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Civil war

Ive said for a while as we ramp up the rhetoric that we are pushing our nation towards civil war. I was mocked for saying that. I was even accused of wanting it because I was warning against it.

We are alot closer than you think. Be careful

Its not, and we aren't. As the 'civil war' narrative has the same problem it did last time: the 'war' part.

See, 'war' requires people fight, bleed, kill and die. And there's utterly insufficient numbers willing to do this to start anything remotely resembling a 'civil war'.

The NRA says, and lots of people mimic, that the guns won't be taken unless from their cold dead hands. Sounds like people willing.... or is it just bravado?

Taken by who? The NRA loves to paint these imaginary vignettes involving situations that are ludicrously unlikely. And to date, still haven't happened yet.

You might get a handful of the most unstable NRA nuts to start shooting cops in the 'name of revolution' based on a fantasy hypothetical. But the overwhelming, overwhelming majority have got shit to do. And imaginary stories aren't sufficient for them to interrupt their schedules. Let alone sacrifice their lives.

Its the same questions that stumps the 'civil war' narrative pretty much every time:

Who is going to fight it? Specifically. And why?

You're right.

The one thing though that can tip this is when people don't have things to do. Recessions. The US has managed to get through the last recession without too many problems, but the heat has been rising and will probably sink back down again. What happens if this sort of thing becomes permanent, if people can't get good jobs ever?

This situation might happen when the US loses its status as the top country, and people start feeling dissatisfied with their lives and see they're not going to be as well off as their parents.

China is rising fast. The far eastern countries are rising with it (except Japan and South Korea which have already risen), and these people will work harder and potentially get the skills.

Chinese education isn't good, it's about working hard. But that's a skill there that many Americans won't have, I certainly wouldn't be prepared to do what Chinese people are willing to put up with.
Ive said for a while as we ramp up the rhetoric that we are pushing our nation towards civil war. I was mocked for saying that. I was even accused of wanting it because I was warning against it.

We are alot closer than you think. Be careful

Its not, and we aren't. As the 'civil war' narrative has the same problem it did last time: the 'war' part.

See, 'war' requires people fight, bleed, kill and die. And there's utterly insufficient numbers willing to do this to start anything remotely resembling a 'civil war'.

The NRA says, and lots of people mimic, that the guns won't be taken unless from their cold dead hands. Sounds like people willing.... or is it just bravado?

Taken by who? The NRA loves to paint these imaginary vignettes involving situations that are ludicrously unlikely. And to date, still haven't happened yet.

You might get a handful of the most unstable NRA nuts to start shooting cops in the 'name of revolution' based on a fantasy hypothetical. But the overwhelming, overwhelming majority have got shit to do. And imaginary stories aren't sufficient for them to interrupt their schedules. Let alone sacrifice their lives.

Its the same questions that stumps the 'civil war' narrative pretty much every time:

Who is going to fight it? Specifically. And why?

You're right.

The one thing though that can tip this is when people don't have things to do. Recessions. The US has managed to get through the last recession without too many problems, but the heat has been rising and will probably sink back down again. What happens if this sort of thing becomes permanent, if people can't get good jobs ever?

This situation might happen when the US loses its status as the top country, and people start feeling dissatisfied with their lives and see they're not going to be as well off as their parents.

China is rising fast. The far eastern countries are rising with it (except Japan and South Korea which have already risen), and these people will work harder and potentially get the skills.

Chinese education isn't good, it's about working hard. But that's a skill there that many Americans won't have, I certainly wouldn't be prepared to do what Chinese people are willing to put up with.

That's a lot of mights and maybes. I can only make an assessment on what is or is imminently likely. And there's jack shit that indicates a 'civil war'. We've weathered situations orders of magnitude more volitile than this. Take....1968. Just a few years after the Watt's riots you see the assassination of MLK set of riots across the country. Followed 2 months later by the assassination of Bobby Kennedy. Capped with riots at the Democratic Convention.

And we we came no where *near* a 'new civil war' that year. Making 2016 a mother's kiss in comparison.

What we have instead are vaguely frustrated, mostly older, mostly white, mostly male, mostly christian skilled laborers who find themselves in an economy without many marketable skills. So they work some pretty low wage jobs. And resent the status their parents had. With Obama sitting as president a symbol to them of their lost status and the rise of the 'others'. With 'others' being pretty much anyone who isn't white, isn't male, isn't older, isn't Christian.

You have a fiercely anti-intellectual GOP that fosters angst and fear exploiting that frustration as they recognize that their only hope for survival is to mint more 'angry white guys'. The result has been a spike in suicide rates among the above demographic as they get resentful and depressed about their lowered status.

