Clear up confusion,America and full auto weapons

Home defense is best served with a pistol, not a rifle. Why? You need more room to swing a rifle around to sight in on your target.

At least, unless you live in a shotgun shack.
Or, you could use a short-barrel rifle (SBR). We would be better served immediately repealing the SBR restrictions.
Home defense is best served with a pistol, not a rifle. Why? You need more room to swing a rifle around to sight in on your target.

At least, unless you live in a shotgun shack.
Or, you could use a short-barrel rifle (SBR). We would be better served immediately repealing the SBR restrictions.

Still easier to swing around and sight in on your target in a house with a handgun.
Still think that a good guy with a gun is going to stop a bad guy with a gun?
I would rather be a good guy with a gun and have a fighting chance than a meat target with no recourse but to die unchallenged.

Still think that allowing people to have assault rifles that can easily be modified to full auto is a good idea?
Assault rifles are full-auto. What civilians usually have is a semi-auto replica of an assault rifle.

A full-auto rifle can be build with relatively cheap tools, from hardware store components. You can't stop it from happening.

You want to have a handgun? Fine. However, do you REALLY need to be able to shoot 30 rounds before reloading?
Most well-trained police officers reload 3 times in a shootout, and miss all over the place. In a high-stress situation (like a home invasion) accuracy is VERY limited, compounded by light conditions. More ammo without reloading could save your ass.

This is all horseshit. NOTHING could have stopped the shooting. Stop trying to pretend gun grabbing legislation will do it.

NOBODY at the concert had a fighting chance, and yeah, they were all meat targets because nobody there would have had the range or the firepower to take him out.

Do you really need to have a semi automatic weapon? Bolt action rifles have worked pretty well for me thus far.

And...............sorry................but if I can't hit an intruder with 15 rounds in a room that is house sized (meaning they are closer than cops usually are when they are chasing suspects), then maybe I should have spent more time at the range.

GFY. You don't want a semi-auto? don't buy one. Don't try to restrict what someone else does, though.
Sorry about that, fellow. But, given what we have seen with these weapons in the last few years, time to get them off the streets for the protection of we sane citizens. You know, you could learn to shoot accurately, then you would not need a semi with a 30 shot clip.

Fuck you. "What we've seen" largely looks like a bunch of staged bullshit in order to create an environment where scared people would go along with the grabbing of the guns.

Funny how the grabbers come out the woodwork now.

I've had a semi-auto rifle since I was 11.
And I have had a lever gun since I was 12, over 60 years ago. Was taught early on that only single shot kills were acceptable. No need for a lot of rounds, or rapid fire.
One of the best home-defense guns is a semi-auto shotgun.

I plan on getting one soon.
Yes. But, my wife is 5'4" and weighs 110 pounds. That would blow her away. A 7.5 inch SBR ar-15 with a flash can would have hardly any recoil, could be maneuvered around corners, could be shoulder-fired, and would not have the velocity of a full-length AR, which would limit collateral damage. IMO that is the perfect home defense weapon.
I would rather be a good guy with a gun and have a fighting chance than a meat target with no recourse but to die unchallenged.

Assault rifles are full-auto. What civilians usually have is a semi-auto replica of an assault rifle.

A full-auto rifle can be build with relatively cheap tools, from hardware store components. You can't stop it from happening.

Most well-trained police officers reload 3 times in a shootout, and miss all over the place. In a high-stress situation (like a home invasion) accuracy is VERY limited, compounded by light conditions. More ammo without reloading could save your ass.

This is all horseshit. NOTHING could have stopped the shooting. Stop trying to pretend gun grabbing legislation will do it.

NOBODY at the concert had a fighting chance, and yeah, they were all meat targets because nobody there would have had the range or the firepower to take him out.

Do you really need to have a semi automatic weapon? Bolt action rifles have worked pretty well for me thus far.

And...............sorry................but if I can't hit an intruder with 15 rounds in a room that is house sized (meaning they are closer than cops usually are when they are chasing suspects), then maybe I should have spent more time at the range.

GFY. You don't want a semi-auto? don't buy one. Don't try to restrict what someone else does, though.
Sorry about that, fellow. But, given what we have seen with these weapons in the last few years, time to get them off the streets for the protection of we sane citizens. You know, you could learn to shoot accurately, then you would not need a semi with a 30 shot clip.

Fuck you. "What we've seen" largely looks like a bunch of staged bullshit in order to create an environment where scared people would go along with the grabbing of the guns.

Funny how the grabbers come out the woodwork now.

I've had a semi-auto rifle since I was 11.
And I have had a lever gun since I was 12, over 60 years ago. Was taught early on that only single shot kills were acceptable. No need for a lot of rounds, or rapid fire.

When I was living with my Uncle Bill and Aunt Sandy in MT, all our meat came from hunting, and every season we would each get a permit for a deer.

When we went out into the woods, we were only allowed 3 bullets each to take with us. If we used all three before we got any game, we had to hike back to the truck, get three more bullets, and then go back to where we were hunting.

You learned accuracy in my family at an early age.
I can track a rabbit running full-out and hit it in the head more than 50% of the time. I do hunt.

I prefer not to deer hunt with guns anymore, the whole ecosystem changes once the first shot gets fired in the woods.

