Christians Celebrated Christs Birth prior to Constantine

Secure in your beliefs, my friend.
You would not have to blah and blah about it if you did a little reading. It is a pagan celebration.

Christmas is not a 'pagan celebration' simply because it falls on the same date, dude. Many holidays fall on the same date or very close together, but that doesnt mean one 'stole' the date from the other or is really secretly based on the other.

It was common, in the early days of Christianity conversions, to allow pagans to keep their holidays but with new meanings.

The date, in my mind, it not relevant. That is is very likely to not be the actual birthdate does not change the celebration.
This is from Wikipedia.

Mosaic of Jesus as Christus Sol (Christ the Sun) in Mausoleum M in the third-century necropolis under St Peter's Basilica in Rome.[16]
Sextus Julius Africanus, a historian of the second century, maintained that Jesus of Nazareth was conceived on March 25, which the Christian Church came to celebrate as the Feast of the Annunciation.[17] With the term of a pregnancy being nine months, Sextus Julius Africanus held that Jesus was born on December 25, which the Western Christian Church established as Christmas.[17] Recorded in Sextus Julius Africanus's Chronographiai (221 AD), this thesis is corroborated by an interpretation of Gospel of Luke that places the appearance of Gabriel to Zechariah on the observance of Yom Kippur that occurs around October, as "the worshipers were praying outside of the Temple and not within" for "only the priest could enter the Temple at this time to conduct the proper rituals"; because Jesus was six months younger than his cousin John the Baptist, Jesus was conceived in March and born in late December.[18]
In 274 AD, Emperor Aurelian made a festival for Sol Invictus ("The Unconquered Sun"), originally a Syrian deity who was later adopted as the chief deity of the Roman Empire.[19] While some writers believe that this may have influenced the Christian feast of Christmas, other historians such as Louis Duchesne, Hieronymus Engberding and Thomas Talley maintain that the Christian feast of Christmas was already being celebrated and that Aurelian established Dies Natalis Solis Invicti in order to compete with the Christian feast of Christmas.

Christmas controversies - Wikipedia

Oh so here we have another thread--we will have many this month, I assume--wherein non-Christians attempt to make themselves feel better about wanting to celebrate Christmas, when all the year long they hate on Christians. So we will be treated all month long to diatribes about how Christmas is pagan; Christmas is at the wrong time of year; Christ wasn't really resurrected; Mary wasn't really a Virgin, and blah blah blah.

All so the angry atheists can have their Christmas too. That's how juvenile and petty they are.

How about this, angry atheists. How about you just celebrate Christmas and get over it. And let us celebrate Christmas without having to dump all over OUR Christmas too.

You whiny little children. :lame2:
Lol, I am a Christian and pro-Christmas.

Maybe you should read the post prior to responding to it?

The article is titled "Christmas Controversies", and yes, I read it. And yes, both the wiki article and this thread had already turned into one wherein atheists attempt to make themselves feel better about celebrating Christmas.

Atheists have to make themselves feel better about celebrating Xmas? Or do they react to the multitude of people saying they can't or shouldn't?
That is is very likely to not be the actual birthdate does not change the celebration.

I am not responding in anger or to rebuff you, so please dont take it as being intending to offend you in any way at all. You are an intelligent and h onest participant on these forums in my mind.

But I think the timing of the Roman poll and taxation attendant with it to the olive harvest and the time it took to manually press it into olive oil and store it makes it pretty certain to have been in late November to early December that Jesus was born. The reason Christians used December 25th is entirely because the average farmer would be able to know when that day was at the time as they followed celestial events closely to know when to plant, etc. The heavens were their form of calendar and so things tended to get clumped around those dates.

Why do you think it the opposite and surely not that He was born in a December-ish time frame?
This is from Wikipedia.

