Clearing Up The Mystery Why HIV/AIDS Epidemic Keeps Getting Worse

How effective do you think the CDC's ad campaign to ask gay guys to be honest with each other is?

  • Fine, it is a perfect solution. Gay guys will be honest with each other.

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • Somewhat OK but it doesn't seem to be working.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • A very poor choice. This subpopulation isn't going to suddenly curb its appetite to "get honest".

    Votes: 8 80.0%

  • Total voters

I'm well aware of what it means to have a difference of opinion. I have them all the time on here with other people. But you have lied repeatedly. It is not a difference of opinion when you try to state things as facts that you know are inaccurate or wrong. You have lied over and over.

Opinions you don't like aren't lies. I'm sorry you are so butthurt over that.

Claiming someone said something that they did not say, is a lie.

Claiming something happened a certain way when it did not, is a lie.

Claiming one person did something that they did not do, is a lie.

Claiming a judge dismissed a case for one reason, and the judge dismissed it for a completely different reason, is a lie.

I have detailed every time I called you out on a lie. If you are going to sit there and claim they are all just a difference of opinion, then you are lying again.

So I have opinions you don't like.

Deal with it. But it seems you have a hard time dealing with things.

I don't disagree. But being happy that someone was shot to death because of their philosophy is pretty much hatred.

The next asshole probably thought twice about shooting at federal agents after Waco and Ruby Ridge. SO mission accomplished.

I'm well aware of what it means to have a difference of opinion. I have them all the time on here with other people. But you have lied repeatedly. It is not a difference of opinion when you try to state things as facts that you know are inaccurate or wrong. You have lied over and over.

Opinions you don't like aren't lies. I'm sorry you are so butthurt over that.

Claiming someone said something that they did not say, is a lie.

Claiming something happened a certain way when it did not, is a lie.

Claiming one person did something that they did not do, is a lie.

Claiming a judge dismissed a case for one reason, and the judge dismissed it for a completely different reason, is a lie.

I have detailed every time I called you out on a lie. If you are going to sit there and claim they are all just a difference of opinion, then you are lying again.

So I have opinions you don't like.

Deal with it. But it seems you have a hard time dealing with things.

I have no problem dealing with a difference of opinion. In fact, I hold a good deal of respect for some I have disagreed with here.

But lying is lying. It is not a difference of opinion. And lying is a lowlife thing to do.

I don't disagree. But being happy that someone was shot to death because of their philosophy is pretty much hatred.

The next asshole probably thought twice about shooting at federal agents after Waco and Ruby Ridge. SO mission accomplished.

Really? So you are saying no one has fired at federal agents since? And since those two events, which have been questioned by the FBI and Congress, were the reason for 168 people being killed by a bomb, you have a strange definition of "mission accomplished".

And it certainly didn't stop the deranged fools from showing up in numbers at Bundy's ranch. So no, there was no mission accomplished.

Really? So you are saying no one has fired at federal agents since? And since those two events, which have been questioned by the FBI and Congress, were the reason for 168 people being killed by a bomb, you have a strange definition of "mission accomplished".

And it certainly didn't stop the deranged fools from showing up in numbers at Bundy's ranch. So no, there was no mission accomplished.

But here's the thing. None of the deranged tools at Bundy's ranch tried to take a potshot at a Fed. If they had, we'd have severely reduced the nutter population.

While I'm sure that McVeigh was happy to bomb innocent children, being the Second Amendment Hero you all think he was, he didn't have the balls to exchange shots with Feds who would shoot back.

Really? So you are saying no one has fired at federal agents since? And since those two events, which have been questioned by the FBI and Congress, were the reason for 168 people being killed by a bomb, you have a strange definition of "mission accomplished".

And it certainly didn't stop the deranged fools from showing up in numbers at Bundy's ranch. So no, there was no mission accomplished.

But here's the thing. None of the deranged tools at Bundy's ranch tried to take a potshot at a Fed. If they had, we'd have severely reduced the nutter population.

While I'm sure that McVeigh was happy to bomb innocent children, being the Second Amendment Hero you all think he was, he didn't have the balls to exchange shots with Feds who would shoot back.

The feds didn't shoot at any of the Bundy ranch idiots either. But obviously the previous federal actions didn't scare them into backing down.

I do not hold Mcveigh as any sort of hero. Unlike you, I do not think murderers are heros.
Well if you cannot break the rules [and kill the topic] by insulting the memory of my dead friend, then you'll go off topic for a few pages and hope the thread dies.

Back to the topic [or I'll report you again] PS, I would've quoted this earlier post of mine but it always chops off half of the quotes with the "click to expand" tab in nearly illegible font, which is retarded so..

