Christie’s calculus to win the presidency in 2024: Trump is ‘in the rearview mirror’...Christie does an hourlong interview on CNN Monday

“Christie is a guy who knows how to create a narrative. He can throw a punch and he can take a punch.”
excerpts from OP article:

When Christie first test-drove his message in a September speech at the Ronald Reagan Library, Trump remained uncharacteristically silent. After Saturday’s speech — and the national media showered attention on Christie — Trump let loose on his former ally.

“Christie was just absolutely massacred by his statements that Republicans have to move on from the past, meaning the 2020 Election Fraud,” Trump said in a written statement on Monday. “Everybody remembers that Chris left New Jersey with a less than 9% approval rating—a record low, and they didn’t want to hear this from him!”

A Trump spokesperson had no further comment about Christie, beyond Trump’s written statement. But those familiar with his thinking say the former president feels Christie is being disloyal with his criticisms — one of the least-forgivable sins in his orbit — and suggested Christie was miffed that Trump never made him White House chief of staff or attorney general.

“Christie is trying to create a path, but right now it’s a bike lane he needs to widen with the help of the media,” one Trump adviser said. “Christie didn’t say Trump was a liar. You guys are giving him credit for balls he didn’t show.”

Trump supporters and critics alike say Christie is benefiting from softball interviews in which he doesn’t have to answer for standing by Trump throughout his four-year term of tumult and controversy. Only now that Christie could politically benefit from being critical, they say, is he speaking out.

Ed Rollins, who heads a pro-Trump super PAC, said Republican voters won’t reward Christie for trying to run as a once-loyal Trump insider who’s also a critic.

“To the Trump people he’ll come across as a traitor. And they’ll come after him, big-time,” Rollins said.
ahhh, simpler times!

Hurricane Sandy was the 2nd worst hurricane in American History next to Katrina, and the state recovered within 1 year. Christie got rave reviews across the board
if he runs and wins the nomination the left will label him a racist and a white supremacist .. fact !
The closest Christie has come to criticizing Trump by name appears in an Axios-HBO interview that airs Sunday. “I’m not gonna get into a back-and-forth with Donald Trump,” he says in the sitdown. “But what I will say is this: When I ran for reelection in 2013, I got 60 percent of the vote. When he ran for reelection, he lost to Joe Biden."

Christie has the same style as Trump...i like them both...Trump has had a chance, so why not President Christie?

I like Florida’s Governor DeSantis. While he is a fighter like Trump he is not obnoxious like Trump. He has done a great job in Florida including managing the COVID-19 Pandemic. No vaccine or mask mandates.

Hurricane Sandy was the 2nd worst hurricane in American History next to Katrina, and the state recovered within 1 year. Christie got rave reviews across the board
Sandy was barely a hurricane when it made landfall. The media played this up because for once liberal land was in the crosshairs of the storm. I have yet to see any photos of the devastation, but I have seen house across the street from the Atlantic that were still pristine. Flooding was the major issue, not wind. In the grand scheme of things, it was a non-event except for the people stupid enough to drown.
Those who know Christie have little doubt he’s serious about running for president in 2024 — and say he’s not just trying to sell his new book.

“He’s very ambitious, always has been. And he’s very, very smart and knows how to calculate the odds,” said former New Jersey Gov. Tom Kean, who has known Christie since high school and whom Christie once called a mentor. “He felt the last election that Trump took his place. He thought he had carved out a space for himself, the rough-talking, tell-things-as-they-are position. But that was Trump. Now he thinks Trump is probably in the rearview mirror and what position can he get into now.”
"you cannot stand before the seal of the US presidency and claim the election was rigged...without evidence", Christie declares right off the bat in this extended interview where most of the questions are about Trump and Biden

"of course Paul Ryan didn't take questions from the audience. people from Jersey take questions!"

"what do you see in Trump that others don't see?"

"Trump was not my 1st choice for president, i was!"

Christie says Kushner (of all people) told him he should tell Trump to knock it off about the Muslim Gold Star family...Christie told Trump: "he give has son to this country, that means he can do whatever the hell he wants", and Trump never spoke of them again
also from the OP article:

Another Republican familiar with Christie’s thinking said bluntly that “Christie isn’t scared of Trump. They’ve known each other a long time, before either of them got into politics. What matters to Christie is if he has a realistic chance of winning.”

Christie’s stepped-up criticisms and media tour bear all the hallmarks of an early presidential campaign, said Gregg Keller, a Republican strategist.

“There's virtually no downside to running for president anymore. It’s a big business. It gets you bigger speaker fees. It helps you sell books and gives the cable news networks an excuse to bring you on,” Keller said. “I think he has learned that if he's willing to say things that sometimes cut against Trump — sometimes cut against what MAGA believes — that he's going to continue to get interview requests, even though he's no longer governor.”
during Charlotesville, Christie was in Sicily on vacation, and he rushed back to America to tell Trump he was wrong
Christie is a left leaning Republican. New Jersey when it elects Republicans, tends to vote for this type. In that state, they bring a bit more sanity to it compared to the massive tax agendas of the Prog governors. Anyone talking of corruption or things that look shady to Christie certainly is not paying attention to Progs that are slowly destroying that state. Progs set the rules and legislation for gambling in Atlantic City and do what Progs do. Blow free money.
presidential campaigns are about the future. Trump is the past. Christie is the future

No, he isn't.

I repeat, what has Christie done that has advanced his political capitol since the last time he ran?

He lost, and lost handily. He was never a real contender. Since that time, nothing has happened that would elevate him past his previous performance. Without that, a candidacy from Christie is nothing more than a novel distraction like the other 'candidates' who are there to get a whole 1 or 2% and give some semblance of a primary race.
Christie has the same style as Trump...i like them both...Trump has had a chance, so why not President Christie?

This is too funny..........this guy is truly insane............his wife and his family should have an intervention .....

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