Classic Liberal Demands Obama Be Impeached!


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Liberal icon urges Obama impeachment

WASHINGTON — Worse than Richard Nixon. An unprecedented abuse of powers. The most un-American president in the nation’s history.

Nat Hentoff does not think much of President Obama.

And now, the famous journalist says it is time to begin looking into impeachment.

Hentoff sees the biggest problem as Obama’s penchant to rule by executive order when he can’t convince Congress to do things his way.

The issue jumped back into the headlines last week when, just before his first Cabinet meeting of 2014, Obama said, “I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone … and I can use that pen to sign executive orders and take executive actions.”

“Apparently he doesn’t give one damn about the separation of powers,” Hentoff told WND. “Never before in our history has a president done these things.”

And just to make sure everyone knows how extremely serious he regards the situation, the journalist added, “This is the worst state, I think, the country has ever been in.”

Worse than Nixon without a single doubt, but libtard fascists will continue to defend their Presidente till the last drop of NYT ink.
... And stupid, uninformed dito-heads will continue to practice shit house law and erroneously claim that Obama abuses his office.

At this point it is getting to be kind of embarrassing....
... And stupid, uninformed dito-heads will continue to practice shit house law and erroneously claim that Obama abuses his office.

At this point it is getting to be kind of embarrassing....

He does abuse his office and now there is no segment of the political spectrum that does not have a group that recognizes this.

But Obama will always have his sycophants and ideologues who will deny and defend till their last breath.

Is this you, Mad Cabbie? lol

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black GOP files impeachment. and they have my full support


NBRA Chairman Frances Rice -During twenty years of active duty in the US Army, Frances served in a variety of positions, including commander of a WAC company, adjutant of a basic combat training brigade, a prosecuting attorney, and chief of the administrative law division. She also served as a special assistant to the Army Judge Advocate General and an adviser to the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Equal Opportunity.

[ame=]Articles Of Impeachment Filed By Black Republicans - YouTube[/ame]

IMO the cocksucker should be put in front of a wall and his god damned fuckin' brains blown out !!
black GOP files impeachment. and they have my full support


NBRA Chairman Frances Rice -During twenty years of active duty in the US Army, Frances served in a variety of positions, including commander of a WAC company, adjutant of a basic combat training brigade, a prosecuting attorney, and chief of the administrative law division. She also served as a special assistant to the Army Judge Advocate General and an adviser to the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Equal Opportunity.

Articles Of Impeachment Filed By Black Republicans - YouTube

IMO the cocksucker should be put in front of a wall and his god damned fuckin' brains blown out !!

Well, there is no advantage to acting outside the law and letting the Obama Regime defeat their opposition in detail, scattered and directionless.

Better to work through peaceful, legal means and all in concert.
He's right but it won't happen. Hell, just not liking the jerk's policies and whatnot gets one labeled a racist so I imagine anyone talking impeachment would be accused of wanting to lynch the a-hole.

Plus, the media would be the exact opposite of where they'd be if a Republican prez was involved, so he'd have all the cover he needs.
He's right but it won't happen. Hell, just not liking the jerk's policies and whatnot gets one labeled a racist so I imagine anyone talking impeachment would be accused of wanting to lynch the a-hole.

Plus, the media would be the exact opposite of where they'd be if a Republican prez was involved, so he'd have all the cover he needs.

Hentoff's an old grouch.

He doesn't like anyone.
Like it's new news or something.

Bringing Civics Classes Back to Schools: Obama Impeachment? | Cato Institute

The guy has been opposing everything Obama since day one. Anyone surprised?

Nat Hentoff | Cato Institute

Yeah, it cant be that Obama has claimed dictatorial war time powers for peace time, or that he is writing laws as he wants and amending existing laws by the stroke of a pen, nor that he has the intelligence community spying on American citizens 24/7 or that he is letting Wall Street banks loot the Fed or that he is EXPANDING patriot Act powers and can have any US citizen arrested without being charged, held in a hidden prison and not allowed legal counsel or visitation as long as he designates the person a terrorist, nah, couldn't be due to any of that.


Like it's new news or something.

Bringing Civics Classes Back to Schools: Obama Impeachment? | Cato Institute

The guy has been opposing everything Obama since day one. Anyone surprised?

