CDZ clean debate on the NIST report banned


no fly list
Jan 6, 2007
There appears to be no debating the NIST report even though thousands of highly qualified experts have called it in to serious question and even former NIST head fire investigator has called for a fact drive reinvestigation ..any attempt to do so results in the thread being moved to conspiracy theories where debwunker can post inane insults and loony tunes videos and avoid all facts
dont you think this topic should be able to be discussed based on science and fact in a clean debate or do you agree with George?

You have no facts. In fact you have in the past supported competing claims. Let's see, there was no plane in Washington DC, but there was a plane but it was a smaller military plane, and then there was the claim there was no plane debris at the Pentagon and then follow that with well there was debris but it was painted wrong and from the wrong airline. Then you claimed a part of a wheel was proof that the engine from a smaller plane hit the pentagon.

The we have Pennsylvania, you claimed no plane crashed there. Then you claimed the Government shot down the plane.

As for New York at one point you insisted 2 planes never crashed in new York that they did not hit the Towers. You claimed that there was evidence of thermite in the wreckage of the Towers. You have made so many claims that one is mind boggled to guess what you actually believe.

You want to discuss 9/11? Fine BE SPECIFIC. What happened to the 4 aircraft all the passengers and crew on those 4 aircraft, where are they where did they go since you claimed they never hit anything.

You want to discuss 9/11? Fine BE SPECIFIC. What kind of missile was used instead of a plane, to attack the Pentagon? Where was it from, what fired it and why doesn't the damage at the Pentagon resemble ANY know missile attack?

You want to discuss 9/11? Fine BE SPECIFIC. How did the conspirators get DNA from the passengers and crew in the DC plane into the supposed missile damaged Pentagon?
You have no facts. In fact you have in the past supported competing claims. Let's see, there was no plane in Washington DC, but there was a plane but it was a smaller military plane, and then there was the claim there was no plane debris at the Pentagon and then follow that with well there was debris but it was painted wrong and from the wrong airline. Then you claimed a part of a wheel was proof that the engine from a smaller plane hit the pentagon.

The we have Pennsylvania, you claimed no plane crashed there. Then you claimed the Government shot down the plane.

As for New York at one point you insisted 2 planes never crashed in new York that they did not hit the Towers. You claimed that there was evidence of thermite in the wreckage of the Towers. You have made so many claims that one is mind boggled to guess what you actually believe.

You want to discuss 9/11? Fine BE SPECIFIC. What happened to the 4 aircraft all the passengers and crew on those 4 aircraft, where are they where did they go since you claimed they never hit anything.

You want to discuss 9/11? Fine BE SPECIFIC. What kind of missile was used instead of a plane, to attack the Pentagon? Where was it from, what fired it and why doesn't the damage at the Pentagon resemble ANY know missile attack?

You want to discuss 9/11? Fine BE SPECIFIC. How did the conspirators get DNA from the passengers and crew in the DC plane into the supposed missile damaged Pentagon?
None of your rant was contained anywhere in the NIST report and is completely off topic
Sorry but the NIST report talks about what happened in New York and you have claimed things like NO planes hit the towers, that thermite was seeded in the buildings and used to bring them down and that no one hijacked any planes.
Sorry but the NIST report talks about what happened in New York and you have claimed things like NO planes hit the towers, that thermite was seeded in the buildings and used to bring them down and that no one hijacked any planes.
I made no claim that no planes hit the towers and either have any of 2000 architects, engineers for 9/11 truth
Its interesting how the debwunkers are all over a conspiracy theory thread that questions the official 9/11 reports but they stay away from clean debate like the plague..because the reality is in any fact based debate the NIST reports and 9/11 commission report are clearly shown to be false and cover-ups
Sorry but the NIST report talks about what happened in New York and you have claimed things like NO planes hit the towers, that thermite was seeded in the buildings and used to bring them down and that no one hijacked any planes.
I made no claim that no planes hit the towers and either have any of 2000 architects, engineers for 9/11 truth

Im guessing that the other conspiracy theory thread you cut and paste to wasn't enough of an embarrassment for you Alex Jones groupies?

9/11 twoofers. What a sad joke you conspiracy theorists are.
The debunkers of the nist report have been debunked.

Not by junk scientists with an axe to gring or loony/conspiracy minded quacks in their fields.

But by real science.

Theres countless hours of science debunking your countless hours of junk science and poorly fleshed out speculative you tube videos.

You dont need the truth. You need the conspiracy to BE the truth, truth be damned.