Mosaic of Jesus as Christus Sol (Christ the Sun) in Mausoleum M in the third-century necropolis under St Peter's Basilica in Rome.[16]
Sextus Julius Africanus, a historian of the second century, maintained that Jesus of Nazareth was conceived on March 25, which the Christian Church came to celebrate as the Feast of the Annunciation.[17] With the term of a pregnancy being nine months, Sextus Julius Africanus held that Jesus was born on December 25, which the Western Christian Church established as Christmas.[17] Recorded in Sextus Julius Africanus's Chronographiai (221 AD), this thesis is corroborated by an interpretation of Gospel of Luke that places the appearance of Gabriel to Zechariah on the observance of Yom Kippur that occurs around October, as "the worshipers were praying outside of the Temple and not within" for "only the priest could enter the Temple at this time to conduct the proper rituals"; because Jesus was six months younger than his cousin John the Baptist, Jesus was conceived in March and born in late December.[18]
In 274 AD, Emperor Aurelian made a festival for Sol Invictus ("The Unconquered Sun"), originally a Syrian deity who was later adopted as the chief deity of the Roman Empire.[19] While some writers believe that this may have influenced the Christian feast of Christmas, other historians such as Louis Duchesne, Hieronymus Engberding and Thomas Talley maintain that the Christian feast of Christmas was already being celebrated and that Aurelian established Dies Natalis Solis Invicti in order to compete with the Christian feast of Christmas.

Christmas controversies - Wikipedia

Oh so here we have another thread--we will have many this month, I assume--wherein non-Christians attempt to make themselves feel better about wanting to celebrate Christmas, when all the year long they hate on Christians. So we will be treated all month long to diatribes about how Christmas is pagan; Christmas is at the wrong time of year; Christ wasn't really resurrected; Mary wasn't really a Virgin, and blah blah blah.

All so the angry atheists can have their Christmas too. That's how juvenile and petty they are.

How about this, angry atheists. How about you just celebrate Christmas and get over it. And let us celebrate Christmas without having to dump all over OUR Christmas too.

You whiny little children. :lame2:
Lol, I am a Christian and pro-Christmas.

Maybe you should read the post prior to responding to it?

The article is titled "Christmas Controversies", and yes, I read it. And yes, both the wiki article and this thread had already turned into one wherein atheists attempt to make themselves feel better about celebrating Christmas.

Atheists have to make themselves feel better about celebrating Xmas? Or do they react to the multitude of people saying they can't or shouldn't?

Many atheists make a year's worth of crusade out of being anti-Christian, but when December rolls around, sure enough want to celebrate Christmas. It might be a normal thing to ask THOSE atheists what they're about, but I imagine this only happens online, in forums such as this. I imagine it never happens to live-and-let-live atheists. Just as I imagine most Christians, like myself, do not care one whit if atheists celebrate Christmas. As I have said, we just don't want them telling us what OUR HOLIDAY is about, as this seems a common courtesy.

Or it used to be a common courtesy, anyhow.
That is is very likely to not be the actual birthdate does not change the celebration.

I am not responding in anger or to rebuff you, so please dont take it as being intending to offend you in any way at all. You are an intelligent and h onest participant on these forums in my mind.

But I think the timing of the Roman poll and taxation attendant with it to the olive harvest and the time it took to manually press it into olive oil and store it makes it pretty certain to have been in late November to early December that Jesus was born. The reason Christians used December 25th is entirely because the average farmer would be able to know when that day was at the time as they followed celestial events closely to know when to plant, etc. The heavens were their form of calendar and so things tended to get clumped around those dates.

Why do you think it the opposite and surely not that He was born in a December-ish time frame?

First, the angel notifying the shepherd "as they were keeping their flocks". Jewish shepherds had their flocks grazing in the fields from spring until September or October.

Second, Joseph & Mary were in Bethlehem for the census. There are records of when that happened. Mostly in September or October.

There are other clues as well.
Yes, there are arrogant, militant atheists. But they are the minority, for sure. Just like the arrogant, militant Christians.

Jury's out on that. I would say 50-50 for atheists.

No, I think the militant obnoxious atheists are only about 20% of the total. Most atheists I know in real life dont bother trying to browbeat Christians.

We just have that impression because the militant minority among atheists get 110% of the air time, kind of like anti-Evolutionists get almost all the air time and most people think that most Christians are opposed to Evolution Theory..