Nat Hentoff | Cato Institute

Yeah, it cant be that Obama has claimed dictatorial war time powers for peace time, or that he is writing laws as he wants and amending existing laws by the stroke of a pen, nor that he has the intelligence community spying on American citizens 24/7 or that he is letting Wall Street banks loot the Fed or that he is EXPANDING patriot Act powers and can have any US citizen arrested without being charged, held in a hidden prison and not allowed legal counsel or visitation as long as he designates the person a terrorist, nah, couldn't be due to any of that.



The Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF), Pub. L. 107-40, codified at 115 Stat. 224 and passed as S.J.Res. 23 by the United States Congress on September 14, 2001, authorizes the use of United States Armed Forces against those responsible for the attacks on September 11, 2001. The authorization granted the President the authority to use all "necessary and appropriate force" against those whom he determined "planned, authorized, committed or aided" the September 11th attacks, or who harbored said persons or groups.

But I do thank you for throwing down your race-baiting card on me completely inappropriately.
Like it's new news or something.

Bringing Civics Classes Back to Schools: Obama Impeachment? | Cato Institute

The guy has been opposing everything Obama since day one. Anyone surprised?

Nat Hentoff | Cato Institute

Yeah, it cant be that Obama has claimed dictatorial war time powers for peace time, or that he is writing laws as he wants and amending existing laws by the stroke of a pen, nor that he has the intelligence community spying on American citizens 24/7 or that he is letting Wall Street banks loot the Fed or that he is EXPANDING patriot Act powers and can have any US citizen arrested without being charged, held in a hidden prison and not allowed legal counsel or visitation as long as he designates the person a terrorist, nah, couldn't be due to any of that.



The Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF), Pub. L. 107-40, codified at 115 Stat. 224 and passed as S.J.Res. 23 by the United States Congress on September 14, 2001, authorizes the use of United States Armed Forces against those responsible for the attacks on September 11, 2001. The authorization granted the President the authority to use all "necessary and appropriate force" against those whom he determined "planned, authorized, committed or aided" the September 11th attacks, or who harbored said persons or groups.

And very few thought that would mean the President could simply designate a US citizen a terrorist then assassinate him in Yemen, dude.

The Patriot Act in its various forms are an unlimited attack on the liberties of each American, and it was not any better simply because Bush did it or Obama. But Obama gave himself full wartime powers for peace time WITH NO REFERENCE TO ANY JUSTIFYING CONFLICT.

But I do thank you for throwing down your race-baiting card on me completely inappropriately.[/QUOTE]

Lol, now making a sarcastic play on the RRRAAYYYSSSSIIIIISSSMMMMM card is itself playing the race card?

Yeah, it cant be that Obama has claimed dictatorial war time powers for peace time, or that he is writing laws as he wants and amending existing laws by the stroke of a pen, nor that he has the intelligence community spying on American citizens 24/7 or that he is letting Wall Street banks loot the Fed or that he is EXPANDING patriot Act powers and can have any US citizen arrested without being charged, held in a hidden prison and not allowed legal counsel or visitation as long as he designates the person a terrorist, nah, couldn't be due to any of that.



The Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF), Pub. L. 107-40, codified at 115 Stat. 224 and passed as S.J.Res. 23 by the United States Congress on September 14, 2001, authorizes the use of United States Armed Forces against those responsible for the attacks on September 11, 2001. The authorization granted the President the authority to use all "necessary and appropriate force" against those whom he determined "planned, authorized, committed or aided" the September 11th attacks, or who harbored said persons or groups.

And very few thought that would mean the President could simply designate a US citizen a terrorist then assassinate him in Yemen, dude.

The Patriot Act in its various forms are an unlimited attack on the liberties of each American, and it was not any better simply because Bush did it or Obama. But Obama gave himself full wartime powers for peace time WITH NO REFERENCE TO ANY JUSTIFYING CONFLICT.

But I do thank you for throwing down your race-baiting card on me completely inappropriately.

Lol, now making a sarcastic play on the RRRAAYYYSSSSIIIIISSSMMMMM card is itself playing the race card?


Yeah I bet al-Awlaki thought so too.

I never once claimed Nat's writings were racist.
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