CIA operators were denied request for help during Benghazi attack

Right, the US should have invaded Libya. :cuckoo:

Admit it, you want Reagan like death numbers.

WOW!!! What a stupid comment. There's a big difference between invading Libya and dropping special forces on what is technically our soil to defend it against a terrorist attack. Good Christ! You may win the Tilt-O-Whirl Award for Spin of the Year for that one.
Talk about stupid, we have no "soil" in Libya! :cuckoo:

But let's put the shoe on the other foot. Let's say for argument's sake that the Teabag Brotherhood storm and bomb the Chinese Embassy in NYC killing 4 and the Chinese send over bombers and special forces troops without US permission to kill the Teabaggers. I would bet dollars to donuts you would be the first to call that an invasion!!!

Of course, being in the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood you will never admit it would be a Chinese invasion even though that would mean you would have to pretend it was perfectly OK for China to take that aggressive action.
Right, the US should have invaded Libya. :cuckoo:

Admit it, you want Reagan like death numbers.

WOW!!! What a stupid comment. There's a big difference between invading Libya and dropping special forces on what is technically our soil to defend it against a terrorist attack. Good Christ! You may win the Tilt-O-Whirl Award for Spin of the Year for that one.
Talk about stupid, we have no "soil" in Libya! :cuckoo:

But let's put the shoe on the other foot. Let's say for argument's sake that the Teabag Brotherhood storm and bomb the Chinese Embassy in NYC killing 4 and the Chinese send over bombers and special forces troops without US permission to kill the Teabaggers. I would bet dollars to donuts you would be the first to call that an invasion!!!

Of course, being in the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood you will never admit it would be a Chinese invasion even though that would mean you would have to pretend it was perfectly OK for China to take that aggressive action.

LOL, you dumb fuck :lol:
There have been only two events that could be said to have caused significant movement by voters in the campaign. One was the Oct. 3 Denver debate in which Mitt Romney disinterred political skills that stunned the incumbent and woke up a sleeping electorate. Race on.

Vehicle inside the U.S. Consulate compound in Benghazi, Libya, Sept. 11.

The other is Benghazi. The damage done to the Obama campaign by the Sept. 11 death in Benghazi of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three American colleagues has been more gradual than the sensation of the Denver debate, but its effect may have been deeper.

The incumbent president has a credibility gap.

Henninger: Suddenly, A Credibility Gap -
They could have used fast movers or a Specter gunship. An AC130 would have blown the shit out of those terrorists and wouldn't even have come close to hitting our guys. In 60 seconds the fight would have been over.
Armed conflict is always piss easy to a Chicken-Hawk!!!

"I can't tell you if the use of force in Iraq today would last five days, or five weeks, or five months, but it certainly isn't going to last any longer than that."
- Donald Rumsfeld in an Interview with Steve Croft, Infinity CBS Radio Connect, November 14, 2002
so, this is coming from an unnamed source, who is the source? What's his name?

Why is he speaking about classified information? Why are we airing our shortcomings to our enemies if any of this is true?

And how did you all feel about wikileaks?

Not for nothing, Sparky...but I'm pretty sure that our enemies know all about our "shortcomings" since they were the ones who killed our Ambassador. This cover up isn't to keep THEM from finding out what happened that day in's to keep the American people from finding out what happened.

Then answer the question instead of trying to act like you are Obama. If this is true, will you call for the people who are responsible to be held accountable?

I don't think you're understanding where I'm coming from.

If I had top secret clearance, and knew all the facts - not just the cherry-picked leaked ones - then I'd be able to make a judgement on who was "responsible", and how they should be held "accountable".

Without all the facts, no.

Again I ask, what facts would possibly justify an order to stand down to people who were there and able to respond? Use you imagination, this is hypothetical, I won't hold you to it if it turns out a different set of facts actually exist.
why not use knives you know?

Because knives and bayonets are a last resort, just like they always were.

But technology hasn done anything.....the bayonet reigns supreme!

Funny, I don't recall saying that. What I said, and am willing to defend, is that, ultimately, it comes down to boots on the ground. Go find a soldier who is actually in battle that doesn't carry a knife. Or, better yet, go find any soldier that does carry a knife and tell him he doesn't need it.
Right, the US should have invaded Libya. :cuckoo:

Admit it, you want Reagan like death numbers.

