Church denies funeral to gay man

The members of the congregation must lead miserable lives, if all they can whinge about is the fact that a man who attended church services with them was gay. Good grief, what a tragedy!
The members of the congregation must lead miserable lives, if all they can whinge about is the fact that a man who attended church services with them was gay. Good grief, what a tragedy!
Since they removed the abortion clinics in the area for them to burn down or bomb, they have to make do with bashing 'the gays' and those 'evil godless communists'. Sad lives I admit, doubt they have even been outside of their state let alone America either.
The members of the congregation must lead miserable lives, if all they can whinge about is the fact that a man who attended church services with them was gay. Good grief, what a tragedy!

Where does it say the man attended church services?
The members of the congregation must lead miserable lives, if all they can whinge about is the fact that a man who attended church services with them was gay. Good grief, what a tragedy!
Since they removed the abortion clinics in the area for them to burn down or bomb, they have to make do with bashing 'the gays' and those 'evil godless communists'. Sad lives I admit, doubt they have even been outside of their state let alone America either.

I doubt if you ever get out of your mom's basement.
I don't think most people CHOOSE to be gay. I think it's something they cannot help.

I think if you talk with any truly honest man who is married, that when they see a very attractive woman, they have a natural physical response to her.

Does that mean every man is naturally an adulterous womanizer?

Why is it that roughly 78% of men, do not cheat on their wives? They have the same natural physical response when exposed to a very attractive woman as any other.... right?

They choose to not act, on the natural feelings and physical response they have.

There have been times, I fully admit by my own stupidity and obliviousness, where I was alone with a woman that wanted to have sex with me, and if I had been so inclined, I could have slept with them right then. And I will also fully admit that 2 of those 3 times, the woman was horrendously attractive.

I turned all 3 down. I made a choice. I didn't follow what I was feeling, or desiring.

I would also suggest that most men, would admit that at some point in their lives, someone made them so angry, and infuriated, that they would have killed someone. I too, have had about two specific instances where I would have like to put someone in the ground for something done to me, and another time something done to someone else.

Yet most men, and myself, CHOOSE to not do that. The urge is there... but we made choices to not follow our feelings and natural reactions.

Christianity never suggests that you don't have wrong desires, wrong feelings, wrong urges. Christianity says you submit yourself to G-d, and His law, and His authority, and you CHOOSE to not do what you feel like doing, because He said not to.

I can't change the natural response I have, nor the feelings I have, many of which I am born with, like all humans. But I can make choice, to not follow those things.

The church loves to promote repressing one's sexuality, but look at the effect such practice has had on their own clergy.

You are talking about Catholics, not Protestants. Doesn't matter. Simple fact is, if a clergy, pastor, priest, or preacher, of the Christian faith, or any other faith, for that matter, is convicted of child molestation, they should be castrated, and I don't mean chemically either. (I would just as soon if they were executed, but, they tell me that aint very Christian-like.)
I think if you talk with any truly honest man who is married, that when they see a very attractive woman, they have a natural physical response to her.

Does that mean every man is naturally an adulterous womanizer?

Why is it that roughly 78% of men, do not cheat on their wives? They have the same natural physical response when exposed to a very attractive woman as any other.... right?

They choose to not act, on the natural feelings and physical response they have.

There have been times, I fully admit by my own stupidity and obliviousness, where I was alone with a woman that wanted to have sex with me, and if I had been so inclined, I could have slept with them right then. And I will also fully admit that 2 of those 3 times, the woman was horrendously attractive.

I turned all 3 down. I made a choice. I didn't follow what I was feeling, or desiring.

I would also suggest that most men, would admit that at some point in their lives, someone made them so angry, and infuriated, that they would have killed someone. I too, have had about two specific instances where I would have like to put someone in the ground for something done to me, and another time something done to someone else.

Yet most men, and myself, CHOOSE to not do that. The urge is there... but we made choices to not follow our feelings and natural reactions.

Christianity never suggests that you don't have wrong desires, wrong feelings, wrong urges. Christianity says you submit yourself to G-d, and His law, and His authority, and you CHOOSE to not do what you feel like doing, because He said not to.

I can't change the natural response I have, nor the feelings I have, many of which I am born with, like all humans. But I can make choice, to not follow those things.

The church loves to promote repressing one's sexuality, but look at the effect such practice has had on their own clergy.

You are talking about Catholics, not Protestants. Doesn't matter. Simple fact is, if a clergy, pastor, priest, or preacher, of the Christian faith, or any other faith, for that matter, is convicted of child molestation, they should be castrated, and I don't mean chemically either. (I would just as soon if they were executed, but, they tell me that aint very Christian-like.)

Amen! I've been saying that for decades. People complain about Christians not being lenient enough, and then complain about rape and child molesters in the church.

If people like me, had my way, I guarantee they would not be in the church... they'd be in the ground.
Androw's opinion need not be validated.

