CIA Analyst Exposes Syrian War Lobbyists

"Next week Congress can do far more than stop a feckless Tomahawk barrage on a small country which is already a graveyard of civil war and sectarian slaughter. By voting “no” it can trigger the end of the American Imperium—-five decades of incessant meddling, bullying and subversion around the globe which has added precious little to national security, but left America fiscally exhausted and morally diminished."

David Stockman

Congress returns the 9th, will decide on the 10th whether to back Obama's pipeline related war and missiles will be launched 9/11.
Congress returns the 9th, will decide on the 10th whether to back Obama's pipeline related war and missiles will be launched 9/11.

I can not understand why a BANKRUPT US is conducting a proxy war for super wealth Saudi Arabia and Israel.

The gassing incident s merely a subterfuge.


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