CIA operators were denied request for help during Benghazi attack

Does Libya have police, fire and ambulance services? If there is an explosion, riots or gunfire, most of the time we expect the emergency crews to arrive. How did these people go on for 7 hours unopposed? Was the government supporting them?

The right course of action would have been to get Stevens and the others out of there after it became clear months ago that they were in danger.
The guy disobeyed an order and got him self killed?

That's pretty bad.

fucking world class twat, drop fucking dead you skank
That's the claim in the article in the op, Frances.

Well since your president and his side-kick Hillary denied them any help they needed and asked for several times, he did what he had to to try to protect the ambassador. But you think he should have just saved himself, screw everyone else! You're an ass......
There is no way to spin this...they were left to die.

Woods is a hero for disobeying an order to ignore an attack on an American Consulate and the Ambassador of the United States.

Any soldier, seal, or marine worth a damn would have done the same.
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There's nothing more entertaining to me than internet armchair tacticians...

but your dumb ass is afraid to address what the man's father had to say, isn't it? asswipe.

What needs to be addressed? Was the father there? Does he have the clearance to know what was actually going on? Was he in the Situation Room?

Or is he just a devastated father, terribly upset that his son is dead, and angry because he doesn't know why?
So blind. Why won't people think and do some research. Why are you defending this?

Hastily agreeing with anything that makes the President look bad isn't "thinking", or "doing research".

The only people who actually know what the situation was were the people there.

In the people that were there are saying that the president fucked up. Are you really going to side with your president no matter what?

That is EXACTLY what they're going to do. That's all the do! They turn a blind eye on anything that is anti-obama, anything that could make him look bad. They know he's a liar...but they won't let themselves say it because then they would have to admit they've been wrong all along. That ain't going to happen!
There is no way to soon this...they were left to die.

Woods is a hero for disobeying an order to ignore an attack on an American Consulate and the Ambassador of the United States.

Any soldier, seal, or marine worth a damn would have done the same.

Thank you for that!

Now with respect to Libya, as I indicated in the last debate, when we received that phone call, I immediately made sure that, number one, that we did everything we could to secure those Americans who were still in harm’s way; number two, that we would investigate exactly what happened, and number three, most importantly, that we would go after those who killed Americans and we would bring them to justice. And that’s exactly what we’re going to do.
Page 2: Third Presidential Debate: Full Transcript - ABC News

Blatant lie.

Obama should resign immediately.
A new set of troofers is born.

If this happens to end up being proven that Obama fucked up, will you admit you were wrong?

There's soooo much evidence out there against him, and Hillary, right now, that i can't believe that you are this stupid to think neither of them did anything wrong.
There's nothing more entertaining to me than internet armchair tacticians...

but your dumb ass is afraid to address what the man's father had to say, isn't it? asswipe.

What needs to be addressed? Was the father there? Does he have the clearance to know what was actually going on? Was he in the Situation Room?

Or is he just a devastated father, terribly upset that his son is dead, and angry because he doesn't know why?

He knows why!
Right, the US should have invaded Libya. :cuckoo:

Admit it, you want Reagan like death numbers.

WOW!!! What a stupid comment. There's a big difference between invading Libya and dropping special forces on what is technically our soil to defend it against a terrorist attack. Good Christ! You may win the Tilt-O-Whirl Award for Spin of the Year for that one.
Wasn't this being watched from the state department in real time? Have they denied the charges made by the CIA?
fucking world class twat, drop fucking dead you skank
That's the claim in the article in the op, Frances.

Well since your president and his side-kick Hillary denied them any help they needed and asked for several times, he did what he had to to try to protect the ambassador. But you think he should have just saved himself, screw everyone else! You're an ass......
And protect the ambassador he did! Oh wait a minute, all he did was get himself killed along with the ambassador. Good job, your only regret is that more didn't disobey orders and get themselves killed also. Admit it the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood wanted more dead American bodies.
Who are "they" that called for help?
Who did they call?
Why is this all based on unnamed sources?
What military presence was close by that could have responded?
Why would someone claim that Woods disobeyed orders?

This story is so full of holes it's disgusting.
It is you that is full of holes.

But not bad enough for the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood. They wanted more American blood spilled. They know if more Americans went to try to help they all would have been killed. Only more dead American bodies will satisfy the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood.

What a stupid statement? It's the job of the military to protect US citizens in Foreign Countries. One or more Marine Companies could have been flown in. They would have kicked the ass of the terrorist group. Ass wipes like you don't have clue. I learned a long time a go that you can't fix stupid, Stupid.
Right, the US should have invaded Libya. :cuckoo:

Admit it, you want Reagan like death numbers.
Obama gave the orders to go into Libya. He then refused to aid the embassy staff when they were under Libya.

Obama is a goddamned sleazy, Muslim-lovin' Marxist asshole and an anti-American "President". He should NEVER have been elected our CIC!

You idiot liberals just can't admit that! But then, it's understandable because sleazy assholes love to be surrounded by sleazy assholes.
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