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Christians need to know the difference between acceptance and tolerance

Last I checked no one was trying to force people to convert to Christianity and no one was trying to force people to get gay married.

No... the left just wants Christians to start endorsing their sex habits and to endorse gay marriage.

If you don't believe me...
Look at how Dan Cathy was treated by several liberal Democratic mayors… it was un-American what those men did to him.

Its not enough to accept it and to tolerate it...
No one wants to force you to endorse gay marriage.

No? You mean they haven't put it on ballots in 30-something states? They aren't in courts across the country, getting judges to make rulings when they can't get the voting to go the way they want?

Gosh, I guess I was living in an alternate universe the last few years, and didn't realize it.
Ya know I love ya, Katz, but "real" Christians aren't without sin and should accept that fact.
For without that sin, there would have been no reason for His sacrifice.
No reason for redemption. No call to spread His good news.

"For all have sinned all fall short of the glory of God"

Gays are sinners.

And so am I.

And so are you.

And so are we all.

And no sin is worse than any other.

Murder is worse than eating oysters.

Eating oyster isn't a sin, though.
Jesus fulfilled the blood laws.

All food is clean when received in thanksgiving.

Last I checked no one was trying to force people to convert to Christianity and no one was trying to force people to get gay married.

The left is going to be quite happy to force others to accept same sex marriage as legal though. Get rid of anti discrimination laws and no one would have a problem with same sex marriage.

As legal? Hell yes.

No one will force you to accept it as moral, but you don't get to tell people they can't have the same legal rights as you simply because you don't agree with homosexuality.

So basically, "think whatever you want, but you have to act THIS way publicly". Yeah, that's not forcing acceptance on anyone.
In our modern world, Christians have to understand that they are a prominent religion, but not the only religion. Religion is a choice, but there should not be campaigning like "Tebowing". Also, Christians should not thrust their views on anyone. I've never seen any Jewish people thrusting their religion on people.

So you are saying a football player cant bow a knee in prayer or thanks to his creator.. in public view?

Who is being intolerant now?

He can crawl on his belly to the huddle if he wants to. I am free to think that would be silly.

Who said you couldn't think anything you want about it? I guess you missed the point where Phillie went past "I think it's silly" to "there shouldn't be any of that". Or maybe you just want to pretend it didn't exist.
No one wants to force you to endorse gay marriage.

So you are saying that Rahm Emanuel and Thomas M. Menino didnt say Chic Fil A was not welcome in their communities?
You are also saying that gays didnt accuse them of being "hateful" towards them?

All this because Dan Cathy didnt endorse gay marriage, and instead supports traditional marriage...

Yeah you can say no one wants to force us to endorse gay marriage all ya want... I know differently.
I do not support anyone attempting to bar chick-fil-a from opening. Everything I have read since from both the left and the right from CNN to fox, everyone has said its not just illegal but silly and wrong.

No one is forcing you to accept homosexuality.
No one is forcing you to welcome homosexuals into your home or your church.
No one is forcing you to marry someone of the same gender

However you do not get to deny someone else rights because their lifestyle is morally wrong according to your religion.

So basically, in your worldview, if we block the attempts to force other beliefs on us, that is the same as the attempts never happening?

You do not get to deny reality because it doesn't conform to your beliefs and wishful thinking.
No... the left just wants Christians to start endorsing their sex habits and to endorse gay marriage.

If you don't believe me...
Look at how Dan Cathy was treated by several liberal Democratic mayors… it was un-American what those men did to him.

Its not enough to accept it and to tolerate it...
No one wants to force you to endorse gay marriage.

No? You mean they haven't put it on ballots in 30-something states? They aren't in courts across the country, getting judges to make rulings when they can't get the voting to go the way they want?

Gosh, I guess I was living in an alternate universe the last few years, and didn't realize it.

I'm sorry, did I miss the part where someone stuck a gun to your head and made you vote yes for any of those ballots?

