"Chuck and Nancy" bail on meeting with Trump after his stupid tweet

The top 2 Democratic Party Leaders were defeated / 'taken out' by a TWEET.



Adolf Twitler shoots himself in the foot yet again - The unbelievable idiocy continues!
Scientists should really crack open the skull of snowflakes like this and, if they find anything at all, study the obvious dysfunction that makes them feel the need to lie, twist, spin, and/or see things in such a f*ed-up way.

When you are the two leaders of your political party in your own respective Houses of Congress, leading those under you, if you are so 'offended' by a TWEET that you are unable to function, unable to do your job, unable to carry out your duties, and have to run for your 'safe zone', you damn-well shouldn't even BE a representative of the people, let alone one of the 2 leaders of your party.

Snowflakes like this see 2 triggered, emotional, fragile corrupt politicians - who openly declared 100% commitment to obstruct and ensure everything the govt tries to accomplish for the good of the nation FAILS - who get offended by a TWEET, who abandoned their jobs and run for their 'safe zones', and they see 'heroes'...'leaders'.

:lmao: F*ing remarkable.

Wanna know what Americans see?

View attachment 163363

The president sitting between 2 empty chairs where
'leaders' SHOULD be but instead where 2 seditious,
obstructing cowards chose not to sit.

Poor Crooked Donnie

Like a kid who threw a Birthday Party and nobody showed up
New GOP Election Ad:


............America, why vote for Democrats?...........
They will never show when you need them anyway.
Vote 'GOP' in 2018....and 2020...and 2022...etc..."

Adolf Twitler shoots himself in the foot yet again - The unbelievable idiocy continues!
Scientists should really crack open the skull of snowflakes like this and, if they find anything at all, study the obvious dysfunction that makes them feel the need to lie, twist, spin, and/or see things in such a f*ed-up way.

When you are the two leaders of your political party in your own respective Houses of Congress, leading those under you, if you are so 'offended' by a TWEET that you are unable to function, unable to do your job, unable to carry out your duties, and have to run for your 'safe zone', you damn-well shouldn't even BE a representative of the people, let alone one of the 2 leaders of your party.

Snowflakes like this see 2 triggered, emotional, fragile corrupt politicians - who openly declared 100% commitment to obstruct and ensure everything the govt tries to accomplish for the good of the nation FAILS - who get offended by a TWEET, who abandoned their jobs and run for their 'safe zones', and they see 'heroes'...'leaders'.

:lmao: F*ing remarkable.

Wanna know what Americans see?

View attachment 163363

The president sitting between 2 empty chairs where
'leaders' SHOULD be but instead where 2 seditious,
obstructing cowards chose not to sit.

Poor Crooked Donnie

Like a kid who threw a Birthday Party and nobody showed up
yet everyone still talked about him anyway making sure they know they feel he isn't worth their time.

wild when you think about it.
yet everyone still talked about him anyway making sure they know they feel he isn't worth their time.


PRESIDENT TURMP: 'WTF are Nancy and chuck?'

OFF CAMERA: 'Hiding under their beds after your TWEET.'


The top 2 Democratic Party Leaders were defeated / 'taken out' by a TWEET.



I am so glad that President Trump won... I will vote for him again in 2020. Make America Great Again, again, by driving the liberals bat shit crazy....
Yes, driving people crazy. That's the whole point of trying to have a better country. It isn't about what's good for the country, only getting your jollies seeing someone else unhappy. Oh, BTW, why is donnie's approval rating so low? Lower than any other president at this time in his term? Please explain. I'll bet you'll blame it on the Democrats and the media. Go on, explain. It isn't only the Dems who don't like him. If the Republicans could get rid of him, and replace him with someone sane, they would do it in a heart beat.
They weren't hiding under their beds. They're not afraid of the guy.
They thought they'd be clever and "punish" him for running his mouth. However, he's too stupid to get the connection, as are his followers, so the effort was lost and they lost the opportunity to have a dialogue with the Pres and Republican leaders about the budget which is DUE NEXT WEEK.
They weren't hiding under their beds. They're not afraid of the guy.
They thought they'd be clever and "punish" him for running his mouth. However, he's too stupid to get the connection, as are his followers, so the effort was lost and they lost the opportunity to have a dialogue with the Pres and Republican leaders about the budget which is DUE NEXT WEEK.
liberals have a bad habit of running and hiding when they're not getting their way. while i don't say trump is right, i do say they are wrong for being children about it and acting as such.

