Civil War Becomes Inevitable in the USA ?

Yeah, I am skeptical of purely civil war, b/c this is the 21st century. The U.S. is too big a prize for the global oligarchs to just let fall into chaos.

If it starts to fall into chaos, Canadian, UN, and Chinese troops are all standing by, just outside the borders.

It will be locked down, and locked down hard.

The nationalists will be so out gunned, out numbered and under siege, it will make their heads spin.

I have been reading articles about the Canadian government building internment camps, and training with Chinese & UN troops.

I'm sure Trump and his allies are aware of all of this.

Let's not forget. These are the guys who defeated the Russians in the Soviet-Afghan War...


...and these guys beat us during the Vietnam War...

I think shit will hit the fan regardless of who sits in the WH at this point in time. Will it be a second civil war? From what I've been reading all over the net...yes. Which is a shame.
There will be no civil war.

I don't doubt you're right. Americans have too many distractions to seriously follow up on political convictions that require anything more than posting a few paragraphs on a website.

It's a shame, though. I am a HUGE fan of hoop skirts.


It is too late to turn the tide. Donald Trump’s attempt to abandon the American Empire and refocus the country’s efforts on its domestic prosperity has been sabotaged by the elites acquired to the puritanical ideology of the “Pilgrim Fathers”. As a result, the moment so feared by Richard Nixon and his election adviser Kevin Philipps has arrived: the United States is on the brink of secession and civil war.

What I am writing is not a fantasy, but the analysis of many observers in the United States and around the world. For example, the Wisconsin Supreme Court has just declared Donald Trump’s election fraud appeal inadmissible, not on legal grounds, but because “it would open Pandora’s box.

Original for frog speakers in search of more like minded toads ...

Pretty good doomer read

The civil war #2-USA will not happen until the American citizenry is properly disarmed of all firearms & pellet/BB guns(coming soon).
I watched that for a long time but not due to the gore of zombies. I watched it to see how human beings react in such a catastrophe to other human beings. Paranoia, bullies, wannabe leaders, etc. Think The Stand, or Swan Song without the monsters.

I watch those movies to figure out how they get hair conditioner in a Post-Apocalpytic wasteland.

Yeah, I am skeptical of purely civil war, b/c this is the 21st century. The U.S. is too big a prize for the global oligarchs to just let fall into chaos.

If it starts to fall into chaos, Canadian, UN, and Chinese troops are all standing by, just outside the borders.

It will be locked down, and locked down hard.

The nationalists will be so out gunned, out numbered and under siege, it will make their heads spin.

I have been reading articles about the Canadian government building internment camps, and training with Chinese & UN troops.

I'm sure Trump and his allies are aware of all of this.

Let's not forget. These are the guys who defeated the Russians in the Soviet-Afghan War...


...and these guys beat us during the Vietnam War...


That's very true. But you have to remember where those soldiers came from. .

Most Americans are very soft and very accustomed to much more than those guys have ever had.

I just don't see it.

I am not saying it isn't in the realm of possibility. . . but I don't see the young in this nation, wanting to change the status quo. Not. One. Bit.

Most of the men in those pictures are in their late teens, twenties and thirties. . . . They were raised in brutal poverty and repressive regimes.

Have you actually talked to any men and boys in that age range to see what is in their heads "politically?"

They don't care that much. We live an a Huxelian Dystopia of consumption and hedonism. Giving up hedonism for freedom is a tough sell.


. . . now, I do talk to my kid. . . and he has NEVER, EVER paid any attention to my interests or activities. I have given him underground books that are hard to find, and taught him things, in hopes he would take interest, but nothing.

A month ago, he and his girlfriend came over. . . and all of a sudden, yeah, they are just starting to take an interest. I think that generation will, eventually, start to really care as they realize the world that they grew up in, IS NOW GONE. And the world that they are being forced to live their young adulthood in, to try to meet, find homes, careers, and make families in, is radically different than that of their parents and grandparents lived in. It will make them angry and resentful. They had no say in this change.