I want to be able to kill humans. Humans are the fucking assholes who typically try to overthrow my government, Bolshevik-style"

The above was your post. Read it carefully. You said, without any modifiers, that you wanted to kill humans. I honestly think that you said exactly what you meant..
Be able to kill = want to kill?

I want to have the ability and right to get a divorce if it ever got to that point. Does that mean that I want to divorce my wife?
Unless the gun was manufactured before 1986, there are even more restrictions and qualifications to possession such a weapon. The full-auto gun applicant has to be a dealer and must have been commissioned by local law enforcement to build and maintain a "sample" or "demo" weapon for law enforcement to use or purchase. The applicant can't just decide to build one for the fun of it. It's highly restrictive, requiring multiple levels of scrutiny from law enforcement and probably a really close working relationship with the local police department.

Most people could go through all the licensing b.s. and STILL not be allowed to obtain a full-auto.

There are instructions and kits you can get on the internet that you can use to convert semi automatic weapons to full auto. And, if you know someone in the black market and have enough money (he was a millionaire), you can buy one direct.

And then, there are the techniques that are on the 'net about how to do "bump fire" and other quick fire techniques. can even buy a little crank device that fires the trigger 3 times faster than what the human finger can manage.
If it was as easy as you say to convert a semiauto to full auto then every gang banger in Chicago would have an automatic rifle.
So you have no rational reason. Full auto weapons are designed for one purpose, and that is to throw a lot of rounds downrange to kill a lot of people. They are only useful in war, because they aren't very accurate.

I want to be able to kill humans. Humans are the fucking assholes who typically try to overthrow my government, Bolshevik-style.
Boy, oh boy. So you want to be able to kill humans. Lord, I hope someone from the law is looking at that. Seems we have a real possible mass shooter here. Boy, seek some mental help, before you end up doing something that we will all regret.
Anyone who wants to kill can do so without a gun.

My Truck and snow plow could have taken out as many people as the Vegas shooter
I would rather be a good guy with a gun and have a fighting chance than a meat target with no recourse but to die unchallenged.

Assault rifles are full-auto. What civilians usually have is a semi-auto replica of an assault rifle.

A full-auto rifle can be build with relatively cheap tools, from hardware store components. You can't stop it from happening.

Most well-trained police officers reload 3 times in a shootout, and miss all over the place. In a high-stress situation (like a home invasion) accuracy is VERY limited, compounded by light conditions. More ammo without reloading could save your ass.

This is all horseshit. NOTHING could have stopped the shooting. Stop trying to pretend gun grabbing legislation will do it.

NOBODY at the concert had a fighting chance, and yeah, they were all meat targets because nobody there would have had the range or the firepower to take him out.

Do you really need to have a semi automatic weapon? Bolt action rifles have worked pretty well for me thus far.

And...............sorry................but if I can't hit an intruder with 15 rounds in a room that is house sized (meaning they are closer than cops usually are when they are chasing suspects), then maybe I should have spent more time at the range.

GFY. You don't want a semi-auto? don't buy one. Don't try to restrict what someone else does, though.
Sorry about that, fellow. But, given what we have seen with these weapons in the last few years, time to get them off the streets for the protection of we sane citizens. You know, you could learn to shoot accurately, then you would not need a semi with a 30 shot clip.

Fuck you. "What we've seen" largely looks like a bunch of staged bullshit in order to create an environment where scared people would go along with the grabbing of the guns.

Funny how the grabbers come out the woodwork now.

I've had a semi-auto rifle since I was 11.
Sure, nearly 600 Americans shot in Vegas is staged. What a lying asshole you are.
To be honest, and I know that's tough, but we do not know if all the people were shot.
Many could have gotten their injuries in the stampede to get out
Sorry about that, fellow. But, given what we have seen with these weapons in the last few years, time to get them off the streets for the protection of we sane citizens. You know, you could learn to shoot accurately, then you would not need a semi with a 30 shot clip.
Then, you limit yourself to a POS black power breach loader as a home defense weapon. I will stick with my weapons of choice. Deal?

Home defense is best served with a pistol, not a rifle. Why? You need more room to swing a rifle around to sight in on your target.

At least, unless you live in a shotgun shack.
A shotgun is even better.
Sorry about that, fellow. But, given what we have seen with these weapons in the last few years, time to get them off the streets for the protection of we sane citizens. You know, you could learn to shoot accurately, then you would not need a semi with a 30 shot clip.
Then, you limit yourself to a POS black power breach loader as a home defense weapon. I will stick with my weapons of choice. Deal?

Home defense is best served with a pistol, not a rifle. Why? You need more room to swing a rifle around to sight in on your target.

At least, unless you live in a shotgun shack.
A shotgun is even better.

Semi-auto shotgun with a shortened barrel is the ultimate home-defense weapon.
28th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States:

1. The second amendment to the Constitution of the United States is hereby rescinded

2. A well-regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the People to bear arms shall not be infringed, but shall be subject to Federal standards pertaining to the licensing of firearms buyers, sellers, owners, operators and handlers, the nature of firearms and ammunition permitted to private citizens, the registration of firearms, and the regulation of their use.

3. Congress shall have the power to enforce these articles through appropriate legislation.
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