Chuck Shummer....the sorriest piece of shit in the country!!

The angry black woman is right for once. Schumer is a sorry piece of shit.
The sorriest pieces of shit in this country are trump, mcconnell, ryan, and the rest of the white trash who now lead the GOP. Filthy cowardly garbage. All of them.
For 3 whole fuckin days, this jew fuck comes before the camera's and babbles on and on about how corrupt and fucked up the GOP and Trump are....3 days of this shit. And on the 4th day, what does this poor bastard do? He signs onto the madness with a pinky swear from the second most dishonest b**** in the Washington, Mitch!! Chuck, what is it gonna take for democrats to get with reality? If you lose in November, it'll be because we're tired of Democrats caving in on this white house. 3 fuckin weeks from now, we're gonna go through this same as shit, and you know it, Chuck. Trump is all about Trump and chaos, what about this can't you understand????

This bullshit about our troops????? Fuck DACA Chuck, its about democrats who want a majority this Nov. to do what? You people cave on everything, you did it under Obama and God knows you'll do it under Trump, with a fuckin majority!!

I am calling on all liberals and I will put this on facebook.....we don't want democrats who want to compromise with this particular white house. We want strong minded claws ready democrats who are willing to stand for liberal ideology or go the fuck home. Liberals are sick of these jello eating, mushy white old men, who go to washington to bow to the GOP just to keep a fuckin job.....either shit or get off the fuckin pot. And if we want pussy, than damit lets vote for all women.....enough with this old white male balless men!!
Fuck you.
The sorriest pieces of shit in this country are trump, mcconnell, ryan, and the rest of the white trash who now lead the GOP. Filthy cowardly garbage. All of them.
Butt hurt yet again, eh?

Trrmp just keeps winning! :)
Good to see even hardcore Democrats recognize Schumer for the useless Liberal weasel that he is. Too bad there are no better alternatives to lead the DEM party that Chuck the Schmuck and Nancy Pelousy.
and you're proud of your cocksuckers Ryan and McConnell?/ Guess you have a stronger stomach
So I guess the plan is to shutdown Gobmint in a new #GreatDoucheShutdown after the Great Douche First SOU Spew. As the DOPer Leaders lied again.

Nice Plan. But I rather see the SOU during a shutdown.
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For 3 whole fuckin days, this jew fuck comes before the camera's and babbles on and on about how corrupt and fucked up the GOP and Trump are....3 days of this shit. And on the 4th day, what does this poor bastard do? He signs onto the madness with a pinky swear from the second most dishonest b**** in the Washington, Mitch!! Chuck, what is it gonna take for democrats to get with reality? If you lose in November, it'll be because we're tired of Democrats caving in on this white house. 3 fuckin weeks from now, we're gonna go through this same as shit, and you know it, Chuck. Trump is all about Trump and chaos, what about this can't you understand????

This bullshit about our troops????? Fuck DACA Chuck, its about democrats who want a majority this Nov. to do what? You people cave on everything, you did it under Obama and God knows you'll do it under Trump, with a fuckin majority!!

I am calling on all liberals and I will put this on facebook.....we don't want democrats who want to compromise with this particular white house. We want strong minded claws ready democrats who are willing to stand for liberal ideology or go the fuck home. Liberals are sick of these jello eating, mushy white old men, who go to washington to bow to the GOP just to keep a fuckin job.....either shit or get off the fuckin pot. And if we want pussy, than damit lets vote for all women.....enough with this old white male balless men!!

Chuck Shummer....the sorriest piece of shit in the country!!

That's not true, Dick Durbin is worse.......
The sorriest pieces of shit in this country are trump, mcconnell, ryan, and the rest of the white trash who now lead the GOP. Filthy cowardly garbage. All of them.
Butt hurt yet again, eh?

Trrmp just keeps winning! :)
You love having a gutless whore running our country, don't you. You people from America's gross underbelly never cease to amaze me with the depths of depravity to which you are willing to go.
Good to see even hardcore Democrats recognize Schumer for the useless Liberal weasel that he is. Too bad there are no better alternatives to lead the DEM party that Chuck the Schmuck and Nancy Pelousy.
and you're proud of your cocksuckers Ryan and McConnell?/ Guess you have a stronger stomach
McConnell definately came out smelling like a rose.

Excellently handled, second only to preventing Gorsuch from SCOTUS.

Ggood Job!!!
this jew fuck

The sorriest pieces of shit in this country are trump, mcconnell, ryan, and the rest of the white trash who now lead the GOP. Filthy cowardly garbage. All of them.

