Citizens United vs Citizens


Gold Member
Mar 30, 2011
MADISON- In the last year, Governor Walker has raised more than 12 million dollars, beating his old record.

Most of the money Governor Walker has raised to fight the recall in the last month has come from people who do not live in Wisconsin.

Just in the last couple of weeks, four out-of state donors gave Governor Walker $250,000 a piece. While Democrats argue those donors don't care about the average Wisconsinite, Walker's campaign says those contributions prove the governor's reforms are working.

One million signatures were turned in to recall him, now the governor is raising millions to fund a recall election.

More than 60 percent of donations came from out of state, including a $250,000 donation from Bob Perry. That name might sound familiar because he was behind the Swift Boat Veterans advertisements that attacked John Kerry.

But the state Democratic Party argues that money Walker raised doesn't represent the average Wisconsin voter.

"He's raising money from hedge fund managers, millionaire and billionaires whose concern isn't about making middle class families lives in Wisconsin better," said Mike Tate, the Chair of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin. "We're not going to be able to compete with him financially. Scott Walker is talking about being able to raise up to $70 million. We're going to have enough money to run a competitive race, but we will be outspent 3 or 4 to one."

Governor Walker breaks record for most money raised in single year - TODAY'S TMJ4

Or more correct Corporations United vs Citizens.
One answer to our political problems : CUT OFF special interest financing of elections! YES even at the local level.

Our state and federal governments are always claiming the USA is about democracy. In that case allow the citizens to practice democracy by allowing citizens to vote on these issues in 2012:

Let's demand a new system and vote in Fair Vote America : | Instant Runoff Voting
Demand a change on the next ballot.

Let's have public financing of campaigns. Citizens cannot afford special interest money campaigns for it is the citizens that get left out. Let citizens vote on this issue.
Home | Public Campaign

Bribery of elected officials and bribed officials = the most stinky of all bribery!
Seems to me that if you are going to get signatures for a recall from out of state, it's only fair he can collect money from out of state donors as well.
One answer to our political problems : CUT OFF special interest financing of elections! YES even at the local level.

Our state and federal governments are always claiming the USA is about democracy. In that case allow the citizens to practice democracy by allowing citizens to vote on these issues in 2012:

Let's demand a new system and vote in Fair Vote America : | Instant Runoff Voting
Demand a change on the next ballot.

Let's have public financing of campaigns. Citizens cannot afford special interest money campaigns for it is the citizens that get left out. Let citizens vote on this issue.
Home | Public Campaign

Bribery of elected officials and bribed officials = the most stinky of all bribery!

I agree but when the Supreme Court rules money is free speech and corporations are people that makes it hard.
Seems to me that if you are going to get signatures for a recall from out of state, it's only fair he can collect money from out of state donors as well.

they didn't get signiture fom out of state people. or that is the first I have heard.
Seems to me that if you are going to get signatures for a recall from out of state, it's only fair he can collect money from out of state donors as well.

they didn't get signiture fom out of state people. or that is the first I have heard.

That's because you didn't look first.

Splinter, meet Mote:

The Executive Director of the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign says at one time getting 10 percent of campaign funding from out of state would have brought on comments. Now, out-of-state money is making up almost half of the funding for and against the current recall effort targeting the governor. Documents released by the state of Wisconsin yesterday showed nearly 60 percent of the donations and almost 30 percent of the $1.2 million dollars raised by Democrats came from outside Wisconsin.

Governor recall funds coming more from out of state - WSAU News/Talk 550AM 99.9FM
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Seems to me that if you are going to get signatures for a recall from out of state, it's only fair he can collect money from out of state donors as well.

they didn't get signiture fom out of state people. or that is the first I have heard.

That's because you didn't look first.

Splinter, meet Mote:

The Executive Director of the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign says at one time getting 10 percent of campaign funding from out of state would have brought on comments. Now, out-of-state money is making up almost half of the funding for and against the current recall effort targeting the governor. Documents released by the state of Wisconsin yesterday showed nearly 60 percent of the donations and almost 30 percent of the $1.2 million dollars raised by Democrats came from outside Wisconsin.

Governor recall funds coming more from out of state - WSAU News/Talk 550AM 99.9FM

That doesn't say anything about signatures for the recall coming from out of state.
I agree but when the Supreme Court rules money is free speech and corporations are people that makes it hard.

I take it you've never actually read the ruling. If you did, you'd know that "corporations are people" argument is not in there.

Are you honestly suggesting that the government should have the power to fine and penalize people or groups of people who want to say something about an incumbant politician 60/90 days before an election?

Do you think people are any less people because they organize their business into a corporation?

Do you think said people have any less right to voice their opinions on what politicians have said and down than any other person or group of person?

What part of "Congress shall make no law" is difficult to understand?
That doesn't say anything about signatures for the recall coming from out of state.

You are not actually as stupid as that remark implies, are you?

You cannot sign a recall petition if you do not live in the state.

Your OP was about out of state money pouring in to help defend against the recall.

My post was demonstrating out of state money pouring in to help mount the recall.

Pot, meet Kettle.
I agree but when the Supreme Court rules money is free speech and corporations are people that makes it hard.
The Court did neither.

Misrepresenting the ruling merely undermines you cause.

Your concern is legitimate, the solution, not.
Serious question. Do you live by your moniker, or not, "Truth Seeker"? How hard did you work to seek the truth?

You seem to believe only Republicans want to spend lots of money on political campaigns. Do you think Democrats are some kind of idiotic alien species that won't take advantage of the same freedoms?
That doesn't say anything about signatures for the recall coming from out of state.

