CIA official claim they NEVER said the Hunter Biden laptop “WAS” Russian disinformation. They claim they said it “LOOKED LIKE” Russia disinformation

I am right there with you. It is layered as hell.

Plus, the corruption is decentralized.

We had Hillary’s lawyer DEMONSTRABLY lying to the FBI, but the trial in DC led to jury nulification and he walked.

The jury foreman said we have more important things to worry about.


She was compromised.

He told the FBI that he was just coming to them as a concerned citizen, but the DUMB motherfucker billed the Clinton campaign for the time he spent with the FBI.

It was open and shut. My 10 year old nephew could figure that out.
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I'm not disagreeing with that, what I am commenting on, is, the fact that some folks KNOW that the whole gas-lighting on the laptop is garbage, but they will still twist their minds, to believe the lies that the military industrial establishment is telling them about the war in Ukraine, it is absolutely absurd. It is garbage.

If you know they are/were lying about the laptop, what does that tell you about the garbage he is spewing about Russia and Ukraine?


I DO NOT understand, why this entire forum is not up in arms about the waste of money that we keep pouring into Ukraine. THAT is a far bigger issue at this point in time. I FEEL THAT, every time I go to buy food.

Why do folks think liars are going to tell the truth?

This dumb ass laptop story?


It's gone, left the barn.
every one of them are under personal threat not to do anything. It would be interesting what the threat actually details.

And because Ukraine is part of the threat. Anyone says anything and badda boom.
TO THIS DAY, there is still an unsettled disagreement about the "LEAK vs. HACK" controversy of Wikileaks. I am of the opinion, that this, might very well be what those documents that Trump is accused of holding on to.

Julian Assange, even said, IT WAS NOT, Russia that gave him the Wikileaks documents. This also has to do with that circumstantial Seth Rich investigation.

Trump, denied that "assessment," of all the intel. agencies. The former intelligence agency experts, (VIPS,) disagreed with the folks that were in charge of the intelligence agencies while Trump was running against Clinton, and she used those assessments against Trump, to create that "Russian hacking," narrative, which, in the end, distracted folks from the CONTENTS of the Wikileaks. Which really, was almost enough to save her from defeat.

But? Most don't even remember that controversy, and Mueller himself, in his "Russia/Trump," collusion investigation, even used the narrative that it was a hack, and NOT a leak. This is what pissed Trump off so much. The FBI never even got the original data, that relied on Crowdstrike, which of course, had ties to an Ukrainian oligarch. I don't know that Ukrainian oligarch or the DNC was corrupt or not, the establishment never issued a subpoena for the original source scans of that data.

BOTH impeachments, had to do, one way or another, with this controversy. Was the DNC was trying to cover-up this corruption?

We will never know, it appears.

Trump was correct to not trust our intel agencies. I believe they falsely portrayed Assange as being connected to the Russians, and I still believe he was acting alone.

I saw Jen Psaki and Joe Biden repeat numerous times IT IS RUSSIAN DISINFORMATION.

All but confirming you never read the letter.

Let me quote it for you morons:
We want to emphasize that we do not know if the emails, provided to the New York Post by President Trump’s personal aSorney Rudy Giuliani, are genuine or not and that we do not have evidence of Russian involvement -- just that our experience makes us deeply suspicious that the Russian government played a significant role in this case.

How about you dipshits not embarrass yourself and spend like two minutes reading the letter instead of reading what a bunch of right wing assholes say about it.
All but confirming you never read the letter.

Let me quote it for you morons:
We want to emphasize that we do not know if the emails, provided to the New York Post by President Trump’s personal aSorney Rudy Giuliani, are genuine or not and that we do not have evidence of Russian involvement -- just that our experience makes us deeply suspicious that the Russian government played a significant role in this case.

How about you dipshits not embarrass yourself and spend like two minutes reading the letter instead of reading what a bunch of right wing assholes say about it.
that's a mumbo jumbo salad if I ever read one. too fking funny. I bet you understand it.
that's a mumbo jumbo salad if I ever read one. too fking funny. I bet you understand it.
I do understand it. You don’t because it’s not written at a third grad level for you.
I do understand it. You don’t because it’s not written at a third grad level for you.
yeah because talking out both sides of your mouth comes natural.

Here's the quote you posted:

we do not have evidence of Russian involvement -- just that our experience makes us deeply suspicious that the Russian government played a significant role in this case.

#1, they didn't have evidence russia was involved,
#2 but we know they were.

And you understand it. I'm laughing at you you stupid fk.

mumbo jumbo demofk salad.

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