Citizens open fire on Cleveland Police

This is the USA, did the cops think that people would lay down for a good old fashioned screwin'?
So you condone this?
Not really...But the climate has been instigated by too many years of a Drug War not to have insurgents finally fighting back..........legalization will solve much of this problem, just like with the bootleggers and mafia types during alcohol prohibition..
We need law and order. We need safe peaceful streets. We need public-service-minded members of law enforcement. We need justice in our judicial system. We need to enforce laws equally across the board. We need equal punishment for equal crimes. We need members of law enforcement to respect the rights of citizens. We need to get trouble makers off our streets. We need to get gangs and illegal drugs off our streets. We need to hold everyone accountable for their actions, everyone.

We do NOT need out-of-control members of law enforcement. We do NOT need favoritism in out judicial system and court rooms. We do NOT need citizens waving guns on our streets. We do NOT need citizens taunting and unnecessarily challenging members of law enforcement. We do NOT need angry citizens with guns, imposing their misconduct on our communities and on members of law enforcement.

When we blame, we should blame everyone, both sides, for what is now common headlines all across this nation. Our streets are not safe, our communities are not safe, and the manner in which we're attempting to correct the situation, is producing more violence and contempt for members of law enforcement. We've allowed and encouraged rogue police action, thus creating an unsafe, uncivil, and tragic set of circumstances to develop between John Q. Public and law enforcement agencies.

We have allowed the situation to escalate to a point where it's almost war between ordinary citizens and members of law enforcement. In a sense, and it would be hard to argue the point, our judicial system and court rooms have provided the perfect atmosphere and set of circumstances for what we're seeing and experiencing on our streets today. Judicial favoritism breeds contempt, mistrust, anger, and uncivil actions by those wronged. The present situation on our streets will not improve until we fix and correct the wrongs in our court rooms and the entire judicial system. Everyone must be accountable for their actions, and equal justice must be enforced. Everyone should be held accountable and forced to obey all laws, and that includes members of law enforcement.
"Everyone should be held accountable and forced to obey all laws, and that includes members of law enforcement." That is, really, the only thing that needs to be said.
Ya cause charging 3 cops for arresting a guy that broke the law and later died under someone else's care is justice right?
Justice is not the result, it is the process. Those officers will have justice. It may mean they are acquitted; it may mean they are convicted. Whatever happens to them will happen after a process where their rights will be scrupulously protected. Freddie Gray did not have justice. There was no process that was completed before what happened to him happened to him. He was denied due process.

He was not.
As if you have any fucking clue what Due Process of law requires.

You obviously do not if you believe being killed OUTSIDE the system has anything to do with due process.

Denied due process would imply being sentenced without benefit of a trial.

Sort of how you are trying to do to police around the country .

This is the USA, did the cops think that people would lay down for a good old fashioned screwin'?
So you condone this?
Not really...But the climate has been instigated by too many years of a Drug War not to have insurgents finally fighting back..........legalization will solve much of this problem, just like with the bootleggers and mafia types during alcohol prohibition..

No it won't.

Ne'erdowells will simply find another way to illegally make money.

I actually favor legalizing drugs, but those who don''t have real jobs aren't suddenly going to go get real jobs because drugs are legal.
"Everyone should be held accountable and forced to obey all laws, and that includes members of law enforcement." That is, really, the only thing that needs to be said.
Ya cause charging 3 cops for arresting a guy that broke the law and later died under someone else's care is justice right?
Justice is not the result, it is the process. Those officers will have justice. It may mean they are acquitted; it may mean they are convicted. Whatever happens to them will happen after a process where their rights will be scrupulously protected. Freddie Gray did not have justice. There was no process that was completed before what happened to him happened to him. He was denied due process.

He was not.
As if you have any fucking clue what Due Process of law requires.

You obviously do not if you believe being killed OUTSIDE the system has anything to do with due process.

Denied due process would imply being sentenced without benefit of a trial.

Sort of how you are trying to do to police around the country .

State and federal laws make it a crime for a person, under color of state authority, to deny another citizen their life, liberty or property without due process of law. It is also the basis for a civil action seeking damages. Only a moron would not be aware of one of the largest bodies of federal law in existence.
This is the USA, did the cops think that people would lay down for a good old fashioned screwin'?
So you condone this?
Not really...But the climate has been instigated by too many years of a Drug War not to have insurgents finally fighting back..........legalization will solve much of this problem, just like with the bootleggers and mafia types during alcohol prohibition..

