Church denies funeral to gay man

I don't think most people CHOOSE to be gay. I think it's something they cannot help.

I think if you talk with any truly honest man who is married, that when they see a very attractive woman, they have a natural physical response to her.

Does that mean every man is naturally an adulterous womanizer?

Why is it that roughly 78% of men, do not cheat on their wives? They have the same natural physical response when exposed to a very attractive woman as any other.... right?

They choose to not act, on the natural feelings and physical response they have.

There have been times, I fully admit by my own stupidity and obliviousness, where I was alone with a woman that wanted to have sex with me, and if I had been so inclined, I could have slept with them right then. And I will also fully admit that 2 of those 3 times, the woman was horrendously attractive.

I turned all 3 down. I made a choice. I didn't follow what I was feeling, or desiring.

I would also suggest that most men, would admit that at some point in their lives, someone made them so angry, and infuriated, that they would have killed someone. I too, have had about two specific instances where I would have like to put someone in the ground for something done to me, and another time something done to someone else.

Yet most men, and myself, CHOOSE to not do that. The urge is there... but we made choices to not follow our feelings and natural reactions.

Christianity never suggests that you don't have wrong desires, wrong feelings, wrong urges. Christianity says you submit yourself to G-d, and His law, and His authority, and you CHOOSE to not do what you feel like doing, because He said not to.

I can't change the natural response I have, nor the feelings I have, many of which I am born with, like all humans. But I can make choice, to not follow those things.

That's because you're a religious fanatic. :) No offense meant, but it is what it is. You must be a Roman Catholic?

From it's link:

74% of men
68% of women

would have an affair if they knew they would never get caught.

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I think if you talk with any truly honest man who is married, that when they see a very attractive woman, they have a natural physical response to her.

Does that mean every man is naturally an adulterous womanizer?

Why is it that roughly 78% of men, do not cheat on their wives? They have the same natural physical response when exposed to a very attractive woman as any other.... right?

They choose to not act, on the natural feelings and physical response they have.

There have been times, I fully admit by my own stupidity and obliviousness, where I was alone with a woman that wanted to have sex with me, and if I had been so inclined, I could have slept with them right then. And I will also fully admit that 2 of those 3 times, the woman was horrendously attractive.

I turned all 3 down. I made a choice. I didn't follow what I was feeling, or desiring.

I would also suggest that most men, would admit that at some point in their lives, someone made them so angry, and infuriated, that they would have killed someone. I too, have had about two specific instances where I would have like to put someone in the ground for something done to me, and another time something done to someone else.

Yet most men, and myself, CHOOSE to not do that. The urge is there... but we made choices to not follow our feelings and natural reactions.

Christianity never suggests that you don't have wrong desires, wrong feelings, wrong urges. Christianity says you submit yourself to G-d, and His law, and His authority, and you CHOOSE to not do what you feel like doing, because He said not to.

I can't change the natural response I have, nor the feelings I have, many of which I am born with, like all humans. But I can make choice, to not follow those things.

That's because you're a religious fanatic. :) No offense meant, but it is what it is. You must be a Roman Catholic?

From it's link:

74% of men
68% of women

would have an affair if they knew they would never get caught.

It's a good thing to choose not to have an affair on your spouse, but what he is trying to say is that the homosexual should either refrain from sexual activity (that which he truly enjoys anyway), or that he should live a life of a lie and an unhappy life because that is what God would want. Because God really, really CARES so much about who people are sleeping with and their sexual activities. It does not matter how generous, kind, giving you are. Nope, none of that is important. *rolly eyes*
Another thing . . . gay men don't want to sleep with women. That would be like making a heterosexual man sleep with another man. I think it is unreasonable to expect a person to live a lie and to have an unhappy and miserable life because of man's interpretation of what is supposedly God's words or because of what the church tells you.
Some "christian" sects believe even if one is hardwired LGBT that individual should choose to be celibate or cross his hard-wiring and marry a person of the opposite sex.

Some people have little trouble with avoiding certain situations. I am in firm agreement with Billy Graham and his music minister to never be alone in a closed room with a woman not wife or family member. Avoiding adultery has been no problem for me because of the person(s) (my first wife died many years ago) whom I have been my spouses. I did not have intercourse with women in high school, the military, or college.

