CIA Concludes Russia Interfered In Election To Help Trump Win

The CIA has concluded in a secret assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election to help Donald Trump win the presidency, rather than just toundermine confidence in the U.S. electoral system, according to officials briefed on the matter.

Intelligence agencies have identified individuals with connections to the Russian government who provided WikiLeaks with thousands of hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee and others, including Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, according to U.S. officials. Those officials described the individuals as actors known to the intelligence community and part of a wider Russian operation to boost Trump and hurt Clinton’s chances.

“It is the assessment of the intelligence community that Russia’s goal here was to favor one candidate over the other, to help Trump get elected,” said a senior U.S. official briefed on an intelligence presentation made to U.S. senators. “That’s the consensus view.”

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REPORT: CIA Concludes Russia Interfered In Election To Help Trump Win

Obama Demands Answers

More proof that Hillary was swiftboated. Her popular vote lead is now over 2.8 million. Trump was not fairly elected. Putin, Wikileaks, and Comey all had their thumbs on the scale for Trump - including other idiots who were pumping out conspiracy theories and fake news for fun and profit to discredit Hillary.

theres'a a shocker
The CIA has concluded in a secret assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election to help Donald Trump win the presidency, rather than just toundermine confidence in the U.S. electoral system, according to officials briefed on the matter.

Intelligence agencies have identified individuals with connections to the Russian government who provided WikiLeaks with thousands of hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee and others, including Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, according to U.S. officials. Those officials described the individuals as actors known to the intelligence community and part of a wider Russian operation to boost Trump and hurt Clinton’s chances.

“It is the assessment of the intelligence community that Russia’s goal here was to favor one candidate over the other, to help Trump get elected,” said a senior U.S. official briefed on an intelligence presentation made to U.S. senators. “That’s the consensus view.”

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REPORT: CIA Concludes Russia Interfered In Election To Help Trump Win

Obama Demands Answers

More proof that Hillary was swiftboated. Her popular vote lead is now over 2.8 million. Trump was not fairly elected. Putin, Wikileaks, and Comey all had their thumbs on the scale for Trump - including other idiots who were pumping out conspiracy theories and fake news for fun and profit to discredit Hillary.

Putin, WikiLeaks, AND Comey!? Holy shit, what chance did she have? All 3 of those hugely influential sources, and all she had on her side was the US department of Justice, CNN, NBC, ABC, NYT, Washington Post, Hollywood, Us Weekly, the entirety of George Soros's online media empire, Gawker, Facebook, Google, Yahoo, the vast majority of monetary donations from the financial sector, and virtually every mainstream politician and news outlet in Europe. How are those tiny fringe groups supposed to balance Putin, Comey, and a website?! SO UNFAIR!

If you want to say they were on Hillary's side because they reported the crazy stuff Trump said and did, then you could be partly right. Mostly,they just reported his crazier stuff as if it was just another valid point of view, when it was anything but.
You can take the stance to "fuck Russia and all their trolls" but you still have to deal with the freaking reality of the CIA's incompetence. Why would the top federal intelligence agency admit to profound incompetence? Why would the CIA become the lap dog of the democrat party regarding an issue that is not winnable? It's nothing but craziness on the left and it's about time that Trump drained the swamp.
Yeah, why would they do that? LOL

I'm guessing you never read Sun Tzu's "The Art of War".
The CIA has concluded in a secret assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election to help Donald Trump win the presidency, rather than just toundermine confidence in the U.S. electoral system, according to officials briefed on the matter.

Intelligence agencies have identified individuals with connections to the Russian government who provided WikiLeaks with thousands of hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee and others, including Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, according to U.S. officials. Those officials described the individuals as actors known to the intelligence community and part of a wider Russian operation to boost Trump and hurt Clinton’s chances.

“It is the assessment of the intelligence community that Russia’s goal here was to favor one candidate over the other, to help Trump get elected,” said a senior U.S. official briefed on an intelligence presentation made to U.S. senators. “That’s the consensus view.”

Much more...

REPORT: CIA Concludes Russia Interfered In Election To Help Trump Win

Obama Demands Answers

More proof that Hillary was swiftboated. Her popular vote lead is now over 2.8 million. Trump was not fairly elected. Putin, Wikileaks, and Comey all had their thumbs on the scale for Trump - including other idiots who were pumping out conspiracy theories and fake news for fun and profit to discredit Hillary.

Wow! A liberal who trusts the CIA.

No one is named in the article. Secret investigation and an anonymous source telling this to liberal media. Something doesn't add up here. This is a great example of fake news. When no one makes an official statement then we are left with the word of liberal media. I want to know how paper ballots or computers that are not online can be hacked from Russia. We are being asked to believe this without proof from an unnamed source. And the entire premise is crazy. Hillary and the DNC got hacked because they are idiots. Just like the expensive Obamacare website that cost nearly a billion dollars, the security wasn't there. A rank amateur could hack them. A hacker can only hack something available online.