No one says you have to like homosexuals, be friends with homosexuals, attend gay weddings or welcome them into your home.

You're even allowed to stand up and fight to keep them from having the ability to legally bind their lives to the person of their choosing.

However, the tide has turned agaisnt you. It will never again be socially acceptable to discriminate, bully, or shun someone based on who they love. Eventually homosexauls in our county, just like the rest of the western world, will have the right to marry, and in 30 years, there will be a tiny blip in textbooks showing pictures of angry people holding signs declaring gods wrath is nigh, next to a caption about Americas struggle for gay equality.

You are on the wrong side of history, however I would never tell you that you don't have the right to be there.

However that's not the point of this thread.

There isnt a single right I have that a gay person doesn't have or vice versa.

bullshit and it's disingenuous at best for you to keep insisting that it's true.

if they can't marry who they love, then they are second class citizens.

please spare me the usual bullshit about polygamy, animals and incest.

It's disingenuous to pretend that "love" is mentioned anywhere in the law.

It's also disingenuous to pretend that anyone is stopping them from having weddings, presenting themselves as married, buying a house together, living together, whatever. The ONLY thing they're not doing is being accepted by other people as married.

It's disingenuous to pretend that there's a "right" to have your relationships recognized and sanctioned by the government or society.
So you are saying that Rahm Emanuel and Thomas M. Menino didnt say Chic Fil A was not welcome in their communities?
You are also saying that gays didnt accuse them of being "hateful" towards them?

All this because Dan Cathy didnt endorse gay marriage, and instead supports traditional marriage...

Yeah you can say no one wants to force us to endorse gay marriage all ya want... I know differently.
I do not support anyone attempting to bar chick-fil-a from opening. Everything I have read since from both the left and the right from CNN to fox, everyone has said its not just illegal but silly and wrong.

No one is forcing you to accept homosexuality.
No one is forcing you to welcome homosexuals into your home or your church.
No one is forcing you to marry someone of the same gender

However you do not get to deny someone else rights because their lifestyle is morally wrong according to your religion.

So basically, in your worldview, if we block the attempts to force other beliefs on us, that is the same as the attempts never happening?

You do not get to deny reality because it doesn't conform to your beliefs and wishful thinking.

Please explain how anyone is forcing their beliefs onto you, then flip it around and judge yourself by that same ruler.
bullshit and it's disingenuous at best for you to keep insisting that it's true.

if they can't marry who they love, then they are second class citizens.

please spare me the usual bullshit about polygamy, animals and incest.

Marriage isn't defined by love.

I can't marry a man any more than any other man can. It's the exact same right here.

what then is the reason to get married?

men can marry men, just not in your state, i assume.

how would your marriage be diminished by same sex marriage?

Are you serious? Do you really think the quaint notions of "love" - ie. infatuation - as some sort of divine, holy, higher bonding has been the natural order of things for longer than a century, if that?

For most of human history, people have gotten married for financial reasons, social and personal stability, the production and raising of children, partnership . . . love was pretty much considered something you tried to cultivate as a RESULT of marriage, not a REASON for it.
marriage is a civil contract and has been for hundreds of years.

to simply say the state shouldn't be in the marriage business is more disingenuity.

laws and rights are not achieved by consensus.

No one is stopping anyone from entering into a private contractual relationship with anyone. That doesn't mean the government needs to recognize it. Nor that we should redefine marriage to call something that isnt a marriage a marriage.

If we passed a law to call all cats dogs, would a cat become a dog, or would it still be a cat?

if the govt doesn't recognize it, there's no point to it.

i'd have some respect for you guys if you spent as much time fighting divorce as you do ssm.

your marriage must be pretty fragile if two strangers getting married threaten it.

Really? There's no point to marriage beyond government recognition? REALLY?!

I can assure you that my husband and I would still be married, whether the government sanctioned it or not.
No one wants to force you to endorse gay marriage.