To suggest a person to forego his own acceptable nature (and yes homosexuality is authentic) in conformance to some false conception of what is God is inconceivable.
I think if you talk with any truly honest man who is married, that when they see a very attractive woman, they have a natural physical response to her.

Does that mean every man is naturally an adulterous womanizer?

Why is it that roughly 78% of men, do not cheat on their wives? They have the same natural physical response when exposed to a very attractive woman as any other.... right?

They choose to not act, on the natural feelings and physical response they have.

There have been times, I fully admit by my own stupidity and obliviousness, where I was alone with a woman that wanted to have sex with me, and if I had been so inclined, I could have slept with them right then. And I will also fully admit that 2 of those 3 times, the woman was horrendously attractive.

I turned all 3 down. I made a choice. I didn't follow what I was feeling, or desiring.

I would also suggest that most men, would admit that at some point in their lives, someone made them so angry, and infuriated, that they would have killed someone. I too, have had about two specific instances where I would have like to put someone in the ground for something done to me, and another time something done to someone else.

Yet most men, and myself, CHOOSE to not do that. The urge is there... but we made choices to not follow our feelings and natural reactions.

Christianity never suggests that you don't have wrong desires, wrong feelings, wrong urges. Christianity says you submit yourself to G-d, and His law, and His authority, and you CHOOSE to not do what you feel like doing, because He said not to.

I can't change the natural response I have, nor the feelings I have, many of which I am born with, like all humans. But I can make choice, to not follow those things.

That's because you're a religious fanatic. :) No offense meant, but it is what it is. You must be a Roman Catholic?

From it's link:

74% of men
68% of women

would have an affair if they knew they would never get caught.

What difference does that make? They still have the natural desire and urge. They still choose to not. They still make a choice.

Let's even say it was 75% of men who did. That's still 25% who did not. Would you assume that 25% of men, when they are around super attractive women.... are not attracted? They magically don't have the desire?

Either way, my argument still is accurate and true. It's a choice.
That's because you're a religious fanatic. :) No offense meant, but it is what it is. You must be a Roman Catholic?

From it's link:

74% of men
68% of women

would have an affair if they knew they would never get caught.

What difference does that make? They still have the natural desire and urge. They still choose to not. They still make a choice.

Let's even say it was 75% of men who did. That's still 25% who did not. Would you assume that 25% of men, when they are around super attractive women.... are not attracted? They magically don't have the desire?

Either way, my argument still is accurate and true. It's a choice.

It is not a choice. Like I said, you are comparing apples to oranges again. I am guessing (and I'm quite sure I'm right, and some gay men could back me up) that having sex with a woman is, for a gay man, like having sex with a man would be for you. NOW you have an accurate comparison. Still a choice?

Or maybe you think they shouldn't have sex and intimacy in their lives? That they should be celibate?
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What difference does that make? They still have the natural desire and urge. They still choose to not. They still make a choice.

Let's even say it was 75% of men who did. That's still 25% who did not. Would you assume that 25% of men, when they are around super attractive women.... are not attracted? They magically don't have the desire?

Either way, my argument still is accurate and true. It's a choice.

Yet it is irrelevant: the matter is between Jesus and the individual.

Hint: you are not part of the Trinity. Transparency: neither am I
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Her son made his choice. Perhaps she should have told him before making that choice that a Christian Church funeral may be out of the question.

I don't think most people CHOOSE to be gay. I think it's something they cannot help.

I think if you talk with any truly honest man who is married, that when they see a very attractive woman, they have a natural physical response to her.

Does that mean every man is naturally an adulterous womanizer?

Why is it that roughly 78% of men, do not cheat on their wives? They have the same natural physical response when exposed to a very attractive woman as any other.... right?

They choose to not act, on the natural feelings and physical response they have.

There have been times, I fully admit by my own stupidity and obliviousness, where I was alone with a woman that wanted to have sex with me, and if I had been so inclined, I could have slept with them right then. And I will also fully admit that 2 of those 3 times, the woman was horrendously attractive.

I turned all 3 down. I made a choice. I didn't follow what I was feeling, or desiring.

