Civil War Becomes Inevitable in the USA ?

Yeah, I am skeptical of purely civil war, b/c this is the 21st century. The U.S. is too big a prize for the global oligarchs to just let fall into chaos.

If it starts to fall into chaos, Canadian, UN, and Chinese troops are all standing by, just outside the borders.

It will be locked down, and locked down hard.

The nationalists will be so out gunned, out numbered and under siege, it will make their heads spin.

I have been reading articles about the Canadian government building internment camps, and training with Chinese & UN troops.

I'm sure Trump and his allies are aware of all of this.
The UN, the CHINESE, and the canadians have been working toward chaos in the US for a long time--chaos is considered a tool to help the UN and CHINESE take over.
A lot of gullible people have been watching way too many movies and disinformation on social media fueled by enemies of this country who would like nothing better than to see us shatter from within. And Y'all are lapping it up.

There was a real reason for the Civil War. This is a bunch of imaginary fairytales and 99% of what you're griping about hasn't actually happened or it hasn't affected your lives one whit. Stoppit.
Until you lose your house because your taxes went up $100.00/month to fund unlimited condoms.
There will be NO "civil war."

There will just be a lot of seething anger.

If the pandemic ends, life will return to "normal" more or less.

Most people, I assume, do NOT spend their time on something called Facebook or Twitter or Internet forums.

Eventually, of course, the United States of America will have a different formal or informal configuration because of demographic changes, but no substantial differences for many more decades.

The Dems/liberals/left are set to be in power for a long time. The country is trending in that direction.
the virus scare is meant for control and power---because of this, it will never ever go away. It's a tool and they will not release their tool.
The nationalists will be so out gunned, out numbered and under siege, it will make their heads spin.
I think you may have miscalculated.

With the number of guns in civilian hands? I know of no army in the world big enough to even take Texas by itself, much less a large collection of states.

If Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq taught us anything, it's that no amount of air superiority and firepower will every take the place of boots on the ground.

And, they don't have 1/10th the number needed.
I have a buddy that is SO into guns, loves 'em.

I told him a long, long time ago.

The end will not be what he thinks it will be. . . and I was right.

They will never come to Texas and try to fight you.

They know what your strengths are.

They will shut off your power. They will shut off your water. They will cut off your food.

They will wait you out.

You might have stocked up on all of this. . but most folks haven't.

. . and then? They will just wait for you to die or need something like medical care.

It will be a siege, on you. You just won't be able to go anywhere.

They have already run these scenario's and drills. They already know.

We have our own power grid here in Texas. They'll have to come on down to shut it down.
We have plenty of water and food.
Texas will be a tough nut to crack if they wanna get serious.

. . . that's just it, THEY WON'T.

Here's the thing, folks are griping about the current state of affairs, and want change, threatening, revolt, or revolution, etc.

Clausewitz is famous for saying;

There is a line attributed to Kissinger under the famous Chatham house rules.

Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.”

The point I am trying to make here, is, they already hold all the cards. The political situation is already as they would have it. The political situation is just as they desire. The corporations, the banks, the infrastructure, all of the integrated infrastructure in Texas will bend the knee, as will all the political elites, you know it, I know it.

The only folks that are unhappy with the situation will be the mom and pop main-street voter, and there is nothing they will do. To change the situation, they need to take the political initiative, and they won't. Thus, the establishment has only to ignore them.

Texas has no ability to feed itself, not the entire population, not over the long haul.

And the energy corporations, are in the pocket of the federal & international political institutions, as are the international finance corporations that prop them up. Hell, if you had been following my Stay Informed thread, you would be aware that Goldman Sachs is considering moving the financial capital from NY to Texas. Does that sound like the American oligarchs are worried about losing Texas? :heehee:

I have no doubt individual Texans have the will to resist an "invasion," but since none is necessary, as the political landscape is already how the folks in charge desire it, what is the point?

All information, means of communication and organization, food processing and distribution, mass food production and mass food distribution, control of finance, etc. are controlled by those whom you oppose. . . THAT is my point. And the local politicians will bend the knee to them.

Or else? They will suffer the same fate as Gaddafi and his forces. And then Texas will look like Libya does today.

So of course the bougiese and upper-classes won't dare upset the apple cart, they will fully welcome Chinese state capitalism. Even if it will make Texas look like NY or Cali, what do they care, as long as they are on top?
The nationalists will be so out gunned, out numbered and under siege, it will make their heads spin.
I think you may have miscalculated.

With the number of guns in civilian hands? I know of no army in the world big enough to even take Texas by itself, much less a large collection of states.

If Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq taught us anything, it's that no amount of air superiority and firepower will every take the place of boots on the ground.

And, they don't have 1/10th the number needed.
I have a buddy that is SO into guns, loves 'em.

I told him a long, long time ago.

The end will not be what he thinks it will be. . . and I was right.

They will never come to Texas and try to fight you.

They know what your strengths are.

They will shut off your power. They will shut off your water. They will cut off your food.

They will wait you out.

