Class War Illustrated

Yes, and less is always better. Which is why we're all in awe of Somalia's economic growth.

Now that we've got that unfortunate exchange out of the way, do you have any substantive retort to my claims?
Less isn't nothing....Strawman: FAIL!

Now, if gubmint spending is the root of all prosperity, why wasn't the USSR the greatest economic success story in the history of the world?

Let me guess....The right commies weren't in charge, right?

Correct. They think there's always a new way. Nevermind history sides against them. They need to realize that history doesn't start from the date of their birth.
You obviously don't own a business and you have to stop reading political marketing brochures. Our government is a yoke on business. It enables nothing.

O rly?

What do you do for a living? Does it involve producing or consuming anything that spends some time on an Interstate highway?

I own two businesses, a design firm I run and a restaurant my wife runs. I do her back office work as well as run my business.

Roads allow people to move in general, they are not specifically commerce, which was the nature of your statement. You said government "catalyzes commerce." I am saying there is nothing specifically that government does to aid commerce and there is an incredible amount it does to impede it. That things like roads allow people to move in general is why I am a libertarian and not an anarchist. But again roads are not really build FOR commerce and they certainly aren't used exclusively by commerce. Are you going to ask if my restaurant uses water next and credit Harry Reid for that?

The only thing government to do to help commerce is to stay outta the way and cease punishing those that work hard to achieve to give to those that don't.
We were the world's economic powerhouse prior to the progressive era....Another true historical fact.

That we're losing ground to China is more than likely (at least in large part) because so much of our production is being sucked off to pay for the unproductive bureaucratic parasites.

But go ahead and keep doing what you're doing, to keep getting what you're getting.
More and more of the nation's income and wealth concentrated in the hands of the richest 0.01% of American parasites?

Corporations sitting on $2 trillion in cash while calling for "austerity" for schoolteachers?

Brain-dead apologists for Wall Street, like you?

All of the above?
O rly?

What do you do for a living? Does it involve producing or consuming anything that spends some time on an Interstate highway?

I own two businesses, a design firm I run and a restaurant my wife runs. I do her back office work as well as run my business.

Roads allow people to move in general, they are not specifically commerce, which was the nature of your statement. You said government "catalyzes commerce." I am saying there is nothing specifically that government does to aid commerce and there is an incredible amount it does to impede it. That things like roads allow people to move in general is why I am a libertarian and not an anarchist. But again roads are not really build FOR commerce and they certainly aren't used exclusively by commerce. Are you going to ask if my restaurant uses water next and credit Harry Reid for that?

The only thing government to do to help commerce is to stay outta the way and cease punishing those that work hard to achieve to give to those that don't.

Total nonsense.
"'...Banks actually create money when they lend it.' They simply extend accounting-entry bank credit, which is extinguished when the loan is repaid.

"Creating this sort of credit-money is a privilege available only to banks, but states can tap into that privilege by owning a bank.

Public banking.

The substitute to "austerity" that neither Democrats NOR Republicans want to discuss.

200 years from now Banking and Insurance will be the only nationalized industries because neither produces anything and both take only a computer and a crap-load of cash to be in business. Our kids will drive that economy to the stars.

Specialty banking and all that crap that keeps Wall Street greased will be private and humming, but America will have its own Credit Union for basic banking.

Basic insurance makes sense as We, The People ARE the insurer of last resort any way as evidenced by Katrina, 9-11, Mt. St Helens, North Ridge, etc.

200 years. A lot can happen.
If the following are accurate, I don't see how "democracy" lasts another 20 years:

"If you follow the results of studies that show the disparity of wealth in the US, you will see the flow of money from the bottom 90 percent to the top 1 percent over the 60 years between 1950 and 2010.

"The statistical evidence of the existence of class war is the direct result of the wealthy elite's ownership of Congress, the executive branch and the courts.

Wealth is the value of everything you own minus debt.

Disparity of Wealth

In 1933, the wealthiest one percent of the population held 33.3 percent of the wealth. In 1974, the wealthiest one percent held 19.9 percent of the wealth.
In 2007, the wealthiest one percent held 65.4 percent of the wealth.

In 1933, the bottom 90 percent held 66.7 percent of the wealth.
In 1974, the bottom 90 percent held 80.1 percent of the wealth.
In 2007, the bottom 90 percent held 34.6 percent of the wealth.

"Federal Tax Rates (after custom-made individual deductions)

1974 Capital gains tax rate: 35 percent
1950 Highest marginal tax rate: 90 percent

2005 Capital gains tax rate: 15 percent
2005 Highest marginal tax rate: 34 percent"
I own two businesses, a design firm I run and a restaurant my wife runs. I do her back office work as well as run my business.

