Clearing Up The Mystery Why HIV/AIDS Epidemic Keeps Getting Worse

How effective do you think the CDC's ad campaign to ask gay guys to be honest with each other is?

  • Fine, it is a perfect solution. Gay guys will be honest with each other.

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • Somewhat OK but it doesn't seem to be working.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • A very poor choice. This subpopulation isn't going to suddenly curb its appetite to "get honest".

    Votes: 8 80.0%

  • Total voters


That's okay though. Enjoying the sensation of being sodomized does not make one gay. Any human can enjoy the pleasures of anal stimulation regardless of their sexual preference.

I've fucked plenty of boys in the ass with strapons who would never hook up with a guy, and a few that would. They are not homosexual. Some are bi but many of them are straight.
So, how old were these "boys" ?

Legal age. But too young for me to consider a "man".
And it's people like Ashtara that the CDC is trusting to "consider the lives of others and get honest about your HIV status and protection".

Thank you Ashtara for being the unwitting illustration of how abysmally the CDC is failing at the HIV/AIDS prevention programs.. :clap2:

And I really mean that BTW. Without posters like Ashtara's stark honesty we can never know the inner workings of the addict's mind and the priorities it has. This should be a very clear "head's up" to the CDC. Thank you again Ashtara. Your honesty may have actually saved thousands of lives if anyone important in the CDC happens upon this thread while googling on a break..


You mean aids is spread by dildos?

I had no idea.

You really should alert the CDC.

Homosexuals were literally dying in the streets of San Francisco, according to David Horowitz in his book Prodigal Son, when the AIDS epidemic broke out and they still fought against closing the 'public bathhouses" which offered anonymous sex through holes drilled in boards. Is there any person in the free world today who doesn't know that unprotected sometimes violent homosexual intercourse with a stranger often results in an incurable disease? Doesn't everyone understand that sharing body fluids with a stranger is like dancing with a cobra? Yet they still do it and clinically insane I.V. drug users still share dirty needles with strangers. Maybe it's a death wish.
The younger set, 13-24, account for 25% of the new HIV cases. Perhaps better sex education would help that?

At any rate, making sure those under 16 know that they should report any sexual contact with adults would help. Put the molesters away.

Yabut, sex education makes them horny.

It has nothing to do with rampant hormones that us old folks can only fondly remember. Nope. Its education that'll get you every time.

Agree about molesters. See how they like sharing a cell with a father of a young kid. Forever.
The remedy I'm seeing in the pop-up ads here at USMB....

The bottom line is that the gay population continues to drive the epidemic. The gay population accounts for about 60% of AIDS cases in the US even though they are only about 5% of the population.

Now that AIDS patients are living longer with new drugs to treat it, as well as a growing acceptance to the lifestyle, it should be no wonder that the epidemic is increasing.

Instead of outlawing biggie sodas and forcing kids in schools to eat healthy, maybe the government should focus on educating kids about how promiscuous and dangerous the gay lifestyle is.
Homosexuals were literally dying in the streets of San Francisco, according to David Horowitz in his book Prodigal Son, when the AIDS epidemic broke out and they still fought against closing the 'public bathhouses" which offered anonymous sex through holes drilled in boards. Is there any person in the free world today who doesn't know that unprotected sometimes violent homosexual intercourse with a stranger often results in an incurable disease? Doesn't everyone understand that sharing body fluids with a stranger is like dancing with a cobra? Yet they still do it and clinically insane I.V. drug users still share dirty needles with strangers. Maybe it's a death wish.
Well it's actually insanity. My point in the OP was how can be expect the insane to regulate their insane behavior in order to protect the general population's health in this epidemic? That's how the CDC has done a collosal-FAIL.

The reason the CDC is refusing to act appropriately, which would include teaching all kids in sex ed that anal sex is forbidden unless they want to die, is because of PC reasons. This allegory of The Emperor's New Clothes has gone on to such absurd extremes that we now have the CDC taking "actions" that puts the public at risk because "The Emperor's Clothes are so pretty, dontcha know..."

No, gay men have been pointed out by the CDC's own research money as in a "pervasive" 'epidemic" that shows they are mentally ill with many other co-morbid symptoms...and histories of being molested as boys. And every flunkie psychologist knows that children who are molested often act-out sexually. Grow that into adolescence and we find promiscuity and HIV infection. And this neatly falls into place with the new and escalating numbers of young men coming down with HIV from gay sex. They aren't going to self-police. The loonies cannot treat themselves.