You might have stocked up on all of this. . but most folks haven't.

. . and then? They will just wait for you to die or need something like medical care.

It will be a siege, on you. You just won't be able to go anywhere.

They have already run these scenario's and drills. They already know.

We have our own power grid here in Texas. They'll have to come on down to shut it down.
We have plenty of water and food.
Texas will be a tough nut to crack if they wanna get serious.

. . . that's just it, THEY WON'T.

Here's the thing, folks are griping about the current state of affairs, and want change, threatening, revolt, or revolution, etc.

Clausewitz is famous for saying;

There is a line attributed to Kissinger under the famous Chatham house rules.

Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.”

The point I am trying to make here, is, they already hold all the cards. The political situation is already as they would have it. The political situation is just as they desire. The corporations, the banks, the infrastructure, all of the integrated infrastructure in Texas will bend the knee, as will all the political elites, you know it, I know it.

The only folks that are unhappy with the situation will be the mom and pop main-street voter, and there is nothing they will do. To change the situation, they need to take the political initiative, and they won't. Thus, the establishment has only to ignore them.

Texas has no ability to feed itself, not the entire population, not over the long haul.

And the energy corporations, are in the pocket of the federal & international political institutions, as are the international finance corporations that prop them up. Hell, if you had been following my Stay Informed thread, you would be aware that Goldman Sachs is considering moving the financial capital from NY to Texas. Does that sound like the American oligarchs are worried about losing Texas? :heehee:

I have no doubt individual Texans have the will to resist an "invasion," but since none is necessary, as the political landscape is already how the folks in charge desire it, what is the point?

All information, means of communication and organization, food processing and distribution, mass food production and mass food distribution, control of finance, etc. are controlled by those whom you oppose. . . THAT is my point. And the local politicians will bend the knee to them.

Or else? They will suffer the same fate as Gaddafi and his forces. And then Texas will look like Libya does today.

So of course the bougiese and upper-classes won't dare upset the apple cart, they will fully welcome Chinese state capitalism. Even if it will make Texas look like NY or Cali, what do they care, as long as they are on top?

Politics wont have anything to do with it.
Sure they may control the money but they dont control the populace.
The populace wont go along. Vietnam and Afghanistan are proof in point.
The populace in Texas own more firearms than any state in the country at close to 1 million.
And we have vast areas of unpopulated tracts of land.
Myself and my friends can survive in the woods as long as needed and there are millions here that can do the same.
The nationalists will be so out gunned, out numbered and under siege, it will make their heads spin.
I think you may have miscalculated.

With the number of guns in civilian hands? I know of no army in the world big enough to even take Texas by itself, much less a large collection of states.

If Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq taught us anything, it's that no amount of air superiority and firepower will every take the place of boots on the ground.

And, they don't have 1/10th the number needed.
I have a buddy that is SO into guns, loves 'em.

I told him a long, long time ago.

The end will not be what he thinks it will be. . . and I was right.

They will never come to Texas and try to fight you.

They know what your strengths are.

They will shut off your power. They will shut off your water. They will cut off your food.

They will wait you out.

You might have stocked up on all of this. . but most folks haven't.

. . and then? They will just wait for you to die or need something like medical care.

It will be a siege, on you. You just won't be able to go anywhere.

They have already run these scenario's and drills. They already know.

We have our own power grid here in Texas. They'll have to come on down to shut it down.
We have plenty of water and food.
Texas will be a tough nut to crack if they wanna get serious.

. . . that's just it, THEY WON'T.

Here's the thing, folks are griping about the current state of affairs, and want change, threatening, revolt, or revolution, etc.

Clausewitz is famous for saying;

There is a line attributed to Kissinger under the famous Chatham house rules.

Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.”

The point I am trying to make here, is, they already hold all the cards. The political situation is already as they would have it. The political situation is just as they desire. The corporations, the banks, the infrastructure, all of the integrated infrastructure in Texas will bend the knee, as will all the political elites, you know it, I know it.

The only folks that are unhappy with the situation will be the mom and pop main-street voter, and there is nothing they will do. To change the situation, they need to take the political initiative, and they won't. Thus, the establishment has only to ignore them.

Texas has no ability to feed itself, not the entire population, not over the long haul.

And the energy corporations, are in the pocket of the federal & international political institutions, as are the international finance corporations that prop them up. Hell, if you had been following my Stay Informed thread, you would be aware that Goldman Sachs is considering moving the financial capital from NY to Texas. Does that sound like the American oligarchs are worried about losing Texas? :heehee:

I have no doubt individual Texans have the will to resist an "invasion," but since none is necessary, as the political landscape is already how the folks in charge desire it, what is the point?

All information, means of communication and organization, food processing and distribution, mass food production and mass food distribution, control of finance, etc. are controlled by those whom you oppose. . . THAT is my point. And the local politicians will bend the knee to them.

Or else? They will suffer the same fate as Gaddafi and his forces. And then Texas will look like Libya does today.

