Class Warfare a Bust:Gallup 75% of voters don't care Romeny's rich

The Lemmings have been told to focus on the lay-offs and closings.

ThinkProgress and MotherJones doesn't spend any time telling them about the 5,6,8, or 10 years these companies managed to stay open longer than they would have without the investment firm's money and direction.
Or that sometimes, no matter how much money you throw at a company, they still fail.


Again, that's pretty much like arguing that the unemployment rate would be 15% if Obama hadn't done stimulus and saved the Auto Industry...

You can make the "it might have been worse" scenario, but you still have to account for the "it was still pretty bad".

And Romney could do that, if he opened the records, which he refuses to do.
PE firms are quicker to restructure underperforming businesses but are quicker at expanding businesses after the restructuring.

The Lemmings have been told to focus on the lay-offs and closings.

ThinkProgress and MotherJones doesn't spend any time telling them about the 5,6,8, or 10 years these companies managed to stay open longer than they would have without the investment firm's money and direction.
Or that sometimes, no matter how much money you throw at a company, they still fail.

While Wall Street's slaves instinctively focus on assets like land and capital instead of human beings:

"Before Mitt Romney’s Bain Capital bought the rambling SCM factory in Marion, Ind., it was running three shifts a day, making hanging file folders and other office supplies. But on July 5, 1994, everything changed.

"The former SCM/AmPad plant in Marion, Ind., which Bain Capital closed back in 1994, is now occupied by another company called Novapak.

"The new owner, American Pad & Paper, owned in turn by Bain Capital, told all 258 union workers they were fired, in a cost-cutting move. Security guards hustled them out of the building. They would be able to reapply for their jobs, at lesser wages and benefits, but not all would be rehired.

“We were told they bought the assets, not the union or the [labor] contract...”

Is Mitt Romney really a job creator? What his Bain Capital record shows. -


WTF you expect genius?? YOU save them.. Tell us how...
The rich guy...

He was an unpaid volunteer campaign worker for his dad's gubernatorial campaign 1 year.

He was an unpaid intern in his dad's governor's office for eight years.

He was an unpaid bishop and state president of his church for ten years.

He was an unpaid President of the Salt Lake Olympic Committee for three years.

He took no salary and was the unpaid Governor of Massachusetts for four years.

He gave his entire inheritance from his father to charity.

Mitt Romney is one of the wealthiest self-made men in our country but has given more back to its citizens in terms of money, service and time than most men.

And in 2011 Mitt Romney gave over $4 million to charity, almost 19% of his income...Just for comparison purposes:
Obama gave 1% and
Joe Biden gave $300 or .0013%.
Just over half of Mitt's 2010 giving went to his church which demands 10% of its members to remain in good standing. The rest went to Tyler Foundation, a 501(c3) nonprofit funded exclusively by the Romneys. If he's such a paragon of philanthropy, why isn't he revealing all of his tax returns? Too many millions hiding in Switzerland, maybe?

As has been explained to you ad nauseam - and believe me, any time I have to talk to you is nauseating - he isn't "revealing" his tax returns to you BECAUSE IT'S NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS. His millions aren't "hidden" anywhere from the people who have a right to know about them, ie. the IRS, not you. Only dipshits living from paycheck to paycheck believe investing money in other countries is somehow "hiding" the money.
Why would anyone with any discernible moral standards suck up to a vacillating Reagan clone who inflated his personal fortune to $200 million by transforming red ink and massive layoffs into windfall profits for himself and his fellow parasites?

Oh, don't actually have any discernible moral standards, do you?

If you did you might feel obligated to judge the morality of Bain Capital's penchant for making most of its money through leveraged buy-outs, investing only a small amount of its own capital when purchasing a company, then heaping mountains of debt onto the company's books. Naturally compliant Republicans AND Democrats manufacture tax policy that allows the parasites to prosper regardless of whether the company fails or not.

I guess worshiping the ground that shit like Romney splats on is your schtick?

You have no idea what happens when businesses need to be reorganized and refocused do you?

Clear case of parroting Daily Kos and loving the hate...

Scapegoating of ANY kind makes me crazy mad..
Maybe you should learn Mandarin and move in with your Chinese Masters?

Before the door hits your fat ass, tell us how Bain "reorganized and refocused" GS Steel by putting up very little of their own money, borrowing the rest, and then paying themselves back with borrowed money while levering the company up to $500 million in debt and throwing thousands of workers into the unemployment lines with pensions that required taxpayer support.

