"Chuck and Nancy" bail on meeting with Trump after his stupid tweet

The government is in danger of shutting down because Trump and the Republicans still haven't figured out how not to deficit spend.

After all these years whining about our debts.

Isn't that just fascinating!

Oh, now you care about deficits? You lefty progressives crack me the fuck up.

oh now you don't care about deficits? you rightwingnut loons are hysterical
Now you do? Irony
Maybe they should just meet and talk and listen and communicate.

Oh, just kidding, I know that's not a thing any more.

sure... that's a great idea.

except Donald, in advance lied about the democrats' positions and said there wouldn't be a deal.

so chuck and Nancy said "screw him".

then didn't look much like mitch-i-poo was interested in working with d's.

and for the record, do you think there's a lot of good will for the guy who stole a judge from a sitting president and spent 8 years intentionally obstructing a president who was twice elected by 52% of the electorate?

Trump didn't say there wouldn't be a deal.........he said "I don't see a deal". That's not final & could have still been negotiated.

and only now does the 'electorate' count, when referring to Obama?
Chuck and Nancy were probably at the Black political Icon's (Nancy's words) house working on how to spin Conyers disgusting behavior.

We are at the tip of a huge House and Senate scandal when these perverts use tax dollars to pay these women into silence and pay any settlements.
REALLY! is that what we want to see in DC?
Drain the swamp!
Maybe they should just meet and talk and listen and communicate.

Oh, just kidding, I know that's not a thing any more.

sure... that's a great idea.

except Donald, in advance lied about the democrats' positions and said there wouldn't be a deal.

so chuck and Nancy said "screw him".

then didn't look much like mitch-i-poo was interested in working with d's.

and for the record, do you think there's a lot of good will for the guy who stole a judge from a sitting president and spent 8 years intentionally obstructing a president who was twice elected by 52% of the electorate?
I think adults should act like adults and rise above the bullshit.

I don't care what the "other" side does, you rise above the bullshit and lead the way.

No one is doing that. All they're doing is pointing the finger, like children.
The government is in danger of shutting down because Trump and the Republicans still haven't figured out how not to deficit spend.

After all these years whining about our debts.

Isn't that just fascinating!

Oh, now you care about deficits? You lefty progressives crack me the fuck up.
Why are deficits always higher with repugs? Clinton left a surplus. Obama left with low deficits compared to Bush.
Factcheck.org. How fucking original...A liberal fact checking a liberal...Bwahhhhaahhhhhaaaa. The stupidity of the left knows no bounds.

Right - Factcheck (established by that wild-eyed lib-rul billionaire Republican Walter Annenberg) is so totally lib-rul using CBO numbers.

YOU are a meathead :)

Our Mission

We are a nonpartisan, nonprofit “consumer advocate” for voters that aims to reduce the level of deception and confusion in U.S. politics. We monitor the factual accuracy of what is said by major U.S. political players in the form of TV ads, debates, speeches, interviews and news releases. Our goal is to apply the best practices of both journalism and scholarship, and to increase public knowledge and understanding.

FactCheck.org is a project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania. The APPC was established by publisher and philanthropist Walter Annenberg to create a community of scholars within the University of Pennsylvania that would address public policy issues at the local, state and federal levels.​
Factcheck.org -- A Fraudulent "Fact Check" Site Funded By Biased Political Group
That is exactly what Web sites like factcheck.org are. They are biased, politically motivated propaganda Web sites, manned and funded by biased political organizations who set up the sites for the sole purpose of deviously "backing up" the political arguments of those who hold the same views that they do. It's kind of like you have a friend who is in on your lie, and you use him to back up your story and don't tell anyone else he is your friend.
Blow me ****....
Maybe they should just meet and talk and listen and communicate.

Oh, just kidding, I know that's not a thing any more.

sure... that's a great idea.

except Donald, in advance lied about the democrats' positions and said there wouldn't be a deal.

so chuck and Nancy said "screw him".

then didn't look much like mitch-i-poo was interested in working with d's.

and for the record, do you think there's a lot of good will for the guy who stole a judge from a sitting president and spent 8 years intentionally obstructing a president who was twice elected by 52% of the electorate?
I think adults should act like adults and rise above the bullshit.

I don't care what the "other" side does, you rise above the bullshit and lead the way.

No one is doing that. All they're doing is pointing the finger, like children.
All they're doing is pointing the finger, like children.
The right gets fucking tired of the left fucking up the United States, then blame the Republicans for their transgressions. We on the right have been called Racists, Sexists, Homophobes, Islamophobia, and many other names, yet we are seeing that it is the majority of the liberals who are doing those. When Maxine Waters, Chris Dodd, and Barney Frank could of prevented the housing bubble from bursting in 2004, instead of shutting down the sub prime mortgages, they continued to program until it imploded in 2007, then blame George Bush for the collapse. Stop saying it is both sides, when it is clearly one side that wants to FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM the United States into a 3rd world nation..

