Church denies funeral to gay man

One, the Pharisees were the leaders of the Jewish people along with the Sadducees.

Two, they are similar to the Androws, JimBowies, and Ullyseses of our day. So when it is written "Because these Christians claimed to be without sin. They were hypocrites. They taught the law, but didn't actually follow it themselves. They were saying "we're the Christians, and how we live isn't wrong!". So we have a guy who is going to church, saying he's a Christian, and yet living in a way completely contrary to Christian belief."

Jesus, indeed, verily, was speaking to the Androws and the Ullyseses and the JimBowies of His day.

I sure never said I was without sin. Oh Hell No! I've sinned enough to make a sailor blush. I've said we all are sinners, each and everyone of us, and that we are only saved by Grace and the sacrifice of the Lamb.

I Christian isn't perfect, just forgiven, as almost anyone can be. Almost being those that have blasphemed against the Holy Spirit.

Let me ask you a question Jake. What makes anyone a Christian?
You really have to be a special kind of jerk to treat a mom who just lost her son in such a way. Talk about rubbing salt in the wound!!!

Her son made his choice. Perhaps she should have told him before making that choice that a Christian Church funeral may be out of the question.
You really have to be a special kind of jerk to treat a mom who just lost her son in such a way. Talk about rubbing salt in the wound!!!

Her son made his choice. Perhaps she should have told him before making that choice that a Christian Church funeral may be out of the question.

I don't think most people CHOOSE to be gay. I think it's something they cannot help.
TAMPA, FL (WFLA) - Julie Atwood was standing at her son's casket when the phone rang. The church where her son's funeral was scheduled to be held the next day decided to abruptly cancel the service, after the pastor learned the deceased was gay and his obituary listed a surviving "husband."

Atwood said she was told it would be "blasphemous" to hold the services at the church because her son, Julion Evans, 42, was gay.

He says the obituary named him as "husband," and that their marriage was no secret.

But when the obituary published in the local newspaper, everything changed.

T.W. Jenkins, pastor at New Hope says was not aware of that Evans had a husband or was gay until members of his congregation saw the obit and called to complain. They did not think it was right to have the funeral at their church.

Jenkins said his church preaches against gay marriage.

"Based on our preaching of the scripture, we would have been in error to allow the service in our church," Jenkins said. "I'm not trying to condemn anyone's lifestyle, but at the same time, I am a man of God, and I have to stand up for my principles."

Church denies funeral to gay man - | Chattanooga News, Weather & Sports

I hate religion to be honest. Music is my religion.

But I'm going to say something for the sake of argument.
Jesus didn't turn away from someone because he or she was homosexual.
Jesus walked among the sinners and loved everyone.

Jesus Loves Homosexuals | For His Glory
Homosexuals are loved by God and get saved just like anyone else.
Jesus Loves the Gays, This I Know ? A Deeper Story
Jesus loves homosexuals - May Daily
Jesus Loves Homosexuals | Relijournal
Jesus Loves Heterosexuals?and Homosexuals Too! | The Sharp End

Most all Christians already know that Jesus loves homosexuals, and everyone else too. I am sure not debating that. I was a drunk and He loved me, I was a womanizer and He loved me, I was a liar and He loved me.

Thing is, I changed because I figured out that Jesus loved me. Everything that I was doing, Jesus did NOT love. He just loved me, not my ways. But I never once thought about going into a church and proclaiming that I am a womanizer and a drunk and a liar, and I am not willing to change my ways, but I want to be a part of your church.

I am not the man I should be, but thank God, I am not the man I used to be.

He's dead. Lol! He can't say anything to anyone, and you don't know that he was a practicing homosexual. Maybe he was abstinent?

Edit: Oopsie! I just went back and read the OP, and had forgotten that he was apparently married. But hey, he was married. Isn't that good? You religious fanatic people like marriage! :)
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I hate religion to be honest. Music is my religion.

But I'm going to say something for the sake of argument.
Jesus didn't turn away from someone because he or she was homosexual.
Jesus walked among the sinners and loved everyone.

