City of Anaheim forces private venue to cancel conservative rally

What is interesting is that you trotted out some Anaheim riot as proof but showed no evidence to back up your statement.

Feel free to inform me. I'm not saying you're just making it up but showing evidence is pretty much the way to demonstrate you're not.
what evidence do you need,that it actually happened?....
Hate to burst a good emotional rant, but Charlottesville would not have been violent had not some people showed up without a permit to protest. One group of idiots had a permit and held a rally while a second group of idiots decided they didn't like what the first group was saying, so they showed up to cause trouble and got it. That's dumb. Lesson learned, let idiots have their rally and go away. Nobody needs to get hurt.
I see. The lady that Conservative hero James Field ran over begged to be run over. Got it.
And what's this blob character all about? Is it some kind of democrat fantasy figure, like Pokemon? Maybe cosplay? I guess I'm just not up on what all the social incompetents are into these days.
Your morbidly obese cult leader likes calling people 3rd grader names. You enjoy it. So I just thought I'd play along.

If it hurts your feelings...too bad.
I see. The lady that Conservative hero James Field ran over begged to be run over. Got it.

Your morbidly obese cult leader likes calling people 3rd grader names. You enjoy it. So I just thought I'd play along.

If it hurts your feelings...too bad.
Uh, no, that's stupid on its face. Even you have to admit she would never have been run over had the second group of idiots simply let the first group have their rally and go away. Don't be stupider than a leftist has to be. IOW, the second group precipitated the encounter, and the worst thing is, no one had to be hurt. Had they just stayed out of it, the first group would have shouted some stuff, waved some stuff around and gone away with no one hurt. Apparently though, the second group could not handle the first group speaking their mind and wanted to shut them down violently, so someone got hurt. I mean, this is very basic stuff, and easy for most people to understand.

And "Conservative hero"? Man are you projecting big time. He's no hero to more than maybe 5 lunatics. A driver in a car has the responsibility to avoid hitting people, even if they are stupid and blocking the street. He could have backed up and gone another way. You are exhibiting some very bad traits here, you might want to talk to somebody about that.

Now, who is "my" "morbidly obese cult leader"? I know of no one like that because I don't have a cult leader, morbidly obese or otherwise. I mean, I'll play along with you for a while, but if you can't do better than that, not for very long.
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Uh, no, that's stupid on its face. Even you have to admit she would never have been run over had the second group of idiots simply let the first group have their rally and go away. Don't be stupider than a leftist has to be. IOW, the second group precipitated the encounter, and the worst thing is, no one had to be hurt. Had they just stayed out of it, the first group would have shouted some stuff, waved some stuff around and gone away with no one hurt. Apparently though, the second group could not handle the first group speaking their mind and wanted to shut them down violently, so someone got hurt. I mean, this is very basic stuff, and easy for most people to understand.

Now, who is "my" "morbidly obese cult leader"? I know of no one like that because I don't have a cult leader, morbidly obese or otherwise. I mean, I'll play along with you for a while, but if you can't do better than that, not for very long.

Meanwhile back in reality, your hero sits in jail on a murder charge.

Even you have to admit that blaming the victim of a hit and run is batshit crazy. Such is the states of your cult....
Meanwhile back in reality, your hero sits in jail on a murder charge.

Even you have to admit that blaming the victim of a hit and run is batshit crazy. Such is the states of your cult....
As I updated in my post after you quoted it, he's no hero of mine. Where do you get these moronic ideas in the first place? Wherever it is, you need to get out of there fast because it's poisoning what's left of your mind. You're believing some really weird stuff, and in today's political climate, that could get you in trouble.
Statistics will show it's not the case but I will agree with you that the perception some have often becomes their reality. For some reason you perceive me as never having criticized Democrats. The reality does not line up with your perception.
Candy when you deliver mail in an area for more than a year you know what goes on in that area......i knew more about the people i delivered to then they did,i delivered the same route for 12 years...people would come up to me and tell me their life stories and i knew who was working and who can tell alot by the mail people get.....some were doing great under bush,some were not.....when Obama got in it was the same i dont care about statistics.....i go by what i also get to know peoples political leanings too....and ok i get you about the democrats, i will just go by the threads we happen to be in and see how it plays out............
what evidence do you need,that it actually happened?....

Not sure what "it" is. Not sure why you're being coy.

Just show us some of folks rioting for political ends??? Maybe?

I'm sure you can produce it...but I'm also sure it pales in comparison to the

-1/6 riot that was designed to stop the constitutional transfer of political power. It injured 140 cops and the deaths of 5 people.
-Charlottesville where people gathered for a political purpose and marched chanting Nazi slogans. It injured dozens and resulted in the death of at least one woman when she was ran over by a blob supporter.

I'm happy to admit there are many on the left just as batshit crazy on the right; belligerent and idiotic...and even violent.

But lets see what has you so bent out of shape.
My beef is with the city's last paragraph which contradicts itself by saying it respects free speech, then adds that it feels a duty to call out speech and values that don't reflect the city of Anaheim. Apparently, the city politicians are harboring the delusion that absolutely everyone in the city agrees with them and their Marxist beliefs.
As I updated in my post after you quoted it, he's no hero of mine.
Sure. make me laugh harder. You're just here defending him....
Where do you get these moronic ideas in the first place? Wherever it is, you need to get out of there fast because it's poisoning what's left of your mind. You're believing some really weird stuff, and in today's political climate, that could get you in trouble.
Blob supporters crave violence. Its been demonstrated time and again. DC, Charlottesville, Pittsburgh.
(this is the part where you swear that all violence was done by crisis actors)

When you're not actively persecuting violence you're threatening--how many civil war threads have you guys started?
Candy when you deliver mail in an area for more than a year you know what goes on in that area......i knew more about the people i delivered to then they did,i delivered the same route for 12 years...people would come up to me and tell me their life stories and i knew who was working and who can tell alot by the mail people get.....some were doing great under bush,some were not.....when Obama got in it was the same i dont care about statistics.....i go by what i also get to know peoples political leanings too....and ok i get you about the democrats, i will just go by the threads we happen to be in and see how it plays out............