With a vague, undefined emo nihilism entering the collective consciousness of many conservatives typified in fantasies of almost masturbatory intensity about an economic collapse, social collapse, civil war, Biblical armegeddon etc. Where like an ex-boyfriend embittered by his ex moving on, the look at the 'other' seemingly at the helm of the nation and insist that its all going to fall apart without them.

It isn't. And it doesn't.
Marco Rubio showed some rare intelligence when he remarked that the country is becoming one in which the people hate one another. That only lasts so long before there is an eruption.

It seems that Rubio is the only one willing to acknowledge that the United States has fracture lines. Unfortunately he also thinks that healing is possible and he has the power to do it. At best we can have the peacefulness of Syria under the Sunni Shia division.
Anybody can use the term Civil War and in most cases it's just a cliche. We have been engaged in a social civil war for decades and the casualties have been substantial but they are unborn so it doesn't count. You could say years of media propaganda and a sub standard education system has created a time where the low information public thinks they are on the verge of revolution but they are merely propaganda victims of the same idiots who thought they could overthrow the government back in the 60's.
Anybody can use the term Civil War and in most cases it's just a cliche. We have been engaged in a social civil war for decades and the casualties have been substantial but they are unborn so it doesn't count. You could say years of media propaganda and a sub standard education system has created a time where the low information public thinks they are on the verge of revolution but they are merely propaganda victims of the same idiots who thought they could overthrow the government back in the 60's.

So if by 'civil war', you don't mean 'civil' or 'war', then sure. But in fairness, you could do the same with any term.

I could claim 'Lunch box ' means civil war. As long we don't use the actual meaning of 'lunch' or 'box', it works perfectly.
Ive said for a while as we ramp up the rhetoric that we are pushing our nation towards civil war. I was mocked for saying that. I was even accused of wanting it because I was warning against it.

We are alot closer than you think. Be careful
The civil war is taking place in the Republican Party.

Donald Trump saw a party which has for a very long time been saying something with its lips, but doing the exact opposite with its actions, and he has exploited this weakness to the max. He realized you can say whatever the fuck you think the credulous rubes want to hear. It doesn't matter if it is all entirely cognitively inconsistent, they will follow you anywhere. Even all the way to the Democratic cave.

Ive said for a while as we ramp up the rhetoric that we are pushing our nation towards civil war. I was mocked for saying that. I was even accused of wanting it because I was warning against it.

We are alot closer than you think. Be careful

Its not, and we aren't. As the 'civil war' narrative has the same problem it did last time: the 'war' part.

See, 'war' requires people fight, bleed, kill and die. And there's utterly insufficient numbers willing to do this to start anything remotely resembling a 'civil war'.

The NRA says, and lots of people mimic, that the guns won't be taken unless from their cold dead hands. Sounds like people willing.... or is it just bravado?

Taken by who? The NRA loves to paint these imaginary vignettes involving situations that are ludicrously unlikely. And to date, still haven't happened yet.

You might get a handful of the most unstable NRA nuts to start shooting cops in the 'name of revolution' based on a fantasy hypothetical. But the overwhelming, overwhelming majority have got shit to do. And imaginary stories aren't sufficient for them to interrupt their schedules. Let alone sacrifice their lives.

Its the same questions that stumps the 'civil war' narrative pretty much every time:

Who is going to fight it? Specifically. And why?

You're right.

The one thing though that can tip this is when people don't have things to do. Recessions. The US has managed to get through the last recession without too many problems, but the heat has been rising and will probably sink back down again. What happens if this sort of thing becomes permanent, if people can't get good jobs ever?

This situation might happen when the US loses its status as the top country, and people start feeling dissatisfied with their lives and see they're not going to be as well off as their parents.

China is rising fast. The far eastern countries are rising with it (except Japan and South Korea which have already risen), and these people will work harder and potentially get the skills.

Chinese education isn't good, it's about working hard. But that's a skill there that many Americans won't have, I certainly wouldn't be prepared to do what Chinese people are willing to put up with.

That's a lot of mights and maybes. I can only make an assessment on what is or is imminently likely. And there's jack shit that indicates a 'civil war'. We've weathered situations orders of magnitude more volitile than this. Take....1968. Just a few years after the Watt's riots you see the assassination of MLK set of riots across the country. Followed 2 months later by the assassination of Bobby Kennedy. Capped with riots at the Democratic Convention.

And we we came no where *near* a 'new civil war' that year. Making 2016 a mother's kiss in comparison.

What we have instead are vaguely frustrated, mostly older, mostly white, mostly male, mostly christian skilled laborers who find themselves in an economy without many marketable skills. So they work some pretty low wage jobs. And resent the status their parents had. With Obama sitting as president a symbol to them of their lost status and the rise of the 'others'. With 'others' being pretty much anyone who isn't white, isn't male, isn't older, isn't Christian.