I would also suggest that most men, would admit that at some point in their lives, someone made them so angry, and infuriated, that they would have killed someone. I too, have had about two specific instances where I would have like to put someone in the ground for something done to me, and another time something done to someone else.

Yet most men, and myself, CHOOSE to not do that. The urge is there... but we made choices to not follow our feelings and natural reactions.

Christianity never suggests that you don't have wrong desires, wrong feelings, wrong urges. Christianity says you submit yourself to G-d, and His law, and His authority, and you CHOOSE to not do what you feel like doing, because He said not to.

I can't change the natural response I have, nor the feelings I have, many of which I am born with, like all humans. But I can make choice, to not follow those things.

The church loves to promote repressing one's sexuality, but look at the effect such practice has had on their own clergy.
Another thing . . . gay men don't want to sleep with women. That would be like making a heterosexual man sleep with another man. I think it is unreasonable to expect a person to live a lie and to have an unhappy and miserable life because of man's interpretation of what is supposedly God's words or because of what the church tells you.

I don't expect you to understand what I'm about to tell you, but it's like this.... If you want to be a Christian, this is the deal. We didn't make the deal. G-d made the deal. I didn't write this book. I just follow it.

Now if you think G-d is unreasonable.... that's fine. You don't have to be a Christian.

We're not going to come and burn you at the stake. We're not going bury you up to your head, and hit you with stones until you die. You can do whatever you want. We're not mad at you, or anyone else.

That dude, didn't have to go to that Church, nor did he have to claim to be a Christian. If he wanted to be Gay, no one would have stopped him.

But if you want to be a Christian... that means submitting to G-d. That means following his laws. If he wanted to be Gay, then you can't claim to be part of that church. That Church believes being gay is sin against G-d. He can go to some other church, if he, or you, think that's unreasonable.

I think being required to not eat meat is unreasonable. But I don't join the American Vegan Society, and then complain their rules are unreasonable. Nor do I go around saying those Vegans are such horrible people, requiring others to not eat meat. How dare those Vegans demand I live a miserable life without having steak!.

It's their system. It's their beliefs. If you want to join their group, you have to stop eating meat. If you don't.... that is fine. Don't join! That's why I'm not a member! I like steak!

There are literally thousands of church across this country, you can join, and they will tell you whatever you do is perfectly fine. You can join them, and never worry about being a hypocrite, because they don't have any rules to be a hypocrite over.

But instead, a gay man, wants to go to a church that teaches being gay is a sin, and then you want to complain because when the church found out, they disassociated from him? I can't believe the Vegan Society kicked me out after they found out I eat steak every Thursday for dinner... THE NERVE!

Now back to it being unreasonable. I understand why you think that. But the Christian world view is very different. We actually believe what we read in the Bible.

1 Corinthians 2:9
But, as it is written, “What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him”

We believe that. We actually believe there is something better that G-d has for us, after this short painful crazy life.

Isaiah 65:17
"See, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind." -G-d speaking

See we actually believe that. We believe G-d actually promised to re-create the Heavens and Earth, and that all the pain and trials of this life, are going to pass away, and we won't even remember them anymore.

See if you believe this life, is all there is.... then yeah, I can see why that would be unreasonable.

But if you were like us, and believe that this life is short, and G-d has a planned Eternity after this little 'dust in the wind' life of ours.... it's really not that unreasonable.
I don't expect you to understand what I'm about to tell you, but it's like this....

I don't expect you to understand what I'm about to tell you, but it's like this...

The only right you have to judge other people is when it comes to those you choose to associate with. Outside of that, you need to learn to exercise that humility that Jesus preaches about - which if you are any kind of Christian, you should already know.

For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.

Romans 9:15

You cannot know who God will show mercy to, and to cast judgment on those whom God accepts for whatever reasons that we cannot possibly fathom is a direct sin against the Lord.
^ that

common sense and coming to know and grow close with the Lord teaches one to be careful of judging others.
I don't think most people CHOOSE to be gay. I think it's something they cannot help.

I think if you talk with any truly honest man who is married, that when they see a very attractive woman, they have a natural physical response to her.

Does that mean every man is naturally an adulterous womanizer?

Why is it that roughly 78% of men, do not cheat on their wives? They have the same natural physical response when exposed to a very attractive woman as any other.... right?

