Church goers must take their firearms with them to Church

The Mass Shooting Tracker is crap...they lump in gang bangers shooting up parties over dice games.......take a look at what they list.....

They lie, because normal people understand that a Mass Shooting is a stranger walking into a public space.....not gang bangers shooting at rivals ......

Mother JOnes actually tracks mass public shootings...less than 10 a year.
Well, since every 18 year old Israeli is REQUIRED TO LEARN HOW TO SHOOT WEAPONS, then I am all for compliance!
Make every American 18 year old learn to how to fire weapons!

View attachment 151444
From the link
Israel limits gun ownership to security workers, people who transport valuables or explosives, residents of the West Bank, and hunters. People who don't fall into one of those categories cannot obtain a firearm permit. Moreover, Israel rejects 40 percent of firearm permit applicants, the highest rejection rate in the Western world. Both Switzerland and Israel require yearly (or more frequent) permit renewals to insure that the reasons are still applicable.

They have armed military patrols in their cities......and an effective border fence.

They have very effective gun control.

The Mass Shooting Tracker is crap...they lump in gang bangers shooting up parties over dice games.......take a look at what they list.....

They lie, because normal people understand that a Mass Shooting is a stranger walking into a public space.....not gang bangers shooting at rivals ......

Mother JOnes actually tracks mass public shootings...less than 10 a year.

How many gang bangers shoot up dice games in the UK? Too many guns.
You assume that if someone didn't have a gun the murder wouldn't occur.

Well we don't see mass shootings constantly in other civilized countries. Police aren't shooting people regularly either. And their police aren't constantly being gunned down.


Norway, Oslo/Utoeya (2011) 77
Australia, Port Arthur (1996) 35
Brazil (1997) 17
Scotland, Dunblane (1996) 17
Germany, Erfurt (2002) 16
England, Hungerford (1987) 16
Germany, Winnenden (2009) 15
Switzerland, Zug (2001) 14
New Zealand, Aramoana (1990) 13
France, Toulon (1995) 13
Azerbaijan, Baku (2009) 12
Finland, Kauhajok (2008) 10
Canada, Montreal (1989) 9
France, Nanterre (2002) 8
Finland, Tuusula (2007) 8
Japan, Osaka (2001) 8

Do some research
That is many countries over the course of many years. We have them regularly in this one country. We wish there were years between them. Name once country that is even close.

Looks like more guns leads to more shootings.

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%
--gun crime down 75%
--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

The Mass Shooting Tracker is crap...they lump in gang bangers shooting up parties over dice games.......take a look at what they list.....

They lie, because normal people understand that a Mass Shooting is a stranger walking into a public space.....not gang bangers shooting at rivals ......

Mother JOnes actually tracks mass public shootings...less than 10 a year.

How many gang bangers shoot up dice games in the UK? Too many guns.

They didn't shoot them up before they banned guns....but gun crime increased 42% in London......the city with the most police cameras in the world...on an island nation that banned and confiscated guns.....

Crime rise is biggest in a decade, ONS figures show

Ministers will also be concerned that the country is becoming increasingly violent in nature, with gun crime rising 23% to 6,375 offences, largely driven by an increase in the use of handguns.

Gun crime in London increases by 42% - BBC News

Gun crime offences in London surged by 42% in the last year, according to official statistics.
Violent crime on the rise in every corner of the country, figures suggest

But analysis of the figures force by force, showed the full extent of the problem, with only one constabulary, Nottinghamshire, recording a reduction in violent offences.

The vast majority of police forces actually witnessed double digit rises in violent crime, with Northumbria posting a 95 per cent increase year on year.

Of the other forces, Durham Police recorded a 73 per cent rise; West Yorkshire was up 48 per cent; Avon and Somerset 45 per cent; Dorset 39 per cent and Warwickshire 37 per cent.

Elsewhere Humberside, South Yorkshire, Staffordshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Kent, Wiltshire and Dyfed Powys all saw violence rise by more than a quarter year on year.
Well we don't see mass shootings constantly in other civilized countries. Police aren't shooting people regularly either. And their police aren't constantly being gunned down.


Norway, Oslo/Utoeya (2011) 77
Australia, Port Arthur (1996) 35
Brazil (1997) 17
Scotland, Dunblane (1996) 17
Germany, Erfurt (2002) 16
England, Hungerford (1987) 16
Germany, Winnenden (2009) 15
Switzerland, Zug (2001) 14
New Zealand, Aramoana (1990) 13
France, Toulon (1995) 13
Azerbaijan, Baku (2009) 12
Finland, Kauhajok (2008) 10
Canada, Montreal (1989) 9
France, Nanterre (2002) 8
Finland, Tuusula (2007) 8
Japan, Osaka (2001) 8

Do some research
That is many countries over the course of many years. We have them regularly in this one country. We wish there were years between them. Name once country that is even close.