Adolf Twitler shoots himself in the foot yet again - The unbelievable idiocy continues!

Donald J. Trump Verified account @realDonaldTrump 3h3 hours ago
Meeting with “Chuck and Nancy” today about keeping government open and working. Problem is they want illegal immigrants flooding into our Country unchecked, are weak on Crime and want to substantially RAISE Taxes. I don’t see a deal!

Top Democratic congressional leaders pulled out of a Tuesday meeting with President Donald Trump after the president attacked them on Twitter.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said they no longer planned to meet with Trump for negotiations on a bill to fund the government. If Trump does not sign a funding bill by December 8, the federal government will enter into a partial shutdown.

"Given that the President doesn’t see a deal between Democrats and the White House, we believe the best path forward is to continue negotiating with our Republican counterparts in Congress instead," said a joint statement. "Rather than going to the White House for a show meeting that won’t result in an agreement, we’ve asked Leader McConnell and Speaker Ryan to meet this afternoon."​

'Chuck and Nancy' ditch government-shutdown meeting with Trump after Twitter attack
the idiocy is all around. both sides are being 3 year old children and the ones pimping one side over the other not even 3.
Looks like Donnie Dealmaker still does not know how to get along with people
Maybe they should just meet and talk and listen and communicate.

Oh, just kidding, I know that's not a thing any more.

sure... that's a great idea.

except Donald, in advance lied about the democrats' positions and said there wouldn't be a deal.

so chuck and Nancy said "screw him".

then didn't look much like mitch-i-poo was interested in working with d's.

and for the record, do you think there's a lot of good will for the guy who stole a judge from a sitting president and spent 8 years intentionally obstructing a president who was twice elected by 52% of the electorate?
I think adults should act like adults and rise above the bullshit.

I don't care what the "other" side does, you rise above the bullshit and lead the way.

No one is doing that. All they're doing is pointing the finger, like children.
All they're doing is pointing the finger, like children.
The right gets fucking tired of the left fucking up the United States, then blame the Republicans for their transgressions. We on the right have been called Racists, Sexists, Homophobes, Islamophobia, and many other names, yet we are seeing that it is the majority of the liberals who are doing those. When Maxine Waters, Chris Dodd, and Barney Frank could of prevented the housing bubble from bursting in 2004, instead of shutting down the sub prime mortgages, they continued to program until it imploded in 2007, then blame George Bush for the collapse. Stop saying it is both sides, when it is clearly one side that wants to FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM the United States into a 3rd world nation..

that's amusing.... I particularly like your useless youtube vid.

near as I can tell, you uninformed, uneducated trumpers hate this country and hate anyone who isn't white male and christian.

your misrepresentation of Dodd Frank is particularly telling. I'm not quite certain what delusion you have about the housing bubble or how Dodd/Frank contributed to it.

the collapse of the housing market lies squarely on the shoulders of the banks and the GOP which hates regulating them. The fact that you don't know this is appalling.

but please, allow the trumptards and their orange Jesus to destroy our economic system and throw us into recession while then using their failures as a reason to screw people out of medicare, medicaid and social security which has been Paul Ryan's radian fantasy since he was a creep in high school.

you are the loons turning us into a third world country. and every time Donald installs one of his plutocrats into a position of high power, putin laughs.

but thanks for spreading the lies and disinformation.


Maybe they should just meet and talk and listen and communicate.

Oh, just kidding, I know that's not a thing any more.

sure... that's a great idea.

except Donald, in advance lied about the democrats' positions and said there wouldn't be a deal.

so chuck and Nancy said "screw him".

then didn't look much like mitch-i-poo was interested in working with d's.

and for the record, do you think there's a lot of good will for the guy who stole a judge from a sitting president and spent 8 years intentionally obstructing a president who was twice elected by 52% of the electorate?
I think adults should act like adults and rise above the bullshit.

I don't care what the "other" side does, you rise above the bullshit and lead the way.

