Citing costs, IBM to move retirees off health plan


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
My rather large company is doing the same except they are not going to give any money to retirees, non-Union that is, the retirees are cut off and left to fend for themselves on Obama exchanges. Yes there were not contracts and the company can do this but the retirees were promised something and that was taken away because of Obamacare. I know that for fact so don't tell me that Obamacare is going to be good for everyone.

Citing costs, IBM to move retirees off health plan | Fox News

International Business Machines Corp. plans to move about 110,000 retirees off its company-sponsored health plan and instead give them a payment to buy coverage on a health-insurance exchange, in a sign that even big, well-capitalized employers aren't likely to keep providing the once-common benefits as medical costs continue to rise.

The move, which will affect all IBM retirees once they become eligible for Medicare, will relieve the technology company of the responsibility of managing retirement health-care benefits. IBM said the growing cost of care makes its current plan unsustainable without big premium increases.

IBM's shift is an indication that health-insurance marketplaces, similar to the public exchanges proposed under President Barack Obama's health-care overhaul, will play a bigger role as companies move coverage down the path taken by many pensions, paying employees and retirees a fixed sum to manage their own care.

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