"My friend's story is one of tragedy and directly related to this topic. He was molested as a boy, grew up from those wounds as a compulsive homosexual. He felt out of control and conflicted constantly, wanting women but only being sexually oriented towards men as a direct result of his being molested as a boy. Without treatement for those mental wounds, he went on as any neurotic would, to express repressed subconscious issues in his behaviors towards himself and others trying to play-out and self-heal somehow those old wounds. Subsequently, he took it upon himself to go into a vendetta against other like-victims [gay men, see the CDC studies I've cited] and "get even" with "that which did this to me". So once infected with HIV, he simply went out and had unprotected sex with as many gay men as he could before AIDS claimed him finally.
THIS is THE REASON why the CDC plan for gay men to get honest with each other about HIV status is a laughable fail. That's because if we can extrapolate my friend's extremely common scenario [again, refer to the "pervasive" "epidemic" cited by the CDC study], we can surmise that suicidal/careless/reckless/subconsciously murderous gay men looking for anonymous unprotected sexual hookups are THE LAST PEOPLE to trust with stemming the spread of HIV into the general population.
It is one of the most absurd policies I've heard from the CDC. It is second only to importing the not fully understood, 90% fatal ebola virus, which is zoonotic BTW, into the country first [and the rest of the New World] and then "figuring it out later". Folks, we don't even have a CDC at this point,"
any reason it ends in 2001? We didn't start noticing a problem with the gay community forgetting the lessons its learned until the late 2000's.

Couldn't find a chart with more up to date data, but the incidence of death from AIDS has declined.

And that may be due entirely to effective drug treatments. If the prevalence continues to rise there is always the risk of the drugs not working anymore. While being able to treat HIV infection is a good thing, taking something as infectious as HIV and making it manageable like diabetes creates the possibility of a large reservoir being maintained in the population. Such a thing leads to the possibility of mutation, and a return to the bad old days of HIV infection=AIDS=death Sentence.

One would hope if that happens the gay community wouldn't have the same issue of getting people to understand the problem, like they had in the 80's.
And that may be due entirely to effective drug treatments. If the prevalence continues to rise there is always the risk of the drugs not working anymore. While being able to treat HIV infection is a good thing, taking something as infectious as HIV and making it manageable like diabetes creates the possibility of a large reservoir being maintained in the population. Such a thing leads to the possibility of mutation, and a return to the bad old days of HIV infection=AIDS=death Sentence.

One would hope if that happens the gay community wouldn't have the same issue of getting people to understand the problem, like they had in the 80's.

There is already drug failure happening from mutations of HIV. The most alarming and curious of HIV statistics for me is the sudden and sharp rise [20+% increase] in boys ages 13-24 coming down with HIV from gay sex with older men in the mid-millenial years; the same years the big push for the gay culture entered the media influence of children and adolescent programming....coinciding also with the big push for "gay marriage"..
Well if you cannot break the rules [and kill the topic] by insulting the memory of my dead friend, then you'll go off topic for a few pages and hope the thread dies.

Back to the topic [or I'll report you again] PS, I would've quoted this earlier post of mine but it always chops off half of the quotes with the "click to expand" tab in nearly illegible font, which is retarded so..

"My friend's story is one of tragedy and directly related to this topic. He was molested as a boy, grew up from those wounds as a compulsive homosexual. He felt out of control and conflicted constantly, wanting women but only being sexually oriented towards men as a direct result of his being molested as a boy. Without treatement for those mental wounds, he went on as any neurotic would, to express repressed subconscious issues in his behaviors towards himself and others trying to play-out and self-heal somehow those old wounds. Subsequently, he took it upon himself to go into a vendetta against other like-victims [gay men, see the CDC studies I've cited] and "get even" with "that which did this to me". So once infected with HIV, he simply went out and had unprotected sex with as many gay men as he could before AIDS claimed him finally.
THIS is THE REASON why the CDC plan for gay men to get honest with each other about HIV status is a laughable fail. That's because if we can extrapolate my friend's extremely common scenario [again, refer to the "pervasive" "epidemic" cited by the CDC study], we can surmise that suicidal/careless/reckless/subconsciously murderous gay men looking for anonymous unprotected sexual hookups are THE LAST PEOPLE to trust with stemming the spread of HIV into the general population.
It is one of the most absurd policies I've heard from the CDC. It is second only to importing the not fully understood, 90% fatal ebola virus, which is zoonotic BTW, into the country first [and the rest of the New World] and then "figuring it out later". Folks, we don't even have a CDC at this point,"

Ok, so you claim that gays cannot be trusted to take care of their own sexual health.

