Clarence Thomas and the Billionaire.

If anyone knows a way to fly on a private jet and then take a nine day trip on a fully staffed superyacht with a private chef for less than $415, PLEASE tell us how! We would all love to know!

STEP ONE: Get appointed to the Supreme Court...
If that ride cost more than a set amount then yes they do.

Your ignorance does not change that fact.
hahaha no they don't.....

show me where on the disclousure form they are suppose to put it...I provided you a link to an actual me.

the "transactions" section of the link you provided deals with business deals, stocks, etc not with everyday purchases like a plane ticket or vacation rental

If anyone knows a way to fly on a private jet and then take a nine day trip on a fully staffed superyacht with a private chef for less than $415, PLEASE tell us how! We would all love to know!

STEP ONE: Get appointed to the Supreme Court...
step one is get a job, and step two is be successful...two things dembot cults will never been able to accomplish....that's why you all always attack successful people, partucularly if they are minorities
the "transactions" section of the link you provided deals with business deals, stocks, etc not with everyday purchases like a plane ticket or vacation rental

Yes, which is where someone like Thomas would get the money for that sort of a vacation since it cost twice his annual salary.

who said it was gift besides the propgandist in the OP?

If you did not pay for it, it is a gift.
step one is get a job, and step two is be successful...two things dembot cults will never been able to accomplish....that's why you all always attack successful people, partucularly if they are minorities

How many times have you flown on a private jet and then taken a nine day trip on a fully staffed superyacht with a private chef?
step one is get a job, and step two is be successful...two things dembot cults will never been able to accomplish....that's why you all always attack successful people, partucularly if they are minorities
Really? And how does that work out to paying less than $415 for a round trip on a private jet and nine days on a fully staffed superyacht with a private chef?

Do tell. This should be fun and informative!
"It has come to my attention that information regarding my spouse's employment required in Part III B of my financial disclosure report was inadvertently omitted due to a misunderstanding of the filing instructions," Thomas wrote in a letter to the committee that handles the reports.

Hmmm. Ignorance of the law... Interesting concept!

"Your Honor, I misunderstood the anti bank robbing laws."
No, really. I want to know how to take a round trip on a private jet and nine days on a superyacht with a private chef for less than $415. I have that much in my pocket.

So someone please tell me!

Just imagine. I would be off this forum for over a week! Just think of all the lying you tards could get away with!
At the very bottom of the article is the link provided:

"25 Part V. Gifts Report information on gifts aggregating more than $415 in value received by the filer, spouse and dependent child from any source other than a relative during the reporting period. Any gift with a fair market value of $166 or less need not be aggregated to determine if the $415 reporting threshold has been met. 5 U.S.C. § 13104(a)(2)(A)."

"A gift is a payment, advance, forbearance, rendering, or deposit of money, or anything of value, unless consideration of equal or greater value is received by the donor. 5 U.S.C. § 13101(5)."

"Food, lodging, or entertainment received as personal hospitality need not be reported. Personal hospitality means hospitality extended for a nonbusiness purpose by an individual, not a corporation or organization, at the personal residence of that individual or his or her family or on property or facilities owned by that individual or his or her family. 5 U.S.C. § 13101(14)."

"The personal hospitality gift reporting exemption applies only to food, lodging, or entertainment and is intended to cover such gifts of a personal, non-business nature. Therefore, the reporting exemption does not include:"

More in the link,



The article rambles on and on but doesn't SPECIFY a real legal violation against Thomas who undoubtedly went on all those voyages but most of the article talks about ETHICS not lawbreaking.

Most or not, it does note what he was supposed to report and didn't.
He points out the laws & the fact the "liberals" expect blacks to behave themselves as told.
Wow! Look at you! You've come so far! Playing the race card and whining that blacks should be allowed to break the law!

It does not get more far left liberal than that!

When did this radical change of heart take place?
The STOCK Act requires lawmakers to report trades.

The legislative process on Capitol Hill is often slow and grinding. There are committee hearings, filibuster threats and hours of floor debate. But sometimes, when Congress really wants to get something done, it can move blindingly fast.

That's what happened when Congress moved to undo large parts of a popular law known as the STOCK Act last week.

A year ago, President Obama signed the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge Act into law at a celebratory ceremony attended by a bipartisan cast of lawmakers.

"I want to thank all the members of Congress who came together and worked to get this done," he said.

The law wouldn't just outlaw trading on nonpublic information by members of Congress, the executive branch and their staffs. It would greatly expand financial disclosures and make all of the data searchable so insider trading and conflicts of interest would be easier to detect.

But on Monday, when the president signed a bill reversing big pieces of the law, the emailed announcement was one sentence long. There was no fanfare last week either, when the Senate and then the House passed the bill in largely empty chambers using a fast-track procedure known as unanimous consent.

Pay attention.
Blow it out your ass.........the democrats gave up any claim to belief in the law, a long time ago................

Maybe they did. I'm the one discussing this.

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