I guess it would depend on what you call "militant". If you were just going to categorize militant, I agree with you. If you want to go with "obnoxious", I have to go at least 50-50 on that. But then, most of them are Progressives, and Progressives are almost always there is that. heh
So in other words, anyone that does not agree with your beliefs. I mean really, where does the 50-50 thing come from?
This is from Wikipedia.

Mosaic of Jesus as Christus Sol (Christ the Sun) in Mausoleum M in the third-century necropolis under St Peter's Basilica in Rome.[16]
Sextus Julius Africanus, a historian of the second century, maintained that Jesus of Nazareth was conceived on March 25, which the Christian Church came to celebrate as the Feast of the Annunciation.[17] With the term of a pregnancy being nine months, Sextus Julius Africanus held that Jesus was born on December 25, which the Western Christian Church established as Christmas.[17] Recorded in Sextus Julius Africanus's Chronographiai (221 AD), this thesis is corroborated by an interpretation of Gospel of Luke that places the appearance of Gabriel to Zechariah on the observance of Yom Kippur that occurs around October, as "the worshipers were praying outside of the Temple and not within" for "only the priest could enter the Temple at this time to conduct the proper rituals"; because Jesus was six months younger than his cousin John the Baptist, Jesus was conceived in March and born in late December.[18]
In 274 AD, Emperor Aurelian made a festival for Sol Invictus ("The Unconquered Sun"), originally a Syrian deity who was later adopted as the chief deity of the Roman Empire.[19] While some writers believe that this may have influenced the Christian feast of Christmas, other historians such as Louis Duchesne, Hieronymus Engberding and Thomas Talley maintain that the Christian feast of Christmas was already being celebrated and that Aurelian established Dies Natalis Solis Invicti in order to compete with the Christian feast of Christmas.

Christmas controversies - Wikipedia

Oh so here we have another thread--we will have many this month, I assume--wherein non-Christians attempt to make themselves feel better about wanting to celebrate Christmas, when all the year long they hate on Christians. So we will be treated all month long to diatribes about how Christmas is pagan; Christmas is at the wrong time of year; Christ wasn't really resurrected; Mary wasn't really a Virgin, and blah blah blah.

All so the angry atheists can have their Christmas too. That's how juvenile and petty they are.

How about this, angry atheists. How about you just celebrate Christmas and get over it. And let us celebrate Christmas without having to dump all over OUR Christmas too.

You whiny little children. :lame2:
I don't think we need to "make ourselves feel better". I celebrate Christmas because I like tacky Christmas decorations and the excuse to.give presents kids and such.

Okay, this is Dec. 1st. Watch and see what happens, then. Watch these boards and other boards and see what whiny atheists do. Your Christmas is pagan, your Jesus Christ wasn't real and blah blah blah. Why so threatened atheists? And why so rude, too.

Just watch.
I'm an atheist, and not threatened at all by your beliefs. I do wish you would keep them outta places like courthouses and schools though. It gives people the wrong impression.
This is from Wikipedia.

Mosaic of Jesus as Christus Sol (Christ the Sun) in Mausoleum M in the third-century necropolis under St Peter's Basilica in Rome.[16]
Sextus Julius Africanus, a historian of the second century, maintained that Jesus of Nazareth was conceived on March 25, which the Christian Church came to celebrate as the Feast of the Annunciation.[17] With the term of a pregnancy being nine months, Sextus Julius Africanus held that Jesus was born on December 25, which the Western Christian Church established as Christmas.[17] Recorded in Sextus Julius Africanus's Chronographiai (221 AD), this thesis is corroborated by an interpretation of Gospel of Luke that places the appearance of Gabriel to Zechariah on the observance of Yom Kippur that occurs around October, as "the worshipers were praying outside of the Temple and not within" for "only the priest could enter the Temple at this time to conduct the proper rituals"; because Jesus was six months younger than his cousin John the Baptist, Jesus was conceived in March and born in late December.[18]
In 274 AD, Emperor Aurelian made a festival for Sol Invictus ("The Unconquered Sun"), originally a Syrian deity who was later adopted as the chief deity of the Roman Empire.[19] While some writers believe that this may have influenced the Christian feast of Christmas, other historians such as Louis Duchesne, Hieronymus Engberding and Thomas Talley maintain that the Christian feast of Christmas was already being celebrated and that Aurelian established Dies Natalis Solis Invicti in order to compete with the Christian feast of Christmas.

