Christians are more moral than Yahweh and Jesus. So why worship them?

Thanks for taking the time to reply - GreatestIam

Yes. If you are not a believer in the supernatural and un-natural then the entire Bible would seem to be a complete fiction.

I understand what you say, yet the the talking serpent was created with ability to communicate in the beginning,, however his ability to speak has been lost over time - today - a snake can only make a hissing sound - at one time a snake had ability to vocalize words and was intelligent. The serpent was cursed and his intelligence has been lost

Gen 3:14 The LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go. and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life

God changed the status of the serpent and made all beasts above him as where before the serpent was higher intelligence.

With the talking donkey - this was a one time miracle that the Bible says that God put the words into the donkey and God caused the donkey to speak

Num 22:28 And the LORD opened the mouth of the ass,

The Bible is not saying that animals can speak and communicate with humans but ONLY under special conditions where God has a part in bring this into reality..

The serpent was created with a very, very intelligent mind to understand - the serpent then chose to manipulate Eve and lie to her to cause her and Adam harm. The serpents original abilities have been completely erased and disappeared.

I like the fact that you admit that you do not believe the Bible - I appreciate the honesty.

I only wish that people who call themselves Christians were as honest as you are.
No one worships men or women. Its not Christian Doctrine. Its clear you are ignorant of the actual content of the Holy Scriptures.
Up your reading comprehension and stay on the topic.

No one said to worship humans.

I only wish that people who call themselves Christians were as honest as you are.
There cannot be honesty when speaking about the supernatural as if it was real.

There was a good reason for Christians to use inquisitions and murder.

Christians did not have worthy moral arguments to convert with.

Up your reading comprehension and stay on the topic.

No one said to worship humans.

So.........Christians are not HUMAN according to your comprehension skills? Cleary you stated, Christians are more moral than Yahweh and Jesus. So why worship them (the them are more moral, you just made Christians the subject of your sentence structure) than Yahweh and Jesus. (the great I AM...i.e. God............I still can't get over the way you cult members take a mistranslated Hebrew Word and begin to worship that mistranslation) As Jesus said you know not what you worship (John 4:22)

Look at your sentence structure.......the "THEM" you are making reference to are CHRISTIANS not Yahewh or Jesus, as if you are attempting to negate the structure of the Godhead which consists of the Father (God, I AM) Jesus (God incarnate also who identifies Himself as I AM)) and the Holy Spirit (the 3rd person of the Godhead who communicates truth from Heaven)

The Godhead exists as clearly defined in the New Testament of Christ Jesus.

Again, Christians are human/man......and are not to be worshiped. And that is that.......the end.
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So.........Christians are not HUMAN according to your comprehension skills? Cleary you stated, Christians are more moral than Yahweh and Jesus. So why worship them (the them are more moral, you just made Christians the subject of your sentence structure) than Yahweh and Jesus. (the great I AM...i.e. God............I still can't get over the way you cult members take a mistranslated Hebrew Word and begin to worship that mistranslation) As Jesus said you know not what you worship (John 4:22)

Look at your sentence structure.......the "THEM" you are making reference to are CHRISTIANS not Yahewh or Jesus, as if you are attempting to negate the structure of the Godhead which consists of the Father (God, I AM) Jesus (God incarnate also who identifies Himself as I AM)) and the Holy Spirit (the 3rd person of the Godhead who communicates truth from Heaven)

The Godhead exists as clearly defined in the New Testament of Christ Jesus.

Again, Christians are human/man......and are not to be worshiped. And that is that.......the end.
He's more confused and mixed up than Jehovah Witnesses...
I didn't mean that they belonged to any particular church. I meant it as what it means to be Christian. Were they following Jesus Christ in all that they did?
So you think they followed Jesus in murder without a just cause.

Interesting that you would have Jesus murdering people just as the inquisitors did.

So you think they followed Jesus in murder without a just cause.

Interesting that you would have Jesus murdering people just as the inquisitors did.

What are you talking about now? Where are you getting this from? Nothing I said.
To those who cannot read, and never quote to bolster their stupid reasoning.

No, I cannot do anything about the stupid.

The inverse........those who are incapable of structing a sentence in "English" has no business calling others STUPID. :disbelief:

I did note that you made no attempt to refute the Book, Chapter and Verse presented from the Holy Scriptures. Why? There is no refutation of the truth. Thus, the typical weapon of Satan, its either Deceit or "Deflection". ;)
I am a Gnostic Christian and your inquisitions, as well as your adoration of a genocidal prick and his homophobic and misogynous religion made us anti-Christian.

You are no follower of Jesus. You are His enemy. You are a vile demon worshipper
I was born Catholic but at the age of reason, I rejected the genocidal prick as a good god and became a seeker of a better god
You are an example of THE individuals who will become ASHES under the feet of the righteous after the Judgement IF you cannot find repentance. Your hatred will be the ETERNAL DEATH of you

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