They ARE slowly but surely going to get very, very pissed. They are, real Americans, and they are not going to take a shine to global technocratic socialism.

Will they get violent and fight?

I can't say what their solution to this problem is. It is in their hands now.

But go to this video, at YouTube, and look at the meta data (likes/dislikes) and comments. THEY ARE NOT HAPPY.

The left coast has already seceded, we just need to make it official. I think about what they stand for - shitting in the streets, or grown men watching little girls pee - it's just not anyone I want to coexist with. I'd just as soon shoot them in the face, which isn't a very healthy mindset. Now they've told us the country no longer needs elections, so let's part ways and start a new chapter. They can touch boys and steal elections and we'll do our thing.
A lot of gullible people have been watching way too many movies and disinformation on social media fueled by enemies of this country who would like nothing better than to see us shatter from within. And Y'all are lapping it up.

There was a real reason for the Civil War. This is a bunch of imaginary fairytales and 99% of what you're griping about hasn't actually happened or it hasn't affected your lives one whit. Stoppit.
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The nationalists will be so out gunned, out numbered and under siege, it will make their heads spin.
I think you may have miscalculated.

With the number of guns in civilian hands? I know of no army in the world big enough to even take Texas by itself, much less a large collection of states.

If Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq taught us anything, it's that no amount of air superiority and firepower will every take the place of boots on the ground.

And, they don't have 1/10th the number needed.
A lot of gullible people have been watching way too many movies and disinformation on social media fueled by enemies of this country who would like nothing better than to see us shatter from within. And Y'all are lapping it up.

There was a real reason for the Civil War. This is a bunch of imaginary fairytales and 99% of what you're griping about hasn't actually happened or it hasn't affected your lives one whit. Stoppit.
A lot of people will gladly hand over the keys to China.

That alone is reason for civil war.

Another is the abosolute unwillingness of the MSM, the courts, the entirety any public representative, to even LOOK at the potential voter fraud. Not believe it, mind you. Just LOOK at the allegations, rather than LEAD with "baseless, baseless, baseless" and ignore the entirety.

THAT alone is ALSO reason for civil war.

I think many of you have severely miscalculated on this ENTIRE SITUATION.

Texas is ready to get the fuck out:
Enough is enough. This will come to a head one way or another.
Yeah, I am skeptical of purely civil war, b/c this is the 21st century. The U.S. is too big a prize for the global oligarchs to just let fall into chaos.

If it starts to fall into chaos, Canadian, UN, and Chinese troops are all standing by, just outside the borders.

It will be locked down, and locked down hard.

The nationalists will be so out gunned, out numbered and under siege, it will make their heads spin.

I have been reading articles about the Canadian government building internment camps, and training with Chinese & UN troops.

I'm sure Trump and his allies are aware of all of this.

Let's not forget. These are the guys who defeated the Russians in the Soviet-Afghan War...


...and these guys beat us during the Vietnam War...


That's very true. But you have to remember where those soldiers came from. .

Most Americans are very soft and very accustomed to much more than those guys have ever had.

I just don't see it.

I am not saying it isn't in the realm of possibility. . . but I don't see the young in this nation, wanting to change the status quo. Not. One. Bit.

Most of the men in those pictures are in their late teens, twenties and thirties. . . . They were raised in brutal poverty and repressive regimes.

Have you actually talked to any men and boys in that age range to see what is in their heads "politically?"

They don't care that much. We live an a Huxelian Dystopia of consumption and hedonism. Giving up hedonism for freedom is a tough sell.


. . . now, I do talk to my kid. . . and he has NEVER, EVER paid any attention to my interests or activities. I have given him underground books that are hard to find, and taught him things, in hopes he would take interest, but nothing.