No it won't.

Ne'erdowells will simply find another way to illegally make money.

I actually favor legalizing drugs, but those who don''t have real jobs aren't suddenly going to go get real jobs because drugs are legal.
Real jobs? Which are those..Since you operate a restaurant, are rest. jobs real jobs? I've heard much talk about how they are not..
Ya cause charging 3 cops for arresting a guy that broke the law and later died under someone else's care is justice right?
Justice is not the result, it is the process. Those officers will have justice. It may mean they are acquitted; it may mean they are convicted. Whatever happens to them will happen after a process where their rights will be scrupulously protected. Freddie Gray did not have justice. There was no process that was completed before what happened to him happened to him. He was denied due process.

He was not.
As if you have any fucking clue what Due Process of law requires.

You obviously do not if you believe being killed OUTSIDE the system has anything to do with due process.

Denied due process would imply being sentenced without benefit of a trial.

Sort of how you are trying to do to police around the country .

State and federal laws make it a crime for a person, under color of state authority, to deny another citizen their life, liberty or property without due process of law. It is also the basis for a civil action seeking damages. Only a moron would not be aware of one of the largest bodies of federal law in existence.
Except that during the Drug War (since Reagan)you could have you assets seized without due process or a guilty verdict from a court of law..Oblama just changed their abilities not to be able to do this....
This is the USA, did the cops think that people would lay down for a good old fashioned screwin'?
So you condone this?
Not really...But the climate has been instigated by too many years of a Drug War not to have insurgents finally fighting back..........legalization will solve much of this problem, just like with the bootleggers and mafia types during alcohol prohibition..

No it won't.

Ne'erdowells will simply find another way to illegally make money.

I actually favor legalizing drugs, but those who don''t have real jobs aren't suddenly going to go get real jobs because drugs are legal.
Real jobs? Which are those..Since you operate a restaurant, are rest. jobs real jobs? I've heard much talk about how they are not..

Excuse me, by real jobs I meant legal jobs. I wasn't trying to degrade anyone's job.
This is the USA, did the cops think that people would lay down for a good old fashioned screwin'?

Well...not shooting at cops is reasonable. And cops responding to the call for men waving guns at each other is reasonable. Right?
And executing somone for holding a pellet gun while black is also reasonable, right?

Sad that that little boy was shot, but he wasn't executed and the officer didn't know it was a pellet gun when the boy reached for it in his waistband after being told to put his hands up.

There are MANY cases of police abuse, that wasn't one of them.
This is the USA, did the cops think that people would lay down for a good old fashioned screwin'?

Well...not shooting at cops is reasonable. And cops responding to the call for men waving guns at each other is reasonable. Right?
And executing somone for holding a pellet gun while black is also reasonable, right?

Sad that that little boy was shot, but he wasn't executed and the officer didn't know it was a pellet gun when the boy reached for it in his waistband after being told to put his hands up.

There are MANY cases of police abuse, that wasn't one of them.
Sure it was. That is why he will be charged.
This is the USA, did the cops think that people would lay down for a good old fashioned screwin'?
So you condone this?
Not really...But the climate has been instigated by too many years of a Drug War not to have insurgents finally fighting back..........legalization will solve much of this problem, just like with the bootleggers and mafia types during alcohol prohibition..

No it won't.

Ne'erdowells will simply find another way to illegally make money.

I actually favor legalizing drugs, but those who don''t have real jobs aren't suddenly going to go get real jobs because drugs are legal.
Real jobs? Which are those..Since you operate a restaurant, are rest. jobs real jobs? I've heard much talk about how they are not..

Excuse me, by real jobs I meant legal jobs. I wasn't trying to degrade anyone's job.
Sure why not, in fact many hold legal jobs and illegal ones..I did for 25 years...
Ya cause charging 3 cops for arresting a guy that broke the law and later died under someone else's care is justice right?
Justice is not the result, it is the process. Those officers will have justice. It may mean they are acquitted; it may mean they are convicted. Whatever happens to them will happen after a process where their rights will be scrupulously protected. Freddie Gray did not have justice. There was no process that was completed before what happened to him happened to him. He was denied due process.

He was not.
As if you have any fucking clue what Due Process of law requires.

You obviously do not if you believe being killed OUTSIDE the system has anything to do with due process.

Denied due process would imply being sentenced without benefit of a trial.

Sort of how you are trying to do to police around the country .

