City of Anaheim forces private venue to cancel conservative rally

you are doing your best to try and say far left or die hard liberals just wont get violent.....die hard liberals will get just as violent as any die hard righty would if you dont agree with them....and many of those opportunistic insurrectionist from last summer were lefties....

Again, I ask for the examples... of the mass political violence of the left.... You're doing your best to say that there is no difference...I pointed out the differences. Please provide the counter evidence.
I like conservative "extremists", we need about 50 million more to stomp on the necks of the Hate America Left...
So you're "thankful" that "he" doesn't live in Mexifornia....but you're fine with the 10 million illegals that do live here?
Yes, I'm thankful that he doesn't live in California.

And no, I'm not "in favor" of anyone being here illegally.
Again, I ask for the examples... of the mass political violence of the left.... You're doing your best to say that there is no difference...I pointed out the differences. Please provide the counter evidence.
you are pretty much a die hard lefty so you only see one side.....i cant stand both parties and can see the shit from both sides...thats the difference between us.....the far left and right will do what they have to do,including violence, to get what they will only agree to half that....last summers insurrection had many lefties participating...thats something you just cant accept....
you are pretty much a die hard lefty so you only see one side.....i cant stand both parties and can see the shit from both sides...thats the difference between us.....the far left and right will do what they have to do,including violence, to get what they will only agree to half that....last summers insurrection had many lefties participating...thats something you just cant accept....

Yeah, you keep saying just can't demonstrate it....

All those yokels storming the capitol (or a lot of them anyway) were waving Trump flags. You didn't see a lot of "Biden" paraphernalia at the BLM riots. Both riots were wrong of course but only the right wing does it over politics and some perceived voter fraud (PS; in Charlottesville it was some bogus statue issue--as if conservatives ever look at statues LOL).

Are you really going to state that all of these guys in the hood burning cars are politically active? Reality isn't your friend....or a long distance acquaintance.
Yeah, you keep saying just can't demonstrate it....

All those yokels storming the capitol (or a lot of them anyway) were waving Trump flags. You didn't see a lot of "Biden" paraphernalia at the BLM riots. Both riots were wrong of course but only the right wing does it over politics and some perceived voter fraud (PS; in Charlottesville it was some bogus statue issue--as if conservatives ever look at statues LOL).

Are you really going to state that all of these guys in the hood burning cars are politically active? Reality isn't your friend....or a long distance acquaintance.
like i said you cant see anything that makes your wonderful party look like many of those guys in the hood supported trump compared to a democrat?...reality isnt your friend either.....
like i said you cant see anything that makes your wonderful party look like shit....
I'm not a democrat try again.
how many of those guys in the hood supported trump compared to a democrat?...
Probably very few...probably very few voted.
reality isnt your friend either.....
Hey, I can show you rioters dressed in GOP candidate garb storming the capitol.
Can you show me people dressed in DNC candidate garb rioting?

Saying there is no difference is just is.
West Virginia leads the nation in people leaving their state.
In their defense, most of them can't read a map.

"Ladies and gentlemen...there is a car with it's lights on in the parking lot. It's a 1978 Nova, West Virginia License Plate E-I-E-I-O"
They are lying when they said "we respect free speech". They don't. If it was a BLM rally or whatever they wouldn't stop it for public safety reasons.

Filthy Libtards. Then they wonder why a thousand people a day are leaving Commie California to move elsewhere.

You know Orange County in general and Anaheim in particular are Republican don’t you?

I'm not a democrat try again.

Probably very few...probably very few voted.

Hey, I can show you rioters dressed in GOP candidate garb storming the capitol.
Can you show me people dressed in DNC candidate garb rioting?

if you aint a democrat why do you support them no matter what in these threads? here in this cant even say that many of those people last summer were lefties just because they didnt wave a stupid flag around.....if you lined all those rioters up and asked them what party they would back,which party do you think they would back?...
Harry Dresden

if you aint a democrat why do you support them no matter what in these threads?...

I don't. I've expressed disappointment with Biden numerous times, have been really critical of Pelosi, called Harry Reid a Scumbag quite a bit, said Obama was making some mistakes, criticized Democratic Party voters, etc...

Why do you support Trump no matter what? here in this cant even say that many of those people last summer were lefties just because they didnt wave a stupid flag around.....

You haven't proven that they were "lefties" or you honestly believe that gang bangers are democrats or republicans? It is possible to be do know that...right?

.if you lined all those rioters up and asked them what party they would back,which party do you think they would back?...

I think of those who knew what a political party was would say democrat.

Now, if you lined up all of those rioters in St. Louis, Minneapolis, Atlanta and Portland and asked them why they were protesting...politics would probably not register. You may remember George Floyd....

Now, if you lied up all of those rioters at the capitol and asked them why they were protesting...politics would be the top of the list.

You may recall that the topic of the thread is political in nature. I think the City did a great job banning these guys because it has been proven that blob supporters get violent. Now...who was speaking...blob supporters. Who would be there...blob supporters. As long as there wasn't police brutality happening...the odds of lefties getting violent is pretty small.

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