He is the stubborn Pharisee of our age.

Let's move on.

You never have anything of value to say, and you repeat yourself over and over like a broken record.

You are effectively a waste of time. Notice how the other people are discussing the topic at hand? Notice how devoid of anything of value you have to say, even compared to others who share your views?

Well... I kept giving you a chance to say something of value, and for the last 5 posts, you have had nothing.

So... since you are waste of time, you are hereby ignored! Congrats. You have eliminated yourself from my world. From now on, I will never see your boring empty pointless posts ever again.

Maybe some others will enjoy your repetition, but I will enjoy only seeing posts worth reading from here on.

Have a nice life. So long.

Androw and Ullyses each exemplify the stubborn Pharisee of our age, without authority, without validation, yet lacking the compassion and charity and empathy of our Savior.

Step along, guys.
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So, did the church ban all sinners from a church burial, or is it just gays? And does the priest have proof that the man didn't repent a half second before he died? Enquiring minds what to know.
The church has every right to refuse. However, to consider the Baptist Missionary churches that I have known in the south as acting in Christian charity would be error. The officials of the church are not acting as their and my Lord and Savior would wish.

For shame.
I admire the preacher for standing up for his Christian ethics and values. ... :cool:

I agree wholeheartedly with this sentiment. Even though I am an atheist, I respect conviction and adhering to one's principles. Apparently, religion is the last remaining realm where one can practice free association, and I applaud the preacher for exercising this right.
The church has every right to refuse. However, to consider the Baptist Missionary churches that I have known in the south as acting in Christian charity would be error. The officials of the church are not acting as their and my Lord and Savior would wish.

For shame.
I admire the preacher for standing up for his Christian ethics and values. ... :cool:

I agree wholeheartedly with this sentiment. Even though I am an atheist, I respect conviction and adhering to one's principles. Apparently, religion is the last remaining realm where one can practice free association, and I applaud the preacher for exercising this right.
Please don't feed the carpet kissing troll, he wants the all of US under sharia law. No freedom required.
I admire the preacher for standing up for his Christian ethics and values. ... :cool:

I agree wholeheartedly with this sentiment. Even though I am an atheist, I respect conviction and adhering to one's principles. Apparently, religion is the last remaining realm where one can practice free association, and I applaud the preacher for exercising this right.
Please don't feed the carpet kissing troll, he wants the all of US under sharia law. No freedom required.

You must be an evangelical pastor from some podunk cow bible school.

Sharia law makes the Missionary Baptist churches and their pastors look family night at their favorite tits and ass club.

Sharia is anti tolerant (no freedom allowed).

You need to read: Sharia law: A brief introduction
So, did the church ban all sinners from a church burial, or is it just gays? And does the priest have proof that the man didn't repent a half second before he died? Enquiring minds what to know.

First, it was a pastor, not a priest. Priest's are Catholic, I don't know any Protestant's that have priests.

Second, hopefully, he did repent and accepted Jesus as Savior before he died.

Third, this isn't about a burial, it's about a funeral service.

Lastly, the fact that the man was married to another man was a clear violation of the church's beliefs, absolutely no different than a proclaimed Satanist, or Muslim, or Hindu wishing to have a wedding inside a Christian church or a funeral service inside a Christian church.
Androw's opinion need not be validated.

He is the stubborn Pharisee of our age.

Let's move on.

You never have anything of value to say, and you repeat yourself over and over like a broken record.

You are effectively a waste of time. Notice how the other people are discussing the topic at hand? Notice how devoid of anything of value you have to say, even compared to others who share your views?

Well... I kept giving you a chance to say something of value, and for the last 5 posts, you have had nothing.

So... since you are waste of time, you are hereby ignored! Congrats. You have eliminated yourself from my world. From now on, I will never see your boring empty pointless posts ever again.

Maybe some others will enjoy your repetition, but I will enjoy only seeing posts worth reading from here on.

Have a nice life. So long.

Androw and Ullyses each exemplify the stubborn Pharisee of our age, without authority, without validation, yet lacking the compassion and charity and empathy of our Savior.

Step along, guys.

Question for you Jake, are you a homosexual or heterosexual?
T.W. Jenkins, pastor at New Hope says was not aware of that Evans had a husband or was gay until members of his congregation saw the obit and called to complain. They did not think it was right to have the funeral at their church.
Another reason why if you pick a church and graveyard, you should learn about it before committing a body there. As for me, I am being cremated when I die so I don't need a grave necessarily, nor a church service.

Though if you are LGBT you are probably better off converting to Anglicanism or other denominations of Christianity with LGBT friendly attitudes in a lot of their churches.

No sky daddy for me though, if a religion is true anyway it would probably be something like ancient Egyptian religion where you get eaten by a crocodile if you are naughty.