Looks like more guns leads to more shootings.

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%
--gun crime down 75%
--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

Thanks to the Bill Clinton crime bill. But what is happening now?

Violent crime rates up for 2nd consecutive year

a very SMALL increase but over the past 20 years a marked decline.

That increase is insignificant as compared to the steady decline over the past 2 or 3 decades
Seems to increase with concealed carry went down.....the increase in violent crime is due to people like you attacking the police......

and that article is crap......if you take out all of the public spaces that morons like you turned into gun free zones......where you keep people from having and using guns to stop these still get people, normal, law abiding people stopping mass public shootes with concealed carry guns........

You are the moron arming everybody. This mass shooter problem is because we have too many guns. Not happening regularly anywhere else.

a very SMALL increase but over the past 20 years a marked decline.

That increase is insignificant as compared to the steady decline over the past 2 or 3 decades
Seems to increase with concealed carry went down.....the increase in violent crime is due to people like you attacking the police......
Violent crime rates up for 2nd consecutive year

The Mass Shooting Tracker is crap...they lump in gang bangers shooting up parties over dice games.......take a look at what they list.....

They lie, because normal people understand that a Mass Shooting is a stranger walking into a public space.....not gang bangers shooting at rivals ......

Mother JOnes actually tracks mass public shootings...less than 10 a year.

How many gang bangers shoot up dice games in the UK? Too many guns.

They didn't shoot them up before they banned guns....but gun crime increased 42% in London......the city with the most police cameras in the world...on an island nation that banned and confiscated guns.....

Crime rise is biggest in a decade, ONS figures show

Ministers will also be concerned that the country is becoming increasingly violent in nature, with gun crime rising 23% to 6,375 offences, largely driven by an increase in the use of handguns.

Gun crime in London increases by 42% - BBC News

Gun crime offences in London surged by 42% in the last year, according to official statistics.
Violent crime on the rise in every corner of the country, figures suggest

But analysis of the figures force by force, showed the full extent of the problem, with only one constabulary, Nottinghamshire, recording a reduction in violent offences.

The vast majority of police forces actually witnessed double digit rises in violent crime, with Northumbria posting a 95 per cent increase year on year.

Of the other forces, Durham Police recorded a 73 per cent rise; West Yorkshire was up 48 per cent; Avon and Somerset 45 per cent; Dorset 39 per cent and Warwickshire 37 per cent.

Elsewhere Humberside, South Yorkshire, Staffordshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Kent, Wiltshire and Dyfed Powys all saw violence rise by more than a quarter year on year.

And our poor police need to deal with these armed thugs. Never a week goes by without a dead cop. Doesn't happen with good gun control.

Norway, Oslo/Utoeya (2011) 77
Australia, Port Arthur (1996) 35
Brazil (1997) 17
Scotland, Dunblane (1996) 17
Germany, Erfurt (2002) 16
England, Hungerford (1987) 16
Germany, Winnenden (2009) 15
Switzerland, Zug (2001) 14
New Zealand, Aramoana (1990) 13
France, Toulon (1995) 13
Azerbaijan, Baku (2009) 12
Finland, Kauhajok (2008) 10
Canada, Montreal (1989) 9
France, Nanterre (2002) 8
Finland, Tuusula (2007) 8
Japan, Osaka (2001) 8

Do some research
That is many countries over the course of many years. We have them regularly in this one country. We wish there were years between them. Name once country that is even close.

Looks like more guns leads to more shootings.

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%
--gun crime down 75%
--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

Thanks to the Bill Clinton crime bill. But what is happening now?

Violent crime rates up for 2nd consecutive year

All crime rates were going down until 2015 when the left wing, led by obama made a direct attack on the police.......the increase follows from the Ferguson effect, up until that point...when the police were doing their jobs in Chicago, D.C., Baltimore...the cities leading the increase....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...
-- gun murder down 49%
--gun crime down 75%
--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
a very SMALL increase but over the past 20 years a marked decline.

That increase is insignificant as compared to the steady decline over the past 2 or 3 decades
Seems to increase with concealed carry

Correlation is not causation.

That violent crime stat seemed to increase because of all the peaceful riots we have had over the past few years

Riots because of police shootings which are caused by too many guns.