So of course the bougiese and upper-classes won't dare upset the apple cart, they will fully welcome Chinese state capitalism. Even if it will make Texas look like NY or Cali, what do they care, as long as they are on top?

Politics wont have anything to do with it.
Sure they may control the money but they dont control the populace.
The populace wont go along. Vietnam and Afghanistan are proof in point.
The populace in Texas own more firearms than any state in the country at close to 1 million.
And we have vast areas of unpopulated tracts of land.
Myself and my friends can survive in the woods as long as needed and there are millions here that can do the same.

. . . I don't think you get what I am writing.

Are you going to up and leave your home at some point?

Nothing is going to change. There won't be an, "invasion."

They have already won, as long as you sit there posting, you are already "going along."
There will be NO "civil war."

There will just be a lot of seething anger.

If the pandemic ends, life will return to "normal" more or less.

Most people, I assume, do NOT spend their time on something called Facebook or Twitter or Internet forums.
My anger at White leftist is at a boiling point . So high that I can only laugh when I see them splattered in big cities from the same thugs they protect
The Democrats have stolen the electoral process in the US so this bit about the US is a democracy is pretty well gone now. Kaput.

They know how to and are willing to fraudulently produce any number of votes necessary to win an election.

Nothing can be fixed at the ballot box anymore. Our Republic cannot be restored with elections because that process was stolen by the Democrats.

The only options left are to succumb to the US becoming an authoritative socialist shithole or fight back.

That is what the greedy Libtard Democrats have forced us to do.
We’re already very socialist but you’re taking full blown Marxism
There will be NO "civil war."

There will just be a lot of seething anger.

If the pandemic ends, life will return to "normal" more or less.

Most people, I assume, do NOT spend their time on something called Facebook or Twitter or Internet forums.

Eventually, of course, the United States of America will have a different formal or informal configuration because of demographic changes, but no substantial differences for many more decades.

The Dems/liberals/left are set to be in power for a long time. The country is trending in that direction.
the virus scare is meant for control and power---because of this, it will never ever go away. It's a tool and they will not release their tool.
They now know how weak and pathetic we’re and will use the same methods on the 2nd and 1st amendments
The nationalists will be so out gunned, out numbered and under siege, it will make their heads spin.
I think you may have miscalculated.

With the number of guns in civilian hands? I know of no army in the world big enough to even take Texas by itself, much less a large collection of states.

If Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq taught us anything, it's that no amount of air superiority and firepower will every take the place of boots on the ground.

And, they don't have 1/10th the number needed.
I have a buddy that is SO into guns, loves 'em.

I told him a long, long time ago.

The end will not be what he thinks it will be. . . and I was right.

They will never come to Texas and try to fight you.

They know what your strengths are.

They will shut off your power. They will shut off your water. They will cut off your food.

They will wait you out.

You might have stocked up on all of this. . but most folks haven't.

. . and then? They will just wait for you to die or need something like medical care.

It will be a siege, on you. You just won't be able to go anywhere.

They have already run these scenario's and drills. They already know.

We have our own power grid here in Texas. They'll have to come on down to shut it down.
We have plenty of water and food.
Texas will be a tough nut to crack if they wanna get serious.

. . . that's just it, THEY WON'T.

Here's the thing, folks are griping about the current state of affairs, and want change, threatening, revolt, or revolution, etc.

Clausewitz is famous for saying;

There is a line attributed to Kissinger under the famous Chatham house rules.

Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.”

The point I am trying to make here, is, they already hold all the cards. The political situation is already as they would have it. The political situation is just as they desire. The corporations, the banks, the infrastructure, all of the integrated infrastructure in Texas will bend the knee, as will all the political elites, you know it, I know it.

The only folks that are unhappy with the situation will be the mom and pop main-street voter, and there is nothing they will do. To change the situation, they need to take the political initiative, and they won't. Thus, the establishment has only to ignore them.

Texas has no ability to feed itself, not the entire population, not over the long haul.

And the energy corporations, are in the pocket of the federal & international political institutions, as are the international finance corporations that prop them up. Hell, if you had been following my Stay Informed thread, you would be aware that Goldman Sachs is considering moving the financial capital from NY to Texas. Does that sound like the American oligarchs are worried about losing Texas? :heehee:

I have no doubt individual Texans have the will to resist an "invasion," but since none is necessary, as the political landscape is already how the folks in charge desire it, what is the point?

All information, means of communication and organization, food processing and distribution, mass food production and mass food distribution, control of finance, etc. are controlled by those whom you oppose. . . THAT is my point. And the local politicians will bend the knee to them.

Or else? They will suffer the same fate as Gaddafi and his forces. And then Texas will look like Libya does today.

So of course the bougiese and upper-classes won't dare upset the apple cart, they will fully welcome Chinese state capitalism. Even if it will make Texas look like NY or Cali, what do they care, as long as they are on top?

Politics wont have anything to do with it.
Sure they may control the money but they dont control the populace.
The populace wont go along. Vietnam and Afghanistan are proof in point.
The populace in Texas own more firearms than any state in the country at close to 1 million.
And we have vast areas of unpopulated tracts of land.
Myself and my friends can survive in the woods as long as needed and there are millions here that can do the same.