And the problem is that they are crossing this epidemic over into the hetero population at large. While the CDC does nothing. Or worse than nothing. Their "plan" is no plan at all. But in announcing it's a "plan", they gain the public's complacency so there won't be an outcry.
Homosexuals were literally dying in the streets of San Francisco, according to David Horowitz in his book Prodigal Son, when the AIDS epidemic broke out and they still fought against closing the 'public bathhouses" which offered anonymous sex through holes drilled in boards. Is there any person in the free world today who doesn't know that unprotected sometimes violent homosexual intercourse with a stranger often results in an incurable disease? Doesn't everyone understand that sharing body fluids with a stranger is like dancing with a cobra? Yet they still do it and clinically insane I.V. drug users still share dirty needles with strangers. Maybe it's a death wish.
Well it's actually insanity. My point in the OP was how can be expect the insane to regulate their insane behavior in order to protect the general population's health in this epidemic? That's how the CDC has done a collosal-FAIL.

The reason the CDC is refusing to act appropriately, which would include teaching all kids in sex ed that anal sex is forbidden unless they want to die, is because of PC reasons. This allegory of The Emperor's New Clothes has gone on to such absurd extremes that we now have the CDC taking "actions" that puts the public at risk because "The Emperor's Clothes are so pretty, dontcha know..."

No, gay men have been pointed out by the CDC's own research money as in a "pervasive" 'epidemic" that shows they are mentally ill with many other co-morbid symptoms...and histories of being molested as boys. And every flunkie psychologist knows that children who are molested often act-out sexually. Grow that into adolescence and we find promiscuity and HIV infection. And this neatly falls into place with the new and escalating numbers of young men coming down with HIV from gay sex. They aren't going to self-police. The loonies cannot treat themselves.

And the problem is that they are crossing this epidemic over into the hetero population at large. While the CDC does nothing. Or worse than nothing. Their "plan" is no plan at all. But in announcing it's a "plan", they gain the public's complacency so there won't be an outcry.

Anal sex is not lethal. It is only dangerous if the person penetrating the other is HIV positive and they are having unprotected sex.

A condom solves the problem.
Having both partners tested to be disease free solves the problem.
Using toys instead of a penis solves the problem.

In other words, personal responsibility and being educated on the subject.
The bottom line is that the gay population continues to drive the epidemic. The gay population accounts for about 60% of AIDS cases in the US even though they are only about 5% of the population.

Now that AIDS patients are living longer with new drugs to treat it, as well as a growing acceptance to the lifestyle, it should be no wonder that the epidemic is increasing.

Instead of outlawing biggie sodas and forcing kids in schools to eat healthy, maybe the government should focus on educating kids about how promiscuous and dangerous the gay lifestyle is.

What will happen is that eventually the virus will mutate and the current treatments will become ineffective.

Yes, the disease was ignored in the early 80's, but any resurgence in the gay community brought on by their own behavior is all on them.
Homosexuals were literally dying in the streets of San Francisco, according to David Horowitz in his book Prodigal Son, when the AIDS epidemic broke out and they still fought against closing the 'public bathhouses" which offered anonymous sex through holes drilled in boards. Is there any person in the free world today who doesn't know that unprotected sometimes violent homosexual intercourse with a stranger often results in an incurable disease? Doesn't everyone understand that sharing body fluids with a stranger is like dancing with a cobra? Yet they still do it and clinically insane I.V. drug users still share dirty needles with strangers. Maybe it's a death wish.
Well it's actually insanity. My point in the OP was how can be expect the insane to regulate their insane behavior in order to protect the general population's health in this epidemic? That's how the CDC has done a collosal-FAIL.

The reason the CDC is refusing to act appropriately, which would include teaching all kids in sex ed that anal sex is forbidden unless they want to die, is because of PC reasons. This allegory of The Emperor's New Clothes has gone on to such absurd extremes that we now have the CDC taking "actions" that puts the public at risk because "The Emperor's Clothes are so pretty, dontcha know..."

No, gay men have been pointed out by the CDC's own research money as in a "pervasive" 'epidemic" that shows they are mentally ill with many other co-morbid symptoms...and histories of being molested as boys. And every flunkie psychologist knows that children who are molested often act-out sexually. Grow that into adolescence and we find promiscuity and HIV infection. And this neatly falls into place with the new and escalating numbers of young men coming down with HIV from gay sex. They aren't going to self-police. The loonies cannot treat themselves.

And the problem is that they are crossing this epidemic over into the hetero population at large. While the CDC does nothing. Or worse than nothing. Their "plan" is no plan at all. But in announcing it's a "plan", they gain the public's complacency so there won't be an outcry.

Anal sex is not lethal. It is only dangerous if the person penetrating the other is HIV positive and they are having unprotected sex.