Its a waste of time. More interesting is the neurological study of the conspiracy theorists' brain. Maybe ill start a thread and present the science that says, in a frank way, they are sick.
You have no facts. In fact you have in the past supported competing claims. Let's see, there was no plane in Washington DC, but there was a plane but it was a smaller military plane, and then there was the claim there was no plane debris at the Pentagon and then follow that with well there was debris but it was painted wrong and from the wrong airline. Then you claimed a part of a wheel was proof that the engine from a smaller plane hit the pentagon.

The we have Pennsylvania, you claimed no plane crashed there. Then you claimed the Government shot down the plane.

As for New York at one point you insisted 2 planes never crashed in new York that they did not hit the Towers. You claimed that there was evidence of thermite in the wreckage of the Towers. You have made so many claims that one is mind boggled to guess what you actually believe.

You want to discuss 9/11? Fine BE SPECIFIC. What happened to the 4 aircraft all the passengers and crew on those 4 aircraft, where are they where did they go since you claimed they never hit anything.

You want to discuss 9/11? Fine BE SPECIFIC. What kind of missile was used instead of a plane, to attack the Pentagon? Where was it from, what fired it and why doesn't the damage at the Pentagon resemble ANY know missile attack?

You want to discuss 9/11? Fine BE SPECIFIC. How did the conspirators get DNA from the passengers and crew in the DC plane into the supposed missile damaged Pentagon?
None of your rant was contained anywhere in the NIST report and is completely off topic
Alright but let me ask you what do you think of Jade Helm 15?
Sorry but the NIST report talks about what happened in New York and you have claimed things like NO planes hit the towers, that thermite was seeded in the buildings and used to bring them down and that no one hijacked any planes.
I made no claim that no planes hit the towers and either have any of 2000 architects, engineers for 9/11 truth

Im guessing that the other conspiracy theory thread you cut and paste to wasn't enough of an embarrassment for you Alex Jones groupies?

9/11 twoofers. What a sad joke you conspiracy theorists are.
and now an alex jones strawman .. anyone interested in a reasoned discourse should find this as offensive as I..but she certainly makes my case for me Hollie and her kind have no respect for the rules of the board or reasoned debate and simply want to troll
Youre not a structural engineer.

Theres nothing to debate except you take strangers at their word because its gotsta bee daaz cunspeerazy........isnt at all debatable.

Do 4 years of physics at RPI in Troy and then come back and lets talk about it. Until then? Youre just hero worshipping crossed with having a penchant to believe every single conspiracy theory that exists.

Its not a discussion, its a head blasting a brick wall over...and over.....and over....and over.....and over.....and over.....and.over....
The debunkers of the nist report have been debunked.

Not by junk scientists with an axe to gring or loony/conspiracy minded quacks in their fields.

But by real science.

Theres countless hours of science debunking your countless hours of junk science and poorly fleshed out speculative you tube videos.

You dont need the truth. You need the conspiracy to BE the truth, truth be damned.

Its a waste of time. More interesting is the neurological study of the conspiracy theorists' brain. Maybe ill start a thread and present the science that says, in a frank way, they are sick.
making the claim that 9/11 theories have been debunked is just an empty statement you did not support in any way and the junk science is in fact NIST and that can be supported by over 2000 Architects and Engineers and hundreds of esteemed experts physics, science and scientific method

One of America’s most prominent scientists, Dr. Margulis is Distinguished University Professor in the Department of Geosciences, University of Massachusetts - Amherst.She was elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 1983 and served as Chairman of the Academy’s Space Science Board Committee on Planetary Biology and Chemical Evolution. In 1999, President Bill Clinton presented Dr. Margulis with the National Medal of Science, America's highest honor for scientific achievement, "for her outstanding contributions to understanding of the development, structure, and evolution of living things, for inspiring new research in the biological, climatological, geological and planetary sciences, and for her extraordinary abilities as a teacher and communicator of science to the public.
Sorry but the NIST report talks about what happened in New York and you have claimed things like NO planes hit the towers, that thermite was seeded in the buildings and used to bring them down and that no one hijacked any planes.
I made no claim that no planes hit the towers and either have any of 2000 architects, engineers for 9/11 truth

Im guessing that the other conspiracy theory thread you cut and paste to wasn't enough of an embarrassment for you Alex Jones groupies?

9/11 twoofers. What a sad joke you conspiracy theorists are.
and now an alex jones strawman .. anyone interested in a reasoned discourse should find this as offensive as I..but she certainly makes my case for me Hollie and her kind have no respect for the rules of the board or reasoned debate and simply want to troll
Youre not a structural engineer.