Not too the Top 3%. They got their payday on investments. That was SOOooo brave.
The sorriest pieces of shit in this country are trump, mcconnell, ryan, and the rest of the white trash who now lead the GOP. Filthy cowardly garbage. All of them.
Butt hurt yet again, eh?

Trrmp just keeps winning! :)
You love having a gutless whore running our country, don't you. You people from America's gross underbelly never cease to amaze me with the depths of depravity to which you are willing to go.
Sorry, the "gutless whore" was defeated. She just lucky she's not in a federal prison.
You people will fuck this country up, just like you did Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles ect...........

HAVE Fucked up.

Commicrats are so incredibly desperate to turn America into a 3rd world shithole Venezuela, they elect waste product like CS confident his ilk can get it done.

Pretty much reflects who they are. A Disease and plague to this nation.
You people will fuck this country up, just like you did Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles ect...........
Who the fuck is you people? Dude, I'm too mad to deal with you right now, so fuck off!!

You people- meaning social liberal ideology and they are in both parties.
For 3 whole fuckin days, this jew fuck comes before the camera's and babbles on and on about how corrupt and fucked up the GOP and Trump are....3 days of this shit. And on the 4th day, what does this poor bastard do? He signs onto the madness with a pinky swear from the second most dishonest b**** in the Washington, Mitch!! Chuck, what is it gonna take for democrats to get with reality? If you lose in November, it'll be because we're tired of Democrats caving in on this white house. 3 fuckin weeks from now, we're gonna go through this same as shit, and you know it, Chuck. Trump is all about Trump and chaos, what about this can't you understand????

This bullshit about our troops????? Fuck DACA Chuck, its about democrats who want a majority this Nov. to do what? You people cave on everything, you did it under Obama and God knows you'll do it under Trump, with a fuckin majority!!

I am calling on all liberals and I will put this on facebook.....we don't want democrats who want to compromise with this particular white house. We want strong minded claws ready democrats who are willing to stand for liberal ideology or go the fuck home. Liberals are sick of these jello eating, mushy white old men, who go to washington to bow to the GOP just to keep a fuckin job.....either shit or get off the fuckin pot. And if we want pussy, than damit lets vote for all women.....enough with this old white male balless men!!
Fuck you.

Are you admitting to being Jewish,yet?
For 3 whole fuckin days, this jew fuck comes before the camera's and babbles on and on about how corrupt and fucked up the GOP and Trump are....3 days of this shit. And on the 4th day, what does this poor bastard do? He signs onto the madness with a pinky swear from the second most dishonest b**** in the Washington, Mitch!! Chuck, what is it gonna take for democrats to get with reality? If you lose in November, it'll be because we're tired of Democrats caving in on this white house. 3 fuckin weeks from now, we're gonna go through this same as shit, and you know it, Chuck. Trump is all about Trump and chaos, what about this can't you understand????

This bullshit about our troops????? Fuck DACA Chuck, its about democrats who want a majority this Nov. to do what? You people cave on everything, you did it under Obama and God knows you'll do it under Trump, with a fuckin majority!!

I am calling on all liberals and I will put this on facebook.....we don't want democrats who want to compromise with this particular white house. We want strong minded claws ready democrats who are willing to stand for liberal ideology or go the fuck home. Liberals are sick of these jello eating, mushy white old men, who go to washington to bow to the GOP just to keep a fuckin job.....either shit or get off the fuckin pot. And if we want pussy, than damit lets vote for all women.....enough with this old white male balless men!!
Fuck you.

Are you admitting to being Jewish,yet?

Look who’s still begging for my attention... ^^^

By the way, the fact that the Dims caved proves it was the Schumer shutdown.

It's not over. Let's see Feb 8th. If it happens again. The Great Douche gets a 2nd Gobmint Shutdown Blamed on him. #DoucheShutDown2. WOW!? 2 in one year.
The sorriest pieces of shit in this country are trump, mcconnell, ryan, and the rest of the white trash who now lead the GOP. Filthy cowardly garbage. All of them.
Butt hurt yet again, eh?

Trrmp just keeps winning! :)
You love having a gutless whore running our country, don't you. You people from America's gross underbelly never cease to amaze me with the depths of depravity to which you are willing to go.
Sorry, the "gutless whore" was defeated. She just lucky she's not in a federal prison.
The gutless whore now occupies the Oval Office and you all suck up to mr. little-hands. Ms. Clinton was not a gutless whore. trump and his present so-called "lady" are.

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