Ask the Chinese Money Guy for your next talking points, Polly.

Bain invested PLENTY into the venture. You're full of crap about the $500Mill in debt. When this company was acquired it faced ACUTE competition with ANCIENT facilities. It wasn't gonna make it without borrowing money for updating the plant. $100 mill in facilities upgrade isn't expensive for a steel plant. WITHOUT borrowing that money -- it should have just shut the doors..

40 Steel companies FAILED in that same period. And the actual decision to end the operation was made to AVOID DRAGGING a very successful sister operation down with it.

THOSE FOLKS have a successful steel operation today --- AND their jobs. THEY are happy that Bain ended the budget-busting cyst on their asses.

(I can't remember the name of the surviving GS Ind operation)

You make a lousy critic for these difficult decisions. Because you would have most definately just crapped your pants and sucked your thumb faced with any of those facts and pressures.
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The Lemmings have been told to focus on the lay-offs and closings.

ThinkProgress and MotherJones doesn't spend any time telling them about the 5,6,8, or 10 years these companies managed to stay open longer than they would have without the investment firm's money and direction.
Or that sometimes, no matter how much money you throw at a company, they still fail.

While Wall Street's slaves instinctively focus on assets like land and capital instead of human beings:

"Before Mitt Romney’s Bain Capital bought the rambling SCM factory in Marion, Ind., it was running three shifts a day, making hanging file folders and other office supplies. But on July 5, 1994, everything changed.

"The former SCM/AmPad plant in Marion, Ind., which Bain Capital closed back in 1994, is now occupied by another company called Novapak.

"The new owner, American Pad & Paper, owned in turn by Bain Capital, told all 258 union workers they were fired, in a cost-cutting move. Security guards hustled them out of the building. They would be able to reapply for their jobs, at lesser wages and benefits, but not all would be rehired.

“We were told they bought the assets, not the union or the [labor] contract...”

Is Mitt Romney really a job creator? What his Bain Capital record shows. -


WTF you expect genius?? YOU save them.. Tell us how...
Here's where I would start:

"The MONDRAGON Corporation is a corporation and federation of worker cooperatives based in the Basque region of Spain. Founded in the town of Mondragón in 1956, its origin is linked to the activity of a modest technical college and a small workshop producing paraffin heaters. Currently it is the seventh largest Spanish company in terms of asset turnover and the leading business group in the Basque Country."

Mondragon Corporation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There ARE alternatives.
The rich guy...

He was an unpaid volunteer campaign worker for his dad's gubernatorial campaign 1 year.

He was an unpaid intern in his dad's governor's office for eight years.

He was an unpaid bishop and state president of his church for ten years.

He was an unpaid President of the Salt Lake Olympic Committee for three years.

He took no salary and was the unpaid Governor of Massachusetts for four years.

He gave his entire inheritance from his father to charity.

Mitt Romney is one of the wealthiest self-made men in our country but has given more back to its citizens in terms of money, service and time than most men.

And in 2011 Mitt Romney gave over $4 million to charity, almost 19% of his income...Just for comparison purposes:
Obama gave 1% and
Joe Biden gave $300 or .0013%.
Just over half of Mitt's 2010 giving went to his church which demands 10% of its members to remain in good standing. The rest went to Tyler Foundation, a 501(c3) nonprofit funded exclusively by the Romneys. If he's such a paragon of philanthropy, why isn't he revealing all of his tax returns? Too many millions hiding in Switzerland, maybe?

As has been explained to you ad nauseam - and believe me, any time I have to talk to you is nauseating - he isn't "revealing" his tax returns to you BECAUSE IT'S NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS. His millions aren't "hidden" anywhere from the people who have a right to know about them, ie. the IRS, not you. Only dipshits living from paycheck to paycheck believe investing money in other countries is somehow "hiding" the money.
Au contraire, Cactus ****, those of us who don't reflexively swallow every load the rich spew out understand how parasites like French Mitt shift the tax burden onto all those "dipshits living paycheck to paycheck" ,aka, the majority of Americans. Your commitment to democracy is matched only by your worship for rich-bitch draft dodgers who turned a bright shade of Dick Cheney-yellow when it was Vietnam time.