A condom solves the problem.
Having both partners tested to be disease free solves the problem.
Using toys instead of a penis solves the problem.

In other words, personal responsibility and being educated on the subject.

Apparently you're not reading the gist of what this thread is about. It's about gay men not avoiding risky behavior in the first place. Because they are mentally ill and as one person suggested [and I agree and so do statistics] they are suicidal...not from society not accepting them...because as society has embraced these perversions, the HIV rate is escalating in young boys and men...but from the molestations as kids most gay men share.

A person compulsive, disturbed and with untreated mental wounds from being molested [and now no way legally in CA or NJ to seek therapy to restore those wounds...but are told to embrace them instead] is not going to practice safe sex. Gay men are notoriously:

1. Promiscuous

2. Risky

3. Unconcerned with their own or other men's health when "in the mood" for their next fix.

You can dump a truckload of condoms on a gay man's head but if he's in the mood for "barebacking" at a public rest stop with a stranger, you might as well not bother at all...
Homosexuals were literally dying in the streets of San Francisco, according to David Horowitz in his book Prodigal Son, when the AIDS epidemic broke out and they still fought against closing the 'public bathhouses" which offered anonymous sex through holes drilled in boards. Is there any person in the free world today who doesn't know that unprotected sometimes violent homosexual intercourse with a stranger often results in an incurable disease? Doesn't everyone understand that sharing body fluids with a stranger is like dancing with a cobra? Yet they still do it and clinically insane I.V. drug users still share dirty needles with strangers. Maybe it's a death wish.
Well it's actually insanity. My point in the OP was how can be expect the insane to regulate their insane behavior in order to protect the general population's health in this epidemic? That's how the CDC has done a collosal-FAIL.

The reason the CDC is refusing to act appropriately, which would include teaching all kids in sex ed that anal sex is forbidden unless they want to die, is because of PC reasons. This allegory of The Emperor's New Clothes has gone on to such absurd extremes that we now have the CDC taking "actions" that puts the public at risk because "The Emperor's Clothes are so pretty, dontcha know..."

No, gay men have been pointed out by the CDC's own research money as in a "pervasive" 'epidemic" that shows they are mentally ill with many other co-morbid symptoms...and histories of being molested as boys. And every flunkie psychologist knows that children who are molested often act-out sexually. Grow that into adolescence and we find promiscuity and HIV infection. And this neatly falls into place with the new and escalating numbers of young men coming down with HIV from gay sex. They aren't going to self-police. The loonies cannot treat themselves.

And the problem is that they are crossing this epidemic over into the hetero population at large. While the CDC does nothing. Or worse than nothing. Their "plan" is no plan at all. But in announcing it's a "plan", they gain the public's complacency so there won't be an outcry.

Anal sex is not lethal. It is only dangerous if the person penetrating the other is HIV positive and they are having unprotected sex.

A condom solves the problem.
Having both partners tested to be disease free solves the problem.
Using toys instead of a penis solves the problem.

In other words, personal responsibility and being educated on the subject.

Apparently you're not reading the gist of what this thread is about. It's about gay men not avoiding risky behavior in the first place. Because they are mentally ill and as one person suggested [and I agree and so do statistics] they are suicidal...not from society not accepting them...because as society has embraced these perversions, the HIV rate is escalating in young boys and men...but from the molestations as kids most gay men share.

A person compulsive, disturbed and with untreated mental wounds from being molested [and now no way legally in CA or NJ to seek therapy to restore those wounds...but are told to embrace them instead] is not going to practice safe sex. Gay men are notoriously:

1. Promiscuous

2. Risky

3. Unconcerned with their own or other men's health when "in the mood" for their next fix.

You can dump a truckload of condoms on a gay man's head but if he's in the mood for "barebacking" at a public rest stop with a stranger, you might as well not bother at all...

Then both people involved are accepting the risk. There is nothing the CDC or you can do to stop that.

If they are willfully taking the risk, then the diseases they catch are their problem. All the CDC or any of us can do is make sure they younger people are aware of the risks and have access to condoms and/or testing, to mitigate the risks.
Homosexuals were literally dying in the streets of San Francisco, according to David Horowitz in his book Prodigal Son, when the AIDS epidemic broke out and they still fought against closing the 'public bathhouses" which offered anonymous sex through holes drilled in boards. Is there any person in the free world today who doesn't know that unprotected sometimes violent homosexual intercourse with a stranger often results in an incurable disease? Doesn't everyone understand that sharing body fluids with a stranger is like dancing with a cobra? Yet they still do it and clinically insane I.V. drug users still share dirty needles with strangers. Maybe it's a death wish.
Well it's actually insanity. My point in the OP was how can be expect the insane to regulate their insane behavior in order to protect the general population's health in this epidemic? That's how the CDC has done a collosal-FAIL.