Christmas controversies - Wikipedia

Oh so here we have another thread--we will have many this month, I assume--wherein non-Christians attempt to make themselves feel better about wanting to celebrate Christmas, when all the year long they hate on Christians. So we will be treated all month long to diatribes about how Christmas is pagan; Christmas is at the wrong time of year; Christ wasn't really resurrected; Mary wasn't really a Virgin, and blah blah blah.

All so the angry atheists can have their Christmas too. That's how juvenile and petty they are.

How about this, angry atheists. How about you just celebrate Christmas and get over it. And let us celebrate Christmas without having to dump all over OUR Christmas too.

You whiny little children. :lame2:
I don't think we need to "make ourselves feel better". I celebrate Christmas because I like tacky Christmas decorations and the excuse to.give presents kids and such.

Okay, this is Dec. 1st. Watch and see what happens, then. Watch these boards and other boards and see what whiny atheists do. Your Christmas is pagan, your Jesus Christ wasn't real and blah blah blah. Why so threatened atheists? And why so rude, too.

Just watch.
Secure in your beliefs, my friend.
You would not have to blah and blah about it if you did a little reading. It is a pagan celebration.
And it is, but who cares? Let them have their fun.
This is from Wikipedia.

Mosaic of Jesus as Christus Sol (Christ the Sun) in Mausoleum M in the third-century necropolis under St Peter's Basilica in Rome.[16]
Sextus Julius Africanus, a historian of the second century, maintained that Jesus of Nazareth was conceived on March 25, which the Christian Church came to celebrate as the Feast of the Annunciation.[17] With the term of a pregnancy being nine months, Sextus Julius Africanus held that Jesus was born on December 25, which the Western Christian Church established as Christmas.[17] Recorded in Sextus Julius Africanus's Chronographiai (221 AD), this thesis is corroborated by an interpretation of Gospel of Luke that places the appearance of Gabriel to Zechariah on the observance of Yom Kippur that occurs around October, as "the worshipers were praying outside of the Temple and not within" for "only the priest could enter the Temple at this time to conduct the proper rituals"; because Jesus was six months younger than his cousin John the Baptist, Jesus was conceived in March and born in late December.[18]
In 274 AD, Emperor Aurelian made a festival for Sol Invictus ("The Unconquered Sun"), originally a Syrian deity who was later adopted as the chief deity of the Roman Empire.[19] While some writers believe that this may have influenced the Christian feast of Christmas, other historians such as Louis Duchesne, Hieronymus Engberding and Thomas Talley maintain that the Christian feast of Christmas was already being celebrated and that Aurelian established Dies Natalis Solis Invicti in order to compete with the Christian feast of Christmas.

Christmas controversies - Wikipedia

Oh so here we have another thread--we will have many this month, I assume--wherein non-Christians attempt to make themselves feel better about wanting to celebrate Christmas, when all the year long they hate on Christians. So we will be treated all month long to diatribes about how Christmas is pagan; Christmas is at the wrong time of year; Christ wasn't really resurrected; Mary wasn't really a Virgin, and blah blah blah.

All so the angry atheists can have their Christmas too. That's how juvenile and petty they are.

How about this, angry atheists. How about you just celebrate Christmas and get over it. And let us celebrate Christmas without having to dump all over OUR Christmas too.

You whiny little children. :lame2:
I don't think we need to "make ourselves feel better". I celebrate Christmas because I like tacky Christmas decorations and the excuse to.give presents kids and such.

Okay, this is Dec. 1st. Watch and see what happens, then. Watch these boards and other boards and see what whiny atheists do. Your Christmas is pagan, your Jesus Christ wasn't real and blah blah blah. Why so threatened atheists? And why so rude, too.

Just watch.
Secure in your beliefs, my friend.
You would not have to blah and blah about it if you did a little reading. It is a pagan celebration.