Roads allow people to move in general, they are not specifically commerce, which was the nature of your statement. You said government "catalyzes commerce." I am saying there is nothing specifically that government does to aid commerce and there is an incredible amount it does to impede it. That things like roads allow people to move in general is why I am a libertarian and not an anarchist. But again roads are not really build FOR commerce and they certainly aren't used exclusively by commerce. Are you going to ask if my restaurant uses water next and credit Harry Reid for that?

The only thing government to do to help commerce is to stay outta the way and cease punishing those that work hard to achieve to give to those that don't.

Total nonsense.

It's Tommy. What did you expect?

I love how the hard ideologues just glazed over the fact that I just shattered their theories. It actually annoys me a little. *sigh* Guess I ought to be used to it by now.
We were the world's economic powerhouse prior to the progressive era....Another true historical fact.

That we're losing ground to China is more than likely (at least in large part) because so much of our production is being sucked off to pay for the unproductive bureaucratic parasites.

But go ahead and keep doing what you're doing, to keep getting what you're getting.

So as a result of our channeling so much production to unproductive bureaucratic parasites, we're losing ground to a country that channels even more than we do to unproductive bureaucratic parasites?
If China had half of the industry-stifling nanny state America does, you might have a point....But it doesn't so you don't.

But go ahead and keep doing what you're doing, to keep getting what you're getting.
We were the world's economic powerhouse prior to the progressive era....Another true historical fact.

That we're losing ground to China is more than likely (at least in large part) because so much of our production is being sucked off to pay for the unproductive bureaucratic parasites.

But go ahead and keep doing what you're doing, to keep getting what you're getting.

So as a result of our channeling so much production to unproductive bureaucratic parasites, we're losing ground to a country that channels even more than we do to unproductive bureaucratic parasites?
If China had half of the industry-stifling nanny state America does, you might have a point....But it doesn't so you don't.

But go ahead and keep doing what you're doing, to keep getting what you're getting.

So... Keep proving you wrong, and I'll keep getting "LA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LA! NUH-UH!"

You aren't proving jack shit.

In fact, it happens on a smaller scale with overbearing bureaucratic and tax structures that chase businesses from one state to another.

Luverne truck bumpers moved from Luverne, MN, to Iowa...Sioux Falls, SD, owes much of its recent spike in growth to businesses fleeing Minnesota.

And let's not even get started on Fornicalia.
You aren't proving jack shit.

In fact, it happens on a smaller scale with overbearing bureaucratic and tax structures that chase businesses from one state to another.

Luverne truck bumpers moved from Luverne, MN, to Iowa...Sioux Falls, SD, owes much of its recent spike in growth to businesses fleeing Minnesota.

And let's not even get started on Fornicalia.

I'm proving that your statistics are wrong and your ideological blanket statements don't hold water.

You're moving the goalposts and proving that you could defeat a monk in a stubbornness contest.
You're trying to use the statistics from a country that lies out its ass about fiscal matters and their currency.

Besides that, where is it easier to build an oil refinery, China or the US?

I was referring to these statistics.

But whats the difference? You've already moved to state-based burdens, and now to oil refineries since then.

We are losing ground to a Communist nation. I don't advocate Communism, but it pretty much spits in the face of your claim that less is always better.
The state-based burdens are a microcosm of what's going on across the nation and around the world.

Oil refineries are an example of the onerous burdens on companies in America that don't exist in China.

That we're losing ground to a communist nation should be your first clue of the possibility that there's something that you are doing to drive those businesses away.
So you're saying businesses should get whatever concessions they want or liberals are evil?

That's fucking retarded.

If you didn't regulate businesses they would hurt people. That's just a fact...borne out by history. Consumer protections, labor laws...HISTORY.

The fact that businesses move somewhere that doesn't have the same protections for people isn't a liberal's fault. It means that the world has gotten smaller and businesses will do whatever they can to make a buck.
Nice applications of the strawman, false dichotomy and Hegelian dialectic. :rolleyes:

Isn't it funny how the left don't understand what strawman arguments are, and yet they do them masterfully?

Strawman? Gosh no, what's that?

Oddball said:
Now, if gubmint spending is the root of all prosperity, why wasn't the USSR the greatest economic success story in the history of the world?

Let me guess....The right commies weren't in charge, right?


So, why was it that central planning and economic control failed in Soviet Russia?

You insinuating that I was advocating for Communism was the strawman... Gosh, is it really 'libs' that need to learn the definition?

And now, a second time, :rolleyes:

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