Its the micro v. macro argument. National politics is macro. The undertakers did great under Trump.
Wow, so you're pretending that the Bush years were better than the Obama years.... Was that when you dropped out of grad school skippy?
The country was far more united....Aside from Blow Job Billy's 'mortgage loans to dark people' policy failing on the Bush watch the era was actually quite good for most.
You're a Raider fan...NO Raider fan ever went to grad school at all.
Sure. make me laugh harder. You're just here defending him....

Blob supporters crave violence. Its been demonstrated time and again. DC, Charlottesville, Pittsburgh.
(this is the part where you swear that all violence was done by crisis actors)

When you're not actively persecuting violence you're threatening--how many civil war threads have you guys started?
And you double down on stupid. Where did I defend him? Quote me, if you can. If not, well, you know what to do. And where did I start a civil war on a thread? You're rapidly losing what little is left of your mind. And still with the blob fetish. Do you guys have blob parties or something?
The country was far more united....Aside from Blow Job Billy's 'mortgage loans to dark people' policy failing on the Bush watch the era was actually quite good for most.
You're a Raider fan...NO Raider fan ever went to grad school at all.

Good to see you're embracing your desires there.

Raider fans need a lot of consoling.... Do you guys do it doggy style so you can both watch the game?
And you double down on stupid. Where did I defend him? Quote me, if you can. If not, well, you know what to do. And where did I start a civil war on a thread? You're rapidly losing what little is left of your mind. And still with the blob fetish. Do you guys have blob parties or something?

Aw, poor baby. My calling your cult leader the "blob" hurts your feelings? Too bad.

You blamed the other people there for the violence; not those who committed the violence and ran over the woman in their car. Most people blame the driver. The jury did. And he sits in jail. Rotting. Makes me happy.
Aw, poor baby. My calling your cult leader the "blob" hurts your feelings? Too bad.

You blamed the other people there for the violence; not those who committed the violence and ran over the woman in their car. Most people blame the driver. The jury did. And he sits in jail. Rotting. Makes me happy.
And you're still doubling down on stupid. Quote me, I said. Look real hard, I'm sure you can find it somewhere. And you apparently need some rudimentary reading comprehension skills to understand what I wrote, because somehow you equated me saying that the violence would not have happened (absolutely true, BTW), had the second group of idiots not showed up and initiated conflict with me somehow absolving those who committed violence (on both sides I would add, doubtful you would).

And I still find your blob fetish to be amusing. Do you all have parties, conventions, what?
And you're still doubling down on stupid. Quote me, I said. Look real hard, I'm sure you can find it somewhere. And you apparently need some rudimentary reading comprehension skills to understand what I wrote, because somehow you equated me saying that the violence would not have happened (absolutely true, BTW), had the second group of idiots not showed up and initiated conflict with me somehow absolving those who committed violence (on both sides I would add, doubtful you would).

And I still find your blob fetish to be amusing. Do you all have parties, conventions, what?

You didn't write this?

" Even you have to admit she would never have been run over had the second group of idiots simply let the first group have their rally and go away."

You didn't have a problem with your blob calling other people names. Why do you have a problem with me calling him a name? Does it injure your sensitivities sonny boy?
You didn't write this?

" Even you have to admit she would never have been run over had the second group of idiots simply let the first group have their rally and go away."

You didn't have a problem with your blob calling other people names. Why do you have a problem with me calling him a name? Does it injure your sensitivities sonny boy?
1. Is it true that she would never have been run over had the second group of idiots simply let the first group have their rally and go away? I'll help you since you will likely have a hard time admitting it, it's true. Now, the first group of idiots are responsible for what they did, and especially the driver of the car, who had no business going into that crowd of idiots in the street. He's rightly sitting in prison. I also said that he's no hero to me or to most people. In fact, there's maybe 5 people who think he is. Now, if you can spin that into defending the idiot that killed the woman with his car, I'd like to see it. I also find it interesting that you apparently have no problem with the actions of the second group of idiots who showed up and caused trouble.

2. You have a blob fetish. Just be honest and proud of it. And you never did answer whether you guys have conventions or just parties late at night with the lights off. Hey, maybe if you tell me who you're talking about, it will make more sense.

3. You have a bad fitting foil helmet because the mind reading circuits are way off. Better have it checked.
Meanwhile back in reality, your hero sits in jail on a murder charge.

Even you have to admit that blaming the victim of a hit and run is batshit crazy. Such is the states of your cult....

Only a fucking asshole would claim that the driver was a hero to anyone. You are that asshole.
Aw, poor baby. My calling your cult leader the "blob" hurts your feelings? Too bad.

You blamed the other people there for the violence; not those who committed the violence and ran over the woman in their car. Most people blame the driver. The jury did. And he sits in jail. Rotting. Makes me happy.

He is pointing out that your argument is just you calling people names, like an ill mannered and stupid child.

The point is not his "Feelings" but your utter inability to support your shit with ANYTHING.

You fucking asshole.

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