CIA had to come up with clever ways to keep trump from pocketing classified information


Trump has severe dislexia. He really can't read. Plus he has a very limited attention span. His professors at Wharton said he was the dumbest student they ever had. He knows everything about everything.
Trump has severe dislexia. He really can't read. Plus he has a very limited attention span. His professors at Wharton said he was the dumbest student they ever had. He knows everything about everything.
Given your single digit I.Q., that claim is hardly credible. It's just more cheap shots.
Given your single digit I.Q., that claim is hardly credible. It's just more cheap shots.

My IQ is 20 points higher than Trump's. Trump can't learn anything because he already knows everything. He knows more than his generals, more than the epidemiologists, more than our US ambassadors etc.
My IQ is 20 points higher than Trump's. Trump can't learn anything because he already knows everything. He knows more than his generals, more than the epidemiologists, more than our US ambassadors etc.
From your posts in this forum, I estimate your I.Q. is below room temperature.

CIA had to come up with clever ways to keep trump from pocketing classified information​

That right there is what's WRONG in this country. The will of the American people elected Trump to be their president. These pricks in career government leadership jobs refused to accept that. They lied and schemed and did everything they could including breaking the law and fabricating BS charges to undermine this president and the American people.

You don't have to like Trump but DEFEND the right of the American people to choose their president otherwise you will suffer bought and owned puppet presidents who don't answer to the people but to the corrupt DC establishment. FFS people.
You mean the election the Democrats *won* by burning the contry down with their Covid Con & slicing socialist throats in swing states?

I DO remember that Democrat crime spree, yes.

TDS = A serious mental illness
Explain this please. Why is it when Dems win an election, suddenly there was "massive voter fraud." But when repubs win elections, everything is fair and above board? It began with the child names trump and it is now a disease in the repub party. The GOP is dead and has been replaced by a group of cowardly, sniveling, trump humpers who bow to their child king. That is truly a mental illness.
Biden IS a national disgrace, yes. :(
Biden is a moderate trying to restore class and dignity to the White House. All the while, trump, Bannon and the cult are plotting ways to overthrow our democracy.
That right there is what's WRONG in this country. The will of the American people elected Trump to be their president. These pricks in career government leadership jobs refused to accept that. They lied and schemed and did everything they could including breaking the law and fabricating BS charges to undermine this president and the American people.

You don't have to like Trump but DEFEND the right of the American people to choose their president otherwise you will suffer bought and owned puppet presidents who don't answer to the people but to the corrupt DC establishment. FFS people.
Yes, trump won in 2016 with the help from his boss, Poootin. Biden won the election in 2020. So, get over it. When fat man, trump stood behind a podium and said there was "massive voter fraud"....HE LIED. YOU KNOW HE LIED. But you still repeat the lie.

He is going to pay for his treason. You will be shocked when the facts come out in the search that took place at his Florida whore house.
Explain this please. Why is it when Dems win an election, suddenly there was "massive voter fraud." But when repubs win elections, everything is fair and above board? It began with the child names trump and it is now a disease in the repub party. The GOP is dead and has been replaced by a group of cowardly, sniveling, trump humpers who bow to their child king. That is truly a mental illness.
Because Dims run the elections, especially in the counties in battleground states that flipped the election. Furthermore, Republicans don't cheat. Dims do.

The argument that Republicans are pussies only fools the already fooled.
Yes, trump won in 2016 with the help from his boss, Poootin. Biden won the election in 2020. So, get over it. When fat man, trump stood behind a podium and said there was "massive voter fraud"....HE LIED. YOU KNOW HE LIED. But you still repeat the lie.

He is going to pay for his treason. You will be shocked when the facts come out in the search that took place at his Florida whore house.
This claim has already been proved false, douchebag. Repeating only shows that you are scum.
Not buying anything from RawStory, no matter who aggregates it....

There's plenty of news about Trump's problem over the past six years. Had you never heard of it before?

He was very sloppy with classified documents or information. He's a blabbermouth who likes to show off.

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