Then have your pagan celebration. By sure to sacrifice a child or two every few years.
Paganism does not sacrifice people any more than christianity does, perhaps even less so since they don't pretend to drink blood and eat flesh at every communion.
Oh so here we have another thread--we will have many this month, I assume--wherein non-Christians attempt to make themselves feel better about wanting to celebrate Christmas, when all the year long they hate on Christians. So we will be treated all month long to diatribes about how Christmas is pagan; Christmas is at the wrong time of year; Christ wasn't really resurrected; Mary wasn't really a Virgin, and blah blah blah.

All so the angry atheists can have their Christmas too. That's how juvenile and petty they are.

How about this, angry atheists. How about you just celebrate Christmas and get over it. And let us celebrate Christmas without having to dump all over OUR Christmas too.

You whiny little children. :lame2:
I don't think we need to "make ourselves feel better". I celebrate Christmas because I like tacky Christmas decorations and the excuse to.give presents kids and such.

Okay, this is Dec. 1st. Watch and see what happens, then. Watch these boards and other boards and see what whiny atheists do. Your Christmas is pagan, your Jesus Christ wasn't real and blah blah blah. Why so threatened atheists? And why so rude, too.

Just watch.
Secure in your beliefs, my friend.
You would not have to blah and blah about it if you did a little reading. It is a pagan celebration.

Then have your pagan celebration. By sure to sacrifice a child or two every few years.
Paganism does not sacrifice people any more than christianity does, perhaps even less so since they don't pretend to drink blood and eat flesh at every communion.

You are wrong about so many things here. And these are just the Celts. How many do you want?

Here’s the short answer: yes, the Celts do appear to have performed human sacrifice as part of their religious rituals. And, since the Druids were the religious/scholar/priestly social class, they almost certainly would have participated in human sacrifices, and probably officiated at them.

We have three sorts of data regarding Celtic human sacrifices. We have the words of Classical Greek and Roman writers, usually with a political agenda, and often reporting hearsay (Strabo for instance, was repeating the observations of the earlier no longer extant author Poseidonius), we have a few references in medieval Irish texts, primarily in the mythological tales, and we have archaeological data that is increasingly important.

Did the Celts or Druids Perform Human Sacrifice?
Oh so here we have another thread--we will have many this month, I assume--wherein non-Christians attempt to make themselves feel better about wanting to celebrate Christmas, when all the year long they hate on Christians. So we will be treated all month long to diatribes about how Christmas is pagan; Christmas is at the wrong time of year; Christ wasn't really resurrected; Mary wasn't really a Virgin, and blah blah blah.

All so the angry atheists can have their Christmas too. That's how juvenile and petty they are.

How about this, angry atheists. How about you just celebrate Christmas and get over it. And let us celebrate Christmas without having to dump all over OUR Christmas too.

You whiny little children. :lame2:
I don't think we need to "make ourselves feel better". I celebrate Christmas because I like tacky Christmas decorations and the excuse to.give presents kids and such.

Okay, this is Dec. 1st. Watch and see what happens, then. Watch these boards and other boards and see what whiny atheists do. Your Christmas is pagan, your Jesus Christ wasn't real and blah blah blah. Why so threatened atheists? And why so rude, too.

Just watch.
Secure in your beliefs, my friend.
You would not have to blah and blah about it if you did a little reading. It is a pagan celebration.

Then have your pagan celebration. By sure to sacrifice a child or two every few years.
Paganism does not sacrifice people any more than christianity does, perhaps even less so since they don't pretend to drink blood and eat flesh at every communion.

Pagan human sacrifice in Norse paganism.

The Viking blót sacrifices - National Museum of Denmark
I don't think we need to "make ourselves feel better". I celebrate Christmas because I like tacky Christmas decorations and the excuse to.give presents kids and such.

Okay, this is Dec. 1st. Watch and see what happens, then. Watch these boards and other boards and see what whiny atheists do. Your Christmas is pagan, your Jesus Christ wasn't real and blah blah blah. Why so threatened atheists? And why so rude, too.