You have a fiercely anti-intellectual GOP that fosters angst and fear exploiting that frustration as they recognize that their only hope for survival is to mint more 'angry white guys'. The result has been a spike in suicide rates among the above demographic as they get resentful and depressed about their lowered status.

With a vague, undefined emo nihilism entering the collective consciousness of many conservatives typified in fantasies of almost masturbatory intensity about an economic collapse, social collapse, civil war, Biblical armegeddon etc. Where like an ex-boyfriend embittered by his ex moving on, the look at the 'other' seemingly at the helm of the nation and insist that its all going to fall apart without them.

It isn't. And it doesn't.

Ifs and buts are the "let's not follow this course because this might lead to a place we don't want to go" sort of thing.
It's only a matter of time before a right wing con uses and assault weapon on some liberal protesters at a Trump rally.
I am pretty sure the US communist democraps beat the republicans to the punch on that one by Killing law enforcement officers. At least a few dead democrats won't impact America much.
Ive said for a while as we ramp up the rhetoric that we are pushing our nation towards civil war. I was mocked for saying that. I was even accused of wanting it because I was warning against it.

We are alot closer than you think. Be careful
Call me when the war starts, until then, I'm sleeping in...
Ive said for a while as we ramp up the rhetoric that we are pushing our nation towards civil war. I was mocked for saying that. I was even accused of wanting it because I was warning against it.

We are alot closer than you think. Be careful

Those morons in Oregon thought that too. See how much support they didn't get?

Those morons are sadly ahead of the curve on this and likely the type of people who will start ir

They tried and got no support. In all reality there is nothing to get all angry about. We are all living pretty good. No significant number of people would ever support something as dumb as civil war.
You don't have to support it, it will be coming to us- fight or die.
Ive said for a while as we ramp up the rhetoric that we are pushing our nation towards civil war. I was mocked for saying that. I was even accused of wanting it because I was warning against it.

We are alot closer than you think. Be careful

Good guys won the last one.

Loser bigots will lose again. Trumpies on the wrong side of history.
You do know that the democrat party is now a terrorist party funded by George Soros and the Saudis, right?-- This is America- Soros said "before I die I will cause the fall of the American political machine" Every tactic by the democrats so far has been the 8 rules for radicals from Saul Alinsky. You are on the side that is reigning in authoritarian communist dictatorship for the UN. You are the removing liberty. Know that you are the aggressor to American core values.
Ive said for a while as we ramp up the rhetoric that we are pushing our nation towards civil war. I was mocked for saying that. I was even accused of wanting it because I was warning against it.

We are alot closer than you think. Be careful
Yes and all the blood that will be shed will be on the lefts/ liberals hands. They have created the divisiveness, racial tension and hatred in this country. Obama fueled those fires just as well. This was a long time coming (LONG before Trump hit the scene). I saw it 4-5 years ago.

This all started when Obama took office. Americans couldn't oppose his policies without being called racist. If you disagreed with him on X, Y or Z it was because you were racist. Didn't help that there were legit racist pigs who opposed him simply for the color of his skin, but they were far from the majority.

At any rate, here we are. The stage is set and we could very well see a race war in this country if the left does not stop with the dangerous rhetoric.
It won't be a race war, It will be from removing American sovereignty to the UN. UN is Sharia compliant and does not acknowledge Christianity. A very dangerous ideal when you are dealing with 270,000,000 armed Americans who refuse to give up Christianity to a foreign invader.
Ive said for a while as we ramp up the rhetoric that we are pushing our nation towards civil war. I was mocked for saying that. I was even accused of wanting it because I was warning against it.

We are alot closer than you think. Be careful

Good guys won the last one.

Loser bigots will lose again. Trumpies on the wrong side of history.
You really don't have a clue what is happening in history. You are the aggressor, against American ideals. You are the enemy to core value Americans.
Coincidentally a trump supporter posted this thread entitled:

"Kansas City Police don't take no shit from Anti American Anti Trump scum"

Somehow liberals are divisive while Trump supporters are now equating being Anti-Trump with being Anti-American.
Because the left is against the core values of freedom and wants to give up our sovereignty to the UN. And they know nothing about the muslim brotherhood caliphate to take over the west. Liberals even believe we should take in Syrian refugees out of "compassion". First read the muslim brotherhood plan to invade the west. Then realize that George Soros is funding it. The same man that is in charge of the democrat party. You are a terrorist organization ran by 43 muslim brotherhood employees working in high level government positions in Washington. You are naïve, and probably just out of college. Listen to your elders. We are being invaded for the caliphate.

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