They choose to not act, on the natural feelings and physical response they have.

There have been times, I fully admit by my own stupidity and obliviousness, where I was alone with a woman that wanted to have sex with me, and if I had been so inclined, I could have slept with them right then. And I will also fully admit that 2 of those 3 times, the woman was horrendously attractive.

I turned all 3 down. I made a choice. I didn't follow what I was feeling, or desiring.

I would also suggest that most men, would admit that at some point in their lives, someone made them so angry, and infuriated, that they would have killed someone. I too, have had about two specific instances where I would have like to put someone in the ground for something done to me, and another time something done to someone else.

Yet most men, and myself, CHOOSE to not do that. The urge is there... but we made choices to not follow our feelings and natural reactions.

Christianity never suggests that you don't have wrong desires, wrong feelings, wrong urges. Christianity says you submit yourself to G-d, and His law, and His authority, and you CHOOSE to not do what you feel like doing, because He said not to.

I can't change the natural response I have, nor the feelings I have, many of which I am born with, like all humans. But I can make choice, to not follow those things.

The church loves to promote repressing one's sexuality, but look at the effect such practice has had on their own clergy.

"The Church"™

My Church, all the pastors are married. My parents church, all the pastors are married.

Whose church are we talking about? Catholic?

I know there are certain religious sects that believe clergy should be celibate.

Let's look at what the Bible says:

1 Corinthians 7:8-9
Now to the unmarried and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I do. But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion.

Pretty clear huh? If you are single, and can handle it, then go for it. But, if you need a spouse because of your passion.... get married.

I think those other religious sects are making bad choices. I think if a person can handle being single, that's fine... but if they need a spouse, they should get one, and no Bible based Christian church should stop them.

If you want to know what the Catholics think on the matter, you'll have to talk to one of them. I honestly don't know much about the Catholic Dogma. I'm a Bible based Christian. The Bible is my only authority.

As such, I have no idea where anyone can get from the Bible, the idea that 'clergy' are supposed to be celibate. The primary passage in the Bible on clergy certainly doesn't support this ideal.

1 Timothy 3

This is a statement that can be trusted: If anyone sets his heart on being a bishop, he desires something excellent. A bishop must have a good reputation. He must have only one wife, be sober, use good judgment, be respectable, be hospitable, and be able to teach. He must not drink excessively or be a violent person, but he must be gentle. He must not be quarrelsome or love money. He must manage his own family well. His children should respectfully obey him. (If a man doesn't know how to manage his own family, how can he take care of God's church?) He must not be a new Christian, or he might become arrogant like the devil and be condemned.

He must have only one wife.

That would seem to indicate to me, that there is no prohibition on clergy having a wife. So, again, if you want to know why some of those religious sects have celibacy rules... you'll have to talk to them. I have no idea at all. It certainly isn't in the Bible I'm reading.
I don't expect you to understand what I'm about to tell you, but it's like this....

I don't expect you to understand what I'm about to tell you, but it's like this...

The only right you have to judge other people is when it comes to those you choose to associate with. Outside of that, you need to learn to exercise that humility that Jesus preaches about - which if you are any kind of Christian, you should already know.

For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.

Romans 9:15

You cannot know who God will show mercy to, and to cast judgment on those whom God accepts for whatever reasons that we cannot possibly fathom is a direct sin against the Lord.

That right there... is exactly what we're talking about in this thread. You just validated my position. That was the whole point.
Androw's opinion need not be validated.

He is the stubborn Pharisee of our age.

Let's move on.
From it's link:

74% of men
68% of women

would have an affair if they knew they would never get caught.

What difference does that make? They still have the natural desire and urge. They still choose to not. They still make a choice.

Let's even say it was 75% of men who did. That's still 25% who did not. Would you assume that 25% of men, when they are around super attractive women.... are not attracted? They magically don't have the desire?

Either way, my argument still is accurate and true. It's a choice.

It is not a choice. Like I said, you are comparing apples to oranges again. I am guessing (and I'm quite sure I'm right, and some gay men could back me up) that having sex with a woman is, for a gay man, like having sex with a man would be for you. NOW you have an accurate comparison. Still a choice?

Or maybe you think they shouldn't have sex and intimacy in their lives? That they should be celibate?