Just watch.
Secure in your beliefs, my friend.
You would not have to blah and blah about it if you did a little reading. It is a pagan celebration.

Then have your pagan celebration. By sure to sacrifice a child or two every few years.
Paganism does not sacrifice people any more than christianity does, perhaps even less so since they don't pretend to drink blood and eat flesh at every communion.

Pagan human sacrifice in Norse paganism.

The Viking blót sacrifices - National Museum of Denmark
I'm along the lines of OL. If you can or not articulate IT. Then piss off. I'm not watching your video.
This is from Wikipedia.

Mosaic of Jesus as Christus Sol (Christ the Sun) in Mausoleum M in the third-century necropolis under St Peter's Basilica in Rome.[16]
Sextus Julius Africanus, a historian of the second century, maintained that Jesus of Nazareth was conceived on March 25, which the Christian Church came to celebrate as the Feast of the Annunciation.[17] With the term of a pregnancy being nine months, Sextus Julius Africanus held that Jesus was born on December 25, which the Western Christian Church established as Christmas.[17] Recorded in Sextus Julius Africanus's Chronographiai (221 AD), this thesis is corroborated by an interpretation of Gospel of Luke that places the appearance of Gabriel to Zechariah on the observance of Yom Kippur that occurs around October, as "the worshipers were praying outside of the Temple and not within" for "only the priest could enter the Temple at this time to conduct the proper rituals"; because Jesus was six months younger than his cousin John the Baptist, Jesus was conceived in March and born in late December.[18]
In 274 AD, Emperor Aurelian made a festival for Sol Invictus ("The Unconquered Sun"), originally a Syrian deity who was later adopted as the chief deity of the Roman Empire.[19] While some writers believe that this may have influenced the Christian feast of Christmas, other historians such as Louis Duchesne, Hieronymus Engberding and Thomas Talley maintain that the Christian feast of Christmas was already being celebrated and that Aurelian established Dies Natalis Solis Invicti in order to compete with the Christian feast of Christmas.

Christmas controversies - Wikipedia

Oh so here we have another thread--we will have many this month, I assume--wherein non-Christians attempt to make themselves feel better about wanting to celebrate Christmas, when all the year long they hate on Christians. So we will be treated all month long to diatribes about how Christmas is pagan; Christmas is at the wrong time of year; Christ wasn't really resurrected; Mary wasn't really a Virgin, and blah blah blah.

All so the angry atheists can have their Christmas too. That's how juvenile and petty they are.

How about this, angry atheists. How about you just celebrate Christmas and get over it. And let us celebrate Christmas without having to dump all over OUR Christmas too.

You whiny little children. :lame2:
What an angry, whiny, ineffectual little post that was.
This is from Wikipedia.

Mosaic of Jesus as Christus Sol (Christ the Sun) in Mausoleum M in the third-century necropolis under St Peter's Basilica in Rome.[16]
Sextus Julius Africanus, a historian of the second century, maintained that Jesus of Nazareth was conceived on March 25, which the Christian Church came to celebrate as the Feast of the Annunciation.[17] With the term of a pregnancy being nine months, Sextus Julius Africanus held that Jesus was born on December 25, which the Western Christian Church established as Christmas.[17] Recorded in Sextus Julius Africanus's Chronographiai (221 AD), this thesis is corroborated by an interpretation of Gospel of Luke that places the appearance of Gabriel to Zechariah on the observance of Yom Kippur that occurs around October, as "the worshipers were praying outside of the Temple and not within" for "only the priest could enter the Temple at this time to conduct the proper rituals"; because Jesus was six months younger than his cousin John the Baptist, Jesus was conceived in March and born in late December.[18]
In 274 AD, Emperor Aurelian made a festival for Sol Invictus ("The Unconquered Sun"), originally a Syrian deity who was later adopted as the chief deity of the Roman Empire.[19] While some writers believe that this may have influenced the Christian feast of Christmas, other historians such as Louis Duchesne, Hieronymus Engberding and Thomas Talley maintain that the Christian feast of Christmas was already being celebrated and that Aurelian established Dies Natalis Solis Invicti in order to compete with the Christian feast of Christmas.