. . . I don't think you get what I am writing.

Are you going to up and leave your home at some point?

Nothing is going to change. There won't be an, "invasion."

They have already won, as long as you sit there posting, you are already "going along."

Of course I'll leave my home. Your home leaves you as a sitting target.
Dont know where you live but here in Texas we wont sit down for this shit. They'll have to dig us out of every nook and cranny in the entire state. And that includes the cities for those who choose to stay and defend them.
It will be no different than Nam or Iraq. Who is your enemy? If they go in and start killing the populace wholesale it will turn everyone against them.
Will the military kill their own friends and family? Of course they wont. And if they bring in those willing to do it the same will happen the populace will turn on them.
And this doesnt only apply to Texas. You start killing the general populace the country will explode.
The nationalists will be so out gunned, out numbered and under siege, it will make their heads spin.
I think you may have miscalculated.

With the number of guns in civilian hands? I know of no army in the world big enough to even take Texas by itself, much less a large collection of states.

If Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq taught us anything, it's that no amount of air superiority and firepower will every take the place of boots on the ground.

And, they don't have 1/10th the number needed.
I have a buddy that is SO into guns, loves 'em.

I told him a long, long time ago.

The end will not be what he thinks it will be. . . and I was right.

They will never come to Texas and try to fight you.

They know what your strengths are.

They will shut off your power. They will shut off your water. They will cut off your food.

They will wait you out.

You might have stocked up on all of this. . but most folks haven't.

. . and then? They will just wait for you to die or need something like medical care.

It will be a siege, on you. You just won't be able to go anywhere.

They have already run these scenario's and drills. They already know.

We have our own power grid here in Texas. They'll have to come on down to shut it down.
We have plenty of water and food.
Texas will be a tough nut to crack if they wanna get serious.

. . . that's just it, THEY WON'T.

Here's the thing, folks are griping about the current state of affairs, and want change, threatening, revolt, or revolution, etc.

Clausewitz is famous for saying;

There is a line attributed to Kissinger under the famous Chatham house rules.

Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.”

The point I am trying to make here, is, they already hold all the cards. The political situation is already as they would have it. The political situation is just as they desire. The corporations, the banks, the infrastructure, all of the integrated infrastructure in Texas will bend the knee, as will all the political elites, you know it, I know it.

The only folks that are unhappy with the situation will be the mom and pop main-street voter, and there is nothing they will do. To change the situation, they need to take the political initiative, and they won't. Thus, the establishment has only to ignore them.

Texas has no ability to feed itself, not the entire population, not over the long haul.

And the energy corporations, are in the pocket of the federal & international political institutions, as are the international finance corporations that prop them up. Hell, if you had been following my Stay Informed thread, you would be aware that Goldman Sachs is considering moving the financial capital from NY to Texas. Does that sound like the American oligarchs are worried about losing Texas? :heehee:

I have no doubt individual Texans have the will to resist an "invasion," but since none is necessary, as the political landscape is already how the folks in charge desire it, what is the point?

All information, means of communication and organization, food processing and distribution, mass food production and mass food distribution, control of finance, etc. are controlled by those whom you oppose. . . THAT is my point. And the local politicians will bend the knee to them.

Or else? They will suffer the same fate as Gaddafi and his forces. And then Texas will look like Libya does today.

So of course the bougiese and upper-classes won't dare upset the apple cart, they will fully welcome Chinese state capitalism. Even if it will make Texas look like NY or Cali, what do they care, as long as they are on top?

Politics wont have anything to do with it.
Sure they may control the money but they dont control the populace.
The populace wont go along. Vietnam and Afghanistan are proof in point.
The populace in Texas own more firearms than any state in the country at close to 1 million.
And we have vast areas of unpopulated tracts of land.
Myself and my friends can survive in the woods as long as needed and there are millions here that can do the same.

. . . I don't think you get what I am writing.

Are you going to up and leave your home at some point?

Nothing is going to change. There won't be an, "invasion."

They have already won, as long as you sit there posting, you are already "going along."
Mark Levin who is kinda of a normie can't belive whats going on.
View attachment 430137

A lot of Americans grumbling hard about shutdowns and this horseshit election
Thanks for sharing some of Mr. Levin's findings. We are so lucky to have him speaking out his mind about the problems we are experiencing with so many lost Marxists trying to reduce President Trump to nothingness. I pray for our nation, but I thank God for wise men here and on tv. So many of you here also have visionary skills and I delight in reading USMb!
I still believe the Senate Republicans will effectively remove Biden to interloper status on account of his recent years in the Obama administration breaking numerous federal and international laws to the tune of several billion dollars extorted from 3rd world who received money from the U.S.Congress.
The nationalists will be so out gunned, out numbered and under siege, it will make their heads spin.
I think you may have miscalculated.