Of course it's still a choice. No, I think they should be true to their choices.

Again, they don't have to go to a church whose beliefs they refuse to accept.

It's just that simple. They don't have to be celibate. They can simply not go to a church whose beliefs they reject, and do whatever they want.

But if they choose to go to a church which teaches what they are doing is wrong, and the church finds out, yes they will be rejected from the church.

Just like if I join the Vegan Society, and they find out I have steak every Thursday, they'll kick me out.

That's how that work.
I don't expect you to understand what I'm about to tell you, but it's like this....

I don't expect you to understand what I'm about to tell you, but it's like this...

The only right you have to judge other people is when it comes to those you choose to associate with. Outside of that, you need to learn to exercise that humility that Jesus preaches about - which if you are any kind of Christian, you should already know.

For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.

Romans 9:15

You cannot know who God will show mercy to, and to cast judgment on those whom God accepts for whatever reasons that we cannot possibly fathom is a direct sin against the Lord.

That right there... is exactly what we're talking about in this thread. You just validated my position. That was the whole point.

Wrong, you're judging all homosexuals. If you don't want to have them over for dinner, more power to you. I'm sure they wouldn't want to associate with someone that doesn't like them anyway.

But to be so outspokenly hateful towards them is to risk sinning against the Lord, because you have no idea who is deserving of His grace. After all, He cast his judgment for and against people before birth (ie, Jacob & Esau) with no explanation given to us lowly humans because that is His right & His right alone.
Androw's opinion need not be validated.

He is the stubborn Pharisee of our age.

Let's move on.

You never have anything of value to say, and you repeat yourself over and over like a broken record.

You are effectively a waste of time. Notice how the other people are discussing the topic at hand? Notice how devoid of anything of value you have to say, even compared to others who share your views?

Well... I kept giving you a chance to say something of value, and for the last 5 posts, you have had nothing.

So... since you are waste of time, you are hereby ignored! Congrats. You have eliminated yourself from my world. From now on, I will never see your boring empty pointless posts ever again.

Maybe some others will enjoy your repetition, but I will enjoy only seeing posts worth reading from here on.

Have a nice life. So long.
So... since you are waste of time, you are hereby ignored! Congrats. You have eliminated yourself from my world. From now on, I will never see your boring empty pointless posts ever again.

Since you no doubt live by The Golden Rule, I shall accommodate your wishes by treating you the way you treat others.

Have a nice life. So long.

I don't expect you to understand what I'm about to tell you, but it's like this...

The only right you have to judge other people is when it comes to those you choose to associate with. Outside of that, you need to learn to exercise that humility that Jesus preaches about - which if you are any kind of Christian, you should already know.

Romans 9:15

You cannot know who God will show mercy to, and to cast judgment on those whom God accepts for whatever reasons that we cannot possibly fathom is a direct sin against the Lord.

That right there... is exactly what we're talking about in this thread. You just validated my position. That was the whole point.

Wrong, you're judging all homosexuals. If you don't want to have them over for dinner, more power to you. I'm sure they wouldn't want to associate with someone that doesn't like them anyway.

But to be so outspokenly hateful towards them is to risk sinning against the Lord, because you have no idea who is deserving of His grace. After all, He cast his judgment for and against people before birth (ie, Jacob & Esau) with no explanation given to us lowly humans because that is His right & His right alone.

I've gone out to dinner with homosexuals. Apparently they don't have a problem hanging around me.

It's not about hate either. I don't hate anyone.

You are just making up stuff now. If you want to invent your own boogieman, that's fine. But it's still not true.
T.W. Jenkins, pastor at New Hope says was not aware of that Evans had a husband or was gay until members of his congregation saw the obit and called to complain. They did not think it was right to have the funeral at their church.
Another reason why if you pick a church and graveyard, you should learn about it before committing a body there. As for me, I am being cremated when I die so I don't need a grave necessarily, nor a church service.

Though if you are LGBT you are probably better off converting to Anglicanism or other denominations of Christianity with LGBT friendly attitudes in a lot of their churches.

No sky daddy for me though, if a religion is true anyway it would probably be something like ancient Egyptian religion where you get eaten by a crocodile if you are naughty.

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