City of Anaheim forces private venue to cancel conservative rally

I watched it. Ballot harvesters came to my door several times offering a prefilled ballot. Republicans were ahead by double digits. Then the boxes of harvested ballots were counted. All for democrats. In an honest election Katie Porter would never have been elected, as she is told at all her town halls.
Never happened once. Much less several times.
Obviously you've never lived in California
LOL!! I have been to Kommie Kalifornia many times in my life.

However, I will probably be arrested if I go back to Kommie Kalifornia now.

In 1996 I was an Engineering Director for Lockheed Martin. I went to Irvine to work on a project proposal.

I lived out there for four months.

When the proposal was over I came back to Florida. A few weeks later I received a letter in the mail from the Communist government. They wanted me to pay income taxes on the salary I made while working in Kommie Kalifornia. I suspected they really needed money to pay for welfare for the Illegals that were flooding in then.

I sent a letter back telling them (literally) to kiss my Cracker ass. I wasn't going to give those shitheads anything.

Never heard anything back from them but they probably have a team of law enforcement agents checking the airlines to find out if I ever show up there again.
I imagine there were some politically active folks who rioted last Summer…but most were just opportunistic thugs. The 1/6 riot…the Charlottesville riots…the repeated violence at Trump rallies…all right wing political partisans
you are doing your best to try and say far left or die hard liberals just wont get violent.....die hard liberals will get just as violent as any die hard righty would if you dont agree with them....and many of those opportunistic insurrectionist from last summer were lefties....
Unfortunately there are millions of Americans who are not financially as fortunate as your mother, and cannot afford the deep blue elitism.

Most Expensive States To Live In 2021​

The cost of living in the United States varies significantly from one state to the next. The factors affecting the cost of living include the average earning, the average cost of rent or buying property, and the price of essential goods. Unfortunately, many states are unaffordable for middle-class wage earners due to slow wage growth, inflation, and expensive housing in the U.S.

1. Hawaii

Hawaii is the most expensive state to live in in the United States. Hawaii has a cost index of 196.3. The average home price in Hawaii is $1,158,492. The utility index is the highest in the country at 189.5, and the average monthly energy bill is $388.65. Basic physical goods, such as a half-gallon of milk, cost more than anywhere in the mainland United States because they need to be shipped to the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

2. District of Columbia​

Washington D.C. is the second-most expensive state in the United States, with a cost of living index of 161.1. D.C. has the second-most expensive housing, with the average two-bedroom apartment costs $2,776 per month, and the median home value is $628,914. The living wage in D.C. is $67,867, the highest living wage in the country. Luckily, D.C. has one of the highest median household incomes in the country at $85,203 per year.

3. California

California is the third-most-expensive state in the U.S. with notoriously high housing and transportation costs. California's housing index is 196.5, and its transportation index is 132.4, the second- and third-highest in the U.S., respectively. The average two-bedroom apartment in California runs for about $2,495 per month and is even more expensive in cities such as San Francisco and Los Angeles. California has some of the highest gasoline prices in the United States, and the average monthly energy bill is about $237.13.

4. Oregon

Oregon is the fourth-most expensive state in the country. Oregon's median home value is $549,358, more than double the U.S. median. Groceries in Oregon are also more expensive than the U.S. average, especially coffee and sugar. Transportation costs in Oregon are the third-highest in the country, behind Hawaii and California. Luckily, utility costs are below-average.

5. New York

New York is the fifth-most expensive state in the United States. New York has the most expensive housing, with the average cost of a home at $1,901,222. Rent in New York City is one of the highest in the country, with an average rent of $3,667 for a two-bedroom. The closer one lives to New York City, the more expensive it is to live in the state. The living wage in New York is $59,128, and the median household income is $64,894.

6. Massachusetts

The sixth-most expensive state in the U.S. is Massachusetts, home to Boston, one of the most expensive cities in the United States. The average home price in Massachusetts is $663,942, almost three times the national average. Massachusetts residents' monthly energy bill is around $236.62 on average, and their gas prices are fairly high as well. Luckily, as the most educated state in the U.S., Massachusetts also has one of the highest median household incomes in the country of $77,378.

7. Maryland

The seventh-most expensive state in the United States in Maryland. Maryland's expensiveness can be attributed to its proximity to Washington D.C. The average home price in Maryland is $794,750. Luckily, Maryland's health cost index is 85.7, below the national average. Despite the cost, Maryland has the second-lowest poverty rate in the U.S. of 8.2%. Additionally, Maryland has the second-highest median household income of $81,868.

8. Alaska

Alaska is the U.S.'s eighth-most expensive state. Like Hawaii, Alaska also needs to have all of its goods shipped in from the mainland United States, giving it the country's second-highest grocery index. Additionally, Alaska's winters are cold and dark, causing energy bills to be very high. Luckily, Alaska's median household income is $76,715, the sixth-highest in the country, and Alaska residents receive oil dividends to boost their income.

9. Connecticut

Connecticut is the ninth-most expensive state in the United States. Connecticut has expensive housing, utilities, and alcohol. The average home price in Connecticut is $662,447, and the monthly energy bill for a home is about $215.97. Additionally, a bottle of white table wine in the state will cost about $10.63 on average, double the price than in other states. Grocery prices are also above average.