No? You mean they haven't put it on ballots in 30-something states? They aren't in courts across the country, getting judges to make rulings when they can't get the voting to go the way they want?

Gosh, I guess I was living in an alternate universe the last few years, and didn't realize it.

I'm sorry, did I miss the part where someone stuck a gun to your head and made you vote yes for any of those ballots?

No one says you have to like homosexuals, be friends with homosexuals, attend gay weddings or welcome them into your home.

You're even allowed to stand up and fight to keep them from having the ability to legally bind their lives to the person of their choosing.

However, the tide has turned agaisnt you. It will never again be socially acceptable to discriminate, bully, or shun someone based on who they love. Eventually homosexauls in our county, just like the rest of the western world, will have the right to marry, and in 30 years, there will be a tiny blip in textbooks showing pictures of angry people holding signs declaring gods wrath is nigh, next to a caption about Americas struggle for gay equality.

You are on the wrong side of history, however I would never tell you that you don't have the right to be there.

I'm sorry, did you miss the significance of something being a law? Spare me the obtuse act. I will never understand why you lefties think "I'm totally blank and stupid and can't figure out what's going on" is an effective argument.

No one says I have to do anything about homosexuals NOW. What will they say when it's the law?

And who asked to discriminate, bully, or shun anyone? Believe it or not, dimwit, disagreeing with you is NOT the same as "discriminating, bullying, or shunning", just like tolerating is not the same as accepting. If you want to accuse me of something, asshole, you'd better have some fucking proof that I did it.
I do not support anyone attempting to bar chick-fil-a from opening. Everything I have read since from both the left and the right from CNN to fox, everyone has said its not just illegal but silly and wrong.

No one is forcing you to accept homosexuality.
No one is forcing you to welcome homosexuals into your home or your church.
No one is forcing you to marry someone of the same gender

However you do not get to deny someone else rights because their lifestyle is morally wrong according to your religion.

So basically, in your worldview, if we block the attempts to force other beliefs on us, that is the same as the attempts never happening?

You do not get to deny reality because it doesn't conform to your beliefs and wishful thinking.

Please explain how anyone is forcing their beliefs onto you, then flip it around and judge yourself by that same ruler.

Riiiight. Trying to bar someone from opening a business in a certain city because the mayor doesn't like his religious beliefs isn't "forcing beliefs" on that person, because in your worldview, the mayor was stopped from doing it, so it never happened.

How would you like me to "flip that around"? I don't know of any conservative mayors trying to illegally bar businesses from their cities due to religious beliefs, so I'd say we came out ahead on that.
They are not the fucking same, I don't have to accept Christians and Christian behavior in order to be tolerant of it. If I don't harass, bother, discriminate, or physically assault anyone and treat them with respect when I do have to interact with them I am being tolerant. Get over it and stop trying to force people to accept your bullshit.

You demonstrate neither tolerance nor acceptance, you have no fucking business lecturing me, or anyone else, on the subject. If I want a lecture on the subject I will Rob Halford, the openly gay singer of Judas Priest. Here is what he has to say about the Chick-fil-A dust up. You should pay attention.

"Before I get into this, I just want to say that I love America. I love the American Constitution and the First Amendment," says Halford, 60, whose main residence is in Phoenix, Ariz. "I'm actually watching a PBS documentary that I got on DVD about the life of John Adams. If you really get into the heart and soul of this great country, it's all about the constitution and the First Amendment and freedom of speech.

"Everybody in this country has the right to say what they think and feel and what best represents them. The people at Chick-fil-A have the absolute right to say and do what they want. It doesn't matter that all of these people disagree with their opinion. The question was how would the people that agree with what that man said do to support the company and how would the ones against his anti-gay remarks protest.

"The supporters have been showing up in droves, to spend money at the restaurants and peacefully assemble. But there has obviously been so many people who have gone out and boycotted the company. I think it's great. That's our right here. What you're seeing here are the elements of the American Constitution in all of their glory. It's a wonderful thing to see happening and talk about and the fact that everyone is discussing the gay rights issue is great."

