Class Warfare a Bust:Gallup 75% of voters don't care Romeny's rich

Being rich used to be a good thing when the rich didn't act like dicks.

When they didn't get draft deferments while poor people's kids went to wars.

When they used their wealth to open factories and create jobs, not to shut down factories and destroy jobs.

A wise rich guy, Henry Ford, once said, "If my employees don't make enough to buy my products, I don't have a business."

Mitt Romney is not that kind of rich guy.

Draft? What draft? When did we last have a draft? Are you daft?

Well, we had one when Romney was in his wonder years...

But oddly, he got deferrments.

Now, rich guys of an earlier age, sent their kids to war... but not Rich Assholes like Romney.

Dying in wars is for Poor People...

You're just a stupid person, aren't you?

Stupid is as stupid does. The only people who join the military are volunteers, and they come from all walks of life. No one is required to go to war, or send their kids to war, unless the government requests that they do so.

Bill Clinton was a draft dodger, and Obama has never joined the military, nor gone to war, but I will bet dollars to donuts that you voted for both of them.

George Bush, Bob Dole, and John McCain all went to war, and I will bet you didn't vote for any of them.

That makes you a hypocrite of the worst kind.
Which economic class has more today than it had five years ago?
What does the answer to that question say about capitalism and democracy?

"After five years of crisis - with no end in sight - it's time to evaluate what happened, why and what needs to be done. One key cause of this crisis is the class structure of capitalist enterprises.

"I stress that because most treatments miss it. By class structure, I mean enterprises' internal organization pitting workers against corporate boards of directors and major shareholders.

"Those boards seek first to maximize corporate profits and growth.

"That means maximizing the difference between the value they get from workers' labor and the value of the wages paid to workers. Those boards also decide how to use that difference ('surplus value') to secure the corporation's reproduction and growth.

"The major shareholders and the directors they select make all basic corporate decisions: what, how and where to produce and how to spend the surplus value (on executive pay hikes and bonuses, outsourcing production, buying politicians etc.)

"Workers (the majority) live with the results of decisions made by a tiny minority (shareholders and directors).

"Workers are excluded from participating in those decisions: a lesson in capitalist democracy."

After Five Years: Report Card on Crisis Capitalism

Wow! You find it odd that the people who put up the money for an enterprise, and the people they hire to run that enterprise make all the big decisions? Who do you imagine they should be listening to, Joe the janitor, or Bob the machine operator?

The simple facts that you ignore are that big corporations pay their workers better, and offer more benefits than mom and pop owned enterprises. They also pay a lot of local, state and federal taxes. When one of them goes broke, or leaves town, the city almost always takes a hit in loss of the tax base, and loss of purchasing power.

If all of you wanna be commies want to start a commune and let the workers make the decisions and share the wealth, you can do so in capitalist America. But, you will have to risk your own wealth. Not too many people with money are going to risk their wealth on such an enterprise.
But your boy has spent his whole life screwing labor...

And trying not to leave fingerprints on the corpse...

I love how you guys paint things.

You describe Providing the Necessary Capital Infusions Private Companies needed to Grow, Survive, or Start up is tantamount to "Screwing Labor"

You will never understand how it works.

I understand how it works perfectly well.

We have jobs because there are needs for the services or goods we produce. Sometimes they are funded by the government, sometimes by private investment. But there wouldn't be jobs if there was no need for the service.

Romney's attitude is that we can screw the people doing those jobs to give more money to investors... and that's the problem. Because eventually, when the people doing the jobs have less money, they spend less on things, and soon, commerce comes to an end. You lay people off, you move their jobs to China, you get rid of their union salaries and benefits, two things happen.

1) THey become more dependent on government.

2) They spend less on consumer goods and services, reducing the need for other jobs.

In short, Romney and his ilk aren't the solution, they are the cause of our woes.

Like most left wingers, you believe you know and understand, but you only know part of the story, and consequently, you reach dumbass conclusions on just about every issue.

Consumer spending is only part of the equation, and failure to look beyond that fact is why we are not already out of this recession. BTW, sending jobs overseas has absolutely nothing to do with our economic woes.

