
Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Besides the usual suspects like the prosperity movement on TBN imitating the Baal harvest seed scam we have the ole church examples of pay to play.
In 1517 the Church began selling indulgences to the German people. These Catholics were told that in exchange for their assistance
in building Rome's St. Peter's Cathedral, they would receive full pardon for all sins, past, present and future.
Many times the Church took money for holy favors, as in all their loved ones who reside in purgatory would gain immediate access to Heaven for a donated fee.
HMMM, buying your way to salvation, not bad.
Ex-members Sued Polygamist Mormon Splinter Group for Failure to See Jesus
SALT LAKE CITY, Utah - "Three former members of a polygamist sect had sued, saying the cult group's leader promised them a face-to-face meeting with Jesus Christ. The three say they gave all of their worldly goods "$264,390" to Jim Harmston, prophet of The True and Living Church of Jesus Christ of Saints of the Last Days.
The lawsuit said Harmston took advantage of their "deepest spiritual needs."
The three, Ivan Douglas Jordan, Kaziah May Hancock, and Cindy Stewart, were all excommunicated from the church for speaking out of course.
This morning Jim Bakker had an S.O.S. show.
Send him money to save his station or he's curling up in a ball and sulking in the corner of disgraceful History for eternity.
SO get out your pocket lint and your belly button lint and donate enough lint for him to weave & make a nice hanky to cry in.
SOS.... Society of Seven or Society of Sheva..... Jimmy is trying to Bake Bread in the wrong section that is why he is a Profit(Prophet) for nothing.... Didn't Tammi take her eyelashes away and bat them in another direction when Jimmy the Baker stopped bringing in the "Dough"

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