What's sad is that the funeral service is more for the surviving relatives than it is for the dead person. It's a way to say a final goodbye to your loved one in a dignified manner and to have some kind of closure.
You never have anything of value to say, and you repeat yourself over and over like a broken record.

You are effectively a waste of time. Notice how the other people are discussing the topic at hand? Notice how devoid of anything of value you have to say, even compared to others who share your views?

Well... I kept giving you a chance to say something of value, and for the last 5 posts, you have had nothing.

So... since you are waste of time, you are hereby ignored! Congrats. You have eliminated yourself from my world. From now on, I will never see your boring empty pointless posts ever again.

Maybe some others will enjoy your repetition, but I will enjoy only seeing posts worth reading from here on.

Have a nice life. So long.

Androw and Ullyses each exemplify the stubborn Pharisee of our age, without authority, without validation, yet lacking the compassion and charity and empathy of our Savior.

Step along, guys.

Question for you Jake, are you a homosexual or heterosexual?

Immaterial because it infers you don't emulate the compassion, charity, and empathy of the Lord.

However, I am straight, been married to two women, the only women with whom I have ever had relations in my life, the second after the first died. Those relations have only been in marriage.

Can you say the same honestly?
So, did the church ban all sinners from a church burial, or is it just gays? And does the priest have proof that the man didn't repent a half second before he died? Enquiring minds what to know.

First, it was a pastor, not a priest. Priest's are Catholic, I don't know any Protestant's that have priests.

Second, hopefully, he did repent and accepted Jesus as Savior before he died.

Third, this isn't about a burial, it's about a funeral service.

Lastly, the fact that the man was married to another man was a clear violation of the church's beliefs, absolutely no different than a proclaimed Satanist, or Muslim, or Hindu wishing to have a wedding inside a Christian church or a funeral service inside a Christian church.
So did sinners have a church burial service? Or is everyone who gets that sinless?
Personally, I find a great deal of amusement visualizing all the Christians in heaven, suddenly forced to get along with each other for eternity, regardless of whether they are Catholic, Pentacostal, Westbro Baptist, or Episcopalian with gay ministers. I can't imagine a more unhappy group of people having to share their afterlives.

you certainly have no idea about Heaven. There is no color or race in it.
Another thing . . . gay men don't want to sleep with women. That would be like making a heterosexual man sleep with another man. I think it is unreasonable to expect a person to live a lie and to have an unhappy and miserable life because of man's interpretation of what is supposedly God's words or because of what the church tells you.

except that the mans thingie goes in her thingie but 2 guys thingies don't.
I think if you talk with any truly honest man who is married, that when they see a very attractive woman, they have a natural physical response to her.

Does that mean every man is naturally an adulterous womanizer?

Why is it that roughly 78% of men, do not cheat on their wives? They have the same natural physical response when exposed to a very attractive woman as any other.... right?

They choose to not act, on the natural feelings and physical response they have.

There have been times, I fully admit by my own stupidity and obliviousness, where I was alone with a woman that wanted to have sex with me, and if I had been so inclined, I could have slept with them right then. And I will also fully admit that 2 of those 3 times, the woman was horrendously attractive.

I turned all 3 down. I made a choice. I didn't follow what I was feeling, or desiring.

I would also suggest that most men, would admit that at some point in their lives, someone made them so angry, and infuriated, that they would have killed someone. I too, have had about two specific instances where I would have like to put someone in the ground for something done to me, and another time something done to someone else.

Yet most men, and myself, CHOOSE to not do that. The urge is there... but we made choices to not follow our feelings and natural reactions.

Christianity never suggests that you don't have wrong desires, wrong feelings, wrong urges. Christianity says you submit yourself to G-d, and His law, and His authority, and you CHOOSE to not do what you feel like doing, because He said not to.

I can't change the natural response I have, nor the feelings I have, many of which I am born with, like all humans. But I can make choice, to not follow those things.

The church loves to promote repressing one's sexuality, but look at the effect such practice has had on their own clergy.

You are talking about Catholics, not Protestants. Doesn't matter.

You're right, splitting hairs is irrelevant considering Catholicism is the seat of Christianity.

Who do you think collated New Testament all these miscellaneous denominations base their doctrine on? They didn't do their own research, they just adopted the Catholic church's work.

Now if these other denominations made their own New Testaments and provided sound justification for their versions, there would be a point to differentiating from the Catholics. Until then, they're just the rebellious, redheaded stepchildren.
Personally, I find a great deal of amusement visualizing all the Christians in heaven, suddenly forced to get along with each other for eternity, regardless of whether they are Catholic, Pentacostal, Westbro Baptist, or Episcopalian with gay ministers. I can't imagine a more unhappy group of people having to share their afterlives.

you certainly have no idea about Heaven. There is no color or race in it.

Psst... your racism is showing.

Vandal didn't mention anything about ethnicity, you just read into it.

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