Christmas controversies - Wikipedia

Oh so here we have another thread--we will have many this month, I assume--wherein non-Christians attempt to make themselves feel better about wanting to celebrate Christmas, when all the year long they hate on Christians. So we will be treated all month long to diatribes about how Christmas is pagan; Christmas is at the wrong time of year; Christ wasn't really resurrected; Mary wasn't really a Virgin, and blah blah blah.

All so the angry atheists can have their Christmas too. That's how juvenile and petty they are.

How about this, angry atheists. How about you just celebrate Christmas and get over it. And let us celebrate Christmas without having to dump all over OUR Christmas too.

You whiny little children. :lame2:
Lol, I am a Christian and pro-Christmas.

Maybe you should read the post prior to responding to it?

The article is titled "Christmas Controversies", and yes, I read it. And yes, both the wiki article and this thread had already turned into one wherein atheists attempt to make themselves feel better about celebrating Christmas.

Atheists have to make themselves feel better about celebrating Xmas? Or do they react to the multitude of people saying they can't or shouldn't?

Many atheists make a year's worth of crusade out of being anti-Christian, but when December rolls around, sure enough want to celebrate Christmas. It might be a normal thing to ask THOSE atheists what they're about, but I imagine this only happens online, in forums such as this. I imagine it never happens to live-and-let-live atheists. Just as I imagine most Christians, like myself, do not care one whit if atheists celebrate Christmas. As I have said, we just don't want them telling us what OUR HOLIDAY is about, as this seems a common courtesy.

Or it used to be a common courtesy, anyhow.
So you angry, whiny Christians stole it from pagans, and atheists stole it form you. Cry me a river.
Oh so here we have another thread--we will have many this month, I assume--wherein non-Christians attempt to make themselves feel better about wanting to celebrate Christmas, when all the year long they hate on Christians. So we will be treated all month long to diatribes about how Christmas is pagan; Christmas is at the wrong time of year; Christ wasn't really resurrected; Mary wasn't really a Virgin, and blah blah blah.

All so the angry atheists can have their Christmas too. That's how juvenile and petty they are.

How about this, angry atheists. How about you just celebrate Christmas and get over it. And let us celebrate Christmas without having to dump all over OUR Christmas too.

You whiny little children. :lame2:
Lol, I am a Christian and pro-Christmas.

Maybe you should read the post prior to responding to it?

The article is titled "Christmas Controversies", and yes, I read it. And yes, both the wiki article and this thread had already turned into one wherein atheists attempt to make themselves feel better about celebrating Christmas.

Atheists have to make themselves feel better about celebrating Xmas? Or do they react to the multitude of people saying they can't or shouldn't?

Many atheists make a year's worth of crusade out of being anti-Christian, but when December rolls around, sure enough want to celebrate Christmas. It might be a normal thing to ask THOSE atheists what they're about, but I imagine this only happens online, in forums such as this. I imagine it never happens to live-and-let-live atheists. Just as I imagine most Christians, like myself, do not care one whit if atheists celebrate Christmas. As I have said, we just don't want them telling us what OUR HOLIDAY is about, as this seems a common courtesy.

Or it used to be a common courtesy, anyhow.
So you angry, whiny Christians stole it from pagans, and atheists stole it form you. Cry me a river.
You might want to be careful FFI. They just might double down and cost that much more?
Lol, I am a Christian and pro-Christmas.

Maybe you should read the post prior to responding to it?

The article is titled "Christmas Controversies", and yes, I read it. And yes, both the wiki article and this thread had already turned into one wherein atheists attempt to make themselves feel better about celebrating Christmas.

Atheists have to make themselves feel better about celebrating Xmas? Or do they react to the multitude of people saying they can't or shouldn't?

Many atheists make a year's worth of crusade out of being anti-Christian, but when December rolls around, sure enough want to celebrate Christmas. It might be a normal thing to ask THOSE atheists what they're about, but I imagine this only happens online, in forums such as this. I imagine it never happens to live-and-let-live atheists. Just as I imagine most Christians, like myself, do not care one whit if atheists celebrate Christmas. As I have said, we just don't want them telling us what OUR HOLIDAY is about, as this seems a common courtesy.

