CIA had to come up with clever ways to keep trump from pocketing classified information

Then why were they fucking around with Carter Paige, eh moron?

i suppose since WSJ is pay-walled, this one shows Carter's extensive russian contacts prior to knowing Trump.

i suppose since WSJ is pay-walled, this one shows Carter's extensive russian contacts prior to knowing Trump.
That was his job, numskull.
I don't think "senile" is the best descriptor of Pedo Peter Quid Pro Joe's mental condition. Saying that someone is senile implies that their mental decline is simply from normal aging. That they are just a little slower than when they were younger.

When you consider what is known about his medical history and observe his symptoms and behavior, he appears to be suffering from vascular dementia. That's not the same thing as normal senility.

1) He had emergency open brain surgery twice while he was still only in his 40s because of life threatening vascular problems in his brain. That's not normal.

2) Heavy cocaine abuse causes vascular problems. On Hunter's "Laptop From Hell", while Joe was trying to console Hunter about his cocaine problem, in a message, Joe stated that it wasn't Hunter's fault because Hunter and his sister inherited their drug addiction problems. This strongly suggests that Joe was also addicted to cocaine.

3) Pedo Joe's eye went bloodshot on live TV for no apparent reason. That's not normal. It indicates a vascular problem, especially when you consider his medical history of severe vascular injury in his braincase. If blood vessels are randomly bursting in his eye, he's suffering from obvious cognitive decline and he's prone to confabulations, that is not mere senility. Those are not the symptoms of normal senility. Normal senility does not cause things like confabulations or burst blood vessels. Those are symptoms of vascular dementia.
Is there any amount of bullshit you don't believe...

This is the dregs of a QAnon site or something like it...

Joe Biden beat Trump easily in the debates. That is simple...
Trump couldn't even turn up for one because he looked so bad...

Trump White house spent huge amount time walking back Trump's statements...

Trump a family history of dementia. He clearly lacks the concentration to read long complicated documents... This shows a concentration deficiency.
He has also struggled during speeches and resorted to word salad and struggles to remember how actual events happened (like the muslims dancing in 911)...

I know why you are trying to attack Biden. It is projection, when you know you have a weakness, you first accuse the opposition of it first.
Is your pussy as big as your mouth? Be honest because your shit really stinks.
Triggered little shitstain aren’t you? Cry harder asshole. You merely look stupid as usual you lying Communist fuck. Your surrender is noted.
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The Lincoln Project is a conservative group, which has long opposed Trump and his Republican allies. It issued a strongly worded statement late on Tuesday following the primary defeat of Wyoming Representative Liz Cheney.

Trump Republicans have largely abondoned conservative principles. The statement essentially said that the Republican Party is no longer a conservative party. It is something else entirely.

Tonight, the nation marks the end of the Republican Party. What remains shares the name and branding of the traditional GOP, but is in fact an authoritarian nationalist cult dedicated only to Donald Trump.

In 2016, Vladimir Putin helped Trump become our President.

"The [Republican] Senate Intelligence Committee reaffirmed its support for the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election with the goal of putting Donald Trump in the Oval Office."

The cult members don't care. Most of the uninformed educationally challenged members don't know of Putin's role in 2016.

Putin is pleased with his choice because our nation is in turmoil as the former President is embroiled in a number of investigations. They would include White House documents, the Jan. 6 coup attempt to overthrow the elected government, civil and criminal business actions in New York, and Trump's tax returns.

The cult members don't care. Most of the uninformed educationally challenged members don't know of Trump's multiple criminal liabilities, and they don't know they are doing the bidding of the Russian dictator.

All the cult members have one thing in common. They don't know, and they don't want to know. They are not fans of reality, and, beyond the Farm Report, they rarely watch responsible news programming, believing it to be fake news because they report the difficulties faced by their cult leader, Donald Trump.

They believe. That's all they know, and that is all they want to know.

A number of reports involve Trump's many problems with the law. Trump Republicans are a no-show. They don't defend Trump. They don't support Trump.

Their support for their cult leader is based entirely on avoiding what Trump says and does.

The mystery is, why Trump? Why a man with inherited billions? Why an extreme narcissist who doesn't give a rat's ass about anyone except himself?
Other staff have said similar things. Trump is a child.
TDS is a thing, yes.

But if we can't trust the CIA - spies who lie for a living and were greenlighted by Schumer to destroy Trump - who CAN we trust, eh? :)
TDS is a thing, yes.

But if we can't trust the CIA - spies who lie for a living and were greenlighted by Schumer to destroy Trump - who CAN we trust, eh? :)
You are just another trump humper living in his make believe world.

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