State and federal laws make it a crime for a person, under color of state authority, to deny another citizen their life, liberty or property without due process of law. It is also the basis for a civil action seeking damages. Only a moron would not be aware of one of the largest bodies of federal law in existence.

of course that's true, which has nothing to do with police officers having the same right to defend themselves as citizens have.

Why would they even be issued guns if it were illegal for them to use them stupid?
This is the USA, did the cops think that people would lay down for a good old fashioned screwin'?

Well...not shooting at cops is reasonable. And cops responding to the call for men waving guns at each other is reasonable. Right?
And executing somone for holding a pellet gun while black is also reasonable, right?

Sad that that little boy was shot, but he wasn't executed and the officer didn't know it was a pellet gun when the boy reached for it in his waistband after being told to put his hands up.

There are MANY cases of police abuse, that wasn't one of them.
Sure it was. That is why he will be charged.

Being charged =/= being guilty of a crime.

Unless you're a LEO I suppose.
This is the USA, did the cops think that people would lay down for a good old fashioned screwin'?

Well...not shooting at cops is reasonable. And cops responding to the call for men waving guns at each other is reasonable. Right?
And executing somone for holding a pellet gun while black is also reasonable, right?

Sad that that little boy was shot, but he wasn't executed and the officer didn't know it was a pellet gun when the boy reached for it in his waistband after being told to put his hands up.

There are MANY cases of police abuse, that wasn't one of them.
Sure it was. That is why he will be charged.

Being charged =/= being guilty of a crime.

Unless you're a LEO I suppose.
You said it was not "abuse". You did not say it was not a crime and I did not say he was guilty of a crime. Seems from the video that he is. But, either way, guilty or not, he abused his authority and should never work as a cop again. No need to drive up two feet away from him; no need to put yourself in such close proximity to him with nothing between you and him that your only option is you perceptive a threat is to shoot to kill.
Justice is not the result, it is the process. Those officers will have justice. It may mean they are acquitted; it may mean they are convicted. Whatever happens to them will happen after a process where their rights will be scrupulously protected. Freddie Gray did not have justice. There was no process that was completed before what happened to him happened to him. He was denied due process.

He was not.
As if you have any fucking clue what Due Process of law requires.

You obviously do not if you believe being killed OUTSIDE the system has anything to do with due process.

Denied due process would imply being sentenced without benefit of a trial.

Sort of how you are trying to do to police around the country .

State and federal laws make it a crime for a person, under color of state authority, to deny another citizen their life, liberty or property without due process of law. It is also the basis for a civil action seeking damages. Only a moron would not be aware of one of the largest bodies of federal law in existence.

of course that's true, which has nothing to do with police officers having the same right to defend themselves as citizens have.

Why would they even be issued guns if it were illegal for them to use them stupid?
How, exactly, was Freddie Gray threatening the officers when his neck was broken? Are you suggesting that they were acting in self defense when he died? You do realize that is what we discussing, right? And police officers have a greater right to use force than citizens have. They have a greater responsibility as well, given that authority.
Well...not shooting at cops is reasonable. And cops responding to the call for men waving guns at each other is reasonable. Right?
And executing somone for holding a pellet gun while black is also reasonable, right?

Sad that that little boy was shot, but he wasn't executed and the officer didn't know it was a pellet gun when the boy reached for it in his waistband after being told to put his hands up.

There are MANY cases of police abuse, that wasn't one of them.
Sure it was. That is why he will be charged.

Being charged =/= being guilty of a crime.

Unless you're a LEO I suppose.
You said it was not "abuse". You did not say it was not a crime and I did not say he was guilty of a crime. Seems from the video that he is. But, either way, guilty or not, he abused his authority and should never work as a cop again. No need to drive up two feet away from him; no need to put yourself in such close proximity to him with nothing between you and him that your only option is you perceptive a threat is to shoot to kill.

What if they dont pull up close....and he runs? Now an armed guy running through the community waving a gun at people.

Cops confront bad guys w guns. Sorry if it hurts your feelings.
Well...not shooting at cops is reasonable. And cops responding to the call for men waving guns at each other is reasonable. Right?
And executing somone for holding a pellet gun while black is also reasonable, right?

Sad that that little boy was shot, but he wasn't executed and the officer didn't know it was a pellet gun when the boy reached for it in his waistband after being told to put his hands up.

There are MANY cases of police abuse, that wasn't one of them.
Sure it was. That is why he will be charged.