You are not actually as stupid as that remark implies, are you?

You cannot sign a recall petition if you do not live in the state.

Your OP was about out of state money pouring in to help defend against the recall.

My post was demonstrating out of state money pouring in to help mount the recall.

Pot, meet Kettle.

And yet we've had testimony that people were gathering signatures in Chicago.
Seems to me that if you are going to get signatures for a recall from out of state, it's only fair he can collect money from out of state donors as well.

they didn't get signiture fom out of state people. or that is the first I have heard.

They had to go to court to force the commission to make sure there were no duplicate signatures, or obvious fake ones, what makes you think they didn't get out of state signatures.
I agree but when the Supreme Court rules money is free speech and corporations are people that makes it hard.

I take it you've never actually read the ruling. If you did, you'd know that "corporations are people" argument is not in there.

Are you honestly suggesting that the government should have the power to fine and penalize people or groups of people who want to say something about an incumbant politician 60/90 days before an election?

Do you think people are any less people because they organize their business into a corporation?

Do you think said people have any less right to voice their opinions on what politicians have said and down than any other person or group of person?

What part of "Congress shall make no law" is difficult to understand?

I didn't say it was in there if by there you mean the Citizens United ruling. And yes I have read the ruling.

I don't think money is free speech and citizens have every right to keep our politicians from being bribed.
MADISON- In the last year, Governor Walker has raised more than 12 million dollars, beating his old record.

Most of the money Governor Walker has raised to fight the recall in the last month has come from people who do not live in Wisconsin.

Just in the last couple of weeks, four out-of state donors gave Governor Walker $250,000 a piece. While Democrats argue those donors don't care about the average Wisconsinite, Walker's campaign says those contributions prove the governor's reforms are working.

One million signatures were turned in to recall him, now the governor is raising millions to fund a recall election.

More than 60 percent of donations came from out of state, including a $250,000 donation from Bob Perry. That name might sound familiar because he was behind the Swift Boat Veterans advertisements that attacked John Kerry.

But the state Democratic Party argues that money Walker raised doesn't represent the average Wisconsin voter.

"He's raising money from hedge fund managers, millionaire and billionaires whose concern isn't about making middle class families lives in Wisconsin better," said Mike Tate, the Chair of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin. "We're not going to be able to compete with him financially. Scott Walker is talking about being able to raise up to $70 million. We're going to have enough money to run a competitive race, but we will be outspent 3 or 4 to one."

truthseeker said:
Or more correct Corporations United vs Citizens.

Unfortunately, your link is nothing more than an article written by a biased political hack with no objectivity what-so-ever. The first thing I noticed was comments and feelings from Democrats, but no comments are feelings from Repbublicans. Furthermore, check out this comment:

"He's raising money from hedge fund managers, millionaire and billionaires whose concern isn't about making middle class families lives in Wisconsin better," said Mike Tate

Now, where is this writers, and Mike Tates, as well as your same negativity towards hedge fund managers? Where is this same resentment towards new Chief of Staff, Jack Lew, appointed by Barack Obama who replaced Willaim Daley who stepped down. Lew was a former hedge fund manager for Citibank and made billions of dollars on mortgage defaults- betting that Americans wouldn’t be able to pay their mortgages

Also, the effort to recall Walker is getting huge funding from Unions, they are receiving such huge funding from Unions that even the national Democrats are upset by it, as it is going to take away funding from other Democrats in the upcoming 2012 election. The recall Walker side is also getting huge money from out of state as well.

BTW, you would be more correct in Unions and left-wing interest groups united vs. the citizens. Just remember, it is the unions and left-wing special interest groups that are going to stick to the Wisconsin taxpayer to the amount of over $9 million for a recall election. Yeah, these guys really care about the citizents of Wisconsin don't they. Con artists.
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And yet we've had testimony that people were gathering signatures in Chicago.

Which is why it is always a good idea to collect far more than are necessary. So that when the inevitable occurs and some signatures are thrown out, you still have enough to meet the requirements.

It is impossible to control the volunteers who collect signatures. And there is no way to prevent oppos from acting as volunteers on your behalf so they can sabotage the effort.

If some schmuck went to Chicago to collect signatures for a Wisconsin petition, that is not necessarily a reflection on the leadership of the effort. You would have to show the leadership actually encouraged such behavior.

I would bet that in every single petition drive there is some crooked behavior. I would be very careful about setting some kind of benchmark which could be used against your own side later.
That doesn't say anything about signatures for the recall coming from out of state.

You are not actually as stupid as that remark implies, are you?

You cannot sign a recall petition if you do not live in the state.

Your OP was about out of state money pouring in to help defend against the recall.

My post was demonstrating out of state money pouring in to help mount the recall.

Pot, meet Kettle.

And yet we've had testimony that people were gathering signatures in Chicago.
They think that they own Wisconsin. ;)
And yet we've had testimony that people were gathering signatures in Chicago.

Which is why it is always a good idea to collect far more than are necessary. So that when the inevitable occurs and some signatures are thrown out, you still have enough to meet the requirements.

It is impossible to control the volunteers who collect signatures. And there is no way to prevent oppos from acting as volunteers on your behalf so they can sabotage the effort.

If some schmuck went to Chicago to collect signatures for a Wisconsin petition, that is not necessarily a reflection on the leadership of the effort. You would have to show the leadership actually encouraged such behavior.

I would bet that in every single petition drive there is some crooked behavior. I would be very careful about setting some kind of benchmark which could be used against your own side later.

Didnt say anything about the leadership behind the petitions. I just said some of the people were allegedly seeking signatures out of state.

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