You want us to believe it based solely on what some people on the left claim?

Not good enough.
I'm guessing the story will change by Spring 2017.
Count me in, Sarge.
Don't you mean this?
Did they hack the voting machines?
No. My understanding, and I've been wrong before!, is that they sought to influence the election via BS multi-media sources. I was in a Chicago hotel last night and, among the 50ish channels it carried, was the fucking RT channel. Really? Does anyone here really believe Russia or China delivers media uncensored like we do in the US?

I don't agree with censorship and obviously I support our Constitution, but I also know it's a chink in our armor to allow fucking assholes to use our freedoms against us while we cannot and will not do the same to them.

Anyone who supports Russia is either an idiot, a traitor or a tool of Russia. Same goes for China.

What you said, kinda is my point.

There are thousands of channels, and even if by some supreme effort, Russia was able to somehow even get their views on a media source.... it would be one channel in 50.

You really think that somehow Russia is going to be able to wield that much influence? I doubt it.

This isn't the Ukraine with only a few channels. Just look at the Neilsen ratings. What are the top 10 shows on TV? 5.... half of the top 10, are all sports. Two were comedies, The Big Bang Theory (stupid show), and "this is us", another Sitcom. "The Voice" a scripted reality TV contest. A Christmas movie.

That leave just one.... 60 Minutes, which has a long history of being left-wing, as the only news oriented show in the top ten shows.

Interestingly, if you look at the top ten among "african-americans", they have zero news programs at all.

What's my point....? Where is this Russian influence at? Which show, and who the heck is watching it? 60 Minutes? They only reach what... 11 million people? And by the way, the 60 minutes special on Ukraine separatists wasn't exactly pro-Russian.

You mentioned RT, but really.. is RT even that big of a deal?

By the way, don't think that having RT on your Chicago Hotel means much. It's not because the people want RT, or the Hotel requested RT. Right now, the Russian government has specifically paid the cable companies to bundle RT with their channel packages. It's not because they have a view base. Honestly we don't even know what viewership they have. They have kept their viewership numbers very secret.

If that doesn't ring a bell, al jazeera america tried the same move. They paid to have their channel bundled, believing they could grow and audience and then pay for themselves.

It didn't work. Al Jazeera is gone. A network with zero ad revenue and zero audience, isn't likely to last long, and I wager that RT won't last long in the US either.

So again, I ask the question where is this influence? Where was it? I can't think of a single thing in the last 3 years that I could even attempt to say was Russian influence. What is it? Where is it?
First, there are two different things; one is to try and influence an election and there is actually influencing an election. The fact a foreign nation surreptitiously seeks to affect another nations free elections is a hostile act regardless if they actually succeed or not.

Second, it's not a matter of having a major influence. Scientifically, simply "moving the needle" is a success. How much, if any, did the Russians move the needle? I don't know. I think the NSC and other federal intelligence and law enforcement agencies will be looking at this very closely well into the Trump administration's term.
Yeah, why would they do that? LOL

I'm guessing you never read Sun Tzu's "The Art of War".

You know what I find interesting??

The Chinese lost a LOT of Wars after that book came out :badgrin:
They also won a lot. The Japanese used it as a business model fueling their successes from the 1970s forward. The truisms in the book are well established. Whether or not a general uses them properly or not is a choice that doesn't affected the validity of the ideas.
...I just defended your own country, you buffoon.....
So you claim yet you're the foreigner shitting on our flag and hiding your own national identity.
You're drooling and getting fidgety. Go to bed now.

Come back when you reach puberty and I'll tell you all of things you've wondered about. Right now you're too immature to understand any of it.
You're drooling and getting fidgety. Go to bed now.

Come back when you reach puberty and I'll tell you all of things you've wondered about. Right now you're too immature to understand any of it.

Translation: Fuck you, DW. I'm not telling you anything about my country.

No worries, flag-shitter.
What the hell is a CIA "secret assessment"? Is it an admission of incompetence or is it part of the last ditch effort of democrats to try to undermine the results of a presidential election?. If CIA allegations are correct there are no more secrets and the U.S. is open to foreign interference in the electoral system and the CIA is the laughing stock of the international intelligence community. If the CIA is incorrect in their assessment it means that the CIA has become the political lap dog of the Hussein administration and is liable to offer any opinion that is in line with the Obama directive that demeans American influence in the world.