No one is doing that. All they're doing is pointing the finger, like children.
All they're doing is pointing the finger, like children.
The right gets fucking tired of the left fucking up the United States, then blame the Republicans for their transgressions. We on the right have been called Racists, Sexists, Homophobes, Islamophobia, and many other names, yet we are seeing that it is the majority of the liberals who are doing those. When Maxine Waters, Chris Dodd, and Barney Frank could of prevented the housing bubble from bursting in 2004, instead of shutting down the sub prime mortgages, they continued to program until it imploded in 2007, then blame George Bush for the collapse. Stop saying it is both sides, when it is clearly one side that wants to FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM the United States into a 3rd world nation..

that's amusing.... I particularly like your useless youtube vid.

near as I can tell, you uninformed, uneducated trumpers hate this country and hate anyone who isn't white male and christian.

your misrepresentation of Dodd Frank is particularly telling. I'm not quite certain what delusion you have about the housing bubble or how Dodd/Frank contributed to it.

the collapse of the housing market lies squarely on the shoulders of the banks and the GOP which hates regulating them. The fact that you don't know this is appalling.

but please, allow the trumptards and their orange Jesus to destroy our economic system and throw us into recession while then using their failures as a reason to screw people out of medicare, medicaid and social security which has been Paul Ryan's radian fantasy since he was a creep in high school.

you are the loons turning us into a third world country. and every time Donald installs one of his plutocrats into a position of high power, putin laughs.

but thanks for spreading the lies and disinformation.



near as I can tell, you uninformed, uneducated trumpers hate this country and hate anyone who isn't white male and Christian.
Right back to the liberal talking points of the Rules for Radicals... The only people who hate this country are those that voted for the 1/2 white community agitator who wanted to FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM AMERICA. Why do you hate the United States so much that you have to fundamentally transform it?

Maybe they should just meet and talk and listen and communicate.

Oh, just kidding, I know that's not a thing any more.

sure... that's a great idea.

except Donald, in advance lied about the democrats' positions and said there wouldn't be a deal.

so chuck and Nancy said "screw him".

then didn't look much like mitch-i-poo was interested in working with d's.

and for the record, do you think there's a lot of good will for the guy who stole a judge from a sitting president and spent 8 years intentionally obstructing a president who was twice elected by 52% of the electorate?
I think adults should act like adults and rise above the bullshit.

I don't care what the "other" side does, you rise above the bullshit and lead the way.

No one is doing that. All they're doing is pointing the finger, like children.
All they're doing is pointing the finger, like children.
The right gets fucking tired of the left fucking up the United States, then blame the Republicans for their transgressions. We on the right have been called Racists, Sexists, Homophobes, Islamophobia, and many other names, yet we are seeing that it is the majority of the liberals who are doing those. When Maxine Waters, Chris Dodd, and Barney Frank could of prevented the housing bubble from bursting in 2004, instead of shutting down the sub prime mortgages, they continued to program until it imploded in 2007, then blame George Bush for the collapse. Stop saying it is both sides, when it is clearly one side that wants to FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM the United States into a 3rd world nation..

that's amusing.... I particularly like your useless youtube vid.

near as I can tell, you uninformed, uneducated trumpers hate this country and hate anyone who isn't white male and christian.

your misrepresentation of Dodd Frank is particularly telling. I'm not quite certain what delusion you have about the housing bubble or how Dodd/Frank contributed to it.

the collapse of the housing market lies squarely on the shoulders of the banks and the GOP which hates regulating them. The fact that you don't know this is appalling.

but please, allow the trumptards and their orange Jesus to destroy our economic system and throw us into recession while then using their failures as a reason to screw people out of medicare, medicaid and social security which has been Paul Ryan's radian fantasy since he was a creep in high school.

you are the loons turning us into a third world country. and every time Donald installs one of his plutocrats into a position of high power, putin laughs.

but thanks for spreading the lies and disinformation.



near as I can tell, you uninformed, uneducated trumpers hate this country and hate anyone who isn't white male and Christian.
Right back to the liberal talking points of the Rules for Radicals... The only people who hate this country are those that voted for the 1/2 white community agitator who wanted to FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM AMERICA. Why do you hate the United States so much that you have to fundamentally transform it?


when lunatic trumptards get called out for lying and insanity, you always go with the imbecilic memes.

thanks for playing freak of nature.
Adolf Twitler shoots himself in the foot yet again - The unbelievable idiocy continues!

Donald J. Trump Verified account @realDonaldTrump 3h3 hours ago
Meeting with “Chuck and Nancy” today about keeping government open and working. Problem is they want illegal immigrants flooding into our Country unchecked, are weak on Crime and want to substantially RAISE Taxes. I don’t see a deal!

Top Democratic congressional leaders pulled out of a Tuesday meeting with President Donald Trump after the president attacked them on Twitter.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said they no longer planned to meet with Trump for negotiations on a bill to fund the government. If Trump does not sign a funding bill by December 8, the federal government will enter into a partial shutdown.

"Given that the President doesn’t see a deal between Democrats and the White House, we believe the best path forward is to continue negotiating with our Republican counterparts in Congress instead," said a joint statement. "Rather than going to the White House for a show meeting that won’t result in an agreement, we’ve asked Leader McConnell and Speaker Ryan to meet this afternoon."​

'Chuck and Nancy' ditch government-shutdown meeting with Trump after Twitter attack

why would they waste their time and be used for another poop tweet?

he hoisted himself on his own petard....
Because they represent voters, not the president. Shame on their sad asses

and the orange sociopath isn't doing anything for their voters or the 70% of the country who aren't trumptards.
Maybe they should just meet and talk and listen and communicate.

