City of Crime: Reflections of Post-WWII


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a modernism-omen inspired by World War Z and Capitalism: A Love Story.

Signing off,



"I've assembled this unit ('G.I. Joe') to deal with the modern problem of cynicism-gauged anti-capitalism sentiments leading to outright civilization ruin (e.g., terrorism). You all have great gifts. Batman (aka 'Snake-Eyes'), you're great with psychology. Wonder Woman (aka 'Mara'), you know about morale. Superman (aka 'Duke'), you're surprisingly good with diplomacy. Flash (aka, 'Falcon'), you're skilled at teamwork. Catwoman (aka 'Scarlett'), you're good with courage. Poison Ivy (aka 'Pythona'), you know about vice. All of you bring something to this important table, which is why I sometimes refer to G.I. Joe as the Justice League." ---Donald Trump [2016].

Batman/Snake-Eyes looked at this speech-recording he kept. It gave the Justice League (G.I. Joe) great motivation to deal with the terrible problems of the new millennium, such as the North Korea nuclear missile test crisis during Labor Day 2017 and of course 9/11. These problems were arguably boiling over since the inception of the nation of Israel (after WWII), when Palestinian suspicions raised concerns about whether or not America could reliably serve as the world's 'Big Brother.' Snake-Eyes knew that these 'capitalism maladies' went much deeper than people realized. Evil was real. Snake-Eyes 'learned' this during this terrible and 'great tribulation.'

Snake-Eyes remembered when he was betrayed by his own team of G.I. Joes. Falcon had dumped him in a chemical toxin tub after knocking him unconscious (so Snake-Eyes couldn't reveal to the 'Justice League' that Falcon had raped a young helpless woman out of pure frustration). Fortunately, Snake-Eyes was able to hop out of that toxic tub before being permanently damaged. To Snake-Eyes the 'Great Tribulation' was about betrayal, deception, lies never reported, and the dire consequences of a civilization bereft of pity and full of arrogance/apathy. This Great Tribulation had built something as bad (if not 'worse') than the Biblical Tower of Babel --- what was built was a horrible and nearly-invisible 'City of Crime.'

Of course, one can expect that the complexity of capitalism would breed all kinds of 'strangers' and strange bedfellows. You go to work on Wall Street and you get cheated or robbed on the trading-floor, and your fellow brokers shrug and simply tell you, "That's the nature of the game, my good man!" You have to swallow your pride (as best you can), but how much can one swallow? Should the Justice League simply take sleeping-pills to forget about these modern evils (e.g., terrorism)? How can the Justice League ('G.I. Joe') ignore the fact that even civilians desperate for help are willing to kill these heroes for temporary fame (or infamy!)? Yes, this 'City of Crime' was something like a lust-imagination purgatory straight out of the pages of Dante's Inferno.

SNAKE-EYES: I'm happy to give this interview...
CNN: We're so thrilled you wanted to speak with us!
SNAKE-EYES: I'm proud of what the Justice League has accomplished.
CNN: The 'Great Tribulation' was truly awful...
SNAKE-EYES: We're all in agreement!
CNN: Do you feel worried about America's destiny?
SNAKE-EYES: I really doubt something like this will happen again.
CNN: We can never be sure...
SNAKE-EYES: I suppose not; there's good reason to assume hell is gone.
CNN: The Bible says the AntiChrist will arrive on Earth --- then hell will be gone.
SNAKE-EYES: I believe in Christian mythology; there were certainly 'demons.'
CNN: Worse than Hitler?
SNAKE-EYES: Well, World War II mobilized all of humanity...violently.
CNN: Yet, this 'cynicism-war' Trump assembled G.I. Joe for was its own 'evil.'
SNAKE-EYES: That's my point; sometimes a 'Cold War' can be worse than a hot one.
CNN: What have you learned about the nature of evil?
SNAKE-EYES: Sometimes, even women will renounce virtue for capital gains.
CNN: Isn't that the nature of media-culture/celebrity?
SNAKE-EYES: Right! Everyone wants to be in the spotlight (and impress others).
CNN: Do you think America will be called 'juvenile' (by its critics)?
SNAKE-EYES: Empire-critics have usually been Muslim (Britain, Rome, America).
CNN: Yes, the Arabs defied Rome and Great Britain...
SNAKE-EYES: After 9/11, everyone worried about what people believed.
CNN: Did capitalism become a morality test?
SNAKE-EYES: Well, if it did, we all failed...
CNN: You failed?
SNAKE-EYES: In a way. I did my duty gladly, but sometimes my faith was tested.
CNN: When you had to deal with unscrupulous civilians?
SNAKE-EYES: Yes, just think; druglords feeding the economy of Third World nations.
CNN: Difficult to prosecute.
SNAKE-EYES: Difficult...and maddening. However, journalism can save humanity (thanks).
CNN: Thanks so much...for everything.



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