Or it used to be a common courtesy, anyhow.
So you angry, whiny Christians stole it from pagans, and atheists stole it form you. Cry me a river.
You might want to be careful FFI. They just might double down and cost that much more?
I have no idea what that means! :)
The article is titled "Christmas Controversies", and yes, I read it. And yes, both the wiki article and this thread had already turned into one wherein atheists attempt to make themselves feel better about celebrating Christmas.

Atheists have to make themselves feel better about celebrating Xmas? Or do they react to the multitude of people saying they can't or shouldn't?

Many atheists make a year's worth of crusade out of being anti-Christian, but when December rolls around, sure enough want to celebrate Christmas. It might be a normal thing to ask THOSE atheists what they're about, but I imagine this only happens online, in forums such as this. I imagine it never happens to live-and-let-live atheists. Just as I imagine most Christians, like myself, do not care one whit if atheists celebrate Christmas. As I have said, we just don't want them telling us what OUR HOLIDAY is about, as this seems a common courtesy.

Or it used to be a common courtesy, anyhow.
So you angry, whiny Christians stole it from pagans, and atheists stole it form you. Cry me a river.
You might want to be careful FFI. They just might double down and cost that much more?
I have no idea what that means! :)
Nor do I . I just through it out there. No harm intended, Sir.
Atheists have to make themselves feel better about celebrating Xmas? Or do they react to the multitude of people saying they can't or shouldn't?

Many atheists make a year's worth of crusade out of being anti-Christian, but when December rolls around, sure enough want to celebrate Christmas. It might be a normal thing to ask THOSE atheists what they're about, but I imagine this only happens online, in forums such as this. I imagine it never happens to live-and-let-live atheists. Just as I imagine most Christians, like myself, do not care one whit if atheists celebrate Christmas. As I have said, we just don't want them telling us what OUR HOLIDAY is about, as this seems a common courtesy.

Or it used to be a common courtesy, anyhow.
So you angry, whiny Christians stole it from pagans, and atheists stole it form you. Cry me a river.
You might want to be careful FFI. They just might double down and cost that much more?
I have no idea what that means! :)
Nor do I . I just through it out there. No harm intended, Sir.
No offense taken! I just honestly have no idea what you meant.
Many atheists make a year's worth of crusade out of being anti-Christian, but when December rolls around, sure enough want to celebrate Christmas. It might be a normal thing to ask THOSE atheists what they're about, but I imagine this only happens online, in forums such as this. I imagine it never happens to live-and-let-live atheists. Just as I imagine most Christians, like myself, do not care one whit if atheists celebrate Christmas. As I have said, we just don't want them telling us what OUR HOLIDAY is about, as this seems a common courtesy.

Or it used to be a common courtesy, anyhow.
So you angry, whiny Christians stole it from pagans, and atheists stole it form you. Cry me a river.
You might want to be careful FFI. They just might double down and cost that much more?
I have no idea what that means! :)
Nor do I . I just through it out there. No harm intended, Sir.
No offense taken! I just honestly have no idea what you meant.
I don't either. Drink'in too much in VA. That's all.
Many atheists make a year's worth of crusade out of being anti-Christian, but when December rolls around, sure enough want to celebrate Christmas. It might be a normal thing to ask THOSE atheists what they're about, but I imagine this only happens online, in forums such as this. I imagine it never happens to live-and-let-live atheists. Just as I imagine most Christians, like myself, do not care one whit if atheists celebrate Christmas. As I have said, we just don't want them telling us what OUR HOLIDAY is about, as this seems a common courtesy.

Or it used to be a common courtesy, anyhow.
So you angry, whiny Christians stole it from pagans, and atheists stole it form you. Cry me a river.
You might want to be careful FFI. They just might double down and cost that much more?
I have no idea what that means! :)
Nor do I . I just through it out there. No harm intended, Sir.
No offense taken! I just honestly have no idea what you meant.

I don't think anyone does

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