The reason the CDC is refusing to act appropriately, which would include teaching all kids in sex ed that anal sex is forbidden unless they want to die, is because of PC reasons. This allegory of The Emperor's New Clothes has gone on to such absurd extremes that we now have the CDC taking "actions" that puts the public at risk because "The Emperor's Clothes are so pretty, dontcha know..."

No, gay men have been pointed out by the CDC's own research money as in a "pervasive" 'epidemic" that shows they are mentally ill with many other co-morbid symptoms...and histories of being molested as boys. And every flunkie psychologist knows that children who are molested often act-out sexually. Grow that into adolescence and we find promiscuity and HIV infection. And this neatly falls into place with the new and escalating numbers of young men coming down with HIV from gay sex. They aren't going to self-police. The loonies cannot treat themselves.

And the problem is that they are crossing this epidemic over into the hetero population at large. While the CDC does nothing. Or worse than nothing. Their "plan" is no plan at all. But in announcing it's a "plan", they gain the public's complacency so there won't be an outcry.

Anal sex is not lethal. It is only dangerous if the person penetrating the other is HIV positive and they are having unprotected sex.

A condom solves the problem.
Having both partners tested to be disease free solves the problem.
Using toys instead of a penis solves the problem.

In other words, personal responsibility and being educated on the subject.

Apparently you're not reading the gist of what this thread is about. It's about gay men not avoiding risky behavior in the first place. Because they are mentally ill and as one person suggested [and I agree and so do statistics] they are suicidal...not from society not accepting them...because as society has embraced these perversions, the HIV rate is escalating in young boys and men...but from the molestations as kids most gay men share.

A person compulsive, disturbed and with untreated mental wounds from being molested [and now no way legally in CA or NJ to seek therapy to restore those wounds...but are told to embrace them instead] is not going to practice safe sex. Gay men are notoriously:

1. Promiscuous

2. Risky

3. Unconcerned with their own or other men's health when "in the mood" for their next fix.

You can dump a truckload of condoms on a gay man's head but if he's in the mood for "barebacking" at a public rest stop with a stranger, you might as well not bother at all...

Oh, and since a good portion of the age group being discussed are, in fact, illegal for an adult to have sex with, this has little or nothing to do with society's acceptance. I have not seen any sign that an adult male having sex with a 14 year old male has been accepted by society.
Apparently you're not reading the gist of what this thread is about. It's about gay men not avoiding risky behavior in the first place. Because they are mentally ill and as one person suggested [and I agree and so do statistics] they are suicidal...not from society not accepting them...because as society has embraced these perversions, the HIV rate is escalating in young boys and men...but from the molestations as kids most gay men share.

A person compulsive, disturbed and with untreated mental wounds from being molested [and now no way legally in CA or NJ to seek therapy to restore those wounds...but are told to embrace them instead] is not going to practice safe sex. Gay men are notoriously:

1. Promiscuous

2. Risky

3. Unconcerned with their own or other men's health when "in the mood" for their next fix.

You can dump a truckload of condoms on a gay man's head but if he's in the mood for "barebacking" at a public rest stop with a stranger, you might as well not bother at all...

Then both people involved are accepting the risk. There is nothing the CDC or you can do to stop that.

If they are willfully taking the risk, then the diseases they catch are their problem. All the CDC or any of us can do is make sure they younger people are aware of the risks and have access to condoms and/or testing, to mitigate the risks.

But that's just it. The CDC IS NOT making sure kids understand the risks. Any attempt to educate children that gay male sex may come with a death sentence isn't allowed in courses because "it's hateful and causes bias against gays".

So the CDC waits until the compulsive behaviors are ingrained by the mentally ill and then asks them "be sure and protect the general population from you spreading this epidemic by being self-aware and concerned for your own wellbeing as well as that of others while you're in the heat of your addictive behaviors"..

Apparently you're not reading the gist of what this thread is about. It's about gay men not avoiding risky behavior in the first place. Because they are mentally ill and as one person suggested [and I agree and so do statistics] they are suicidal...not from society not accepting them...because as society has embraced these perversions, the HIV rate is escalating in young boys and men...but from the molestations as kids most gay men share.

A person compulsive, disturbed and with untreated mental wounds from being molested [and now no way legally in CA or NJ to seek therapy to restore those wounds...but are told to embrace them instead] is not going to practice safe sex. Gay men are notoriously:

1. Promiscuous

2. Risky

3. Unconcerned with their own or other men's health when "in the mood" for their next fix.

You can dump a truckload of condoms on a gay man's head but if he's in the mood for "barebacking" at a public rest stop with a stranger, you might as well not bother at all...