both sides are re-defining stupid and as long as we condone one side over the other doing it, we will keep on this path of idiocy.
Adolf Twitler shoots himself in the foot yet again - The unbelievable idiocy continues!
Scientists should really crack open the skull of snowflakes like this and, if they find anything at all, study the obvious dysfunction that makes them feel the need to lie, twist, spin, and/or see things in such a f*ed-up way.

When you are the two leaders of your political party in your own respective Houses of Congress, leading those under you, if you are so 'offended' by a TWEET that you are unable to function, unable to do your job, unable to carry out your duties, and have to run for your 'safe zone', you damn-well shouldn't even BE a representative of the people, let alone one of the 2 leaders of your party.

Snowflakes like this see 2 triggered, emotional, fragile corrupt politicians - who openly declared 100% commitment to obstruct and ensure everything the govt tries to accomplish for the good of the nation FAILS - who get offended by a TWEET, who abandoned their jobs and run for their 'safe zones', and they see 'heroes'...'leaders'.

:lmao: F*ing remarkable.

Wanna know what Americans see?

View attachment 163363

The president sitting between 2 empty chairs where
'leaders' SHOULD be but instead where 2 seditious,
obstructing cowards chose not to sit.

Poor Crooked Donnie

Like a kid who threw a Birthday Party and nobody showed up
yet everyone still talked about him anyway making sure they know they feel he isn't worth their time.

wild when you think about it.
yes it is ,,,,the president is one sick **er.....needs to see his name on newscasts in papers every day How republicans can't see the sick pos for what he is is way beyond me But I guess it all is explained by the party before country repubs are known by
Adolf Twitler shoots himself in the foot yet again - The unbelievable idiocy continues!
Scientists should really crack open the skull of snowflakes like this and, if they find anything at all, study the obvious dysfunction that makes them feel the need to lie, twist, spin, and/or see things in such a f*ed-up way.

When you are the two leaders of your political party in your own respective Houses of Congress, leading those under you, if you are so 'offended' by a TWEET that you are unable to function, unable to do your job, unable to carry out your duties, and have to run for your 'safe zone', you damn-well shouldn't even BE a representative of the people, let alone one of the 2 leaders of your party.

Snowflakes like this see 2 triggered, emotional, fragile corrupt politicians - who openly declared 100% commitment to obstruct and ensure everything the govt tries to accomplish for the good of the nation FAILS - who get offended by a TWEET, who abandoned their jobs and run for their 'safe zones', and they see 'heroes'...'leaders'.

:lmao: F*ing remarkable.

Wanna know what Americans see?

View attachment 163363

The president sitting between 2 empty chairs where
'leaders' SHOULD be but instead where 2 seditious,
obstructing cowards chose not to sit.

Poor Crooked Donnie

Like a kid who threw a Birthday Party and nobody showed up
yet everyone still talked about him anyway making sure they know they feel he isn't worth their time.

wild when you think about it.

Poor Crooked Donnie

None of the other kids want to play with him
Not President Trump's fault if the idiots can't comprehend English: telling the American people "I don't see a deal" [because x] is not saying there's no deal possible.

Your people are just morons, sorry.
F*ing remarkable.

If someone tells you in advance of a meeting that there won't be a deal - then only an idiot would go.
Gutless pukes who have been correctly 'out'ed for the Obstructionists they are would turn to each other and say, "Hell, why go now? He already knows.'

Others would go and work to prove the President wrong.

Guess which one happened? :p

This was the best party EVER....Believe me
No President in our history has been as popular. People were lined up around the block to sit next to Fat Donnie
Schumer and Pelosi dish-out the attacks 24/7, but they can't take it.
Trump is disrupting the establishment system of corruption and they don't like it at all. LOL

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