With the number of guns in civilian hands? I know of no army in the world big enough to even take Texas by itself, much less a large collection of states.

If Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq taught us anything, it's that no amount of air superiority and firepower will every take the place of boots on the ground.

And, they don't have 1/10th the number needed.
I have a buddy that is SO into guns, loves 'em.

I told him a long, long time ago.

The end will not be what he thinks it will be. . . and I was right.

They will never come to Texas and try to fight you.

They know what your strengths are.

They will shut off your power. They will shut off your water. They will cut off your food.

They will wait you out.

You might have stocked up on all of this. . but most folks haven't.

. . and then? They will just wait for you to die or need something like medical care.

It will be a siege, on you. You just won't be able to go anywhere.

They have already run these scenario's and drills. They already know.

We have our own power grid here in Texas. They'll have to come on down to shut it down.
We have plenty of water and food.
Texas will be a tough nut to crack if they wanna get serious.

. . . that's just it, THEY WON'T.

Here's the thing, folks are griping about the current state of affairs, and want change, threatening, revolt, or revolution, etc.

Clausewitz is famous for saying;

There is a line attributed to Kissinger under the famous Chatham house rules.

Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.”

The point I am trying to make here, is, they already hold all the cards. The political situation is already as they would have it. The political situation is just as they desire. The corporations, the banks, the infrastructure, all of the integrated infrastructure in Texas will bend the knee, as will all the political elites, you know it, I know it.

The only folks that are unhappy with the situation will be the mom and pop main-street voter, and there is nothing they will do. To change the situation, they need to take the political initiative, and they won't. Thus, the establishment has only to ignore them.

Texas has no ability to feed itself, not the entire population, not over the long haul.

And the energy corporations, are in the pocket of the federal & international political institutions, as are the international finance corporations that prop them up. Hell, if you had been following my Stay Informed thread, you would be aware that Goldman Sachs is considering moving the financial capital from NY to Texas. Does that sound like the American oligarchs are worried about losing Texas? :heehee:

I have no doubt individual Texans have the will to resist an "invasion," but since none is necessary, as the political landscape is already how the folks in charge desire it, what is the point?

All information, means of communication and organization, food processing and distribution, mass food production and mass food distribution, control of finance, etc. are controlled by those whom you oppose. . . THAT is my point. And the local politicians will bend the knee to them.

Or else? They will suffer the same fate as Gaddafi and his forces. And then Texas will look like Libya does today.

So of course the bougiese and upper-classes won't dare upset the apple cart, they will fully welcome Chinese state capitalism. Even if it will make Texas look like NY or Cali, what do they care, as long as they are on top?

Politics wont have anything to do with it.
Sure they may control the money but they dont control the populace.
The populace wont go along. Vietnam and Afghanistan are proof in point.
The populace in Texas own more firearms than any state in the country at close to 1 million.
And we have vast areas of unpopulated tracts of land.
Myself and my friends can survive in the woods as long as needed and there are millions here that can do the same.

. . . I don't think you get what I am writing.

Are you going to up and leave your home at some point?

Nothing is going to change. There won't be an, "invasion."

They have already won, as long as you sit there posting, you are already "going along."

Of course I'll leave my home. Your home leaves you as a sitting target.
Dont know where you live but here in Texas we wont sit down for this shit. They'll have to dig us out of every nook and cranny in the entire state. And that includes the cities for those who choose to stay and defend them.
It will be no different than Nam or Iraq. Who is your enemy? If they go in and start killing the populace wholesale it will turn everyone against them.
Will the military kill their own friends and family? Of course they wont. And if they bring in those willing to do it the same will happen the populace will turn on them.
And this doesnt only apply to Texas. You start killing the general populace the country will explode.
Are you purposely ignoring what I am saying?

No troops are coming.

There is no one for you to shoot at.

They aren't going to kill anyone.
The nationalists will be so out gunned, out numbered and under siege, it will make their heads spin.
I think you may have miscalculated.

With the number of guns in civilian hands? I know of no army in the world big enough to even take Texas by itself, much less a large collection of states.

If Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq taught us anything, it's that no amount of air superiority and firepower will every take the place of boots on the ground.

And, they don't have 1/10th the number needed.
I have a buddy that is SO into guns, loves 'em.

I told him a long, long time ago.

The end will not be what he thinks it will be. . . and I was right.

They will never come to Texas and try to fight you.

They know what your strengths are.

They will shut off your power. They will shut off your water. They will cut off your food.

They will wait you out.

You might have stocked up on all of this. . but most folks haven't.

. . and then? They will just wait for you to die or need something like medical care.

It will be a siege, on you. You just won't be able to go anywhere.

They have already run these scenario's and drills. They already know.

We have our own power grid here in Texas. They'll have to come on down to shut it down.
We have plenty of water and food.
Texas will be a tough nut to crack if they wanna get serious.

. . . that's just it, THEY WON'T.

Here's the thing, folks are griping about the current state of affairs, and want change, threatening, revolt, or revolution, etc.

Clausewitz is famous for saying;

There is a line attributed to Kissinger under the famous Chatham house rules.

Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.”

The point I am trying to make here, is, they already hold all the cards. The political situation is already as they would have it. The political situation is just as they desire. The corporations, the banks, the infrastructure, all of the integrated infrastructure in Texas will bend the knee, as will all the political elites, you know it, I know it.

The only folks that are unhappy with the situation will be the mom and pop main-street voter, and there is nothing they will do. To change the situation, they need to take the political initiative, and they won't. Thus, the establishment has only to ignore them.

Texas has no ability to feed itself, not the entire population, not over the long haul.

And the energy corporations, are in the pocket of the federal & international political institutions, as are the international finance corporations that prop them up. Hell, if you had been following my Stay Informed thread, you would be aware that Goldman Sachs is considering moving the financial capital from NY to Texas. Does that sound like the American oligarchs are worried about losing Texas? :heehee:

I have no doubt individual Texans have the will to resist an "invasion," but since none is necessary, as the political landscape is already how the folks in charge desire it, what is the point?

All information, means of communication and organization, food processing and distribution, mass food production and mass food distribution, control of finance, etc. are controlled by those whom you oppose. . . THAT is my point. And the local politicians will bend the knee to them.

Or else? They will suffer the same fate as Gaddafi and his forces. And then Texas will look like Libya does today.

So of course the bougiese and upper-classes won't dare upset the apple cart, they will fully welcome Chinese state capitalism. Even if it will make Texas look like NY or Cali, what do they care, as long as they are on top?

Politics wont have anything to do with it.
Sure they may control the money but they dont control the populace.
The populace wont go along. Vietnam and Afghanistan are proof in point.
The populace in Texas own more firearms than any state in the country at close to 1 million.
And we have vast areas of unpopulated tracts of land.
Myself and my friends can survive in the woods as long as needed and there are millions here that can do the same.

. . . I don't think you get what I am writing.

Are you going to up and leave your home at some point?

Nothing is going to change. There won't be an, "invasion."

They have already won, as long as you sit there posting, you are already "going along."

Of course I'll leave my home. Your home leaves you as a sitting target.
Dont know where you live but here in Texas we wont sit down for this shit. They'll have to dig us out of every nook and cranny in the entire state. And that includes the cities for those who choose to stay and defend them.
It will be no different than Nam or Iraq. Who is your enemy? If they go in and start killing the populace wholesale it will turn everyone against them.
Will the military kill their own friends and family? Of course they wont. And if they bring in those willing to do it the same will happen the populace will turn on them.
And this doesnt only apply to Texas. You start killing the general populace the country will explode.

People like you make the Pillsbury Doughboy look like Rambo...Real people that are motivated don't talk about the crimes they are going to commit...
Yeah, I am skeptical of purely civil war, b/c this is the 21st century. The U.S. is too big a prize for the global oligarchs to just let fall into chaos.

If it starts to fall into chaos, Canadian, UN, and Chinese troops are all standing by, just outside the borders.

It will be locked down, and locked down hard.

The nationalists will be so out gunned, out numbered and under siege, it will make their heads spin.

I have been reading articles about the Canadian government building internment camps, and training with Chinese & UN troops.

I'm sure Trump and his allies are aware of all of this.
We're an awful lot of nation to lock down .
Oh no it wouldn't be that easy for em in many parts of the country
States will really be going for secession...

It'll be a cold day in hell before I let a friggin chink or a snow ****** drag me off to a death camp ...pffft good luck

The main reason I don't think the Right will ever be able to present any real resistance is simply because they failed to organize into trained militias.

Now, all the government has to do is keep picking the Right off one by one. Meaning thousands of government troops in heavily armored vehicles going city to city and using their lists to knock down doors and taking them. They did it successfully during katrina and no one resisted.
Democrats everywhere will be more than happy to tell them where to find you.
Hell, all they really need to do is get the voter roles and go after Trump supporters which AOC and other Democrat leaders have suggested already

So, the Right has failed miserably to read the winds of change and get prepared.

In my opinion it's too late.

Sure, there will be sporadic pockets of resistance, but what chance do small, untrained disorganized groups have against trained military or Law Enforcement and their MUCH heavier vehicles and weapons? In areas where there are more resistors, they will bring in Apache helicopters to use against civilians or even tanks.
China and the UN have already made contingency plans to bring in tens of thousands of foreign troops if necessary.

No, the Right is in serious peril, the Left and the Elites know it. It's why they are already ramping up the ATF.

The Fatal mistake the Right made was kicking the can down the road too long.
At this point there "should" be well trained militias in every state consisting of at least 100,000 ready and able troops each.
Instead, there is not ONE significant trained and ready militia.

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The nationalists will be so out gunned, out numbered and under siege, it will make their heads spin.
I think you may have miscalculated.

With the number of guns in civilian hands? I know of no army in the world big enough to even take Texas by itself, much less a large collection of states.

If Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq taught us anything, it's that no amount of air superiority and firepower will every take the place of boots on the ground.