Before our interview ended, Halford wanted to be clear about his stance on the anti-gay marriage issue: "I don't think that man thought too much about the business consequences of what he said, but I think he was standing for what he believes in. I don't agree with him at all, but God bless the man. It's as simple as that."
Judas Priest's Rob Halford Weighs in on Chick-fil-A Anti-Gay Scandal - Noisecreep
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No? You mean they haven't put it on ballots in 30-something states? They aren't in courts across the country, getting judges to make rulings when they can't get the voting to go the way they want?

Gosh, I guess I was living in an alternate universe the last few years, and didn't realize it.

I'm sorry, did I miss the part where someone stuck a gun to your head and made you vote yes for any of those ballots?

No one says you have to like homosexuals, be friends with homosexuals, attend gay weddings or welcome them into your home.

You're even allowed to stand up and fight to keep them from having the ability to legally bind their lives to the person of their choosing.

However, the tide has turned agaisnt you. It will never again be socially acceptable to discriminate, bully, or shun someone based on who they love. Eventually homosexauls in our county, just like the rest of the western world, will have the right to marry, and in 30 years, there will be a tiny blip in textbooks showing pictures of angry people holding signs declaring gods wrath is nigh, next to a caption about Americas struggle for gay equality.

You are on the wrong side of history, however I would never tell you that you don't have the right to be there.

I'm sorry, did you miss the significance of something being a law? Spare me the obtuse act. I will never understand why you lefties think "I'm totally blank and stupid and can't figure out what's going on" is an effective argument.

No one says I have to do anything about homosexuals NOW. What will they say when it's the law?.....

If your position is "no one says I have to marry someone of the same gender now, but once the law changes maybe they will!"

Well then I can fully understand your fear and your need to fight so hard. I'm honestly sorry you're so worried, and would urge you to perhaps seek a counselor or your pastor to speak to.
I'm sorry, did I miss the part where someone stuck a gun to your head and made you vote yes for any of those ballots?

No one says you have to like homosexuals, be friends with homosexuals, attend gay weddings or welcome them into your home.

You're even allowed to stand up and fight to keep them from having the ability to legally bind their lives to the person of their choosing.

However, the tide has turned agaisnt you. It will never again be socially acceptable to discriminate, bully, or shun someone based on who they love. Eventually homosexauls in our county, just like the rest of the western world, will have the right to marry, and in 30 years, there will be a tiny blip in textbooks showing pictures of angry people holding signs declaring gods wrath is nigh, next to a caption about Americas struggle for gay equality.

You are on the wrong side of history, however I would never tell you that you don't have the right to be there.

I'm sorry, did you miss the significance of something being a law? Spare me the obtuse act. I will never understand why you lefties think "I'm totally blank and stupid and can't figure out what's going on" is an effective argument.

No one says I have to do anything about homosexuals NOW. What will they say when it's the law?.....

If your position is "no one says I have to marry someone of the same gender now, but once the law changes maybe they will!"

Well then I can fully understand your fear and your need to fight so hard. I'm honestly sorry you're so worried, and would urge you to perhaps seek a counselor or your pastor to speak to.

You misspelled "Straw"
I'm sorry, did you miss the significance of something being a law? Spare me the obtuse act. I will never understand why you lefties think "I'm totally blank and stupid and can't figure out what's going on" is an effective argument.

No one says I have to do anything about homosexuals NOW. What will they say when it's the law?.....

If your position is "no one says I have to marry someone of the same gender now, but once the law changes maybe they will!"

Well then I can fully understand your fear and your need to fight so hard. I'm honestly sorry you're so worried, and would urge you to perhaps seek a counselor or your pastor to speak to.

You misspelled "Straw"
So how did you interpret

"No one says I have to do anything about homosexuals now. What will they say when it's the law? "
If your position is "no one says I have to marry someone of the same gender now, but once the law changes maybe they will!"