A month ago, he and his girlfriend came over. . . and all of a sudden, yeah, they are just starting to take an interest. I think that generation will, eventually, start to really care as they realize the world that they grew up in, IS NOW GONE. And the world that they are being forced to live their young adulthood in, to try to meet, find homes, careers, and make families in, is radically different than that of their parents and grandparents lived in. It will make them angry and resentful. They had no say in this change.

They ARE slowly but surely going to get very, very pissed. They are, real Americans, and they are not going to take a shine to global technocratic socialism.

Will they get violent and fight?

I can't say what their solution to this problem is. It is in their hands now.

But go to this video, at YouTube, and look at the meta data (likes/dislikes) and comments. THEY ARE NOT HAPPY.

You're probably right. Even though we have far more reason to fight for what we have compared to those other people, we've become complacent lapdogs to cheap Chinese goods and McDonald's cheeseburgers.

We're truly fucked as a nation.
Yeah, I am skeptical of purely civil war, b/c this is the 21st century. The U.S. is too big a prize for the global oligarchs to just let fall into chaos.

If it starts to fall into chaos, Canadian, UN, and Chinese troops are all standing by, just outside the borders.

It will be locked down, and locked down hard.

The nationalists will be so out gunned, out numbered and under siege, it will make their heads spin.

I have been reading articles about the Canadian government building internment camps, and training with Chinese & UN troops.

I'm sure Trump and his allies are aware of all of this.

Let's not forget. These are the guys who defeated the Russians in the Soviet-Afghan War...


...and these guys beat us during the Vietnam War...


That's very true. But you have to remember where those soldiers came from. .

Most Americans are very soft and very accustomed to much more than those guys have ever had.

I just don't see it.

I am not saying it isn't in the realm of possibility. . . but I don't see the young in this nation, wanting to change the status quo. Not. One. Bit.

Most of the men in those pictures are in their late teens, twenties and thirties. . . . They were raised in brutal poverty and repressive regimes.

Have you actually talked to any men and boys in that age range to see what is in their heads "politically?"

They don't care that much. We live an a Huxelian Dystopia of consumption and hedonism. Giving up hedonism for freedom is a tough sell.


. . . now, I do talk to my kid. . . and he has NEVER, EVER paid any attention to my interests or activities. I have given him underground books that are hard to find, and taught him things, in hopes he would take interest, but nothing.

A month ago, he and his girlfriend came over. . . and all of a sudden, yeah, they are just starting to take an interest. I think that generation will, eventually, start to really care as they realize the world that they grew up in, IS NOW GONE. And the world that they are being forced to live their young adulthood in, to try to meet, find homes, careers, and make families in, is radically different than that of their parents and grandparents lived in. It will make them angry and resentful. They had no say in this change.

They ARE slowly but surely going to get very, very pissed. They are, real Americans, and they are not going to take a shine to global technocratic socialism.

Will they get violent and fight?

I can't say what their solution to this problem is. It is in their hands now.

But go to this video, at YouTube, and look at the meta data (likes/dislikes) and comments. THEY ARE NOT HAPPY.

You're probably right. Even though we have far more reason to fight for what we have compared to those other people, we've become complacent lapdogs to cheap Chinese goods and McDonald's cheeseburgers.

We're truly fucked as a nation.

We're not fucked if we part ways with these filthy, election-stealing animals. It will be unpleasant but we know what needs to be done.
The nationalists will be so out gunned, out numbered and under siege, it will make their heads spin.
I think you may have miscalculated.

With the number of guns in civilian hands? I know of no army in the world big enough to even take Texas by itself, much less a large collection of states.

If Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq taught us anything, it's that no amount of air superiority and firepower will every take the place of boots on the ground.

And, they don't have 1/10th the number needed.
I have a buddy that is SO into guns, loves 'em.

I told him a long, long time ago.

The end will not be what he thinks it will be. . . and I was right.

They will never come to Texas and try to fight you.

They know what your strengths are.

They will shut off your power. They will shut off your water. They will cut off your food.