WOW!!! What a stupid comment. There's a big difference between invading Libya and dropping special forces on what is technically our soil to defend it against a terrorist attack. Good Christ! You may win the Tilt-O-Whirl Award for Spin of the Year for that one.
Talk about stupid, we have no "soil" in Libya! :cuckoo:

But let's put the shoe on the other foot. Let's say for argument's sake that the Teabag Brotherhood storm and bomb the Chinese Embassy in NYC killing 4 and the Chinese send over bombers and special forces troops without US permission to kill the Teabaggers. I would bet dollars to donuts you would be the first to call that an invasion!!!

Of course, being in the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood you will never admit it would be a Chinese invasion even though that would mean you would have to pretend it was perfectly OK for China to take that aggressive action.

If the attack lasts for 7 hours without any response from the NYPD or any other forces and I will applaud there determination to defend their citizens.
Right, the US should have invaded Libya. :cuckoo:

Admit it, you want Reagan like death numbers.

WOW!!! What a stupid comment. There's a big difference between invading Libya and dropping special forces on what is technically our soil to defend it against a terrorist attack. Good Christ! You may win the Tilt-O-Whirl Award for Spin of the Year for that one.
Talk about stupid, we have no "soil" in Libya! :cuckoo:

But let's put the shoe on the other foot. Let's say for argument's sake that the Teabag Brotherhood storm and bomb the Chinese Embassy in NYC killing 4 and the Chinese send over bombers and special forces troops without US permission to kill the Teabaggers. I would bet dollars to donuts you would be the first to call that an invasion!!!

Of course, being in the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood you will never admit it would be a Chinese invasion even though that would mean you would have to pretend it was perfectly OK for China to take that aggressive action.

Ok genius....let me respond to this on multiple levels.

1) Tea Party members do not engage in riots, violence, trashing buildings, and storming places...that would be know...the guys on your side.

2) I'd say it's pretty unlikely that an OWS mob would be attacking the Chinese Embassy with RPG's and my experience their worst weapon is their shattering body odor and some bricks

3) The likelihood of any mob successfully storming an embassy in the United States is zero. The cops would have that mob under wraps so fast it would make their heads spin.

However, if for the mere sake of argument, such a completely asinine scenario were to take place and we stood by and did nothing, China would have every God damned right under the sun to protect the lives of their citizens and their embassy.

As a side note....the debate on whether an embassy/consulate is truly American soil is a brilliant, and I must say from what I have read, successful attempt to deflect from the real issue. It makes no bit of difference whether it is or it is not. So fine....I will cede the point because it doesn't matter. When our embassy/consulate are attacked, when any of our assets or citizens are attacked anywhere in the world, we not only have a right to respond, we have the responsibility to do so.

That is a responsibility that this president has failed to live up to. He had the information, he had the assets, he had the opportunity, and he said "let them die". For you, or for anyone, to defend that course of action (or should I say non-action) is a disgrace parallel to the act itself because what you are in essence saying by your failure to hold this administration accountable is that you support the sacrifice of American lives in order to re-elect your candidate.
WOW!!! What a stupid comment. There's a big difference between invading Libya and dropping special forces on what is technically our soil to defend it against a terrorist attack. Good Christ! You may win the Tilt-O-Whirl Award for Spin of the Year for that one.
Talk about stupid, we have no "soil" in Libya! :cuckoo:

But let's put the shoe on the other foot. Let's say for argument's sake that the Teabag Brotherhood storm and bomb the Chinese Embassy in NYC killing 4 and the Chinese send over bombers and special forces troops without US permission to kill the Teabaggers. I would bet dollars to donuts you would be the first to call that an invasion!!!

Of course, being in the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood you will never admit it would be a Chinese invasion even though that would mean you would have to pretend it was perfectly OK for China to take that aggressive action.
However, if for the mere sake of argument, such a completely asinine scenario were to take place and we stood by and did nothing, China would have every God damned right under the sun to protect the lives of their citizens and their embassy.
If the attack lasts for 7 hours without any response from the NYPD or any other forces and I will applaud there determination to defend their citizens.
Do I know the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood's hatred for this great country or what?!!!

I obviously hit the nail on the head earlier in this thread when I said CON$ wanted more American blood shed. Here we have two of them who are hateful enough of this great country to admit they would applaud a foreign country coming into America, without the permission of the American government, with planes and troops and killing American citizens. And all the negs I got for my earlier post prove these are not the only two!

Thank you both for your America-hating candor.
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Talk about stupid, we have no "soil" in Libya! :cuckoo:

But let's put the shoe on the other foot. Let's say for argument's sake that the Teabag Brotherhood storm and bomb the Chinese Embassy in NYC killing 4 and the Chinese send over bombers and special forces troops without US permission to kill the Teabaggers. I would bet dollars to donuts you would be the first to call that an invasion!!!