Then both people involved are accepting the risk. There is nothing the CDC or you can do to stop that.

If they are willfully taking the risk, then the diseases they catch are their problem. All the CDC or any of us can do is make sure they younger people are aware of the risks and have access to condoms and/or testing, to mitigate the risks.

But that's just it. The CDC IS NOT making sure kids understand the risks. Any attempt to educate children that gay male sex may come with a death sentence isn't allowed in courses because "it's hateful and causes bias against gays".

So the CDC waits until the compulsive behaviors are ingrained by the mentally ill and then asks them "be sure and protect the general population from you spreading this epidemic by being self-aware and concerned for your own wellbeing as well as that of others while you're in the heat of your addictive behaviors"..


Thats funny, even in Alabama there have been some attempts to teach children that sex involving transmission of bodily fluids is dangerous.
Apparently you're not reading the gist of what this thread is about. It's about gay men not avoiding risky behavior in the first place. Because they are mentally ill and as one person suggested [and I agree and so do statistics] they are suicidal...not from society not accepting them...because as society has embraced these perversions, the HIV rate is escalating in young boys and men...but from the molestations as kids most gay men share.

A person compulsive, disturbed and with untreated mental wounds from being molested [and now no way legally in CA or NJ to seek therapy to restore those wounds...but are told to embrace them instead] is not going to practice safe sex. Gay men are notoriously:

1. Promiscuous

2. Risky

3. Unconcerned with their own or other men's health when "in the mood" for their next fix.

You can dump a truckload of condoms on a gay man's head but if he's in the mood for "barebacking" at a public rest stop with a stranger, you might as well not bother at all...

Then both people involved are accepting the risk. There is nothing the CDC or you can do to stop that.

If they are willfully taking the risk, then the diseases they catch are their problem. All the CDC or any of us can do is make sure they younger people are aware of the risks and have access to condoms and/or testing, to mitigate the risks.

But that's just it. The CDC IS NOT making sure kids understand the risks. Any attempt to educate children that gay male sex may come with a death sentence isn't allowed in courses because "it's hateful and causes bias against gays".

So the CDC waits until the compulsive behaviors are ingrained by the mentally ill and then asks them "be sure and protect the general population from you spreading this epidemic by being self-aware and concerned for your own wellbeing as well as that of others while you're in the heat of your addictive behaviors"..


Thats funny, even in Alabama there have been some attempts to teach children that sex involving transmission of bodily fluids is dangerous.

I already told my kids when they were sprouting pubes...I told them such horrid tales that they took a vow of chastity...
Your focus determines your reality.

Silhouette's primary focus is homosexuality.
I don't want ANYTHING Gay Sinking In!

Be sure to clinch those buttocks!
I don't want ANYTHING Gay Sinking In!
I just watched Deliverance last night.

Did you squeal along? To let them know that you should reveal their private parts current health condition...
The senior moderator JUST TOLD YOU on this thread in the post a couple back on this page to knock off the sexual talk and discuss the topic instead. And there you go. Read above moron.

Are you telling me that HIV/AIDS is not a sexually transmitted disease and people at high risk should not disclose their current health condition...??
I will behave ^_^

Silhouette, I know you don't like me very much because of my sexual choices, and I know you despise all bisexuals. But you need to understand that other people's sexual lives aren't something you should be arguing about.

So what if you had a friend who went through what you described. People go through far worse every day. Just move on. Its like you have PTSD over someone else's experience.

The best thing to do would be to let it go. Move on with your life. Use willpower to let go of your hatred and just be happy

My friend died, idiot. That "PTSD" is mine. If gays hadn't taken over the APA and this snowball bullshit of psuedo-academic politically-correct "science" wasn't rampant as result, my friend might have gotten the therapy he needed and still be alive today.
nice job of rationalising !
I had several friends gay and straight die from aids in the 80's and 90's paranoid ignorant asshats like you and your minions did and do more damage than the disease will ever do.
Meanwhile, you can see the actual statistics from the most recent CDC report here.

Male-to-male-sex cases were 30k in 2011, compared to 28k in 2008. Hardly the explosion Sil is trying to make it out as.

It shouldn't be going up at all. We know the risks, we know the methods of transmission, Groups like GMHC have been sounding the alarm bells for decades now. The sad truth is you have a sub-class in the gay community that thinks either 1) it can't happen to me, or 2) look at HIV infection as something like diabetes or high blood pressure, to be treated.

Its a by-product of a sub-culture that is based on who you like to bugger.

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