Jesus Loves Homosexuals | For His Glory
Homosexuals are loved by God and get saved just like anyone else.
Jesus Loves the Gays, This I Know ? A Deeper Story
Jesus loves homosexuals - May Daily
Jesus Loves Homosexuals | Relijournal
Jesus Loves Heterosexuals?and Homosexuals Too! | The Sharp End

Most all Christians already know that Jesus loves homosexuals, and everyone else too. I am sure not debating that. I was a drunk and He loved me, I was a womanizer and He loved me, I was a liar and He loved me.

Thing is, I changed because I figured out that Jesus loved me. Everything that I was doing, Jesus did NOT love. He just loved me, not my ways. But I never once thought about going into a church and proclaiming that I am a womanizer and a drunk and a liar, and I am not willing to change my ways, but I want to be a part of your church.

I am not the man I should be, but thank God, I am not the man I used to be.

He's dead. Lol! He can't say anything to anyone, and you don't know that he was a practicing homosexual. Maybe he was abstinent?

Maybe he was saved by Grace before he died. I would like to think that is true of everyone. But, the church can't think that way, they can only go on what they know. He was married to another man, that is a practicing homosexual.
You really have to be a special kind of jerk to treat a mom who just lost her son in such a way. Talk about rubbing salt in the wound!!!

Her son made his choice. Perhaps she should have told him before making that choice that a Christian Church funeral may be out of the question.

I don't think most people CHOOSE to be gay. I think it's something they cannot help.

I personally, think it's a choice, but even if it can't be helped, no one forces anyone to have sex with anyone else, if they do, it's called rape.

And no one forced the man to marry another man.
Her son made his choice. Perhaps she should have told him before making that choice that a Christian Church funeral may be out of the question.

I don't think most people CHOOSE to be gay. I think it's something they cannot help.

I personally, think it's a choice, but even if it can't be helped, no one forces anyone to have sex with anyone else, if they do, it's called rape.

And no one forced the man to marry another man.

Religious people only tell you it's a sin because they want everyone to have babies. That's why they're against birth control, abortion and sex education. They think that if you have sex without the intent of having a child, then it's an evil, evil deed. Also, it doesn't matter if you love the person you have sex with or not, all that matters to the religious people is that little piece of paper and pomp and arrogance of the "ceremony." Very shallow and petty "rules" IMO.

Also, I do not buy that if you act like a horrible person, as long as you believe that Christ was sacrificed on the cross for our sins and you repent, then you get an automatic ticket to Heaven, yet if you are a good person who does good deeds regularly, you go to hell if you doubt the existence of a God?

All of these things and MORE, much more, has made me question the validity of man-made religion. I've questioned it since I came to realize there was no such thing as Santa Claus to be completely honest.
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone!! Amirite? :D

Not in this case. I have posted many things that say Jesus wanted us to judge what goes on in His Church.

But, ill use an analogy. If the man in question, had come to the church just days before he died, and told the church that he was a sinner, and had repented, and accepted Jesus as his Savior. However, he did not have the time or money to file for a divorce from his husband, but he would like his funeral service held in the church.

Well, if the church would then not allow him to have that service, I would be on the other side of the argument. I would feel that the man had done everything in his power to show that he had changed and was trying to live his life as a Christian, and deserved a Church funeral. But, that did not happen.

He could have accepted Jesus, just moments or days before he died, but we will never know, while here on this earth.

It's more or less like asking a Jewish Synagogue to bury a Nazi who was convicted of killing Jews. Do you think this would be appropriate? Perhaps the Nazi was sorry, but if he never told anyone in the Synagogue that, then how should they know, and should they be sorry for not allowing it?
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone!! Amirite? :D

Not in this case. I have posted many things that say Jesus wanted us to judge what goes on in His Church.

But, ill use an analogy. If the man in question, had come to the church just days before he died, and told the church that he was a sinner, and had repented, and accepted Jesus as his Savior. However, he did not have the time or money to file for a divorce from his husband, but he would like his funeral service held in the church.

Well, if the church would then not allow him to have that service, I would be on the other side of the argument. I would feel that the man had done everything in his power to show that he had changed and was trying to live his life as a Christian, and deserved a Church funeral. But, that did not happen.

He could have accepted Jesus, just moments or days before he died, but we will never know, while here on this earth.

