Christie’s calculus to win the presidency in 2024: Trump is ‘in the rearview mirror’...Christie does an hourlong interview on CNN Monday

Trump told Christie after they both got COVID: "you're not gonna blame me, are you?"

a new Iowa poll shows 62 percent think the Republican Party is more important than loyalty to Trump with 26 percent saying the opposite

the argument against running in 2024 for anyone but Trump is, even if they win the primary, they would lose 1/3rd of GOP votes in the general because those folks are Trump cultists, leading to defeat against whoever the Democrat is.

Christie says in response that anyone who runs for president based on such a political calculus is not qualified for the office

Dimmer calling me a cultist hahahahahahaha
presidential campaigns are about the future. Trump is the past. Christie is the future

ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Presidential campaigns are about the PRESENT--- of the country. Trump was the best thing that has happened to this country in a LONG time. All of the negatives about Trump were created by the Democrats! Their incessant media blasting! That is what people got tired of. Other than that, Trump's snarkiness was mostly in response to and in defense of all the rude and inflammatory attacks he got on a daily basis.

Trump has changed the GOP for the better, finally made them competitive with democrats short of their cheating. If the GOP fully embrace MAGA now and run with it, with or without Trump running, they have a winning strategy for America that people can get behind.

Christie is a dyed in the wool RINO. He has about as much electibility as Bob Dole and if he is the GOP nomination, the GOP loses again, simple as that. And if Christie gets in office, he will become super-RINO about as fast as "moderate-Joe" switched to radical extreme leftist once in office. America loses again.

This country needs 4 more years of Trump, but perhaps a Trump 2.0, if Trump can find it in him to reinvent himself--- still Trump, but without making himself such easy fodder for leftwing media derision, and that is doable by simply using the past 4 years as a model for what worked and what went wrong and how.
Crispy cream for President? Really, you have got to be kidding me, hahaha, the mans a pathetic Rhino slob. Not a chance in hell. He’s afraid of his own shadow..

"Christie calls a politician he doesn't like an SOB, and one he does like a BLT" - Conan O'Brien

Christie says Trump's actions on election night 2020 made him "sick to my stomach", even though he voted for him earlier that day. talk about playing both sides

Christie says he disavows The Proud Boys, compares them to the John Birch Society, maintains there are extremist groups on the left like Antifa

"leaders don't follow polls, leaders change polls...through their strong leadership"

""So, you may or may not support Donald Trump in 2024, you may or may not run for president, and a book about liars and conspiracy theorists doesn't have anything to say about Fox News?" #NicolleWallace asks former #NJ Gov. #ChrisChristie."

Christie says he supports Biden's infrastructure bill, even though there's some stuff in it he despises


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