They will wait you out.

You might have stocked up on all of this. . but most folks haven't.

. . and then? They will just wait for you to die or need something like medical care.

It will be a siege, on you. You just won't be able to go anywhere.

They have already run these scenario's and drills. They already know.
The nationalists will be so out gunned, out numbered and under siege, it will make their heads spin.
I think you may have miscalculated.

With the number of guns in civilian hands? I know of no army in the world big enough to even take Texas by itself, much less a large collection of states.

If Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq taught us anything, it's that no amount of air superiority and firepower will every take the place of boots on the ground.

And, they don't have 1/10th the number needed.
I have a buddy that is SO into guns, loves 'em.

I told him a long, long time ago.

The end will not be what he thinks it will be. . . and I was right.

They will never come to Texas and try to fight you.

They know what your strengths are.

They will shut off your power. They will shut off your water. They will cut off your food.

They will wait you out.

You might have stocked up on all of this. . but most folks haven't.

. . and then? They will just wait for you to die or need something like medical care.

It will be a siege, on you. You just won't be able to go anywhere.

They have already run these scenario's and drills. They already know.

We have our own power grid here in Texas. They'll have to come on down to shut it down.
We have plenty of water and food.
Texas will be a tough nut to crack if they wanna get serious.
Yeah, I am skeptical of purely civil war, b/c this is the 21st century. The U.S. is too big a prize for the global oligarchs to just let fall into chaos.

If it starts to fall into chaos, Canadian, UN, and Chinese troops are all standing by, just outside the borders.

It will be locked down, and locked down hard.

The nationalists will be so out gunned, out numbered and under siege, it will make their heads spin.

I have been reading articles about the Canadian government building internment camps, and training with Chinese & UN troops.

I'm sure Trump and his allies are aware of all of this.
We're an awful lot of nation to lock down .
Oh no it wouldn't be that easy for em in many parts of the country
States will really be going for secession...

It'll be a cold day in hell before I let a friggin chink or a snow ****** drag me off to a death camp ...pffft good luck
What I mean by "locked down," is that, the US and it's local economies are no longer self sufficient.

We do not produce. . . anything that we need, except maybe food.

We have, or had, the capacity to do so. But the global corporatists have made it so our supply lines are dependent on other nations. What will folks do when the hospitals and pharmacies can no longer get drugs and medical supplies?

. . . and oil?

What about computers?

  1. Machinery including computers: US$379 billion (14.8% of total imports)
  2. Electrical machinery, equipment: $352.3 billion (13.7%)
  3. Vehicles: $310.1 billion (12.1%)
  4. Mineral fuels including oil: $210.1 billion (8.2%)
  5. Pharmaceuticals: $128.2 billion (5%)
  6. Optical, technical, medical apparatus: $96.9 billion (3.8%)
  7. Furniture, bedding, lighting, signs, prefab buildings: $67.2 billion (2.6%)
  8. Plastics, plastic articles: $60.6 billion (2.4%)
  9. Gems, precious metals: $58.1 billion (2.3%)
  10. Organic chemicals: $54.5 billion (2.1%)

Oil? Uh...Texas?
I think shit will hit the fan regardless of who sits in the WH at this point in time. Will it be a second civil war? From what I've been reading all over the net...yes. Which is a shame.
yep you see so many others saying it that yeah it seems inevitible. if its biden,the patriotic military and citizens will take a stand If Trump? then the dems will start buring businesses around the country and attack trump supporters.
The Democrats have stolen the electoral process in the US so this bit about the US is a democracy is pretty well gone now. Kaput.

They know how to and are willing to fraudulently produce any number of votes necessary to win an election.

Nothing can be fixed at the ballot box anymore. Our Republic cannot be restored with elections because that process was stolen by the Democrats.

The only options left are to succumb to the US becoming an authoritative socialist shithole or fight back.

That is what the greedy Libtard Democrats have forced us to do.

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