10. Rhode Island

Rhode Island rounds out the ten most expensive states in the U.S. The average rent for a two-bedroom apartment in Rhode Island is around $1,385, while the typical home value is about $331,458. Utilities are very high in Rhode Island, with the monthly costs averaging around $522. The median household income in Rhode Island is $64,340, going as high as $89,847 in Washington County.
At the opposite end, Mississippi, Arkansas, and Oklahoma are the least expensive states. In general, however, states where it is cheaper to live have lower median incomes. In 2017, Mississippi's median household income was $43,529, but the U.S. median was $60,336.
Here are the 10 states with the highest cost index:
  1. Hawaii (192.9)
  2. California (151.7)
  3. New York (139.1)
  4. Oregon (134.2)
  5. Massachusetts (131.6)
  6. Alaska (129.9)
  7. Maryland (129.7)
  8. Connecticut (127.7)
  9. New Jersey (125.1)
  10. Rhode Island (119.4)
Most Expensive State
Hawaii (192.9)
Least Expensive State
Mississippi (86.1)
I am well aware of that fact. She and my father planned and saved towards retirement.
LOL!! I have been to Kommie Kalifornia many times in my life.

However, I will probably be arrested if I go back to Kommie Kalifornia now.

In 1996 I was an Engineering Director for Lockheed Martin. I went to Irvine to work on a project proposal.

I lived out there for four months.

When the proposal was over I came back to Florida. A few weeks later I received a letter in the mail from the Communist government. They wanted me to pay income taxes on the salary I made while working in Kommie Kalifornia. I suspected they really needed money to pay for welfare for the Illegals that were flooding in then.

I sent a letter back telling them (literally) to kiss my Cracker ass. I wasn't going to give those shitheads anything.

Never heard anything back from them but they probably have a team of law enforcement agents checking the airlines to find out if I ever show up there again.
That's good.
You traveled to a state that you did not like, and vowed to never return.

Neither they or you are better off, or worse for it.

I despised Florida when it was forced upon me to travel there, for many reasons, however I endured it, and will never return there again.

On a side note, something similar happened to me regarding taxes in Missouri, over a consulting job that I did there back in the 90's.
The only 'sane' Americans don't make knee jerk assertions about others based on your politically warped opinions, you magaturd piece of shit.
^^^ Case in Point. Another moron who thinks that the only "real" Americans are hip urban shithole far Left cityfolk latte sipping pinheads.
He doesn't live in California(thankfully) so what he says on that subject doesn't really matter one way or another.

I'm referring to more of this type of extremism:

Root was the opening speaker for Trump's rally in Las Vegas in late October 2016 during the presidential campaign. At the rally, Root, suggested that he wished ill upon Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin, hoping they met the same ending as Thelma & Louise.[3] The lead characters in the film take their own lives by driving off a cliff.

In his speech, Root said "Trump warriors" armed with "pitchforks, jack hammers and blow torches" would violently take over Washington D.C.:

"We're coming to tear it down. We're coming to rip it up. We're coming to kick your ass. And we're coming to put you in prison", he said referring to a fantasy he had about Clinton and Abedin.

Kellyanne Conway, Trump's campaign manager, later told CNN that Root's "conduct is completely unacceptable and does not reflect our campaign or our candidate".
I like conservative "extremists", we need about 50 million more to stomp on the necks of the Hate America Left...
So you're "thankful" that "he" doesn't live in Mexifornia....but you're fine with the 10 million illegals that do live here?
and if they would have came to your house more than once im sure they would have come to mine at least once....and i never seen anyone going door to door while delivering mail during the election time....for many years the election mail was fairly even.....
For many years the fraud level was not as high. I never saw the fraud level as high as it was in 2020. The election was just steamrolled by harvested ballots.
Nope. Couldn't be further from that. I'm in rural America. Back to the drawing board for you, nitwit.
Don’t lie…
You’re definitely not a real homegrown core American…you”re either a fagot or a rug muncher, a wetback or a criminal, a feminazi or a chick with a dick, a welfare degenerate or a government employee…which is it?
Don’t lie…
You’re definitely not a real homegrown core American…you”re either a fagot or a rug muncher, a wetback or a criminal, a feminazi or a chick with a dick, a welfare degenerate or a government employee…which is it?
Neither. I'm more or less the kind of American Caucasian you want to avoid. I do not suffer fools like you.
LOL!! I have been to Kommie Kalifornia many times in my life.

However, I will probably be arrested if I go back to Kommie Kalifornia now.

In 1996 I was an Engineering Director for Lockheed Martin. I went to Irvine to work on a project proposal.

I lived out there for four months.

When the proposal was over I came back to Florida. A few weeks later I received a letter in the mail from the Communist government. They wanted me to pay income taxes on the salary I made while working in Kommie Kalifornia. I suspected they really needed money to pay for welfare for the Illegals that were flooding in then.

I sent a letter back telling them (literally) to kiss my Cracker ass. I wasn't going to give those shitheads anything.

Never heard anything back from them but they probably have a team of law enforcement agents checking the airlines to find out if I ever show up there again.
Hopefully, they’ll have you extradited :)
The Kracken Bitch who’s about to be sanctioned and disbarred in multiple states :)

You are confused.

The high cost of living is tied to the Democrat mismanagement. High taxation, high cost of doing business due to regulation and a costly welfare state.

California was the Golden State 70 years ago when the Conservatives ran everything. Now it is a shithole with the worst poverty, worst schools, most Illegals, most homeless and most taxation.

That is the reason people are leaving.
thats the state of large cities near the coast.
But CA has nearly 6 million republicans; once you go a bit inland, its just like redneck country.

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