Clarence Thomas and the Billionaire.

That's great and all, but a Judge shouldn't be hearing cases of the organization they are a member of.

Dembots of course didn't care when it was a Judge they liked....because dembots are corrupt
Is she a member of the ACLU? Or did you make that up?
They defend their interpretation of the Constitution.
Doesn't everyone?

Are you saying the Federalist society don't pick judges who will defend "their interpretation" of the Constitution?

now if you can show me where the ACLU paid for Ginsberg's mother's home or sent her nephew to private school or if not....shut the fuck up
That's great and all, but a Judge shouldn't be hearing cases of the organization they are a member of.

Dembots of course didn't care when it was a Judge they liked....because dembots are corrupt
The fact is almost all judges are biased.
The fact is almost all judges are partial to a particular political party. There are no unbiased judges.

It's weird these conservative judges need to be bribed. Probably because otherwise, even they would have to rule in our liberal favor. To make sure they go along, billionaires shower them with gifts and $$$. It should be illegal. Now we have 2 justices.

This is what happens when judges legislate from the bench. They will now be exposed. If they are not corrupt they have nothing to worry about. This should be a good lesson for the younger Supreme Court justices.
That's great and all, but a Judge shouldn't be hearing cases of the organization they are a member of.

Dembots of course didn't care when it was a Judge they liked....because dembots are corrupt

Have proof she belonged to ACLU
That's great and all, but a Judge shouldn't be hearing cases of the organization they are a member of.

Dembots of course didn't care when it was a Judge they liked....because dembots are corrupt
ACLU is not as pure as many on the left believe.

Mr. Goldberger, a Jew who defended the free speech of those whose views he found repugnant, felt profoundly discouraged.
“I got the sense it was more important for A.C.L.U. staff to identify with clients and progressive causes than to stand on principle,” he said in a recent interview. “Liberals are leaving the First Amendment behind.”

Doesn't everyone?

Are you saying the Federalist society don't pick judges who will defend "their interpretation" of the Constitution?

now if you can show me where the ACLU paid for Ginsberg's mother's home or sent her nephew to private school or if not....shut the fuck up
Ginsberg took 14 trips in one year that were all paid for by others, the one billionaire who paid for her trip to Israel, had a case before the Supreme Court.

The rest of your post is like most of your post is just blabbering stupidity.
That's great and all, but a Judge shouldn't be hearing cases of the organization they are a member of.

Dembots of course didn't care when it was a Judge they liked....because dembots are corrupt
ACLU is not as pure as many on the left believe.

Mr. Goldberger, a Jew who defended the free speech of those whose views he found repugnant, felt profoundly discouraged.
“I got the sense it was more important for A.C.L.U. staff to identify with clients and progressive causes than to stand on principle,” he said in a recent interview. “Liberals are leaving the First Amendment behind.”
You are a fucking idiot!!!! Let's forget about Clarence for a minute.

Justice Samuel Alito Took Luxury Fishing Vacation With GOP Billionaire Who Later Had Cases Before the Court​

In the years after the undisclosed trip to Alaska, Republican megadonor Paul Singer’s hedge fund has repeatedly had business before the Supreme Court. Alito has never recused himself.

I love when you guys say they all do it. Nope. Only two as far as we know "do it".
The public is quickly losing all confidence in the USSC. There may not be any laws restricting these ethical violations, because up until Thomas and Alito decided to cross the border of ethical legal decisions, the USSC, for the most part, governed itself.

But between the wife of Thomas who has demonstrated she is a willing insurrectionist and the other lapses in ethical behavior, Congress may need to set up some guard rails for the High Court. We all know that is not going to happen as long as repubs can block it, since it is their appointees that are the most serious violators. If Dem appointees were the ones with the issues, the repubs would be jumping up and down and threatening Impeachments. Cause the radicals in the Old, Dead, GOP have taken over the party.
Don't you remember saying this?

That's great and all, but a Judge shouldn't be hearing cases of the organization they are a member of.

You must have horrible short term memory.
Oh, he remembered. But he didn't care. He ignored any ethical or moral reasoning. What are the normal citizens going to do? Just what we are doing, complaining. Alito and Thomas don't care. They know they are untouchable.
The public is quickly losing all confidence in the USSC. There may not be any laws restricting these ethical violations, because up until Thomas and Alito decided to cross the border of ethical legal decisions, the USSC, for the most part, governed itself.

But between the wife of Thomas who has demonstrated she is a willing insurrectionist and the other lapses in ethical behavior, Congress may need to set up some guard rails for the High Court. We all know that is not going to happen as long as repubs can block it, since it is their appointees that are the most serious violators. If Dem appointees were the ones with the issues, the repubs would be jumping up and down and threatening Impeachments. Cause the radicals in the Old, Dead, GOP have taken over the party.

We will see what comes from all the bad decisions the new Supreme Court has made recently. They are clearly legislating from the bench. Overturning precedent. Not following stari decisis.

I told people this is why it was important that Gore/Hillary won. I told them what a more conservative court would do or be like. Now it seems there is nothing we can do about it but we can vote. And Republicans are hoping we forget what they did overturning roe. They want us to forget and move past that. Fuck that. Women should never vote GOP until they overturn the overturning.

And I need Republicans to pledge they will strengthen social security and medicare before I will ever consider them again.
Don't you remember saying this?

That's great and all, but a Judge shouldn't be hearing cases of the organization they are a member of.

You must have horrible short term memory.
I do, they shouldn't. I have no idea if she is or isn't a member. I never claimed she was. I simply said a Judge shouldn't be hearing cases of an organiztion they are a member of.

Obviously reading comprehension isn't your strong suit.

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