In the immortal words of Pat Tillman's dad..."Fuck you and yours."
If I was Romney, I would simply say..." I'll show you my tax returns, as soon as Obama shows us his college records." The mindless are so worried about one, but not the other.
Just over half of Mitt's 2010 giving went to his church which demands 10% of its members to remain in good standing. The rest went to Tyler Foundation, a 501(c3) nonprofit funded exclusively by the Romneys. If he's such a paragon of philanthropy, why isn't he revealing all of his tax returns? Too many millions hiding in Switzerland, maybe?

As has been explained to you ad nauseam - and believe me, any time I have to talk to you is nauseating - he isn't "revealing" his tax returns to you BECAUSE IT'S NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS. His millions aren't "hidden" anywhere from the people who have a right to know about them, ie. the IRS, not you. Only dipshits living from paycheck to paycheck believe investing money in other countries is somehow "hiding" the money.
Au contraire, Cactus ****, those of us who don't reflexively swallow every load the rich spew out understand how parasites like French Mitt shift the tax burden onto all those "dipshits living paycheck to paycheck" ,aka, the majority of Americans. Your commitment to democracy is matched only by your worship for rich-bitch draft dodgers who turned a bright shade of Dick Cheney-yellow when it was Vietnam time.

In the immortal words of Pat Tillman's dad..."Fuck you and yours."

FATAL USMB RULES INFRACTION there Georgy Boy... Prepare to accept the consequences like the asswipe that you are..

MOONDRAGON solutions? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
You have no idea what happens when businesses need to be reorganized and refocused do you?

Clear case of parroting Daily Kos and loving the hate...

Scapegoating of ANY kind makes me crazy mad..
Maybe you should learn Mandarin and move in with your Chinese Masters?

Before the door hits your fat ass, tell us how Bain "reorganized and refocused" GS Steel by putting up very little of their own money, borrowing the rest, and then paying themselves back with borrowed money while levering the company up to $500 million in debt and throwing thousands of workers into the unemployment lines with pensions that required taxpayer support.

Ask the Chinese Money Guy for your next talking points, Polly.

Bain invested PLENTY into the venture. You're full of crap about the $500Mill in debt. When this company was acquired it faced ACUTE competition with ANCIENT facilities. It wasn't gonna make it without borrowing money for updating the plant. $100 mill in facilities upgrade isn't expensive for a steel plant. WITHOUT borrowing that money -- it should have just shut the doors..

40 Steel companies FAILED in that same period. And the actual decision to end the operation was made to AVOID DRAGGING a very successful sister operation down with it.

THOSE FOLKS have a successful steel operation today --- AND their jobs. THEY are happy that Bain ended the budget-busting cyst on their asses.

(I can't remember the name of the surviving GS Ind operation)

You make a lousy critic for these difficult decisions. Because you would have most definately just crapped your pants and sucked your thumb faced with any of those facts and pressures.
"In its 2001 bankruptcy filing, GS Industries listed total debts of $554 million.

‘Closed the Kansas City plant’

"Along with the bankruptcy filing came the announcement that GS Industries was shutting down the Kansas City mill.

"Some 750 employees were put out of work.

"In a news release, the company said the bankruptcy was triggered in part by 'the critical need to restructure the company's liabilities.'

"How much of that was Romney’s fault...

That part's debatable; however, what isn't debatable is the tens of millions of dollars in dividends that Bain Partners "earned" from borrowed funds.

From PolitiFact:

"Our ruling

"Obama’s ad, and the news release announcing it, packed a lot of claims about Romney’s tenure at Bain Capital and how it handled its investment in a Kansas City steel mill.

"We are checking this claim: 'After purchasing the company, Mitt Romney and his partners loaded it with debt, closed the Kansas City plant and walked away with a healthy profit, leaving hundreds of employees out of work with their pensions in jeopardy.'

"We found, through corporate filings, interviews and investigations by other news organizations, that the statement is accurate but needs some clarification. First, it’s true that Bain added significantly to GST’s debt load while paying dividends to itself.

"The plant’s closure, however, happened after Romney had left daily operations at Bain, though he led Bain during six years of its majority investment in the plant. And other, outside factors were at work, making the steel industry a tough business. Steel prices were low and electricity costs were high, and those forces drove other steel mills out of business around the same time.

"The statement’s last two claims are solid: Bain (and Romney) made a profit from taking over GST, and the employees lost many benefits their union had negotiated, including supplemental pension payments. The federal government had to step in to shore up the fund.