What do you suggest? Forced castration of every homosexual male? Perhaps internment camps for those who are HIV positive? (or only gay men who are HIV positive?)
"My friend's story is one of tragedy and directly related to this topic. He was molested as a boy, grew up from those wounds as a compulsive homosexual. He felt out of control and conflicted constantly, wanting women but only being sexually oriented towards men as a direct result of his being molested as a boy. Without treatement for those mental wounds, he went on as any neurotic would, to express repressed subconscious issues in his behaviors towards himself and others trying to play-out and self-heal somehow those old wounds. Subsequently, he took it upon himself to go into a vendetta against other like-victims [gay men, see the CDC studies I've cited] and "get even" with "that which did this to me". So once infected with HIV, he simply went out and had unprotected sex with as many gay men as he could before AIDS claimed him finally."

And this is where the story falls apart. If a hypothetical person was so traumatized by the gay encounter he had as a boy, there's no reason why he'd be attracted to men as an adult. If anything, he'd have an aversion to that, and maybe to sex in general. that's the usual pathology for survivors of pedophilia.

And the whole 'I'm going to infect as many people as I can' story... that's about up there with the urban legend of the lady who writes "Welcome to the World of AIDS" on a bathroom mirror of her one-night stand.
"My friend's story is one of tragedy and directly related to this topic. He was molested as a boy, grew up from those wounds as a compulsive homosexual. He felt out of control and conflicted constantly, wanting women but only being sexually oriented towards men as a direct result of his being molested as a boy. Without treatement for those mental wounds, he went on as any neurotic would, to express repressed subconscious issues in his behaviors towards himself and others trying to play-out and self-heal somehow those old wounds. Subsequently, he took it upon himself to go into a vendetta against other like-victims [gay men, see the CDC studies I've cited] and "get even" with "that which did this to me". So once infected with HIV, he simply went out and had unprotected sex with as many gay men as he could before AIDS claimed him finally."

And this is where the story falls apart. If a hypothetical person was so traumatized by the gay encounter he had as a boy, there's no reason why he'd be attracted to men as an adult. If anything, he'd have an aversion to that, and maybe to sex in general. that's the usual pathology for survivors of pedophilia.

And the whole 'I'm going to infect as many people as I can' story... that's about up there with the urban legend of the lady who writes "Welcome to the World of AIDS" on a bathroom mirror of her one-night stand.

No, you are wrong. One of the common lasting effects of childhood sexual abuse is promiscuity.
Ok, so you claim that gays cannot be trusted to take care of their own sexual health.

What do you suggest? Forced castration of every homosexual male? Perhaps internment camps for those who are HIV positive? (or only gay men who are HIV positive?)

Wow are you always so prone to hyperbole?

How about therapy? Good old lay on the couch and tell me about your childhood therapy. Sounds radical, I know.

From the CDC statistics for gay men, if one was in a psychiatrist's office, one of the first insightful questions after trust was gained might be "were you ever sexually molested as a boy?"
Ok, so you claim that gays cannot be trusted to take care of their own sexual health.

What do you suggest? Forced castration of every homosexual male? Perhaps internment camps for those who are HIV positive? (or only gay men who are HIV positive?)

Wow are you always so prone to hyperbole?

How about therapy? Good old lay on the couch and tell me about your childhood therapy. Sounds radical, I know.

From the CDC statistics for gay men, if one was in a psychiatrist's office, one of the first insightful questions after trust was gained might be "were you ever sexually molested as a boy?"

Forced therapy? Given that therapy of that sort requires voluntarily opening up about your life and past, do you think it is possible to force someone to do it?

And who pays for the therapy? Obamacare?

Oh, and given that you have convicted all gays for the actions of less than 10%, please spare me the "hyperbole" lines.
Forced therapy? Given that therapy of that sort requires voluntarily opening up about your life and past, do you think it is possible to force someone to do it?

And who pays for the therapy? Obamacare?

Oh, and given that you have convicted all gays for the actions of less than 10%, please spare me the "hyperbole" lines.

Once again, who said anything about force? You really do have a problem with hyperbole. Here, lie on the couch and tell me about your childhood...


1. Educate kids about the CDC statistics in sex ed: how if they have gay tendencies and any memories of inappropriate contact, every manner of counseling is available to them confidentially and anonymously if they like.

2. Educate all children regardless of tampered status that anal sex is likely to lead to death. Especially if they are on the receptive end.

3. Fund adolescent and adult outreach counselling for adult survivors of childhood molestation. So they can get support from like-suffering patients and one on one therapy.

4. Sit back and watch the HIV/AIDS statistics plummet.

I can tell you this much, with HIV patients on the rise and each one becoming quickly indigent [statistically] after their diagnosis and costing on average about $500,000 each before they succomb to AIDS, a little counseling money in their youth and young adulthood would save bushels of healthcare outlay for a positive HIV status instead of a negative one...
Forced therapy? Given that therapy of that sort requires voluntarily opening up about your life and past, do you think it is possible to force someone to do it?

