City of Anaheim forces private venue to cancel conservative rally

Because the city disagrees with the "values" of those attending and speaking. Maybe the left will one day achieve its ultimate goal wherein only a handful of party elites are permitted to express ideas.

Oh cool. Guess that means that cities can cancel any gathering like gay rallies and other Marxist events if they are found to be “offensive”.
Why do you support Trump no matter what?
Because he’s always right and fights for our freedoms, he fights against the Marxist Democrats and even Globalist neo-cons. Something Biden has never done and never will.
Harry Dresden

if you aint a democrat why do you support them no matter what in these threads?...

I don't. I've expressed disappointment with Biden numerous times, have been really critical of Pelosi, called Harry Reid a Scumbag quite a bit, said Obama was making some mistakes, criticized Democratic Party voters, etc...

Why do you support Trump no matter what? here in this cant even say that many of those people last summer were lefties just because they didnt wave a stupid flag around.....

You haven't proven that they were "lefties" or you honestly believe that gang bangers are democrats or republicans? It is possible to be do know that...right?

.if you lined all those rioters up and asked them what party they would back,which party do you think they would back?...

I think of those who knew what a political party was would say democrat.

Now, if you lined up all of those rioters in St. Louis, Minneapolis, Atlanta and Portland and asked them why they were protesting...politics would probably not register. You may remember George Floyd....

Now, if you lied up all of those rioters at the capitol and asked them why they were protesting...politics would be the top of the list.

You may recall that the topic of the thread is political in nature. I think the City did a great job banning these guys because it has been proven that blob supporters get violent. Now...who was speaking...blob supporters. Who would be there...blob supporters. As long as there wasn't police brutality happening...the odds of lefties getting violent is pretty small.
when i lived in Anaheim all the "political" riots they had were not started by righties....i guess as time goes on we will see who supports what.....
Because you LOVE crackpot conspiracy theories like The Big Lie?
DuH :icon_rolleyes:
You’re the ones that believe in the actual Big Lie:
The city of Anaheim is simply cancelling opinions it doesn't like, because it can.
Somebody should sue Anaheim to see if their biases cancel out the Bill of Rights
and Free Speech.
After eight grueling years of the Kenyan....Americans First became a very powerful sentiment...Sad but true.

Wow, so you're pretending that the Bush years were better than the Obama years.... Was that when you dropped out of grad school skippy?
Wow, so you're pretending that the Bush years were better than the Obama years.... Was that when you dropped out of grad school skippy?
for lots of people they were better.....and for lots of people the Obama years were better.....and the Bush years sucked.....all depends on what each president backed....
As we saw at Charlottesville and on DC on 1/6; blob supporters crave and bring violence. Good move by the city.
Hate to burst a good emotional rant, but Charlottesville would not have been violent had not some people showed up without a permit to protest. One group of idiots had a permit and held a rally while a second group of idiots decided they didn't like what the first group was saying, so they showed up to cause trouble and got it. That's dumb. Lesson learned, let idiots have their rally and go away. Nobody needs to get hurt.

And what's this blob character all about? Is it some kind of democrat fantasy figure, like Pokemon? Maybe cosplay? I guess I'm just not up on what all the social incompetents are into these days.
Hate to burst a good emotional rant, but Charlottesville would not have been violent had not some people showed up without a permit to protest. One group of idiots had a permit and held a rally while a second group of idiots decided they didn't like what the first group was saying, so they showed up to cause trouble and got it. That's dumb. Lesson learned, let idiots have their rally and go away. Nobody needs to get hurt.

And what's this blob character all about? Is it some kind of democrat fantasy figure, like Pokemon? Maybe cosplay? I guess I'm just not up on what all the social incompetents are into these days.
this is the Blob....


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so no idea but yet you commented...interesting....
so no idea but yet you commented...interesting....
What is interesting is that you trotted out some Anaheim riot as proof but showed no evidence to back up your statement.

Feel free to inform me. I'm not saying you're just making it up but showing evidence is pretty much the way to demonstrate you're not.
Because the city disagrees with the "values" of those attending and speaking. Maybe the left will one day achieve its ultimate goal wherein only a handful of party elites are permitted to express ideas.

So, they are admitting that the talk of "public safety" was just bullshit, it was really because the local government was using it's power to stop speech it did not like.


Liberals. The self awareness of a potted plant. If that potted plant is dead.
for lots of people they were better.....and for lots of people the Obama years were better.....and the Bush years sucked.....all depends on what each president backed....

Statistics will show it's not the case but I will agree with you that the perception some have often becomes their reality. For some reason you perceive me as never having criticized Democrats. The reality does not line up with your perception.

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