The federal government has created this economic mess, not private enterprise. And, it wasn't created yesterday, last year, or even in the last decade. It was caused by numerous attempts at social engineering, compounded by both a dumbass tax system and idiotic regulations that work to increase the cost of business, and hamper new entries into business.

You worry about a Romney getting rich through venture capitalism, but you never even consider the tens of thousands of trial lawyers getting rich by extorting businesses that fail to abide by some obscure regulation. Every manufacturer has to hire other lawyers just to ensure that some dumbass doesn't hurt themselves through misuse of their product, and to protect them from the lawsuits by other lawyers who believe the dumbasses were not sufficiently warned about every possible misuse.
Another attempt to create a divisive issue is not working for Team Obama.

What this underlines and puts an exclamation point to- is that American's a) are not taken in by Obama's class warfare and b) don't see Romney's wealth, or any ones wealth, as a problem for running for office... as if Obama didn't need to have a lot of money to run/win.
Romney's wealth has NEVER been the problem!

Right- Romney's wealth was never an issue. <eye-roll> as if we could not find numerous posts by liberals on this board which show their often venomous attacks on Romney specific to his wealth.

But I digress, the fact that a major pollster takes a poll about Romney's wealth indicates it was a major conversation being had in connection to this election.

Liberal's love to dwell in rooms without corners- but they make a mistake if they don't realize other people understand why they do so.
Whoooooooooo hoooooooooo! :lol: All that effort to malign Romney for being successful has freaking failed.

Check it out especially the independents. Somewhere tonight Axelrod is crying. :eusa_boohoo:

Gallup: Majority Say Romney’s Wealth Won’t Affect Their Vote

Thursday, 12 Jul 2012 09:59 AM

By Newsmax Wires

An overwhelming majority of voters – 75 percent – say that Mitt Romney’s $200 million net worth makes no difference in their choice between him and President Barack Obama, according to a new Gallup poll.

Meanwhile, 20 percent of voters say Romney’s wealth makes them less likely to vote for him, and 4 percent say it makes them more likely to vote for him.

Breaking it down by party affiliation, among Republicans, 89 percent say Romney’s riches make no difference, 8 percent say they are a reason to vote for him, and 4 percent say they are a reason to vote against him. Among Democrats, 62 percent don’t care about Romney’s wealth, 37 percent say it’s a negative factor, and 1 percent say it’s positive.

The sentiment of independents may be most important, as they are likely to decide the election’s outcome. In this demographic 76 are indifferent to Romney’s wealth, 19 percent say it makes them less likely to vote for him, and 4 percent say it makes them more likely to vote for him.

Read more on Gallup: Majority Say Romney’s Wealth Won’t Affect Their Vote

I applaud Romney for all of his success. I have nothing against anyone being successful. Last of all, his wealth will not change my vote either. I'm still voting for Obama.

Now, the reason I am not voting for Romney is that I cannot trust anything the man says. One day he is for this, the next day he is against, it, usually based on whom he is talking to. Four years ago, I thought he was the man for the job, but he has proven that he has no backbone and will bow to whichever group he thinks he needs the most. He is so bad at sticking to his beliefs that you cons should truly be worried. I mean it is possible that he wins the election, becomes President, and then stands behind the ACA, and follows that up by pushing to raise taxes, since he knows that cutting them will only lead to higher deficits. But who knows what he really thinks. The guy is the biggest flip flopper of all time.
Stephen King is exactly right: The Gordon Gekkos are clogging the channels for upward mobility! The system is rigged. I no longer trust banks, stock markets, company prospectuses, or financial analysts.
Whoooooooooo hoooooooooo! :lol: All that effort to malign Romney for being successful has freaking failed.

Check it out especially the independents. Somewhere tonight Axelrod is crying. :eusa_boohoo:

Gallup: Majority Say Romney’s Wealth Won’t Affect Their Vote

Thursday, 12 Jul 2012 09:59 AM

By Newsmax Wires

An overwhelming majority of voters – 75 percent – say that Mitt Romney’s $200 million net worth makes no difference in their choice between him and President Barack Obama, according to a new Gallup poll.