This brings another point. It makes sense that a "Secret Assessment" from the CIA would be classified. "IF" the CIA gave such a classified assessment perhaps there should be an investigation to who leaked this classified assessment. This is something that democrats are notorious for.
What the hell is a CIA "secret assessment"? Is it an admission of incompetence or is it part of the last ditch effort of democrats to try to undermine the results of a presidential election?. If CIA allegations are correct there are no more secrets and the U.S. is open to foreign interference in the electoral system and the CIA is the laughing stock of the international intelligence community. If the CIA is incorrect in their assessment it means that the CIA has become the political lap dog of the Hussein administration and is liable to offer any opinion that is in line with the Obama directive that demeans American influence in the world.

This brings another point. It makes sense that a "Secret Assessment" from the CIA would be classified. "IF" the CIA gave such a classified assessment perhaps there should be an investigation to who leaked this classified assessment. This is something that democrats are notorious for.
It was an official release.

Joint Statement from the Department Of Homeland Security and Office of the Director of National Intelligence on Election Security | Homeland Security
For Immediate Release
DHS Press Office
Contact: 202-282-8010

The U.S. Intelligence Community (USIC) is confident that the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of e-mails from US persons and institutions, including from US political organizations. The recent disclosures of alleged hacked e-mails on sites like and WikiLeaks and by the Guccifer 2.0 online persona are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts. These thefts and disclosures are intended to interfere with the US election process. Such activity is not new to Moscow—the Russians have used similar tactics and techniques across Europe and Eurasia, for example, to influence public opinion there. We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, that only Russia's senior-most officials could have authorized these activities.

Some states have also recently seen scanning and probing of their election-related systems, which in most cases originated from servers operated by a Russian company. However, we are not now in a position to attribute this activity to the Russian Government. The USIC and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) assess that it would be extremely difficult for someone, including a nation-state actor, to alter actual ballot counts or election results by cyber attack or intrusion. This assessment is based on the decentralized nature of our election system in this country and the number of protections state and local election officials have in place. States ensure that voting machines are not connected to the Internet, and there are numerous checks and balances as well as extensive oversight at multiple levels built into our election process.

Nevertheless, DHS continues to urge state and local election officials to be vigilant and seek cybersecurity assistance from DHS. A number of states have already done so. DHS is providing several services to state and local election officials to assist in their cybersecurity. These services include cyber “hygiene” scans of Internet-facing systems, risk and vulnerability assessments, information sharing about cyber incidents, and best practices for securing voter registration databases and addressing potential cyber threats. DHS has convened an Election Infrastructure Cybersecurity Working Group with experts across all levels of government to raise awareness of cybersecurity risks potentially affecting election infrastructure and the elections process. Secretary Johnson and DHS officials are working directly with the National Association of Secretaries of State to offer assistance, share information, and provide additional resources to state and local officials.

# # #

Last Published Date: October 7, 2016

This brings another point. It makes sense that a "Secret Assessment" from the CIA would be classified. "IF" the CIA gave such a classified assessment perhaps there should be an investigation to who leaked this classified assessment. This is something that democrats are notorious for.
Hold on just a second. The "secret assessment" cannot be secret. QUOTE: "The CIA has concluded in a secret assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election to help Donald Trump win the presidency .... " The conclusion is the assessment! The assessment is the conclusion! It's no secret if it's there in black and white.

This is just official, American gobbledygook that really means nothing, so that when it is evident that Russia had nothing to do with the "leak" ..... and Americans start complaining, "But you said ...!" the government will do exactly like Bush Baby replied, "No one has ever insinuated that Saddam had WMD's." The wording is the standard loophole that the government leaves open for itself to weasel out of later on.
This brings another point. It makes sense that a "Secret Assessment" from the CIA would be classified. "IF" the CIA gave such a classified assessment perhaps there should be an investigation to who leaked this classified assessment. This is something that democrats are notorious for.
Hold on just a second. The "secret assessment" cannot be secret. QUOTE: "The CIA has concluded in a secret assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election to help Donald Trump win the presidency .... " The conclusion is the assessment! The assessment is the conclusion! It's no secret if it's there in black and white.

This is just official, American gobbledygook that really means nothing, so that when it is evident that Russia had nothing to do with the "leak" ..... and Americans start complaining, "But you said ...!" the government will do exactly like Bush Baby replied, "No one has ever insinuated that Saddam had WMD's." The wording is the standard loophole that the government leaves open for itself to weasel out of later on.

It's classified,dope.
They can't reveal the means and methods used to determine the attacks originated in Russia.
Count me in, Sarge.
Don't you mean this?
I can see that you know nothing about the American Army. Ask your boyfriend, maybe a soldier gave him a ream-job with his uniform on.
Another insult from a foreign America-basher? No surprise there. Fuck Putin and the Goddamn fucking Russians.

Can you say "Putin sucks donkey dicks and likes a good baseball bat ass-fucking" or would that get you in trouble?

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