"We rate the claim Mostly True."
Most of Romney's fortune came from funding fast growing firms. Most of the "parasites" aka "clients" are pension funds, endowments & foundations - ie universities, charities, hospitals, etc.- and insurance companies.

Why would anyone with any discernible moral standards suck up to a vacillating Reagan clone who inflated his personal fortune to $200 million by transforming red ink and massive layoffs into windfall profits for himself and his fellow parasites?

Oh, don't actually have any discernible moral standards, do you?

If you did you might feel obligated to judge the morality of Bain Capital's penchant for making most of its money through leveraged buy-outs, investing only a small amount of its own capital when purchasing a company, then heaping mountains of debt onto the company's books. Naturally compliant Republicans AND Democrats manufacture tax policy that allows the parasites to prosper regardless of whether the company fails or not.

I guess worshiping the ground that shit like Romney splats on is your schtick?
How many pension funds, endowments & foundations are partners/parasites in Bain Capital?

I don't know exactly. I sat down with them a month or so ago and it was well over half. The majority of the PE funding comes from those groups.
Just over half of Mitt's 2010 giving went to his church which demands 10% of its members to remain in good standing. The rest went to Tyler Foundation, a 501(c3) nonprofit funded exclusively by the Romneys. If he's such a paragon of philanthropy, why isn't he revealing all of his tax returns? Too many millions hiding in Switzerland, maybe?

As has been explained to you ad nauseam - and believe me, any time I have to talk to you is nauseating - he isn't "revealing" his tax returns to you BECAUSE IT'S NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS. His millions aren't "hidden" anywhere from the people who have a right to know about them, ie. the IRS, not you. Only dipshits living from paycheck to paycheck believe investing money in other countries is somehow "hiding" the money.
Au contraire, Cactus ****, those of us who don't reflexively swallow every load the rich spew out understand how parasites like French Mitt shift the tax burden onto all those "dipshits living paycheck to paycheck" ,aka, the majority of Americans. Your commitment to democracy is matched only by your worship for rich-bitch draft dodgers who turned a bright shade of Dick Cheney-yellow when it was Vietnam time.

In the immortal words of Pat Tillman's dad..."Fuck you and yours."

Yes, I can see how deeply you "understand" it by the way you flatly refuse to explain it to anyone else. All you do is spew blank, vague accusations at Mitt Romney. I have yet to see ANY explanation of EXACTLY what he's done wrong, let alone any PROOF that he's done something wrong.

You just "know" that Romney is "shifting the tax burden" to you, never mind that you most likely don't pay any federal income tax and the idea of you having any investments to pay capital gains taxes on is just ludicrous.

Oh, and you "know" that Romney "dodged the draft", too, despite having no evidence that
Romney was ever even sent a draft notice, much less "dodged" it. Oh, I know, I know. To leftists, any non-Democrat who didn't serve in Vietnam is automatically a "draft dodger". I have no doubt that if I was running for President right now, you'd accuse me of "dodging the draft" by cleverly manipulating things so that I'd be too young to go to Vietnam. Fiendishly cunning Republican ploy, that born-too-late thing! :rolleyes:
Maybe you should learn Mandarin and move in with your Chinese Masters?

Before the door hits your fat ass, tell us how Bain "reorganized and refocused" GS Steel by putting up very little of their own money, borrowing the rest, and then paying themselves back with borrowed money while levering the company up to $500 million in debt and throwing thousands of workers into the unemployment lines with pensions that required taxpayer support.

Ask the Chinese Money Guy for your next talking points, Polly.

Bain invested PLENTY into the venture. You're full of crap about the $500Mill in debt. When this company was acquired it faced ACUTE competition with ANCIENT facilities. It wasn't gonna make it without borrowing money for updating the plant. $100 mill in facilities upgrade isn't expensive for a steel plant. WITHOUT borrowing that money -- it should have just shut the doors..

40 Steel companies FAILED in that same period. And the actual decision to end the operation was made to AVOID DRAGGING a very successful sister operation down with it.

THOSE FOLKS have a successful steel operation today --- AND their jobs. THEY are happy that Bain ended the budget-busting cyst on their asses.

(I can't remember the name of the surviving GS Ind operation)

You make a lousy critic for these difficult decisions. Because you would have most definately just crapped your pants and sucked your thumb faced with any of those facts and pressures.
"In its 2001 bankruptcy filing, GS Industries listed total debts of $554 million.

