CIA Director Brennan: Wrong On ISIS, Benghazi, Caliphate, But Right On Russian Hackers?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
CIA Director Brennan: Wrong On ISIS, Benghazi, Caliphate, But Right On Russian Hackers?

"CIA Director John Brennan’s analysts have reportedly concluded with “high confidence” that Russia interfered in the 2016 election explicitly to help President-elect Donald Trump.

officials in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, and the FBI have pushed back against the claim saying there is simply not enough evidence.

Brennan’s tenure has been marred by high-profile intelligence mishaps with the Islamic State and the 2012 Benghazi attacks."

Brennan claimed in 2011 it was unfathomable to think Islamic terrorists could create a caliphate in the Middle East. Brennan doubled down too, saying, “That vision is absurd, and we are not going to organize our counter-terrorist polices against a feckless delusion that is never going to happen.” Brennan served as chief counter-terrorism advisor to President Barack Obama at the time.

Various al-Qaida elements in Iraq formed the basis of the Islamic State terrorist group — ISIS — which now controls vast swaths of territory in Syria and Iraq. ISIS capabilities were “not on my intelligence radar screen,” Obama confirmed to CNN Dec. 7, as the would-be caliphate began sweeping across Iraq towards Mosul.

Brennan played a role in drafting the ill-fated talking points in the aftermath of the Benghazi attack for then-U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice. Rice famously claimed that the attack was a “spontaneous — not a premeditated” protest gone awry, based on evidence assembled for her by Brennan.


This is the same CIA that denied it was running weapons to Al Qaeda and ISIS from Benghazi....

The CIA has lied and has been DEAD-WRONG on some of the LARGEST issues in the middle east...but now it wants to be believed in regards to the Russians?!

I'm not saying they are wrong this time - as even a blind squirrel finds an acorn every now and then - but they sure as hell have made it hard to believe anything they say without them offering up DEFINITIVE proof!
easyt65 once again is confused or drinking early. CIA is correct on Russian hackers. The Alt and Far right were wrong on ISIS, Benghazi, and the Caliphate.
easyt65 once again is confused or drinking early. CIA is correct on Russian hackers. The Alt and Far right were wrong on ISIS, Benghazi, and the Caliphate.
I am convinced you either CAN'T read or refuse to read anything that may shed the slightest negative light on liberals.

In the link I posted it stated how the CIA was wrong about Isis and how OBAMA SAID ISIS WAS NOT ON HIS RADAR.

I feel bad for people who are ignorant but have hope because they can educate themselves and no longer be ignorant. I feel nothing for you, however, because you prove every day you are ignorant BY CHOICE.

Good luck with that.
First they tried to make 17 agencies "the left". Now they're newest trick is to cram 17 agencies of people into one man.
Where has anyone said they are doing that in this thread? This article is about 1 man, 1 agency.

Thank you for proving again you have no argument with which to attack unless you 1st create a false narrative and introduce it into the conversation.
Is this the same John Brennan who converted to Islam years ago in Saudi Arabia ???.the same John Brennan that was sworn in using the Constitution rather than a Bible??? The same one that many say, was handpicked by Hussein Obama to be CIA Director because he was a Muslim??

So many questions so little time, hey?

Nevertheless food for thought !;)
Is this the same John Brennan who converted to Islam years ago in Saudi Arabia ???.the same John Brennan that was sworn in using the Constitution rather than a Bible??? The same one that many say, was handpicked by Hussein Obama to be CIA Director because he was a Muslim??

So many questions so little time, hey?

Nevertheless food for thought !;)
Lol under a Trump Presidency prepare for everyone to start being accused of being a secret Muslim. Maybe that's the excuse he'll use to go after dissenters and make them disappear.
Is this the same John Brennan who converted to Islam years ago in Saudi Arabia ???.the same John Brennan that was sworn in using the Constitution rather than a Bible??? The same one that many say, was handpicked by Hussein Obama to be CIA Director because he was a Muslim??

So many questions so little time, hey?

Nevertheless food for thought !;)
Alt right propaganda, yup, by you, skye.
First they tried to make 17 agencies "the left". Now they're newest trick is to cram 17 agencies of people into one man.
Where has anyone said they are doing that in this thread? This article is about 1 man, 1 agency.

Thats the point it was the findings of 17 intel agencies. But in order to demonize more effectively you need a face to yell at. So you present Brennan as the face to represent 17 agencies full of people.

Thank you for proving again you have no argument with which to attack unless you 1st create a false narrative and introduce it into the conversation.

17 agencies are held within the soul of Brennan.....on the next X-Files
CIA Director Brennan: Wrong On ISIS, Benghazi, Caliphate, But Right On Russian Hackers?

"CIA Director John Brennan’s analysts have reportedly concluded with “high confidence” that Russia interfered in the 2016 election explicitly to help President-elect Donald Trump.

officials in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, and the FBI have pushed back against the claim saying there is simply not enough evidence.

Brennan’s tenure has been marred by high-profile intelligence mishaps with the Islamic State and the 2012 Benghazi attacks."

Brennan claimed in 2011 it was unfathomable to think Islamic terrorists could create a caliphate in the Middle East. Brennan doubled down too, saying, “That vision is absurd, and we are not going to organize our counter-terrorist polices against a feckless delusion that is never going to happen.” Brennan served as chief counter-terrorism advisor to President Barack Obama at the time.

Various al-Qaida elements in Iraq formed the basis of the Islamic State terrorist group — ISIS — which now controls vast swaths of territory in Syria and Iraq. ISIS capabilities were “not on my intelligence radar screen,” Obama confirmed to CNN Dec. 7, as the would-be caliphate began sweeping across Iraq towards Mosul.

Brennan played a role in drafting the ill-fated talking points in the aftermath of the Benghazi attack for then-U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice. Rice famously claimed that the attack was a “spontaneous — not a premeditated” protest gone awry, based on evidence assembled for her by Brennan.


This is the same CIA that denied it was running weapons to Al Qaeda and ISIS from Benghazi....

The CIA has lied and has been DEAD-WRONG on some of the LARGEST issues in the middle east...but now it wants to be believed in regards to the Russians?!

I'm not saying they are wrong this time - as even a blind squirrel finds an acorn every now and then - but they sure as hell have made it hard to believe anything they say without them offering up DEFINITIVE proof!

Benghazi was nothing more than rightwing politicizing a tragedy. Other than that "Strikes 1 and 2" are essentially the same thing, and at the time could not be predicted. Like 9/11.
Is this the same John Brennan who converted to Islam years ago in Saudi Arabia ???.the same John Brennan that was sworn in using the Constitution rather than a Bible??? The same one that many say, was handpicked by Hussein Obama to be CIA Director because he was a Muslim??

So many questions so little time, hey?

Nevertheless food for thought !;)

Where in the hell do you get that conspiracy theory crap from?
Is this the same John Brennan who converted to Islam years ago in Saudi Arabia ???.the same John Brennan that was sworn in using the Constitution rather than a Bible??? The same one that many say, was handpicked by Hussein Obama to be CIA Director because he was a Muslim??

So many questions so little time, hey?

Nevertheless food for thought !;)

Where in the hell do you get that conspiracy theory crap from?
Alt Right fake news
Don't worry, Trump's gonna be cleaning house real soon. This is just one of Obama's last F-U's before leaving office. There's gonna be more. But Wikileaks showed the Democratic Party to be one of the most corrupt institutions on earth. It's time for it to get the boot. It's Trump's show now.

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