Oh, just kidding, I know that's not a thing any more.

sure... that's a great idea.

except Donald, in advance lied about the democrats' positions and said there wouldn't be a deal.

so chuck and Nancy said "screw him".

then didn't look much like mitch-i-poo was interested in working with d's.

and for the record, do you think there's a lot of good will for the guy who stole a judge from a sitting president and spent 8 years intentionally obstructing a president who was twice elected by 52% of the electorate?
I think adults should act like adults and rise above the bullshit.

I don't care what the "other" side does, you rise above the bullshit and lead the way.

No one is doing that. All they're doing is pointing the finger, like children.
What else would you expect from Nancy, Chuck or Donny?
Our current "leaders" suck pond water.
Adolf Twitler shoots himself in the foot yet again - The unbelievable idiocy continues!
Scientists should really crack open the skull of snowflakes like this and, if they find anything at all, study the obvious dysfunction that makes them feel the need to lie, twist, spin, and/or see things in such a f*ed-up way.

When you are the two leaders of your political party in your own respective Houses of Congress, leading those under you, if you are so 'offended' by a TWEET that you are unable to function, unable to do your job, unable to carry out your duties, and have to run for your 'safe zone', you damn-well shouldn't even BE a representative of the people, let alone one of the 2 leaders of your party.

Snowflakes like this see 2 triggered, emotional, fragile corrupt politicians - who openly declared 100% commitment to obstruct and ensure everything the govt tries to accomplish for the good of the nation FAILS - who get offended by a TWEET, who abandoned their jobs and run for their 'safe zones', and they see 'heroes'...'leaders'.

:lmao: F*ing remarkable.

Wanna know what Americans see?


The president sitting between 2 empty chairs where
'leaders' SHOULD be but instead where 2 seditious,
obstructing cowards chose not to sit.
sure... that's a great idea.

except Donald, in advance lied about the democrats' positions and said there wouldn't be a deal.

so chuck and Nancy said "screw him".

then didn't look much like mitch-i-poo was interested in working with d's.

and for the record, do you think there's a lot of good will for the guy who stole a judge from a sitting president and spent 8 years intentionally obstructing a president who was twice elected by 52% of the electorate?
I think adults should act like adults and rise above the bullshit.

I don't care what the "other" side does, you rise above the bullshit and lead the way.

No one is doing that. All they're doing is pointing the finger, like children.
All they're doing is pointing the finger, like children.
The right gets fucking tired of the left fucking up the United States, then blame the Republicans for their transgressions. We on the right have been called Racists, Sexists, Homophobes, Islamophobia, and many other names, yet we are seeing that it is the majority of the liberals who are doing those. When Maxine Waters, Chris Dodd, and Barney Frank could of prevented the housing bubble from bursting in 2004, instead of shutting down the sub prime mortgages, they continued to program until it imploded in 2007, then blame George Bush for the collapse. Stop saying it is both sides, when it is clearly one side that wants to FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM the United States into a 3rd world nation..

that's amusing.... I particularly like your useless youtube vid.

near as I can tell, you uninformed, uneducated trumpers hate this country and hate anyone who isn't white male and christian.

your misrepresentation of Dodd Frank is particularly telling. I'm not quite certain what delusion you have about the housing bubble or how Dodd/Frank contributed to it.

the collapse of the housing market lies squarely on the shoulders of the banks and the GOP which hates regulating them. The fact that you don't know this is appalling.

but please, allow the trumptards and their orange Jesus to destroy our economic system and throw us into recession while then using their failures as a reason to screw people out of medicare, medicaid and social security which has been Paul Ryan's radian fantasy since he was a creep in high school.

you are the loons turning us into a third world country. and every time Donald installs one of his plutocrats into a position of high power, putin laughs.

but thanks for spreading the lies and disinformation.



near as I can tell, you uninformed, uneducated trumpers hate this country and hate anyone who isn't white male and Christian.
Right back to the liberal talking points of the Rules for Radicals... The only people who hate this country are those that voted for the 1/2 white community agitator who wanted to FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM AMERICA. Why do you hate the United States so much that you have to fundamentally transform it?


when lunatic trumptards get called out for lying and insanity, you always go with the imbecilic memes.

thanks for playing freak of nature.

Only freaks of nature are the leftards, who support guys poling another mans ass, or a women muff diving another woman. Harvey Weinstein abusing women along with Bill Clinton. Roman Polasnki drugging a young girl and raping her. Yep, you guys are definitely winners(or Whiners) of the freaks of the world. Have you had your dose of young children of late Jillian? You pedophile you....


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