It's more or less like asking a Jewish Synagogue to bury a Nazi who was convicted of killing Jews. Do you think this would be appropriate? Perhaps the Nazi was sorry, but if he never told anyone in the Synagogue that, then how should they know, and should they be sorry for not allowing it?

Good Lord! You cannot possibly be trying to compare being partially responsible for the murder of MILLIONS of people to a sexual orientation, can you? :eek: Why do people on political forums ALWAYS have to resort to the most highest levels of hyperbole?
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone!! Amirite? :D

Not in this case. I have posted many things that say Jesus wanted us to judge what goes on in His Church.

But, ill use an analogy. If the man in question, had come to the church just days before he died, and told the church that he was a sinner, and had repented, and accepted Jesus as his Savior. However, he did not have the time or money to file for a divorce from his husband, but he would like his funeral service held in the church.

Well, if the church would then not allow him to have that service, I would be on the other side of the argument. I would feel that the man had done everything in his power to show that he had changed and was trying to live his life as a Christian, and deserved a Church funeral. But, that did not happen.

He could have accepted Jesus, just moments or days before he died, but we will never know, while here on this earth.

It's more or less like asking a Jewish Synagogue to bury a Nazi who was convicted of killing Jews. Do you think this would be appropriate? Perhaps the Nazi was sorry, but if he never told anyone in the Synagogue that, then how should they know, and should they be sorry for not allowing it?

Good Lord! You cannot possibly be trying to compare being partially responsible for the murder of MILLIONS of people to a sexual orientation, can you? :eek: Why do people on political forums ALWAYS have to resort to the most highest levels of hyperbole?

Why do people like to see it that way?

No I am not comparing the 2, but the two comparisons go together even if the Nazi in question never killed a Jew in his life, he just stood by and watched others do it. Is he not as guilty as the ones who operated the gas chambers? Would the Jews let him use their Synagogue?
Not in this case. I have posted many things that say Jesus wanted us to judge what goes on in His Church.

But, ill use an analogy. If the man in question, had come to the church just days before he died, and told the church that he was a sinner, and had repented, and accepted Jesus as his Savior. However, he did not have the time or money to file for a divorce from his husband, but he would like his funeral service held in the church.

Well, if the church would then not allow him to have that service, I would be on the other side of the argument. I would feel that the man had done everything in his power to show that he had changed and was trying to live his life as a Christian, and deserved a Church funeral. But, that did not happen.

He could have accepted Jesus, just moments or days before he died, but we will never know, while here on this earth.

It's more or less like asking a Jewish Synagogue to bury a Nazi who was convicted of killing Jews. Do you think this would be appropriate? Perhaps the Nazi was sorry, but if he never told anyone in the Synagogue that, then how should they know, and should they be sorry for not allowing it?

Good Lord! You cannot possibly be trying to compare being partially responsible for the murder of MILLIONS of people to a sexual orientation, can you? :eek: Why do people on political forums ALWAYS have to resort to the most highest levels of hyperbole?

Why do people like to see it that way?

No I am not comparing the 2, but the two comparisons go together even if the Nazi in question never killed a Jew in his life, he just stood by and watched others do it. Is he not as guilty as the ones who operated the gas chambers? Would the Jews let him use their Synagogue?

I am not going to entertain this. That is not in any way comparable to a person being a homosexual. Being a homosexual does not harm other innocent people.
One, the Pharisees were the leaders of the Jewish people along with the Sadducees.

Two, they are similar to the Androws, JimBowies, and Ullyseses of our day. So when it is written "Because these Christians claimed to be without sin. They were hypocrites. They taught the law, but didn't actually follow it themselves. They were saying "we're the Christians, and how we live isn't wrong!". So we have a guy who is going to church, saying he's a Christian, and yet living in a way completely contrary to Christian belief."

Jesus, indeed, verily, was speaking to the Androws and the Ullyseses and the JimBowies of His day.

I sure never said I was without sin. Oh Hell No! I've sinned enough to make a sailor blush. I've said we all are sinners, each and everyone of us, and that we are only saved by Grace and the sacrifice of the Lamb.

I Christian isn't perfect, just forgiven, as almost anyone can be. Almost being those that have blasphemed against the Holy Spirit.

