Church denies funeral to gay man

Telling someone they cannot violate the rules of your church is not hate. It is kind to respect the rules of someone's church. If you don't like the rules find a different church.

What, exactly, is violating the rules of the church?

Rotting away in a casket? I'm pretty sure plenty of people do that.

Grieving for lost loved ones? That's a pretty standard practice inside churches, too.

Your post makes it sound like there was going to be a massive butt-fucking orgy or something, but I'm pretty sure no rules were going to be broken just by having a funeral.

In order to maintain any sort of consistency, that church should not offer services for anybody that is not an absolutely devout follower of their flavor of salvation. That includes their own members.

There's tons of people that sin up a storm through the week and then go to church to "get right with God" (that's not how it works, btw). So, they need to find somewhere else to get preached over when they kick the bucket, too.

Fat people? Better not give funerals to fat people! Gluttony is one of the 7 deadly sins! Your family had best go grieve elsewhere!

This church's bigotry sickens me.

Edit: The pastor is obese! Blatant hypocrisy is blatant!

Two wrongs, does not make something right. If the pastor is a glutton, that's wrong. Doesn't mean being gay, and hiding it from your church that teaches being gay is wrong, is suddenly right. If both are hypocrites, that doesn't mean one hypocrite is good, and the other is bad.

And again, you are absolutely right. There are people who sin up a storm, and come to church and pretend they are fine.

If we find out about it... they are out too. We don't hold a different standard between the two. If you are committing adultery on your wife, and we find out about it, you will be confronted. If you don't repent, and stop doing what is wrong and evil, we will kick you out of our church. And yes, when they die, we're not doing the funeral for them either.

That's how that works.

What's the big deal? Give the guy and his family the ceremony and let God figure it out.
Wasn't there a thief on a cross next to Jesus who said "Remember me when you come into your kingdom?" Didn't Jesus say "This day you will be with me in paradise?" Which tells us you can be saved on your death bed. Shame on that church for presuming they knew this man's relationship with God.
Wasn't there a thief on a cross next to Jesus who said "Remember me when you come into your kingdom?" Didn't Jesus say "This day you will be with me in paradise?" Which tells us you can be saved on your death bed. Shame on that church for presuming they knew this man's relationship with God.

That is a great point. Just because he didn't repent in public, does not mean he did not make his peace with God. That is why these churches and church-goers need to stop being so judgmental about other people's lives and let God do the judging. Personally, I think what the church did is INCREDIBLY cruel to the man's mom. Imagine how horrible she must feel when the church basically tells her that her son deserves to spend eternity being tortured in Hell, refuse to forgive him or to bury him. Horribly cruel.
Personally, I find a great deal of amusement visualizing all the Christians in heaven, suddenly forced to get along with each other for eternity, regardless of whether they are Catholic, Pentacostal, Westbro Baptist, or Episcopalian with gay ministers. I can't imagine a more unhappy group of people having to share their afterlives.

you certainly have no idea about Heaven. There is no color or race in it.

Oh, you've been there? Take any photos?

We are Spirit, not flesh and bone. The Bible describes Heaven.
Oh, you've been there? Take any photos?

We are Spirit, not flesh and bone. The Bible describes Heaven.

Perhaps, but I suspect that god keeps the spirits of the people from the church in question in a far corner of heaven, with a sign reading, "Quite, please! These folks think that they are here all alone."

When we die, we all go to the same place, wherever and whatever that is. People just like to think that they're better than other people and that their god actually thinks so as well. :cuckoo:
.............................. ^^ After read Jake's bizarre posts concerning Christian theology.

I have come to the conclusion he has never read the Bible, or even held one in his hand. .. :cuckoo:
.............................. ^^ After read Jake's bizarre posts concerning Christian theology.

I have come to the conclusion he has never read the Bible, or even held one in his hand. .. :cuckoo:
Sunni failed as a Christian, is failing as a Muslim, and tries to correct others. That's our guy!
While there is no authority for such a statement, yes, some believe that silliness.

The Bible teaches that there is no other way to salvation than through Christ. Jesus says in John 14:6, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

Jesus is the only way of salvation because He is the only One who can pay our sin penalty (Romans 6:23).
really- show me in the Bible where it says differently. Jesus said you must be born again.

That's all gravy if the bible is a step by step rule book to enter those pearly gates.

But what if... and you might want to hold onto the top of your skull here... what if... it isn't?

What if... and this is just a crazy thought... but what if the point of worshiping God is not the organization of a bunch of man-made rules, but faith in His existence & grace, and living one's life in a way that you believe would be pleasing to Him, even if the way you live isn't exactly prescribed in an instruction manual because God's children are... *gasp* beyond the law and are saved by His grace, not by our righteousness? (After all, there are none righteous... no, not one)

Just spitballing.
We are Spirit, not flesh and bone. The Bible describes Heaven.

Don't you think that "Heaven" may mean different things to different people? One person's Heaven might be another person's Hell.


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