Theres nothing to debate except you take strangers at their word because its gotsta bee daaz cunspeerazy........isnt at all debatable.

Do 4 years of physics at RPI in Troy and then come back and lets talk about it. Until then? Youre just hero worshipping crossed with having a penchant to believe every single conspiracy theory that exists.

Its not a discussion, its a head blasting a brick wall over...and over.....and over....and over.....and over.....and over.....and.over....
There are hundreds of physicists, among the best in the country that state unequivocally the wtc collapse were controlled demolition

David L. Griscom, PhD
Research physicist, retired in 2001 from Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) in Washington, DC, after 33 years service. Fellow of the American Physical Society. Fulbright-García Robles Fellow at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México in Mexico City (1997). Visiting professorships of research at the Universities of Paris and Saint-Etienne, France, and Tokyo Institute of Technology (2000 - 2003). Adjunct Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Arizona (2004 - 2005). Winner of the 1993 N. F. Mott Award sponsored by the Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, the 1995 Otto Schott Award offered by the Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung (Germany), a 1996 Outstanding Graduate School Alumnus Award at Brown University, and the 1997 Sigma Xi Pure Science Award at NRL. Principal author of 109 of his 185 published works, a body of work which is highly cited by his peers. Officially credited with largest number of papers (5) by any author on list of 100 most cited articles authored at NRL between 1973 and 1988.
You have no facts. In fact you have in the past supported competing claims. Let's see, there was no plane in Washington DC, but there was a plane but it was a smaller military plane, and then there was the claim there was no plane debris at the Pentagon and then follow that with well there was debris but it was painted wrong and from the wrong airline. Then you claimed a part of a wheel was proof that the engine from a smaller plane hit the pentagon.

The we have Pennsylvania, you claimed no plane crashed there. Then you claimed the Government shot down the plane.

As for New York at one point you insisted 2 planes never crashed in new York that they did not hit the Towers. You claimed that there was evidence of thermite in the wreckage of the Towers. You have made so many claims that one is mind boggled to guess what you actually believe.

You want to discuss 9/11? Fine BE SPECIFIC. What happened to the 4 aircraft all the passengers and crew on those 4 aircraft, where are they where did they go since you claimed they never hit anything.

You want to discuss 9/11? Fine BE SPECIFIC. What kind of missile was used instead of a plane, to attack the Pentagon? Where was it from, what fired it and why doesn't the damage at the Pentagon resemble ANY know missile attack?

You want to discuss 9/11? Fine BE SPECIFIC. How did the conspirators get DNA from the passengers and crew in the DC plane into the supposed missile damaged Pentagon?
None of your rant was contained anywhere in the NIST report and is completely off topic
Alright but let me ask you what do you think of Jade Helm 15?
Not really is what it is..and has nothing to do with the NIST reports violation of the laws of physics and denial of evidence
You have no facts. In fact you have in the past supported competing claims. Let's see, there was no plane in Washington DC, but there was a plane but it was a smaller military plane, and then there was the claim there was no plane debris at the Pentagon and then follow that with well there was debris but it was painted wrong and from the wrong airline. Then you claimed a part of a wheel was proof that the engine from a smaller plane hit the pentagon.

The we have Pennsylvania, you claimed no plane crashed there. Then you claimed the Government shot down the plane.

As for New York at one point you insisted 2 planes never crashed in new York that they did not hit the Towers. You claimed that there was evidence of thermite in the wreckage of the Towers. You have made so many claims that one is mind boggled to guess what you actually believe.

You want to discuss 9/11? Fine BE SPECIFIC. What happened to the 4 aircraft all the passengers and crew on those 4 aircraft, where are they where did they go since you claimed they never hit anything.

You want to discuss 9/11? Fine BE SPECIFIC. What kind of missile was used instead of a plane, to attack the Pentagon? Where was it from, what fired it and why doesn't the damage at the Pentagon resemble ANY know missile attack?

You want to discuss 9/11? Fine BE SPECIFIC. How did the conspirators get DNA from the passengers and crew in the DC plane into the supposed missile damaged Pentagon?
None of your rant was contained anywhere in the NIST report and is completely off topic
Watch out for strawmen leading you down a rabbit hole
Many so called debunkers like to make the claim that NIST has been peer reviewed and is science
but that could not be further from the truth. NIST fully admits that the computer model is the proof of the NIST theory but then refuse FOA request to allow peer review of the data entered citing national security concerns here is the link to that FOA request and denial
You continually call people debwunkers and then expect a clean debate? That is not how you start a clean debate.
Further, you are asking for facts but don’t provide any. The only thing I see so far is an appeal to authority. Bring more.

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