

Being an atheist is not dangerous. We don't want to kill gays.

Being human is potentially dangerous. Being Atheist, is no doorway to righteousness, but in my view, neither is being Christian.

This is why the good, the bad, the ugly and the followers of (insert your preferred Deity here) won't find peace until all agree to define righteous at home and learn to tolerate the unrighteous behavior of their neighbors, as long as everyone adheres to a democratically agreed upon code of civil conduct.

Killing each other over which ancient, unprovable stories are the truth may not be the only stupidity visible from space on this planet but it's been the bloodiest.
Life is lived forward but often understood backwards. One thing I have learned, is that religion is more of a threat to human salvation than any kind of unbelief in God.


It seems like God would have shown a little favoritism and picked one by now, eh?


Thats why Christianity is so dangerous , they got the world thinking they are chosen by God to be his anointed ;when they are not. God has not yet chosen his end time church.
Life is lived forward but often understood backwards. One thing I have learned, is that religion is more of a threat to human salvation than any kind of unbelief in God. If you receive a perverted form of truth, you would be better off if you received nothing at all. I grow tired of reading some Christians complaining about Atheist , as if an Atheist is a treat to human salvation. More Christians hold a condemning view of other humans than any group of unbelievers have. Christianity holds a monopoly on condemning others, and using the bible to do so. Using a book of salvation, to pronounce damnation on people; its unbelievable! In my view, Christianity is one of the largest roadblocks to human salvation on earth. They condemn far more humans than Atheist do. And its simply incredible how Christianity gets away with this daily. Christianity has muddied the resume of God.

An Atheist, is an Atheist, because they are supposed to be Atheist; we are what we are, because we should be that way. Atheism is just " Anti-religion", it is not " The Anti-Christ." I believe Anti Christ are believers in Christ who just spread a perverted form of a messed up gospel. And they don't even know they are doing that, which is what makes them so dangerous. They think they are serving God, when actually satan is leading them like a blind sheep. They have incredible large super ego's and a stunning form of self righteousness; a very dangerous people because there are over 2.2 billion of them on earth; that's one third of humanity. They hold incredible influence, and satan knows that he has used that in his deception of the whole earth, Rev. 12:9. What better way to get into humanities head, than to go through a self perceived pure religion? Its simply stunning how Christianity has deceived humanity.
Atheism is more dangerous because it tends to lead people to hell.

Plus there's no reason that atheists shouldn't condemn others; atheism is simply "do whatever one feels like for whatever reason", so in extreme cases this leads to people becoming serial killers and rapists because they have no meaning in life other than pursuing sick thrills.
Is that why you pretend to believe? Because you think this God is the only thing stopping people from being bad? People need a God watching them? He knows who's naughty and who's nice?

Is God the only thing stopping you from being a murderer or rapist? Tell us more
I am intrigued.

What God do you claim to speak for?
The one who spoke to Joseph Smith. See Jesus happened 2000 years ago but the Catholic, Baptist, Protestants Presbyterian Lutheran churches lost their authority. They essentially all got corrupted. So God visited Joseph Smith in 1800 and started the one true church of Mormons. The chain from Joseph Smith to their current leader hasn't been broken. They have gods authority not traditional Christians. Those churches are all corrupt. Their stories are lies. Corruption
Life is lived forward but often understood backwards. One thing I have learned, is that religion is more of a threat to human salvation than any kind of unbelief in God. If you receive a perverted form of truth, you would be better off if you received nothing at all. I grow tired of reading some Christians complaining about Atheist , as if an Atheist is a treat to human salvation. More Christians hold a condemning view of other humans than any group of unbelievers have. Christianity holds a monopoly on condemning others, and using the bible to do so. Using a book of salvation, to pronounce damnation on people; its unbelievable! In my view, Christianity is one of the largest roadblocks to human salvation on earth. They condemn far more humans than Atheist do. And its simply incredible how Christianity gets away with this daily. Christianity has muddied the resume of God.