Well then I can fully understand your fear and your need to fight so hard. I'm honestly sorry you're so worried, and would urge you to perhaps seek a counselor or your pastor to speak to.

You misspelled "Straw"
So how did you interpret

"No one says I have to do anything about homosexuals now. What will they say when it's the law? "

As a sentence in and of it's self.
I didn't see the word "marry" in it nowhere
I worked a case a few years ago here where a man and his wife moved into town. He was an auto mechanic and after a few years of working at local repair shops he looked for a location to build his auto repair shop on. He found a realtor who happened to be from MY church, sang in the choir and was a big wig in the local church. The realtor found them a location at a very good intersection and they bought the lot for 120K. There was a disclosure clause in the contract that the seller know of no problems with the lot which included hazardous materials, dumping, etc. 6 months later they started construction on the lot. Turned out there was an entire building buried on this lot along with 20 feet deep filling of old construction materials and trash as this has been a dumping ground in the 70s. They had to pay 125K MORE to haul off the debris before they could build. The current building sits low at that intersection. They hired a law firm and the firm hired me to investigate. I found a local grader that had buried a lot of the materials there in the 70s for the past owners and he testified at court. I was so involved in this I went to the realtor that I knew from church. Facts were HE KNEW also. I inquired how could he do this, lie and fabricate this for a sale. This man was in his early 70s and a pillar in the community. "Dawg, this is what I do in the business world 6 days a week to make a living. This is business and what I do to make a sale. So what if we knew and did not tell the truth? God forgives me for my sins on Sunday when I ask for it".
Bull shit. He is going to burn in hell. This bit that one can do what they want, sin all they want and ask forgiveness and be saved one second before they die is Bull Shit.
If that is what Christianity is about then I want no part of it. Sin is not sin is not sin.
And we won the case awarding 250K to the man and his wife for real estate fraud.
And like you say, he was punished according to his sin, not a penny less, and not a penny more, and not according to anothers sin was he guilty of, and therefore punished by in such a way, be it either below or beyond his own sin.

What is this attitude that sin is sin as is sin is sin according to and/or spoken of by these people now, and that are being found in this world anymore ? They are using these metaphores or sayings to hide behind, in order to feel better about it all or to hide behind it all when they justify themselves in their sin, but come time to pay the piper, there'll be no more hiding as many have already found out in their life, and this as they have lived it upon this earth.
I worked a case a few years ago here where a man and his wife moved into town. He was an auto mechanic and after a few years of working at local repair shops he looked for a location to build his auto repair shop on. He found a realtor who happened to be from MY church, sang in the choir and was a big wig in the local church. The realtor found them a location at a very good intersection and they bought the lot for 120K. There was a disclosure clause in the contract that the seller know of no problems with the lot which included hazardous materials, dumping, etc. 6 months later they started construction on the lot. Turned out there was an entire building buried on this lot along with 20 feet deep filling of old construction materials and trash as this has been a dumping ground in the 70s. They had to pay 125K MORE to haul off the debris before they could build. The current building sits low at that intersection. They hired a law firm and the firm hired me to investigate. I found a local grader that had buried a lot of the materials there in the 70s for the past owners and he testified at court. I was so involved in this I went to the realtor that I knew from church. Facts were HE KNEW also. I inquired how could he do this, lie and fabricate this for a sale. This man was in his early 70s and a pillar in the community. "Dawg, this is what I do in the business world 6 days a week to make a living. This is business and what I do to make a sale. So what if we knew and did not tell the truth? God forgives me for my sins on Sunday when I ask for it".
Bull shit. He is going to burn in hell. This bit that one can do what they want, sin all they want and ask forgiveness and be saved one second before they die is Bull Shit.
If that is what Christianity is about then I want no part of it. Sin is not sin is not sin.
And we won the case awarding 250K to the man and his wife for real estate fraud.

I've heard that mindest from other Christians and have been equally mystified. Talk about not getting the point.

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