Being charged =/= being guilty of a crime.

Unless you're a LEO I suppose.
You said it was not "abuse". You did not say it was not a crime and I did not say he was guilty of a crime. Seems from the video that he is. But, either way, guilty or not, he abused his authority and should never work as a cop again. No need to drive up two feet away from him; no need to put yourself in such close proximity to him with nothing between you and him that your only option is you perceptive a threat is to shoot to kill.

Let's say he DID make tactical mistakes, That is NOT police abusing their powers.

Words have meanings.

You can't even bring yourself to admit that the kid made the wost mistakes of all

A) Pointing a weapon at people - oh and get out of here with your "it was a pellet gun" because every person who knows guns knows you treat ALL guns like they are real, and that pellet gun was very realistic looking ad had been modified to be made even more realistic looking

B) reached for the gun which was in waistband when the officer told him to put his hands on his head. That is just plain stupid.
He was not.
As if you have any fucking clue what Due Process of law requires.

You obviously do not if you believe being killed OUTSIDE the system has anything to do with due process.

Denied due process would imply being sentenced without benefit of a trial.

Sort of how you are trying to do to police around the country .

State and federal laws make it a crime for a person, under color of state authority, to deny another citizen their life, liberty or property without due process of law. It is also the basis for a civil action seeking damages. Only a moron would not be aware of one of the largest bodies of federal law in existence.

of course that's true, which has nothing to do with police officers having the same right to defend themselves as citizens have.

Why would they even be issued guns if it were illegal for them to use them stupid?
How, exactly, was Freddie Gray threatening the officers when his neck was broken? Are you suggesting that they were acting in self defense when he died? You do realize that is what we discussing, right? And police officers have a greater right to use force than citizens have. They have a greater responsibility as well, given that authority.

LOL there is ZERO evidence that anyone broke his neck. Get the fuck out of here.
And executing somone for holding a pellet gun while black is also reasonable, right?

Sad that that little boy was shot, but he wasn't executed and the officer didn't know it was a pellet gun when the boy reached for it in his waistband after being told to put his hands up.

There are MANY cases of police abuse, that wasn't one of them.
Sure it was. That is why he will be charged.

Being charged =/= being guilty of a crime.

Unless you're a LEO I suppose.
You said it was not "abuse". You did not say it was not a crime and I did not say he was guilty of a crime. Seems from the video that he is. But, either way, guilty or not, he abused his authority and should never work as a cop again. No need to drive up two feet away from him; no need to put yourself in such close proximity to him with nothing between you and him that your only option is you perceptive a threat is to shoot to kill.

Let's say he DID make tactical mistakes, That is NOT police abusing their powers.

Words have meanings.

You can't even bring yourself to admit that the kid made the wost mistakes of all

A) Pointing a weapon at people - oh and get out of here with your "it was a pellet gun" because every person who knows guns knows you treat ALL guns like they are real, and that pellet gun was very realistic looking ad had been modified to be made even more realistic looking

B) reached for the gun which was in waistband when the officer told him to put his hands on his head. That is just plain stupid.
He did not point it at the cop. He is 13 years old, probably with little to no training in the law or police tactics. The cop is a grown man who we have granted great authority because we trust that he is mentally stable and adequately trained to use that authority. He proved lacking in one or both and a child is dead. He should have stopped several yards from the kid (he could tell it was a kid) and engaged him from there. Had he done that, the boy would be alive and no one would know this cop's name.
And executing somone for holding a pellet gun while black is also reasonable, right?

Sad that that little boy was shot, but he wasn't executed and the officer didn't know it was a pellet gun when the boy reached for it in his waistband after being told to put his hands up.

There are MANY cases of police abuse, that wasn't one of them.
Sure it was. That is why he will be charged.

Being charged =/= being guilty of a crime.

Unless you're a LEO I suppose.
You said it was not "abuse". You did not say it was not a crime and I did not say he was guilty of a crime. Seems from the video that he is. But, either way, guilty or not, he abused his authority and should never work as a cop again. No need to drive up two feet away from him; no need to put yourself in such close proximity to him with nothing between you and him that your only option is you perceptive a threat is to shoot to kill.

What if they dont pull up close....and he runs? Now an armed guy running through the community waving a gun at people.

Cops confront bad guys w guns. Sorry if it hurts your feelings.
He was child playing with a toy gun. Why you care so little about the life of this black child is beyond understanding.

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