And, they don't have 1/10th the number needed.
I have a buddy that is SO into guns, loves 'em.

I told him a long, long time ago.

The end will not be what he thinks it will be. . . and I was right.

They will never come to Texas and try to fight you.

They know what your strengths are.

They will shut off your power. They will shut off your water. They will cut off your food.

They will wait you out.

You might have stocked up on all of this. . but most folks haven't.

. . and then? They will just wait for you to die or need something like medical care.

It will be a siege, on you. You just won't be able to go anywhere.

They have already run these scenario's and drills. They already know.

We have our own power grid here in Texas. They'll have to come on down to shut it down.
We have plenty of water and food.
Texas will be a tough nut to crack if they wanna get serious.

. . . that's just it, THEY WON'T.

Here's the thing, folks are griping about the current state of affairs, and want change, threatening, revolt, or revolution, etc.

Clausewitz is famous for saying;

There is a line attributed to Kissinger under the famous Chatham house rules.

Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.”

The point I am trying to make here, is, they already hold all the cards. The political situation is already as they would have it. The political situation is just as they desire. The corporations, the banks, the infrastructure, all of the integrated infrastructure in Texas will bend the knee, as will all the political elites, you know it, I know it.

The only folks that are unhappy with the situation will be the mom and pop main-street voter, and there is nothing they will do. To change the situation, they need to take the political initiative, and they won't. Thus, the establishment has only to ignore them.

Texas has no ability to feed itself, not the entire population, not over the long haul.

And the energy corporations, are in the pocket of the federal & international political institutions, as are the international finance corporations that prop them up. Hell, if you had been following my Stay Informed thread, you would be aware that Goldman Sachs is considering moving the financial capital from NY to Texas. Does that sound like the American oligarchs are worried about losing Texas? :heehee:

I have no doubt individual Texans have the will to resist an "invasion," but since none is necessary, as the political landscape is already how the folks in charge desire it, what is the point?

All information, means of communication and organization, food processing and distribution, mass food production and mass food distribution, control of finance, etc. are controlled by those whom you oppose. . . THAT is my point. And the local politicians will bend the knee to them.

Or else? They will suffer the same fate as Gaddafi and his forces. And then Texas will look like Libya does today.

So of course the bougiese and upper-classes won't dare upset the apple cart, they will fully welcome Chinese state capitalism. Even if it will make Texas look like NY or Cali, what do they care, as long as they are on top?

Politics wont have anything to do with it.
Sure they may control the money but they dont control the populace.
The populace wont go along. Vietnam and Afghanistan are proof in point.
The populace in Texas own more firearms than any state in the country at close to 1 million.
And we have vast areas of unpopulated tracts of land.
Myself and my friends can survive in the woods as long as needed and there are millions here that can do the same.

. . . I don't think you get what I am writing.

Are you going to up and leave your home at some point?

Nothing is going to change. There won't be an, "invasion."

They have already won, as long as you sit there posting, you are already "going along."

Of course I'll leave my home. Your home leaves you as a sitting target.
Dont know where you live but here in Texas we wont sit down for this shit. They'll have to dig us out of every nook and cranny in the entire state. And that includes the cities for those who choose to stay and defend them.
It will be no different than Nam or Iraq. Who is your enemy? If they go in and start killing the populace wholesale it will turn everyone against them.
Will the military kill their own friends and family? Of course they wont. And if they bring in those willing to do it the same will happen the populace will turn on them.
And this doesnt only apply to Texas. You start killing the general populace the country will explode.
Are you purposely ignoring what I am saying?

No troops are coming.

There is no one for you to shoot at.

They aren't going to kill anyone.

Do you think the local populace wont attack the local government in retaliation for their malfeasance?
As I said before,look at Nam and Afghanistan. A bunch of rag tag mountain dwellers were able to defeat Russia and the US.
I get what your saying but it would require the whole of the US to just give up.
Yeah, I am skeptical of purely civil war, b/c this is the 21st century. The U.S. is too big a prize for the global oligarchs to just let fall into chaos.

If it starts to fall into chaos, Canadian, UN, and Chinese troops are all standing by, just outside the borders.

It will be locked down, and locked down hard.

The nationalists will be so out gunned, out numbered and under siege, it will make their heads spin.

I have been reading articles about the Canadian government building internment camps, and training with Chinese & UN troops.

I'm sure Trump and his allies are aware of all of this.
We're an awful lot of nation to lock down .
Oh no it wouldn't be that easy for em in many parts of the country
States will really be going for secession...

It'll be a cold day in hell before I let a friggin chink or a snow ****** drag me off to a death camp ...pffft good luck

The main reason I don't think the Right will ever be able to present any real resistance is simply because they failed to organize into militias.

Now, all the government has to do is keep picking the Right off one by one. Meaning thousands of government troops in heavily armored vehicles going city to city and using their lists to knock down doors and taking them. They did it successfully during katrina and no one resisted.
Democrats everywhere will be more than happy to tell them where to find you.
Hell, all they really need to do is get the voter roles and go after Trump supporters which AOC and other Democrat leaders have suggested already

So, the Right has failed miserably to read the winds of change and get prepared.