Guns do not cause anything.
People and only people are responsible for crimes
It's not coincidence we are the mass shooting capital of the world.

Actually, no, we aren't......they just call their mass shootings "terrorism" around the world...islamic terrorism......they crowd out the amatuers...
If lives matter then why don't you concentrate most on what actually kills the most people?

We have lots of gun deaths.

Not compared to some other causes of deaths

Why do you refuse to answer the question as to how all those UK gun laws didn't lower but rather increased their murder rate?

I'm not claiming it will magically lower crime. But it sure seems to lower mass shootings. And out police will be much safer. And not shooting so many will make them more effective. This arms race just leads to more killing.

So all you care about is what causes 1% of all murders.

And how is taking guns away from people who will never ever shoot a cop going to make cops safer?

We have an arms race. Criminals have guns because everyone else does. So more cops are shot. Many are killed on domestic disturbance calls by legal gun owners.

No...criminals have guns because they have to protect their drug turf from other gangs.....since 70-80% of those killed by guns are criminals.
That is many countries over the course of many years. We have them regularly in this one country. We wish there were years between them. Name once country that is even close.

Looks like more guns leads to more shootings.

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%
--gun crime down 75%
--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

Thanks to the Bill Clinton crime bill. But what is happening now?

Violent crime rates up for 2nd consecutive year

All crime rates were going down until 2015 when the left wing, led by obama made a direct attack on the police.......the increase follows from the Ferguson effect, up until that point...when the police were doing their jobs in Chicago, D.C., Baltimore...the cities leading the increase....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...
-- gun murder down 49%
--gun crime down 75%
--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

When police shootings finally had a backlash. Our police shoot lots of people. Our police are shot and killed often. Too many guns.
We have lots of gun deaths.

Not compared to some other causes of deaths

Why do you refuse to answer the question as to how all those UK gun laws didn't lower but rather increased their murder rate?

I'm not claiming it will magically lower crime. But it sure seems to lower mass shootings. And out police will be much safer. And not shooting so many will make them more effective. This arms race just leads to more killing.

So all you care about is what causes 1% of all murders.

And how is taking guns away from people who will never ever shoot a cop going to make cops safer?

We have an arms race. Criminals have guns because everyone else does. So more cops are shot. Many are killed on domestic disturbance calls by legal gun owners.

No...criminals have guns because they have to protect their drug turf from other gangs.....since 70-80% of those killed by guns are criminals.

Our criminals have guns because we have guns everywhere. It is an arms race and lots are being killed. Too many guns.
Seems to increase with concealed carry

Correlation is not causation.

That violent crime stat seemed to increase because of all the peaceful riots we have had over the past few years

Riots because of police shootings which are caused by too many guns.

Guns do not cause anything.
People and only people are responsible for crimes
It's not coincidence we are the mass shooting capital of the world.

Actually, no, we aren't......they just call their mass shootings "terrorism" around the world...islamic terrorism......they crowd out the amatuers...

Please share what civilized country has more mass shootings than us. This should be funny.

Looks like more guns leads to more shootings.

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%
--gun crime down 75%
--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

Thanks to the Bill Clinton crime bill. But what is happening now?

Violent crime rates up for 2nd consecutive year

All crime rates were going down until 2015 when the left wing, led by obama made a direct attack on the police.......the increase follows from the Ferguson effect, up until that point...when the police were doing their jobs in Chicago, D.C., Baltimore...the cities leading the increase....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...
-- gun murder down 49%
--gun crime down 75%
--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

When police shootings finally had a backlash. Our police shoot lots of people. Our police are shot and killed often. Too many guns.

No...when the left lied about police shootings in order to increase violent crime, and take control through the Justice asshats are lie and let people die to get political power.....
Correlation is not causation.

That violent crime stat seemed to increase because of all the peaceful riots we have had over the past few years

Riots because of police shootings which are caused by too many guns.

Guns do not cause anything.
People and only people are responsible for crimes
It's not coincidence we are the mass shooting capital of the world.

Actually, no, we aren't......they just call their mass shootings "terrorism" around the world...islamic terrorism......they crowd out the amatuers...

Please share what civilized country has more mass shootings than us. This should be funny.

Any of the muslim countries that have islamic terrorists.......their terrorists crowd out their nut jobs.

And from Mother Jones....we have no more than 7 mass shootings a year....most of the time far less....they increased under obama.......he drove democrats nuts....and encouraged muslim terrorists...

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2017: Data From Mother Jones’ Investigation

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