Of course, being in the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood you will never admit it would be a Chinese invasion even though that would mean you would have to pretend it was perfectly OK for China to take that aggressive action.
However, if for the mere sake of argument, such a completely asinine scenario were to take place and we stood by and did nothing, China would have every God damned right under the sun to protect the lives of their citizens and their embassy.
If the attack lasts for 7 hours without any response from the NYPD or any other forces and I will applaud there determination to defend their citizens.
Do I know the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood's hatred for this great country or what?!!!

I obviously hit the nail on the head earlier in this thread when I said CON$ wanted more American blood shed. Here we have two of them who are hateful enough of this great country to admit they would applaud a foreign country coming into America, without the permission of the American government, with planes and troops and killing American citizens. And all the negs I got for my earlier post prove these are not the only two!

Thank you both for your America-hating candor.

You have a twisted view of "America-hating" you are the one defending the murder of American citizens for political purposes.
Talk about stupid, we have no "soil" in Libya! :cuckoo:

But let's put the shoe on the other foot. Let's say for argument's sake that the Teabag Brotherhood storm and bomb the Chinese Embassy in NYC killing 4 and the Chinese send over bombers and special forces troops without US permission to kill the Teabaggers. I would bet dollars to donuts you would be the first to call that an invasion!!!

Of course, being in the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood you will never admit it would be a Chinese invasion even though that would mean you would have to pretend it was perfectly OK for China to take that aggressive action.
However, if for the mere sake of argument, such a completely asinine scenario were to take place and we stood by and did nothing, China would have every God damned right under the sun to protect the lives of their citizens and their embassy.
If the attack lasts for 7 hours without any response from the NYPD or any other forces and I will applaud there determination to defend their citizens.
Do I know the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood's hatred for this great country or what?!!!

I obviously hit the nail on the head earlier in this thread when I said CON$ wanted more American blood shed. Here we have two of them who are hateful enough of this great country to admit they would applaud a foreign country coming into America, without the permission of the American government, with planes and troops and killing American citizens. And all the negs I got for my earlier post prove these are not the only two!

Thank you both for your America-hating candor.

What happened in Libya would not happen here, so your scenario doesn't fit but a nice silly try.
We have a stable government.
We weren't just invaded by the UN.
We aren't known for our terrorist acts.
We have laws and enforcement of laws in place.
We would have a government that would step in and react swiftly against those that would commit terrorist attacks.

Really, you are an insult to America and its people's intelligence.

What do you think we should when our people are attacked by terrorists in a country with an unstable government, that would allow and support terrorism?

Please stay away from silly scenarios that wouldn't happen, that makes you look really immature and intellectually deficient.
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However, if for the mere sake of argument, such a completely asinine scenario were to take place and we stood by and did nothing, China would have every God damned right under the sun to protect the lives of their citizens and their embassy.
If the attack lasts for 7 hours without any response from the NYPD or any other forces and I will applaud there determination to defend their citizens.
Do I know the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood's hatred for this great country or what?!!!

I obviously hit the nail on the head earlier in this thread when I said CON$ wanted more American blood shed. Here we have two of them who are hateful enough of this great country to admit they would applaud a foreign country coming into America, without the permission of the American government, with planes and troops and killing American citizens. And all the negs I got for my earlier post prove these are not the only two!

Thank you both for your America-hating candor.

You have a twisted view of "America-hating" you are the one defending the murder of American citizens for political purposes.
No, I am pointing out just how moronic it is for the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood to say that any country can just send in gunships and troops without permission and start killing that country's citizens.

As I pointed out, you would never tolerate that happening here, but because of your seething hatred you would pretend to approve of it happening here for despicable political purposes.
Obviously I know you better than you know yourself!!!
Petraeus thru barry under the bus. Claims no one said not to help.

Why do I feel like that the chain of command will lead to a woman putting the kobeyashi maru on this operation.
No, I am pointing out just how moronic it is for the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood to say that any country can just send in gunships and troops without permission and start killing that country's citizens.

That country's citizens were killing our country's citizens. You dont even get it do you? You are so worrid about "their citizens" that you forget about "our citizens". You side with "their citizens" over "our citizens". And you accuse ME of being moronic? Whose fucking side are you on Ed? You are so fucking worried about appearances, other nation's opinions, politics, etc that you justify murder.