Let me ask you a question Jake. What makes anyone a Christian?

Good. Yes, we are all sinners.

Don't dictate how Christ saves. I believe in Jesus as Savior and Lord, especially His attributes of decency, kindness, compassion, empathy, and fairness.

Hint: leave it to Jesus and the sinner.
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Getting back to the funeral, I think that it would have been appropriate to have the funeral elsewhere, cremate the body, and then have an airplane drop the ashes on the church that refused to do the funeral.

You're equivocating the ashes of a dead person to trash, and that's highly disrespectful to dead.

There's plenty of ways for you to get your petty revenge without doing so at the cost of the deceased.
You really have to be a special kind of jerk to treat a mom who just lost her son in such a way. Talk about rubbing salt in the wound!!!

Her son made his choice. Perhaps she should have told him before making that choice that a Christian Church funeral may be out of the question.

I don't think most people CHOOSE to be gay. I think it's something they cannot help.

I think if you talk with any truly honest man who is married, that when they see a very attractive woman, they have a natural physical response to her.

Does that mean every man is naturally an adulterous womanizer?

Why is it that roughly 78% of men, do not cheat on their wives? They have the same natural physical response when exposed to a very attractive woman as any other.... right?

They choose to not act, on the natural feelings and physical response they have.

There have been times, I fully admit by my own stupidity and obliviousness, where I was alone with a woman that wanted to have sex with me, and if I had been so inclined, I could have slept with them right then. And I will also fully admit that 2 of those 3 times, the woman was horrendously attractive.

I turned all 3 down. I made a choice. I didn't follow what I was feeling, or desiring.

I would also suggest that most men, would admit that at some point in their lives, someone made them so angry, and infuriated, that they would have killed someone. I too, have had about two specific instances where I would have like to put someone in the ground for something done to me, and another time something done to someone else.

Yet most men, and myself, CHOOSE to not do that. The urge is there... but we made choices to not follow our feelings and natural reactions.

Christianity never suggests that you don't have wrong desires, wrong feelings, wrong urges. Christianity says you submit yourself to G-d, and His law, and His authority, and you CHOOSE to not do what you feel like doing, because He said not to.

I can't change the natural response I have, nor the feelings I have, many of which I am born with, like all humans. But I can make choice, to not follow those things.
Her son made his choice. Perhaps she should have told him before making that choice that a Christian Church funeral may be out of the question.

I don't think most people CHOOSE to be gay. I think it's something they cannot help.

I think if you talk with any truly honest man who is married, that when they see a very attractive woman, they have a natural physical response to her.

Does that mean every man is naturally an adulterous womanizer?

Why is it that roughly 78% of men, do not cheat on their wives? They have the same natural physical response when exposed to a very attractive woman as any other.... right?

They choose to not act, on the natural feelings and physical response they have.

There have been times, I fully admit by my own stupidity and obliviousness, where I was alone with a woman that wanted to have sex with me, and if I had been so inclined, I could have slept with them right then. And I will also fully admit that 2 of those 3 times, the woman was horrendously attractive.

I turned all 3 down. I made a choice. I didn't follow what I was feeling, or desiring.

I would also suggest that most men, would admit that at some point in their lives, someone made them so angry, and infuriated, that they would have killed someone. I too, have had about two specific instances where I would have like to put someone in the ground for something done to me, and another time something done to someone else.

Yet most men, and myself, CHOOSE to not do that. The urge is there... but we made choices to not follow our feelings and natural reactions.

Christianity never suggests that you don't have wrong desires, wrong feelings, wrong urges. Christianity says you submit yourself to G-d, and His law, and His authority, and you CHOOSE to not do what you feel like doing, because He said not to.

I can't change the natural response I have, nor the feelings I have, many of which I am born with, like all humans. But I can make choice, to not follow those things.

That's because you're a religious fanatic. :) No offense meant, but it is what it is. You must be a Roman Catholic?
Good on the church. If a guy chooses to have his salad tossed with a chicken, I'm OK with that. Have at it and be safe

But when said Chicken molester wants to marry his victim and receive the benefits of such union, I have a real problem with. We have to draw the line somewhere. No pun or insult intended to red lines


Who the fuck are you to draw any line anywhere? You are nobody.

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