Meanwhile, 20 percent of voters say Romney’s wealth makes them less likely to vote for him, and 4 percent say it makes them more likely to vote for him.

Breaking it down by party affiliation, among Republicans, 89 percent say Romney’s riches make no difference, 8 percent say they are a reason to vote for him, and 4 percent say they are a reason to vote against him. Among Democrats, 62 percent don’t care about Romney’s wealth, 37 percent say it’s a negative factor, and 1 percent say it’s positive.

The sentiment of independents may be most important, as they are likely to decide the election’s outcome. In this demographic 76 are indifferent to Romney’s wealth, 19 percent say it makes them less likely to vote for him, and 4 percent say it makes them more likely to vote for him.

Read more on Gallup: Majority Say Romney’s Wealth Won’t Affect Their Vote

I applaud Romney for all of his success. I have nothing against anyone being successful. Last of all, his wealth will not change my vote either. I'm still voting for Obama.

Now, the reason I am not voting for Romney is that I cannot trust anything the man says. One day he is for this, the next day he is against, it, usually based on whom he is talking to. Four years ago, I thought he was the man for the job, but he has proven that he has no backbone and will bow to whichever group he thinks he needs the most. He is so bad at sticking to his beliefs that you cons should truly be worried. I mean it is possible that he wins the election, becomes President, and then stands behind the ACA, and follows that up by pushing to raise taxes, since he knows that cutting them will only lead to higher deficits. But who knows what he really thinks. The guy is the biggest flip flopper of all time.

You mean like being against the Patriot Act and then expanding it?

You mean like first order of business when you are elected as president is to close Gitmo...and nearly 4 years later it's still going strong?

You mean like being against extraordinary rendition and then continuing it?

The list can go on
Draft? What draft? When did we last have a draft? Are you daft?

Well, we had one when Romney was in his wonder years...

But oddly, he got deferrments.

Now, rich guys of an earlier age, sent their kids to war... but not Rich Assholes like Romney.

Dying in wars is for Poor People...

You're just a stupid person, aren't you?

Stupid is as stupid does. The only people who join the military are volunteers, and they come from all walks of life. No one is required to go to war, or send their kids to war, unless the government requests that they do so.

Bill Clinton was a draft dodger, and Obama has never joined the military, nor gone to war, but I will bet dollars to donuts that you voted for both of them.

George Bush, Bob Dole, and John McCain all went to war, and I will bet you didn't vote for any of them.

That makes you a hypocrite of the worst kind.

Well, you'd be wrong. I voted for all three of those guys, and I didn't vote for Clinton or Obama. I have no problem with Republicans. It's Romney I can't fucking stand. This is what you guys can't get through your heads. I was perfectly willing to vote for any Republican who was not Mitt Romney. But you guys nominated this weird cultist, anyway, because a poll told you he might be able to win.

Also, the military had a draft at the time that Mitt Romney and Bill Clinton were of age, and they both found ways to avoid it. Didn't vote for him because I thought he was a sleazy person, but on that he was standing on a principle, he thought the war was wrong. Romney had no problem with the war, as long as poor people were doing the fighting and dying.
Right- Romney's wealth was never an issue. <eye-roll> as if we could not find numerous posts by liberals on this board which show their often venomous attacks on Romney specific to his wealth.

But I digress, the fact that a major pollster takes a poll about Romney's wealth indicates it was a major conversation being had in connection to this election.

Liberal's love to dwell in rooms without corners- but they make a mistake if they don't realize other people understand why they do so.

No, the attacks are how he acquired his wealth.

For instance, if I were to say bad things about Pablo Escobar (the Columbian Drug King), you wouldn't say "You just hate him because he has money, you hater!". Well, no, it was the fact he made money selling deadly drugs to American kids I'd have the problem with.

Mitt Romney made his money going into companies where average working folks with families worked, found ways to loot their pension funds, wreck their unions, destroy their health benefits and eventually in some cases, eliminate the jobs altogether.

