Christie endorses Trump

Interesting but not really surprising I have a couple of thoughts on the endorsement. First is Christie angling for possible VP slot? Second is this because his own plan to take Rubio down backfired? Kind of odd that Christie who went after Rubio for lack of experience would now endorse someone who has no governing experience at all.

Rubio has no job creation experience, so, looks like Christie is backing a CEO with job creating experience over a politician with mostly hot-air creating experience.
This stuff is not as difficult as you frame it out to be!
People love to keep saying Trump is a CEO and job creator and yes he is the thing people keep forgetting is Presidents don't start busissness they don't hire people or create jobs they create and put policies in place that allow that to happen that is something a CEO does not do. As I said on another thread running a business even an international one and a country are two very different things. Being good at one does not make you good at the other.

Unless the CEO is Trump, who surrounds and will surround himself with very, very bright people, some who are egads, politicians!
You left that part out..........which is Yuuge!!!
Interesting but not really surprising I have a couple of thoughts on the endorsement. First is Christie angling for possible VP slot? Second is this because his own plan to take Rubio down backfired? Kind of odd that Christie who went after Rubio for lack of experience would now endorse someone who has no governing experience at all.

Rubio has no job creation experience, so, looks like Christie is backing a CEO with job creating experience over a politician with mostly hot-air creating experience.
This stuff is not as difficult as you frame it out to be!
People love to keep saying Trump is a CEO and job creator and yes he is the thing people keep forgetting is Presidents don't start busissness they don't hire people or create jobs they create and put policies in place that allow that to happen that is something a CEO does not do. As I said on another thread running a business even an international one and a country are two very different things. Being good at one does not make you good at the other.

Unless the CEO is Trump, who surrounds and will surround himself with very, very bright people, some who are egads, politicians!
You left that part out..........which is Yuuge!!!
Every President surrounds himself with very, very bright people but you actually have to be willing to listen to those people and take their advice something I'm by no means convinced Trump will do.
Interesting but not really surprising I have a couple of thoughts on the endorsement. First is Christie angling for possible VP slot? Second is this because his own plan to take Rubio down backfired? Kind of odd that Christie who went after Rubio for lack of experience would now endorse someone who has no governing experience at all.

Rubio has no job creation experience, so, looks like Christie is backing a CEO with job creating experience over a politician with mostly hot-air creating experience.
This stuff is not as difficult as you frame it out to be!
People love to keep saying Trump is a CEO and job creator and yes he is the thing people keep forgetting is Presidents don't start busissness they don't hire people or create jobs they create and put policies in place that allow that to happen that is something a CEO does not do. As I said on another thread running a business even an international one and a country are two very different things. Being good at one does not make you good at the other.

Unless the CEO is Trump, who surrounds and will surround himself with very, very bright people, some who are egads, politicians!
You left that part out..........which is Yuuge!!!
Every President surrounds himself with very, very bright people but you actually have to be willing to listen to those people and take their advice something I'm by no means convinced Trump will do.

Well, not my job to convince you. I'm sure you'll eventually make up your own mind.
Rubio IS the Republican establishment, and Trump just depanced him (and Mitt, too!). If puppet Mitt cannot understand why someone under an IRS audit should not publicly release their taxes, than no wonder he lost an election; as, any Federal tax attorney, worth their salt, would not advise a client to release their taxes while being audited! It's just that commonsense, and simple.

This issue about Trump releasing his tax returns is a blatant example of the dishonest gotcha tactics from the GOP establishment. Do you see any difference between the crap that Reid pulled on Romney and what the GOP is trying to do to Trump? I don't.
Romney most likely was paying 15% or so, and in the year of the great recession, he most likely paid zero ... and he may have even carried paper losses into latter years. Why he put himself in that situation when he knew he was going to run .... that was really the question.

Now with Trump, it would be interesting to know what he's hiding.

If he is hiding anything, the time to produce ones taxes is not when they're being audited............unless one has never been audited (I have!). Muppets who make small change and get small change tax returns, just don't and most likely, will never understand this! Therefore, it makes for a good sound-bite if someone wants to raise suspicion and bring an individual down.
Face it, who the hell any more, puts their full faith and trust in the IRS, which has become a political establishment tool? Maybe an uninformed idiot...........or, Lois Lerner!

Its sad all the GOP establishment has left in the bag is a Harry Reid dirty trick, pathetic.

Well, many people for many years have said there is no difference between the two parties. Looks like they've been correcto mundo all this, time for a new Trump-led Republican Party!!!

Fuck the gop
Trump's the new America
Get used to it tards

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Christy commented on how Rubio doesn't show up for work .

Says the govenor of NEW JERSEY who flew down to texas on a weekday for a trump photo op?!?
It's a big deal, no doubt about it. Christie is definitely in the establishment camp.

However, it was noted prior that the two were friends, and Christie rarely went after Trump.

He could also be angling for a place as VP.

Makes you wonder if Trump can convince the GOP that he's the right guy.
And not for political expediency,I mean really believe it.

A Trump/Christie ticket would bring a quip/insult hourly!

Wasnt really talking about Christie so much as the rest of the RINOs.

Why not?

Trump is the ultimate RINO.
It's a big deal, no doubt about it. Christie is definitely in the establishment camp.

However, it was noted prior that the two were friends, and Christie rarely went after Trump.

He could also be angling for a place as VP.

Makes you wonder if Trump can convince the GOP that he's the right guy.
And not for political expediency,I mean really believe it.

A Trump/Christie ticket would bring a quip/insult hourly!

Wasnt really talking about Christie so much as the rest of the RINOs.

Why not?

Trump is the ultimate RINO.

You know what? At this point i'm willing to take a chance.
I wouldnt mind Cruz at all,but I still get the establishment feeling from him and his dual speeches on immigration kinda of pissed me off.
Other than that I really dont care for the rest of the field.
It's a big deal, no doubt about it. Christie is definitely in the establishment camp.

However, it was noted prior that the two were friends, and Christie rarely went after Trump.

He could also be angling for a place as VP.

Makes you wonder if Trump can convince the GOP that he's the right guy.
And not for political expediency,I mean really believe it.

A Trump/Christie ticket would bring a quip/insult hourly!

Wasnt really talking about Christie so much as the rest of the RINOs.

Why not?

Trump is the ultimate RINO.

LOL- so true!

I don't want Trump as President- but he is far less dangerous than a Cruz, a Rubio or a Carson.

Trump is no religiousor Conservative idealogue. I think he would be a lousy President- but if I had to choose between him or Cruz?

Oh I would pick Trump.
Might be more impressive if he hadn't spent the last year or so saying Trump is unqualified to be President
Imagine if the GOPe went after Obama when he was up for re-election like they are doing to Trump :)

Very telling of whats really going on. GOPe will be gutted and totally powerless once Trump takes office. At least with Hillary in office they could keep the gravy train going. Fox News will be the new MSNBC
And MSNBC will be taken off the air after the libel laws are passed.

BTW does it bother anyone else that the phoney conservatives are endorsing Trump?
We're watching the end of the republican party. How long before Congress has a Democratic majority again?

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