CIA director says entire GOP worse than the Taliban

Well they have taken over

Now what?

Fight or die? Everyone else seems to believe future elections will save us, will undo the damage done. We're beyond elections, aren't we? I mean, they're performing hysterectomies on little girls for the purpose of conforming to political ideology. What more motivation to fight is need than that?
Yes, the CIA should have been defunded decades ago.....
You can't defund the CIA that easily. They aren't funded by taxes. In fact, they likely use casinos, drug trade, and disguised crypto-currency stocks to fund themselves. You might start by finding out which casinos are CIA and not gamble there...and also don't buy cryptocurrency. The drug part is probably their last resort and very hard to prove.
Hayden's kind of delusional hyperbolic statement is sort of stuff that makes the Democrat Party a Dangerous Political Cult.

The thing is this. Our illustrious democrat and republican leaders realize that the insane political platforms and ideologies they're pushing on the American people will eventually force them to rebel. Take the White House's public support for gender affirming surgeries for little kids. I mean, we're talking Frankenstein level of psychotic madness here. The time is long past for the American people to storm the castle and put an end to this insanity.

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