CIA operators were denied request for help during Benghazi attack

So blind. Why won't people think and do some research. Why are you defending this?

Hastily agreeing with anything that makes the President look bad isn't "thinking", or "doing research".

The only people who actually know what the situation was were the people there.

yep, the situation was bad... they were under fire and attack.....and they needed help.

and were "refused" they begged for help in the months leading up to this CF too and were "refused".
Hastily agreeing with anything that makes the President look bad isn't "thinking", or "doing research".

The only people who actually know what the situation was were the people there.

yep, the situation was bad... they were under fire and attack.....and they needed help.

and were "refused" they begged for help in the months leading up to this CF too and were "refused".

As the doctorisin said.... the people who KNEW were the ones in the situation.... i agree

of which thoes people BEGGED for help..... and were refused. quite different then saying .... "we cant get anything or anyone to you for 10 hours you will have to hold out" ......
That's the claim in the article in the op, Frances.

Well since your president and his side-kick Hillary denied them any help they needed and asked for several times, he did what he had to to try to protect the ambassador. But you think he should have just saved himself, screw everyone else! You're an ass......
And protect the ambassador he did! Oh wait a minute, all he did was get himself killed along with the ambassador. Good job, your only regret is that more didn't disobey orders and get themselves killed also. Admit it the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood wanted more dead American bodies.

This may be the dumbest thing you've ever said...and that's saying something.

You don't run towards a fire fight without the 100% certainty that you might die.

I suspect guys like Woods and his comrades, knowing the outcome...knowing that they would be killed and that their country would abandon them... They would have made the same choice, the decision to save the lives of their fellow Americans.

That's just what men of honor do.

Duty, honor, country.
SERE training, covert operations both on land and sea.. in far away lands.. Away from family members who you can't tell where you are..

Two former Navy SEALS heard the shots of our consulate under attack.. They requested permission to do what they were trained to do.. Ambassador Stevens is in the safe room, ON FIRE, literally dying.. Again, our SEALS request permission to go in and save our people.. "STAND DOWN," 3 times..

What makes a great SOLDIER, MARINE? Valor.. honor.. "Greater love hath no man than to lie down his life for another."

We salute our brave SEALS who gave all... we honor your lives and in your death, we recognize your valor. You are the very best of what America stands for. GOD BLESS the families of these men and bring them comfort.
So blind. Why won't people think and do some research. Why are you defending this?

Hastily agreeing with anything that makes the President look bad isn't "thinking", or "doing research".

The only people who actually know what the situation was were the people there.

Here are some facts for you. The attack lasted 7 hours. There is an Air Force base in Italy that could have had air cover there in an hour. The administration has admitted that it moved a team from somewhere in central Europe to Italy during the attack, and then had them stand by for orders. That team could have been there before the attack ended. The Secretary of Defense has said the decision was made not to send them in because they had no real time intelligence. The State Department has admitted that they had real time coverage of the attack, and has video covering about an hour of it.

Those are the facts, feel free to do any research you want if you dispute them to prove they are not facts. Now I will get into speculation.

The team they prepositioned in Italy was a highly trained counter terror reaction team that actually trains to go into situations with sketchy intelligence. People that fight the battles are used to improvising on the fly, and would have been willing to go in just for the chance to save people. They would have had air superiority, and would have helicopter support to take out fortified mortar and machine gun positions.

Would people have died? Possibly. Would it have upset the Libyan government? I don't think so, it would be pretty easy to shuffle them a few billion to smooth over any ruffled feathers. Bonus, it would have made Obama look really good just for trying.

Yet the facts show they were unwilling to even try.
so, this is coming from an unnamed source, who is the source? What's his name?

Why is he speaking about classified information? Why are we airing our shortcomings to our enemies if any of this is true?

And how did you all feel about wikileaks?

Are you serious? You honestly think people should cover for Obama's utter incompetence and failure to protect our people on the anniversary of 9/11 of all things? You know, I heard an interview with John McCain earlier. He's lividly pissed because our military assets in the area weren't even on alert. Think about it... it's the anniversary of 9/11, we've been warned by other countries that there might be trouble... and we're not even on alert.

This is BIGGER than an election. This is gross negligence by the current administration which has resulted in four American deaths that never should have happened.
Update: Courtesy of Glenn Beck, Tyrone Woods’ father Charles reacts to these new revelations: “That is cowardice by the people that issued that order. And our country is not a country of cowards. Our country is the greatest nation on Earth. And what we need to do is we need to raise up a generation of American heroes just like Ty who is an American hero. But in order to do that, we need to raise up a generation that has not just physical strength but moral strength. We do not need another generation of liars who lack
The National disgrace, THE OBAMA Administration- need to stand trial for being complicit in the murder of 4 Americans.

All of the lies now coming to light should outrage every single American in this country.. The Zombies who post here are NOT real Americans.. they are anti-American, God hating Marxists so no one really gives a damn what you morons think.
Liberals here laughing at CIA guys putting themselves in harm's way to save other Americans show they are nothing but idiots, scum and pussies.

When gunfire is going off and these guys are trained to respond to gunfire, they don't listen to some asshole hiding behind a desk back in Washington DC. They picked up weapons and went to save lives.

The liberals belittling these heroes is why I hate liberals.
It is purely political....

Is someone trying to protect Obama's sorry ass!
I've been watching the news and.....

I listened to an interview with the father of Ty Woods who is a lawyer and did not think there was any way to do it but suggested this was a good case for bringing murder charges against those in the WH who were involved.

I agree. After sorting out what I'd been hearing, all of it, I believe I know what happened.

This went all the way to the top. Right to the O. Instead of being prepared for the worst, he assumed the best situation and made no contingency plans. Faced with a politically untenable situation, the O waffled and led from behind, indecisive as usual

The O knew about this almost immediately and was in his office having a meeting
with the Sec of Defense and others

And 4 people died. AND 4 PEOPLE DIED.

He needs to be brought up on appropriate charges. IMMEDIATELY if not sooner. It doesn't matter if he's out of office or not. This should not be allowed to die as our people were.
Is any other new outlet but Fox News covering this?

Not yet, but they will be.

Obama will avoid answering for it by confining his TV appearances to Late Night with Letterman, Tonight show with Leno, The View and other network shows that don't ask so many probing questions but just sit there and let him say "What I said was the truth."

That sleazy, Marxist asshole hasn't told the truth since he got elected.

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