‘Closed the Kansas City plant’

"Along with the bankruptcy filing came the announcement that GS Industries was shutting down the Kansas City mill.

"Some 750 employees were put out of work.

"In a news release, the company said the bankruptcy was triggered in part by 'the critical need to restructure the company's liabilities.'

"How much of that was Romney’s fault...

That part's debatable; however, what isn't debatable is the tens of millions of dollars in dividends that Bain Partners "earned" from borrowed funds.

From PolitiFact:

"Our ruling

"Obama’s ad, and the news release announcing it, packed a lot of claims about Romney’s tenure at Bain Capital and how it handled its investment in a Kansas City steel mill.

"We are checking this claim: 'After purchasing the company, Mitt Romney and his partners loaded it with debt, closed the Kansas City plant and walked away with a healthy profit, leaving hundreds of employees out of work with their pensions in jeopardy.'

"We found, through corporate filings, interviews and investigations by other news organizations, that the statement is accurate but needs some clarification. First, it’s true that Bain added significantly to GST’s debt load while paying dividends to itself.

"The plant’s closure, however, happened after Romney had left daily operations at Bain, though he led Bain during six years of its majority investment in the plant. And other, outside factors were at work, making the steel industry a tough business. Steel prices were low and electricity costs were high, and those forces drove other steel mills out of business around the same time.

"The statement’s last two claims are solid: Bain (and Romney) made a profit from taking over GST, and the employees lost many benefits their union had negotiated, including supplemental pension payments. The federal government had to step in to shore up the fund.

"We rate the claim Mostly True."

What a huge frigging shock: companies in dire enough financial straits to need loans and assistance from companies like Bain Capital frequently go bankrupt.

That couldn't have anything to do with the fact that the REASON they needed help was because they'd already put themselves on the verge of bankruptcy, could it? :slap:
If I was Romney, I would simply say..." I'll show you my tax returns, as soon as Obama shows us his college records." The mindless are so worried about one, but not the other.

Tax Returns are relevent.

College records aren't.

And frankly, I don't think the Weird Mormon Robot wants to stick his toe any deeper into the Birfer Cesspool than he already has by embracing Trump.
If I was Romney, I would simply say..." I'll show you my tax returns, as soon as Obama shows us his college records." The mindless are so worried about one, but not the other.

Tax Returns are relevent.

College records aren't.

And frankly, I don't think the Weird Mormon Robot wants to stick his toe any deeper into the Birfer Cesspool than he already has by embracing Trump.

How ya figure..?

When applying for any job, your education is more important than what taxes you paid. (let alone POTUS) and.. one is your emplyer's business and has the right to ask, the other isn't..
If I was Romney, I would simply say..." I'll show you my tax returns, as soon as Obama shows us his college records." The mindless are so worried about one, but not the other.

Tax Returns are relevent.

College records aren't.

And frankly, I don't think the Weird Mormon Robot wants to stick his toe any deeper into the Birfer Cesspool than he already has by embracing Trump.

How ya figure..?

When applying for any job, your education is more important than what taxes you paid. (let alone POTUS) and.. one is your emplyer's business and has the right to ask, the other isn't..

Actually, my employer doesn't have the right to ask for my college transcripts or my tax returns.

But most employers WILL do a credit background check to see where your financials are. They will check my claims with my previous employers to check if the dates I say I worked somewhere were indeed the dates I worked there.

Romney has made Bain his centerpiece of why he should be president. Therefore, we really do have a right to ask questions about what kind of work he did at Bain and how responsible he was for the bad stuff Bain did that he wants to disassociate himself from.
Romney has made Bain his centerpiece of why he should be president. Therefore, we really do have a right to ask questions about what kind of work he did at Bain and how responsible he was for the bad stuff Bain did that he wants to disassociate himself from.

Why not just arrest him for the "bad stuff" he did at Bain ?
Romney has made Bain his centerpiece of why he should be president. Therefore, we really do have a right to ask questions about what kind of work he did at Bain and how responsible he was for the bad stuff Bain did that he wants to disassociate himself from.

Why not just arrest him for the "bad stuff" he did at Bain ?

Don't tempt me. I'd like nothing better than to take these vampire Capitalists and throw them in a jail with an oversexed cell-mate.

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