An Atheist, is an Atheist, because they are supposed to be Atheist; we are what we are, because we should be that way. Atheism is just " Anti-religion", it is not " The Anti-Christ." I believe Anti Christ are believers in Christ who just spread a perverted form of a messed up gospel. And they don't even know they are doing that, which is what makes them so dangerous. They think they are serving God, when actually satan is leading them like a blind sheep. They have incredible large super ego's and a stunning form of self righteousness; a very dangerous people because there are over 2.2 billion of them on earth; that's one third of humanity. They hold incredible influence, and satan knows that he has used that in his deception of the whole earth, Rev. 12:9. What better way to get into humanities head, than to go through a self perceived pure religion? Its simply stunning how Christianity has deceived humanity.
Atheism is more dangerous because it tends to lead people to hell.

Plus there's no reason that atheists shouldn't condemn others; atheism is simply "do whatever one feels like for whatever reason", so in extreme cases this leads to people becoming serial killers and rapists because they have no meaning in life other than pursuing sick thrills.
Is that why you pretend to believe? Because you think this God is the only thing stopping people from being bad? People need a God watching them? He knows who's naughty and who's nice?

Is God the only thing stopping you from being a murderer or rapist? Tell us more

Yes, speaking for myself ,God is the only thing that has stopped me from killing some jokers I have wanted to kill.
If you're not speaking for God, how do you know that He has not chosen his church? (post #103)

Moot point based on semantics - If you're not speaking for a particular god, you seem to speaking about a particular god...

Name Him.

If you're not speaking for God, how do you know that He has not chosen his church? (post #103)

Moot point based on semantics - If you're not speaking for a particular god, you seem to speaking about a particular god...

Name Him.


The God of the bible.
If you're not speaking for God, how do you know that He has not chosen his church? (post #103)

Moot point based on semantics - If you're not speaking for a particular god, you seem to speaking about a particular god...

Name Him.


The God of the bible.

The God of Abraham, as described in The Torah, The New Testament and The Qur'an...

I can work with that.

Thank you.

Step one in any worthwhile discussion of religion on earth is to name the God(s) being discussed.
If you're not speaking for God, how do you know that He has not chosen his church? (post #103)

Moot point based on semantics - If you're not speaking for a particular god, you seem to speaking about a particular god...

Name Him.


The God of the bible.

Which Bible?

You can choose any of these 42 bibles ; any one of them. Or the "Moffat " translation , I like that one too.
How many times is hell mentioned in the Bible?
If you're not speaking for God, how do you know that He has not chosen his church? (post #103)

Moot point based on semantics - If you're not speaking for a particular god, you seem to speaking about a particular god...

Name Him.


The God of the bible.

The God of Abraham, as described in The Torah, The New Testament and The Qur'an...

I can work with that.

Thank you.

Step one in any worthwhile discussion of religion on earth is to name the God(s) being discussed.

Your welcome.
The concept of saying you are something that you are not , is popular in religion. Notice Rev. 3: 9 " Behold I will make them of the synagogue of satan , which say they are Jews and are not." People claim they have God's spirit and they do not.
Christianity is a world power and a large church; do you think that is the church that satan persues in Revelations? Do you think this fits scripture or God? Why would God have a large world wide church? Why would God have a church so big, that has so many off shoots and divisions?

Why do you think God would do that?
If the Kingdom of God is to be a Christian Kingdom , then its corrupt already.
Christianity has swelled the cranium of the human society consciousness , its influence has covered history and this world with their education. The church history has influenced religion itself , through basically four stages of theological education. They are ; episcopal , monastic , scholastic and seminarian. This system has blanketed humanity . But their theology in the patristic age , or the third to fifth centuries , got into their frontal lobe ; and pagan philosophy severely diluted the Christian faith. And Christian education has never recovered from this unique invasion.

They , in turn , have invaded the consciousness of humanity with the effect of the seduction of the Christian mind.
Christianity more dangerous than Atheism, because they are using their position to pimp the doctrine of hell.
Christianity has inherited traditional lies ; Jer. 16:19," Surely our fathers have inherited lies , vanity , and things of no profit." And they are spreading those lies like wild fire!

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