Not only is this evil, it's actually kind of counterproductive. Because when you eliminate people's ability to EARN a living, they go to the government to survive. The poor do not follow Scrooges admonition to die and relieve the surplus population. They will do whatever they have to do to keep living.

In the mad rush to make the rich richer and the poor poorer, you all have made the government more empowered. Good job, everyone. Good job.
Trying to pin the blame on either the private sector or the government ALONE is ignorant as hell.

It took the unholy alliance of a compliant government taking orders from a very SELECT group within the private banking sector to fuck up our economy.

Wake up people.
Did you support the Patriot Act, rendition, and Gitmo?

Whoooooooooo hoooooooooo! :lol: All that effort to malign Romney for being successful has freaking failed.

Check it out especially the independents. Somewhere tonight Axelrod is crying. :eusa_boohoo:

Gallup: Majority Say Romney’s Wealth Won’t Affect Their Vote

Thursday, 12 Jul 2012 09:59 AM

By Newsmax Wires

An overwhelming majority of voters – 75 percent – say that Mitt Romney’s $200 million net worth makes no difference in their choice between him and President Barack Obama, according to a new Gallup poll.

Meanwhile, 20 percent of voters say Romney’s wealth makes them less likely to vote for him, and 4 percent say it makes them more likely to vote for him.

Breaking it down by party affiliation, among Republicans, 89 percent say Romney’s riches make no difference, 8 percent say they are a reason to vote for him, and 4 percent say they are a reason to vote against him. Among Democrats, 62 percent don’t care about Romney’s wealth, 37 percent say it’s a negative factor, and 1 percent say it’s positive.

The sentiment of independents may be most important, as they are likely to decide the election’s outcome. In this demographic 76 are indifferent to Romney’s wealth, 19 percent say it makes them less likely to vote for him, and 4 percent say it makes them more likely to vote for him.

Read more on Gallup: Majority Say Romney’s Wealth Won’t Affect Their Vote

I applaud Romney for all of his success. I have nothing against anyone being successful. Last of all, his wealth will not change my vote either. I'm still voting for Obama.

Now, the reason I am not voting for Romney is that I cannot trust anything the man says. One day he is for this, the next day he is against, it, usually based on whom he is talking to. Four years ago, I thought he was the man for the job, but he has proven that he has no backbone and will bow to whichever group he thinks he needs the most. He is so bad at sticking to his beliefs that you cons should truly be worried. I mean it is possible that he wins the election, becomes President, and then stands behind the ACA, and follows that up by pushing to raise taxes, since he knows that cutting them will only lead to higher deficits. But who knows what he really thinks. The guy is the biggest flip flopper of all time.

You mean like being against the Patriot Act and then expanding it?

You mean like first order of business when you are elected as president is to close Gitmo...and nearly 4 years later it's still going strong?

You mean like being against extraordinary rendition and then continuing it?

The list can go on
I love this part of the article because it speaks to truth. Most Americans would themselves like to be rich.

While the Obama campaign seeks to portray Romney as a tool of the rich, &#8220;most Americans claim Romney's wealth will not affect their vote, perhaps reflecting Gallup research showing that the majority of Americans believe the U.S. benefits from having a rich class and would themselves like to be rich,&#8221; writes Gallup&#8217;s Frank Newport.

Read more on Gallup: Majority Say Romney&#8217;s Wealth Won&#8217;t Affect Their Vote
Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election? Vote Here Now!
Or do Americans support draft dodgers and tax dodgers alike?

Why no IRS action on tax dodging ?
Because the rich really are different...

There is a small possibility the US Government is taking tax evasions more seriously, but it's not clear if Republicans OR Democrats will fund enforcement actions at acceptable levels.

"The arrest this month (2/2011) of a prominent Swiss private banker and indictment of four others confirms a new front in Washington&#8217;s battle against tax dodgers that the Swiss government hoped would not happen but others recognised as inevitable."

US hunt for tax dodgers gathers pace -

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