You would rather accept the murder of our citizens than ruffle the feathers of the Libyan government?!?!??! You sir are a fucking maniac....and a disgrace as an American.
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No, I am pointing out just how moronic it is for the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood to say that any country can just send in gunships and troops without permission and start killing that country's citizens.

That country's citizens were killing our country's citizens. You dont even get it do you? You are so worrid about "their citizens" that you forget about "our citizens". You side with "their citizens" over "our citizens". And you accuse ME of being moronic? Whose fucking side are you on Ed? You are so fucking worried about appearances, other nation's opinions, politics, etc that you justify murder.

You would rather accept the murder of our citizens than ruffle the feathers of the Libyan government?!?!??! You sir are a fucking maniac....and a disgrace as an American.
Just look at yourself! You are rationalizing that if any American citizen kills a citizen of another country while they are here, the victim's country has the right and duty to come here and kill American citizens. You are pathetic!
No, I am pointing out just how moronic it is for the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood to say that any country can just send in gunships and troops without permission and start killing that country's citizens.

That country's citizens were killing our country's citizens. You dont even get it do you? You are so worrid about "their citizens" that you forget about "our citizens". You side with "their citizens" over "our citizens". And you accuse ME of being moronic? Whose fucking side are you on Ed? You are so fucking worried about appearances, other nation's opinions, politics, etc that you justify murder.

You would rather accept the murder of our citizens than ruffle the feathers of the Libyan government?!?!??! You sir are a fucking maniac....and a disgrace as an American.
Just look at yourself! You are rationalizing that if any American citizen kills a citizen of another country while they are here, the victim's country has the right and duty to come here and kill American citizens. You are pathetic!

Nice twist but totally incorrect. This is not about one on one crime...this is about a terrorist do know what terrorists are don't you? I have to make sure because reading your posts I am not convinced of your grasp of the difference. Your twist on my statement was not at all what I said. Leave it to a liberal to shift the focus completely and apply the same principles. I will however stand by my statement....You are so fucking worried about appearances, other nation's opinions, politics, etc that you justify murder.

May God have mercy on your soul, and if you are ever in the situation that Stevens and our Navy Seals were in...for your sake, may there be a Republican in the White House.
That country's citizens were killing our country's citizens. You dont even get it do you? You are so worrid about "their citizens" that you forget about "our citizens". You side with "their citizens" over "our citizens". And you accuse ME of being moronic? Whose fucking side are you on Ed? You are so fucking worried about appearances, other nation's opinions, politics, etc that you justify murder.

You would rather accept the murder of our citizens than ruffle the feathers of the Libyan government?!?!??! You sir are a fucking maniac....and a disgrace as an American.
Just look at yourself! You are rationalizing that if any American citizen kills a citizen of another country while they are here, the victim's country has the right and duty to come here and kill American citizens. You are pathetic!

Nice twist but totally incorrect. This is not about one on one crime...this is about a terrorist do know what terrorists are don't you? I have to make sure because reading your posts I am not convinced of your grasp of the difference. Your twist on my statement was not at all what I said. Leave it to a liberal to shift the focus completely and apply the same principles. I will however stand by my statement....You are so fucking worried about appearances, other nation's opinions, politics, etc that you justify murder.

May God have mercy on your soul, and if you are ever in the situation that Stevens and our Navy Seals were in...for your sake, may there be a Republican in the White House.
So you are saying it is OK to kill one person without retaliation. So how many have to be killed inside a Muslim Mosque or a Sikh Temple or a migrant worker camp for the respective countries have your permission to come here without permission with planes and troops to kill Americans? We already know with only 2 Americans dead in Libya at the time you were ready to kill any Libyans in the vicinity of the terrorists.
No, I am pointing out just how moronic it is for the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood to say that any country can just send in gunships and troops without permission and start killing that country's citizens.

That country's citizens were killing our country's citizens. You dont even get it do you? You are so worrid about "their citizens" that you forget about "our citizens". You side with "their citizens" over "our citizens". And you accuse ME of being moronic? Whose fucking side are you on Ed? You are so fucking worried about appearances, other nation's opinions, politics, etc that you justify murder.

You would rather accept the murder of our citizens than ruffle the feathers of the Libyan government?!?!??! You sir are a fucking maniac....and a disgrace as an American.
Just look at yourself! You are rationalizing that if any American citizen kills a citizen of another country while they are here, the victim's country has the right and duty to come here and kill American citizens. You are pathetic!

Nice dodge of my questions, coward.

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