And who pays for the therapy? Obamacare?

Oh, and given that you have convicted all gays for the actions of less than 10%, please spare me the "hyperbole" lines.

Once again, who said anything about force? You really do have a problem with hyperbole. Here, lie on the couch and tell me about your childhood...


1. Educate kids about the CDC statistics in sex ed: how if they have gay tendencies and any memories of inappropriate contact, every manner of counseling is available to them confidentially and anonymously if they like.

2. Educate all children regardless of tampered status that anal sex is likely to lead to death. Especially if they are on the receptive end.

3. Fund adolescent and adult outreach counselling for adult survivors of childhood molestation. So they can get support from like-suffering patients and one on one therapy.

4. Sit back and watch the HIV/AIDS statistics plummet.

I can tell you this much, with HIV patients on the rise and each one becoming quickly indigent [statistically] after their diagnosis and costing on average about $500,000 each before they succomb to AIDS, a little counseling money in their youth and young adulthood would save bushels of healthcare outlay for a positive HIV status instead of a negative one...

Well you have spent page after page after page explaining that gays cannot take care of themselves and that the CDC is foolish for thinking they can. Don't you think they would have gotten therapy if they wanted it?? So the same people who did not seek therapy on their own, and who cannot control themselves (according to you), are now suddenly going to go into therapy because it is suggested by you and the CDC???

My statement was not hyperbole at all.
2. Educate all children regardless of tampered status that anal sex is likely to lead to death. Especially if they are on the receptive end.

Why would you say this?

Anal sex is not "likely to lead to death". You are spreading your false lies attempting to demonize a very beautiful

I think the reality is, you have a deep dark secret about anal sex and homosexuality, and have developed a fictitious story about an imaginary friend in an attempt to combat whatever it is that instilled this deep fear into you.

I don't even think you are an old woman, as you claim. I can't imagine some poor old lady spending all her time on message boards arguing about homosexualIty and gay men in all of her posts.

I don't even think you are a woman. I think you are a traumatized, antisocial older man with a disgusting obsession of arguing against homosexuality, HIV, and their affects on young people, for obvious personal reasons.

You think the lies you tell about yourself and this imaginary friend will help others sympathize with your delusional crusade, but I can see through the veil.

I can see your soul, and it is nothing to be envied.
Forced therapy? Given that therapy of that sort requires voluntarily opening up about your life and past, do you think it is possible to force someone to do it?

And who pays for the therapy? Obamacare?

Oh, and given that you have convicted all gays for the actions of less than 10%, please spare me the "hyperbole" lines.

Once again, who said anything about force? You really do have a problem with hyperbole. Here, lie on the couch and tell me about your childhood...


1. Educate kids about the CDC statistics in sex ed: how if they have gay tendencies and any memories of inappropriate contact, every manner of counseling is available to them confidentially and anonymously if they like.

2. Educate all children regardless of tampered status that anal sex is likely to lead to death. Especially if they are on the receptive end.

3. Fund adolescent and adult outreach counselling for adult survivors of childhood molestation. So they can get support from like-suffering patients and one on one therapy.

4. Sit back and watch the HIV/AIDS statistics plummet.

I can tell you this much, with HIV patients on the rise and each one becoming quickly indigent [statistically] after their diagnosis and costing on average about $500,000 each before they succomb to AIDS, a little counseling money in their youth and young adulthood would save bushels of healthcare outlay for a positive HIV status instead of a negative one...

The best tool we have is education of minors in safe sex practices, with an emphasis on the increased risk of STDs from unprotected anal sex.

The statistics suggest that adult gay men with HIV are having unprotected anal sex with young boys and giving them HIV.
The best tool we have is education of minors in safe sex practices, with an emphasis on the increased risk of STDs from unprotected anal sex.

The statistics suggest that adult gay men with HIV are having unprotected anal sex with young boys and giving them HIV.

Every child should be taught at the youngest of ages that you never stick anything in your eyes, ears, nose or anus. Period. No exceptions. Grave injury or death could result.
The best tool we have is education of minors in safe sex practices, with an emphasis on the increased risk of STDs from unprotected anal sex.

The statistics suggest that adult gay men with HIV are having unprotected anal sex with young boys and giving them HIV.

Every child should be taught at the youngest of ages that you never stick anything in your eyes, ears, nose or anus. Period. No exceptions. Grave injury or death could result.

With some very simple precautions, anal sex is fine. I agree with not sticking anything in your eyes, ears or nose.

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