In my opinion it's too late.

Sure, there will be sporadic pockets of resistance, but what chance do small, untrained disorganized groups have against trained military or Law Enforcement and their MUCH heavier vehicles and weapons? In areas where there are more resistors, they will bring in Apache helicopters to use against civilians or even tanks.
China and the UN have already made contingency plans to bring in tens of thousands of foreign troops if necessary.

No, the Right is in serious peril, the Left and the Elites know it. It's why they are already ramping up the ATF.

The Fatal mistake the Right made was kicking the can down the road too long.

I dont think it will be as easy as you think.
At least I hope not,if it is we get what we deserve I guess.
And the lefist will be crying when they realize they ushered in their own destruction.
Myself? I wont be around to see it happen.
The nationalists will be so out gunned, out numbered and under siege, it will make their heads spin.
I think you may have miscalculated.

With the number of guns in civilian hands? I know of no army in the world big enough to even take Texas by itself, much less a large collection of states.

If Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq taught us anything, it's that no amount of air superiority and firepower will every take the place of boots on the ground.

And, they don't have 1/10th the number needed.
I have a buddy that is SO into guns, loves 'em.

I told him a long, long time ago.

The end will not be what he thinks it will be. . . and I was right.

They will never come to Texas and try to fight you.

They know what your strengths are.

They will shut off your power. They will shut off your water. They will cut off your food.

They will wait you out.

You might have stocked up on all of this. . but most folks haven't.

. . and then? They will just wait for you to die or need something like medical care.

It will be a siege, on you. You just won't be able to go anywhere.

They have already run these scenario's and drills. They already know.

We have our own power grid here in Texas. They'll have to come on down to shut it down.
We have plenty of water and food.
Texas will be a tough nut to crack if they wanna get serious.

. . . that's just it, THEY WON'T.

Here's the thing, folks are griping about the current state of affairs, and want change, threatening, revolt, or revolution, etc.

Clausewitz is famous for saying;

There is a line attributed to Kissinger under the famous Chatham house rules.

Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.”

The point I am trying to make here, is, they already hold all the cards. The political situation is already as they would have it. The political situation is just as they desire. The corporations, the banks, the infrastructure, all of the integrated infrastructure in Texas will bend the knee, as will all the political elites, you know it, I know it.

The only folks that are unhappy with the situation will be the mom and pop main-street voter, and there is nothing they will do. To change the situation, they need to take the political initiative, and they won't. Thus, the establishment has only to ignore them.

Texas has no ability to feed itself, not the entire population, not over the long haul.

And the energy corporations, are in the pocket of the federal & international political institutions, as are the international finance corporations that prop them up. Hell, if you had been following my Stay Informed thread, you would be aware that Goldman Sachs is considering moving the financial capital from NY to Texas. Does that sound like the American oligarchs are worried about losing Texas? :heehee:

I have no doubt individual Texans have the will to resist an "invasion," but since none is necessary, as the political landscape is already how the folks in charge desire it, what is the point?

All information, means of communication and organization, food processing and distribution, mass food production and mass food distribution, control of finance, etc. are controlled by those whom you oppose. . . THAT is my point. And the local politicians will bend the knee to them.

Or else? They will suffer the same fate as Gaddafi and his forces. And then Texas will look like Libya does today.

So of course the bougiese and upper-classes won't dare upset the apple cart, they will fully welcome Chinese state capitalism. Even if it will make Texas look like NY or Cali, what do they care, as long as they are on top?

Politics wont have anything to do with it.
Sure they may control the money but they dont control the populace.
The populace wont go along. Vietnam and Afghanistan are proof in point.
The populace in Texas own more firearms than any state in the country at close to 1 million.
And we have vast areas of unpopulated tracts of land.
Myself and my friends can survive in the woods as long as needed and there are millions here that can do the same.

. . . I don't think you get what I am writing.

Are you going to up and leave your home at some point?

Nothing is going to change. There won't be an, "invasion."

They have already won, as long as you sit there posting, you are already "going along."

Of course I'll leave my home. Your home leaves you as a sitting target.
Dont know where you live but here in Texas we wont sit down for this shit. They'll have to dig us out of every nook and cranny in the entire state. And that includes the cities for those who choose to stay and defend them.
It will be no different than Nam or Iraq. Who is your enemy? If they go in and start killing the populace wholesale it will turn everyone against them.
Will the military kill their own friends and family? Of course they wont. And if they bring in those willing to do it the same will happen the populace will turn on them.
And this doesnt only apply to Texas. You start killing the general populace the country will explode.

People like you make the Pillsbury Doughboy look like Rambo...Real people that are motivated don't talk about the crimes they are going to commit...

Russia and China are both Communist countries. They have no tolerance for homosexuality.

Gay people don't realize it but they just cheered and voted for their demise.

Hope you still find it funny when you are targeted by your government.

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